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    是吗?Yeah?是的。好的,我马上下来。Yeah. Okay, I'll be right down.Onaman 博士。打电♥话♥给 Onaman 博士。Dr. Onaman. Calling Dr. Onaman.本韦博士。打电♥话♥给本威博士。Dr. Benway. Calling Dr. Benway.警♥察♥五二十分钟前把他从海滩上拖了下来。Cops pulled him off the beach fifty, twenty minutes ago.我们四个人才把他弄到床上。已经很久了。Took 4 of us to get him on the bed. Strung way out.我们甚至不能有眼神交流。好像他以为我们根本不存在似的。We can't even get eye contact. It*s like he thinks we're not even here.他的衣服沾满了血。我是说湿透了。His clothes were blood-soaked. I mean soaked.给他洗干净。发现了几处撕裂伤-但其他的-是法国人吗?Cleaned him up. Found a couple of lacerations, - but what are the rest. - Is that French? 听起来是,但他对我来说太快了。Sounds like it, but he's too fast for me.他的瞳孔收缩,血压升高,运动正常。His pupils are constricted, pressure's up, motor stuffs right.我确定是PCP,但我也不确定。我没法把针扎进去检查。I'm sure it's PCP, but I don't know. I can*t get a needle into him to check.现在,如果我给他打镇定剂,可能会搞得一团糟。Now, if I try to sedate him, it could be a real mess.听着,我知道你是新来的,很抱歉让你为难。Look, I know you*re new, and I'm sorry to put you on the spot.但如果我在没有神经病学检查的情况下给他注射镇定剂,好吧,我的屁♥股♥你的屁♥股♥很安全,亲爱的,好吗?But if I sedate him without a neurology, okay, my ass. Your ass is secure, dear, okay? 去看看能不能找到会说法语的人。Just go and see if you can find someone who speaks French.哦,也许还有个牧师。他可能是天主教♥徒♥。Oh, and maybe a priest. He's probably catholic.那你怎么了?Well, what happened to you, then?我们在栅栏边阻止他穿过公园。We stopped him going across the park by the palisades.等我们-退后!回到下面去!一一停止。他会撕破手腕的。By the time we. - Get back! Get back down there! - Stop. He'll tear his wrists.I have given you a hard life, hey?不懂。Rien.没有更多的。No more.没有更多的。No more.哦!不,不,不,不!我们会一直开到十月!Oh! No, no, no, no! We will be unpacking until October!-我等不及十月了!-你不必这么做。-1 can't wait till October! - You won't have to.啊,来了。我们有一座新房♥子。我们应该假装我们刚刚结婚,好吗?Ah, come. We have a new house. We should pretend we are just married, eh?别给我礼物,嗯?Don't give me presents, huh?我们刚结婚时,你在跟踪海豹猎人,而你回家时,身上就有海豹猎人的味道。When we first marry, you were following seal hunters, and when you come home, you smell like them.我现在闻起来不像他们了? 不不不。-1 don't smell like them now, eh? - No, no, no.我现在闻起来不像他们了。告诉我我现在闻起来不像他们了。I don't smell like them now. Tell me I don't smell like them now.你把最后两盒餐具带来了吗?Did you bring the last two box, the dishes?啊,太棒了。Tout de suiteo是的。阿勒斯,阿勒斯。哦,我去拿。-Ah, tout de suite. Tout de suite. Yes. - Allez, allez. Oh, I will get them.不,不,不。没有必要。我会去的。我会去的。我走了。No, no, no. It's not necessary. I will go. I will go. Tm going.我的爱。My love.我走了。我走了。I'm going. Tm going.你在做什么?What are you doing?这里出血了。We*ve got a hemorrhage here.妮基,请上楼。上楼。走了。妮基,快走,拜托了。Niki, go upstairs, please. Go upstairs. Go. Niki, go, now, please.“惊讶的是小偷。”"Surprise thief."“父母们发现了残缺不全的孩子尸体。”*'Parents find mutilated bodies of children."”搬到这里开始新生活的父母”回来后发现生活渗入”"Parents who had moved here to begin a new life "returned to find that life. seeping into." 