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    1七年级英语总复习试题七七年级英语总复习试题七一.单选题1.Can he _ well? A. sing B. to sing C. sings d. singing2. Please call me _ 457-2354. A. in B. at C. about D. with 3. We have only half _ hour to do the work. A. a B. the C. an D. 不填4. Tom goes to school early, _hes never late for school. A. because B. but C. so D. or5. You are so dirty(脏的), Dale. Go to take a _ quickly. A. book B. look C. shower D. class6. Please _ look outside. Look at me. A. no B. arent C. dont D.cant 7. We cant go out _ school nights. A. in B. on C. at D. for 8. Its very cold outside, so I _ stay at home. A. can b. must C. have to D. cant 9. She thinks lions are cute, but I think they are very _. A. scary B. shy C. interesting D. boring 10. Here _ two pencil-cases for you. A. be B. am C. is D. are 11. _ your teacher doing? A. How B. What C. Whats D. When12. The boy isnt _ the teacher. A. listen B. listening C. listen to D. listening to 13. Look! She _ in the classroom. A. dance B. dances C. dancing D. dancing14. My parents often _ TV in the evening. A. watch B. see C. look D. look at 15. Excuse me. _there two pay phones on Green Street? A.Is B. Do C. Does D. Are 16. I enjoy _ in the lake near my house in summer. A. swim B. swimming C. often D. never 17. Mary doesnt like blue, so her mother _ buys lieu clothes for her. A. always B. usually C. often D. never18. She is good-looking _ long, black hair. She is _ a red dress. A. has, has B. with, on C. has, wears D. with, wearing19. -How was your school trip? -We had _ apples. 2A. funny to picking B. funny to pick C. fun to pick D. fun picking 20. -We are going to Canda for vacation. -_.A. its good B. youre right C. Have a great time D. Goodbye二.完形填空What do you usually do after class in your school? You _1_ go home and finish _2_ homework, because you are a _3_ student. But I think we can have lots of things to do after class. One thing is to join different clubs. You can learn to play _4_ violin and the drum. Some students join the _5_ club. They can play basketball, soccer and volleyball there. Others do some _6_ things for the people. These people _7_ help. They usually help them _8_ the houses (房子). _9_ me, I usually _10_ books. Oh, I am a bookworm (书虫).1. A. want B. do C. may D. are 2. A. my B. his C. our D. your3. A. good B. well C. boy D. girl 4. A. a B. an C. the D. /5. A. movie B. music C. English D. sports 6. A. sad B. good C. new D. exciting 7. A. need B. to need C. needing D. needs 8. A. cleans B. cleaner C. cleaning D. clean 9. A. With B. For C. At D. Of 10. A. read B. watch C. sell D. play三.阅读理解AMy name is Xia Yu. Im a twelve-year-old girl. On weekdays, I get up at 6:10. I have breakfast at 7:00, and then I go to school by bus. I get there at 7:30. I dont like to be late. Classes begin at 8:30. There are four classes in the morning, and two in the afternoon. I have lunch at 12:00 at school. Class is over at 4:40. I like playing volleyball very much, so I always play it after school. I get home at 5:30 in the afternoon. On weekends, I get up at about 7:00 and make breakfast for my family. My parents like me very much.( )1.What time does Xia Yu get to school on weekdays? A. 4:40 B. 7:30 C. 7:00 D. 8:00 ( )2. How does Xia Yu go to school? A. On foot B. By bike C. By bus D. By car ( )3. Xia Yu has _ at school on weekdays. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. afternoon tea3( )4. who makes breakfast for the family on weekends?A. Xia Yu B. Father C. Mother D. Brother( )5. Which of the following isnt right? A. Xia Yu gets up at 7:00 on weekends. B. Xia Yu s first class begins at 8:00.B. Xia Yu goes to school very early. D. Xia Yu likes playing volleyball.BDear Dad,Harbin is so cold now. Its snowing. But I can enjoy skiing here. And Im wearing warm clothes. Im having a great time here.Yours,MaryDear Jim,Kunming is a great place. Its very warm. I am wearing a T-shirt. Its a little windy today. I am in the park. Some children are flying kites near me. Ill join them after writing the letter. Please write to me