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    2019八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B(3a-Self Check)学案.doc

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    2019八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation Section B(3a-Self Check)学案.doc

    1Unit1Unit1 WhereWhere diddid youyou gogo onon vacation?vacation?第 5 课时 Section B (3a-Self Check)学习过程学习过程:BeforeBefore writingwriting1. 小组之间核对课前准备 I 和 II。并大声朗读。2. 3a Complete the diary entry about a trip to one of these places. Use the words and phrases in the box to help you.WhileWhile writingwriting1. 3b Answer the questions to make notes about a vacation you took.2. 3c Write a travel diary like Janes on page5. Use your notes in 3b.AfterAfter writingwriting1. Ask two students to write their diaries on the blackboard. Then check the answers.2. Hand in their diaries.知识巩固知识巩固:I. Complete the conversations with the correct words in the box. Then read aloud in pairs.(Self Check 1)II. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Then read aloud to recite.(Self Check 2)III.阅读理解阅读理解 A下面几位同学正在谈论他们的周末。LindaLinda: I stayed at home and studied over weekend. I studied for my English test on Saturday. Yesterday I wrote a geography paper. In the evening I talked to my pen pal on the phone. What did you do?TimTim: : I had a good time. On Saturday morning I played tennis, in the afternoon I went to the beach, and in the evening I went to Nancys birthday party. On Sunday I went to the mountains with my friends. MaryMary: Oh, your weekend was great. But mine was boring. I stayed at home the whole weekend. I cleaned my room and washed my clothes. I helped my mother do some 2housework. Did you go out, Dave? DaveDave: No, I didnt. I stayed at home and watched TV on Saturday. Yesterday I watched a movie, Fearless. It was very exciting. ( ) 1. Tim went to the beach last weekend. ( )2. Dave washed the clothes and watched an exciting movie.( ) 3. Linda talked to her pen pal on the phone on Sunday night.( ) 4. Nancy had a birthday party on Saturday evening. ( ) 5. Marys weekend was great. She helped her mother with the housework.BMiss Lin took our class to Beijing Capital International Airport last Saturday. On the way to the airport, Chen Lin said to me, “My father is a businessman (商人). He often goes to the airport, but I never went there before.” Soon we got to the airport. It is big and beautiful. Miss Li, a worker at the airport, showed us around (带参观) the airport. She told us a lot about how the airport worked. There were many people at the check-in counter (登机手续办理处). There we even met Lin Zhiling. Lots of reporters were around her asking her questions. She told them she came to Beijing for a clothes show. At the check-in counter we also met Sun Yunxiang. Oh, I know a lot about this boy with glasses. He is only fourteen years old, but he is studying in Hunan Normal University (湖南师范大学). What did he do in Beijing? Oh, I dont know. ( )6. _ often goes to the airport.A. Miss LinB. Chen Lin C. Chen Lins father( )7. Miss Li works as _.A. a teacherB. a worker C. a reporter( )8. Sun Yunxiang _.A. came to Beijing for a show B. is a boy with glasses C. asked Lin Zhiling some questions( )9. From the passage we can know Chen Lin is _.A. from Hunan B. Miss Lins student C. fourteen years old( )10. Which of the following is TRUE?3A. At the airport Lin Zhiling met lots of reporters.B. Miss Lin is Sun Yunxiangs teacher.C. Sun Yunxiang came to Beijing to see Lin Zhiling.IV. 书面表达假如你在暑假期间参加了为期三天的夏令营,请根据下表中的信息写一篇日记,记述这次夏令营的活动及感受。要求:日记应包含表中所有信息;不少于 60 词。TimeActivityThe first daygo to the beach, go swimmingThe second daygo to the mountains The third dayhave a party, sing and danceThursday, August 18 _ _课堂反思课堂反思:在谈论我们过去的经历时,可以从哪些方面写?要用什么时态?


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