我的天啊!。La Maison les服饰。Mon dieu. La Maison Ies attire.什么?La Maison les服饰。-What? - La Maison les attire.它们被房♥子吸引。They*re attracted to the house.她到底在说什么?What the hell is she talking about?你是对的。这是更糟。You're right. It's worse.朱迪,亲爰的,你能帮我查一下夜班服务电♥话♥吗?Judy, darling, would you see if you can dig me up the night service number for data general, please?好了,你们有什么发现,伙计们?All right, what do you got, fellas?没有外伤的证据。Well, there's no evidence of trauma.但我觉得我们应该在早上再做一个系列。But I think we wanna run another series in the morning.来,来,来。这是怎么呢Come on, come on, come on. What's going on?这是胡扯,仅此而已。我们得到的数字很奇怪。It's fakacht, that's all. We're getting screwy numbers.我们得让技术人员进去把它拆了。We gotta get the techies in there and rip it apart.跟我说话,泰德。来吧。Talk to me, Ted. Come on.第一次穿透的时候很微弱只显示出自主神经功能。Well, the first time through was faint and only showed autonomic functions.然后我们开始获得皮层繁殖!Then we started getting cortical propagation!我不明白。我们也不知道。-1 don't understand. - Well, neither do we.但这是一个完全清醒的人的大脑功能。But this is the brain function of a person who's wide awake.听着,去找拉赫曼太太,不管她叫什么活跃。听力。看。四处走动,与人交谈。Look, just get Mrs. Lachman or whatever her name is. Active. Hearing. Seeing. Walking around talking to people.你知道她刚才说了些什么,而且是用法语说的。一?You knew she just did say something in there, - and it was in French. - And?那天晚上袭击她的疯子是个法国人。And the crazy who jumped her the other night was a Frenchman.所以她和一个疯子发生了冲突。我是说,这个城市到处都是疯子。So. she had a run-in with a crazy. I mean, this city is full of crazies, guys.他们每天在高速公路上拖出四具尸体。They pull four bodies a day just off the freeways.听我说。我来告诉你我们要怎么做。Listen to me. I'm gonna tell you what we're gonna do.我们会把她安排在一个房♥间里过夜我们会修好生态系统我们会做一些测试We're gonna put her in a room for the night, we're gonna fix the eco, we're gonna run some tests.这有什么好笑的?What is funny about it?这个世界上有一些非常奇怪的人。There are some very strange people in this world.那是什么?What is that?这没什么。这根本不算什么。我保证。It is nothing. It is nothing at all. I promise.嘿,嘿,嘿。现在来。来,来,来,来。Hey, hey, hey. Come now. Come, come, come, come.嗯?不要担心这一切。我明早会重新粉刷的。Huh? Don't worry about it all. I will repaint it in the morning.-你打算怎么做? 我该怎么办?-What are you going to do about it? - What should I do, eh?打电♥话♥给警♥察♥,说孩子们把我的门刷漆,快点来?Call the police and say children have painted my door, come quickly?我要去睡觉了。你愿意和我一起去吗?I'm going to bed. Would you care to join me?我不认为是孩子。I don't think it was children.嗯,孩子们有各种各样的形状和大小。Well, children come in all shapes and sizes.什么样的人会这么做?What kind of people would do that, huh?我不知道。I don't know.我不知道。I don't know.来了。我们去睡觉吧?Come. Let*s go to bed, huh?-门锁上了吗?-是的,门是锁着的,后门也是锁着的,吊桥是为了晚上而升起的。-Is the door locked? - Yes, the door is locked, and the back door is locked, and the drawbridge, it is raised for the night.现在如果你想担心,你可以在早上做。