soon.Yours,LilyDear tim,Were having a good time at the camp(野营) in Singapore(新加坡). People here are very kind and I have many friends now. The weather is very hot. We go swimming every day. I can swim well. My new friend Zhang Qiang is good at swimming, too. Yours,Li Wei( )1.Who writes a letter to his or her father? A. Mary B. Jim C. Li Wei D. Tim( )2. Where does Lily write the letter? A. At home B. In a park C. In a zoo D. In her school( )3. What does Li Wei like? A. Sking B. Flying kites C. Swimming D. Camping( )4. People in _ may wear sweaters now. 4A. Harbin B. Kuming C. Beijing D. Singapore( )5. What can we know from three letters?A. Mary doesnt like to stay in Harbin. B. Lily will draw pictures after she writes the letter.C. Li Wei makes some friends in Singpore. D. Zhang Qiang and Li Wei are brothers.CDo you like snow? Many people in the world never see the snow. In the north of the England, there is quite a lot of snow every winter, but in the south of England there is usually little snow. When a student from a warm country comes to Britain in autumn for the first time, he feels cold at first. There are often dark clouds, grey skies(灰色的天空) and cold rain in Britain in autumn.But snow is different. Though(虽然) it is very cold, it is also very beautiful. Perhaps, after several dark mornings, the student wakes up (醒来) one day and there is a lot of light in his room. He thinks,”Is it so late?” and gets up quickly. But it is not late at all. He looks out of the window and there is snow on the ground, on the trees, on the houses and everywhere. The light in his room comes from the clean, beautiful snow.( )1.There is no much snow in the _ of England in winter. A. east B. north C. weet D. south( )2. In the autumn of Britain, we can NOT often see _. A. grey B. dark clouds C. warm winds D. cold rain( )3. In England snow and autumn rain are _. A. white B. clean C. beautiful D. cold( )4. Why does the student think it is so late?A. Because it is really late. B. Because he has some work to do.C. Because the light makes his room bright. D. Because he usually gets up early.( )5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Many people in the world never see snow. B. In England there is usually little snow.C.Students from other countries dont like the weather in England.5D. It is often very warm in the autumn in England.四.任务阅读Grace went to Qingdao on a vacation. The first day the weather was terrible! It was cloudy and rainy. Grace took a bus to a park. The park was crowded(拥挤的) but very interesting. It was sunny and hot the next day. Grace went to the beach. She played soccer and went skateboarding. It was great! The last day she visited her aunt and uncle. In the evening, they went to the movies. They watched a very funny comedy.1.The third day the weather was cloudy and rainy. ( )2. Where did Grace go the next day? _3. Who did Grace visit the last day? _4. What kind of movie did Grace watch? _5. _五.词语运用(用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,每词或短语只限使用一次)The students in Class 9 had a school trip last weekend. _(them) went to Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they _(visit) the Visitors Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that, the _(go) to the Outdoor Pool a _ saw a big octopus(章鱼). After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought lots of _(gift). Finally, they took the bus back _ school. All the students were tired _ happy. At the e_ of the day, the science teacher was very happy, too. The class monitor _(clean) the bus after the trip. She was so happy to _(see) the clean bus.六.连词成句1.Chinese, he, speak, can_?2. tall, is, his, brother, and _.3. trip, how, school, your, was _?4. go, last, did, night, you, shopping _?5. apples, you, some, would, like _?七.书面表达假设你的爸爸是动物园里的管理员,动物园里新来了两只动物田田和贝基。爸爸让你根据下面表格中的信息用英语来描述一下它们,以便外国游客参观了解它们。 要求: 60 词左右。6AnimalPandaLionsNameTiantianBeckyCountryChinaSouth AfricaAge3 years old5 years oldFoodBambooMeatDescriptionCute, shyStrong, interesting_ _ _ _ _


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