Now. if you want to worry, you can do it in the morning.今晚有更重要的事情要考虑。Tonight there are more important things to think about.十月就这么快吗?Is it October so soon?是的。近11月。Oui. Nearly November.Les feuilles tombent0Les feuilles tombent.树叶正在下降是的每一个小The leaves. are falling. Yes. every little.Et des vents froids soufdent.冷风吹来在吹。Et des vents froids soufflent. - And the cold winds blow. - Are blowing.Et bientot, de grandes hampes de glace se leveront.Et bientot, de grandes hampes de glace se leveront.很快巨大的冰柱就会噢!我喜欢冰。And soon great shafts of ice will. Ooh! I like ice.夕表♥子♥。我是嬷♥子,♥。-Bitch. - Je n'suis pas une bitch.我有资产阶级的存在。Je serais une bourgeoise.我要成为波米耶夫人,教授的妻子,不晒黑。I am going to be madame Pommier, wife du professeur, avec le suntan.你要小心嘿,你要去哪里?And you should take care. Hey, where are you going?我,呃我去拿杯酒。I'm, uh. Tm going to get a glass of wine.也给我来一杯当然。-Ooh, get me one, too. - Of course.约翰尼?对吗?-Johnny? - Oui?一切都好吗?Tout va bien?我马上就回来。我马上就回来。别担心。PH be right back. I'll be right back. Don't worry.什么样的人?What kind of people?我要出去。I'm going out.嗯我看得出来。Well. I can see that.我不会太久的。我就沿着这条街走。I won't be long. Tm just going to go down the street.是的,是的。Out oui.你想要什么?What are you after?啊嗯什么都没有。一些东西,一些。我不知道。我不确定。Ah. Uh. nothing. Something, something. I don't know. Fm not sure.我们待会再谈,好吗?我真的不会太久。我保证。We'll talk later, okay? I really won't be long. I promise.查尔斯!Jean-Charles!是的QOui.把门锁上。一一是的。好了。谢谢。来吧!-Keep the door locked, - Oui. Allez. Merci. Allez!约翰尼?Johnny?查尔斯!Jean-Charles!约翰尼?Johnny?她走了是什么意思?What do you mean, she's gone?我进去看她,她不在床上,我就想也许她当时在洗手间。我他妈40分钟前才离开!I came in to check her and she wasn't in the bed and I thought. - maybe she was in the bathroom. -1 only left 40 fuckin' minutes ago!请医生。我们故意把她安排在护士站对面。Doctor, please. We put her across from the nursing station deliberately.我们搜查了整层楼,也让安保人员搜查了大楼的其他地方。We've searched the floor, we've got the security people going through the rest of the building.我们找到她只是时间问题。It's only a matter of time before we find her.她不可能离开这里而不被我们发现。There's no way she could've gotten out of here without one of us seeing.嘿停止!Hey, stop!停!Stop!好的。Okay.Salaud !你说的是 depuis combien du temps?Salaud! Tu said depuis combien du temps?停止。停,停,停!Stop. Stop, stop, stop!嘘,嘘!Hush, hush!Quest-que c'est ca?自 ♥由 ♥细胞?Quest-que c'est ca? Celles le libre?是的,我知道。这就是我出去的原因。Yes, I know about them. That's why I went out.我想知道什么样的人I wanted to know what kind of people.你能停下来吗?Will you stop?你能停下来吗?Will you stop?是的,我知道!Yes, I know about them!是的,我没告诉你是因为我想知道什么样的人会把一桩谋杀案当成某种圣地。And yes, I didn't tell you because I wanted to know what kind of people could think of a murder as some sort of shrine.你愿意听我说吗?Will you listen to me?我花了 30个小时跟踪那些不住在任何地方的人。I spent 30 hours following people who do not live anyplace.Ecoute莫伊吗?不要在任何地方工作。Ecoute moi? Do not work anyplace.我打电♥话♥给政♥府♥,国家,他们的车,它没有注册。I called the government, the state, their vehicle, it is not registered.你为什么告诉我这些?你不明白吗?-Why do you tell me this? - Don't you understand?他们是游牧民族。They're nomads.什么?一一游牧民族。游牧民族,是的。-What? - Nomads. Nomads, yes.像他们所有人一样。就像我们过去十年住过的所有地方一样。Like all of them. Like every place we've lived for the last 10 years.在这里吗?是的,就在这里,现在。在这个城市。-Here? - Yes, here, now. In this city.在一座现代化城市的中心。In the middle of a modern city.他们从一个派对到另一个派对,一个餐馆,一个加油站,一个汽车旅馆。They go from one party to the next, one restaurant, one gas station, one motel.这些人住在停车场里!These people live in parking lots!在30个小时内,他们没有停止移♥动♥。你不明白我在说什么吗?In 30 hours, they did not stop moving. Don't you understand what I'm saying? 我没有我没给你打电♥话♥,也没告诉你,因为我不想吓着你。And I didn'tI didn*t call you and I didn*t tell you because I didn't want to frighten you. 我应该打个电♥话♥的。I should have called.没有理由。There was no reason.原谅我。请原谅我。Forgive me. Please, forgive me.原谅我。我很累。Forgive me. Tm very tired.很累。Very tired.这些可能都没有任何意义。None of this may mean anything.完全没有。None of it at all.我可能只是I may have simply.但我可能找到了住在外面的人。But I may have found people who are living outside.在任何结构之外。Outside any structure.他们不参与。没有交换,没有约束。They do not participate. No exchanges, no constraints.他们无缘无故就诉诸暴♥力♥,而且还逍遥法外0They resort to violence at no provocation, and they get away with it.在官方世界看来,他们似乎不存在。It is as if to the official world they did not exist.我不知道。我不知道。I don't know. I don't know.-你是个疯子。嗯。-You are a crazy man. - Huh.你知道吗?You know that?我很担心你。I was so worried about you.你看起来糟透了。You look awful.糟透了。糟透了。Awful. Awful.你干嘛把自己逼得这么紧?Why do you push yourself so hard, huh?你很久没这么做了。You have not done this in a long time.有一卷胶卷我必须看。There is a roll of film I must see.糟透了。Awful.手♥机♥响了。Phone's ringing.她告诉我她是个医生。我怎么知道?She told me she was a doctor. How am I supposed to know?她是一位医生。She is a doctor.喂?-嗨,不好意思天啊,她有台机器!嘿,嘿!找到那该死的机器!-Yeah, hello? - Hi, I'm sorry. Oh, Christ, she*s got a machine! Hey, hey! Find the fucking machine!别挂电♥话♥,好吗?挂在!Don't hang up, okay? Hang on!我会尽快给你I回电♥话♥。Fil get back to you as soon as I can.等待哗声。Wait for the beep.喂?嗨,艾琳,我拿到东西了不不不,这不是艾琳。这位朋友一直在看艾琳现在不在。 要我留个口信吗?-Yeah, hello? - Hi, Eileen, I got the stuff. No, no, no, this isn't Eileen. This is a friend who's been look. Um, Eileen isn't in at the moment. Can I take a message?抱歉,她叫我你跟她谈过了?-Sorry, she called me. - You spoke to her?嗯哼。她昨天打电♥话♥来了。Mm-hmm. She called yesterday.她问了些事,我想回她电♥话♥。She asked about something and I wanted to get back to her.你有铅笔吗?好吧,去吧。-Have you got a pencil? - Yeah, uh, go ahead.好吧,告诉她“无罪之城”不是个地方,至少我们找不到,而且这里似乎没人觉得这跟人类 学有关。Okay, tell her that des innois is not a place, at least not one we could find, and no one around here seemed to think it had anything to do with anthropology.但是艾琳问过你这个?-There was, however. - Eileen asked you about this?嗯哼。然而,有一个爱斯基摩词Inuat这有点奉强,但是哦,听着,我很抱歉,我 不该把这些强加给你。让艾琳打电♥话♥到Mm-hmm. There was, however, an eskimo word. Inuat. It's pretty farfetched, but. Oh, look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't impose all this on you. Have Eileen call me at area.不,不,不!你在哪里?你在吗?No, no, no! Where are you? Are you here?你说什么? 你在哪里?你在外面吗?-Pardon me? - Where are you? Are you out here?我在波士顿,为什么?一一嗯听着,告诉我,我会帮她弄清楚要点的。你介意吗?-I'm in Boston, why? - Um. Look, just tell me, I'll get the gist of it for her. Do you mind?不,嗯这显然是某种游牧神话。这与在沙漠中漫游有关。No, uh. It's apparently some sort of nomad myth. It has to do with wandering in the desert.你不是说那是爱斯基摩语吗好吧,都一样。-1 thought you said it was eskimo. - Well, it*s all the same.游牧民族生活在沙漠中,不管是冰沙漠还是沙沙漠没什么区别。Nomads live in deserts, whether it's a desert of ice or sand or whatever. doesn*t make any difference.显然,爱斯基摩人花了大量的时间在冰上游荡看来她一直在收拾东西还有因纽特人 这里还有一个。Apparently, the eskimos spend a good deal of time wandering on the ice. - Looks like she's been packing. - and the Inuat. There's another one over here.听着,你为什么不去洗手间看看她的洗漱用品还在不在?Look, why don't you look in the bathroom and see if her toiletries are still there?对不起,你是说对不起,我没听见。I'm sorry, did you say. Tm sorry, I didn't hear you.哦,没什么,对不起。嗯因纽特人嗯,他们应该是敌对的灵魂。Oh, nothing, Tm sorry. Um. and the inuat were. Well, they were supposedly hostile spirits. 根据神话,他们能变成人形。According to the myth, they were capable of assuming human form.他们来,等一下。They, uh. here, wait a second.被认为居住在过去灾难发生的地方。Uh, "thought to inhabit places of past calamity.“他们给任何陷入其中的人类带来灾难和疯狂。“They brought disaster and madness to any humans who fell in with them.当然,这只是一个神话,但进入20世纪后的观察家们“注意到年长的爱斯基摩人在冰上接 触陌生人时是多么谨慎”。“Only a myth, of course, but observers well into the 20th century "marked how cautiously older eskimo approached strangers on the ice." 喂?Hello?恐怕我们只能找到这些了。That*s all we could find, I'm afraid.我不知道这是否回答了她的问题。I don't know if that answers her question or not.不管怎样,记得告诉她我们都很想念她,如果她厌倦了阳光,欢迎她回来,好吗?Well, anyway, be sure and tell her we all miss her, and if she gets tired of all that sunshine, she*s welcome back, all right?是的。我会告诉她的。Yeah. Til tell her.N'y sont pasoN'y sont pas.Sont des inuatoSont des inuat.他们不在那里。They*re not there.他们inuatoThey*re inuat.-查理说什么了吗?一一没有。-Did Charlie say anything? - No.废话。Crap.啊!废话。Ugh! Crap.废话,废话,废话。垃圾的两倍。It's crap, crap, crap. Double crap.大半夜的听你胡扯。Middle of the night listening to bullshit nonsense.这不是我自己的生活。对上帝诚实,耳R稣。It's not my own life. Honest to God, Jesus.帮我个忙,到外面等着。请在外面。Do me a favor and wait outside. Outside, please.-你也是。阿吉-阿吉。-You, too. AJ. - AJ.但总得有人出去,好吗?-But somebody's got to. - Outside, okay?天啊,你的处境可真糟,是吧?Boy, you've been in quite a scrape, haven't you?相当的擦伤。Quite a scrape.你怎么了?What happened to you, hm


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