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    2019学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题 新目标版(1).doc

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    2019学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题 新目标版(1).doc

    - 1 -20192019 学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题学年高二英语下学期期末考试试题注意事项:1、本卷时量:120 分钟,满分:100 分;2、答题前,请考生先将自己的学校、姓名、考室号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚;3、交卷只交答题卡,请将答案填到答题卡上,否则计 0 分。第一部分第一部分 听力听力第一节,听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 AB、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a department store.B. At the post office.C. At the dry cleaner's.2. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Get a repairman.B. Put the table together. C. Do as the instructions tell.3. When will the man make the call with the headquarters?A. At 9:30 B. At 10:30.C. At 10:40.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Childrens nature.B. Parents' impact on children.C. The importance of school education.5. What is the woman doing?A. Reading.B. Asking for help.C. Washing hands.- 2 -第二节,听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。6. What's the woman's trouble?A. She has a headache.B. She can't find her phone book.C. She doesn't have Jason's home phone number.7. Why did the secretary refuse the woman?A. She couldnt reveal others' privacy.B. She didn't know her.C. She wasn't at work.听下面一段对话,回答第 8 和第 9 两个小题。8. What are the speakers doing?A. Listening to Jims singing. B. attending a contest.C. Watching a TV program.9. How does the woman sound?A. Impatient.B. Indifferent.C. Considerate.听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至第 12 三个小题10. What is the man?A. A waiter.B. A salesman.C. A repairman.11. Why does the woman want to keep the old TV?A. To save money.B. To memorize the old days.C. To decorate the living room.- 3 -12. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man offered good service.B. The TV set can't be as clear as before.C. The woman complained about the man.听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 16 四个小题。13. Why is the man going to the city?A. For a holiday.B. For business.C. For study.14. What kind of room does the man want?A. A suite.B. A double room.C. A single room.15. Where will the man have dinner?A. On the plane.B. In the restaurant.C. In his room.16. What food will be offered to the man?A. A sandwich with fries. B. A cheese sandwich. C. A burger with chips.听下面一段独白,回答第 17 至第 20 四个小题17. Where did the speaker park his car?A. In front of a cinema. B. Beside a shop.C. Near a bank.18. What do we know about the thief?A. He is tall and strong.B. He is fat with a moustache.C. He shot a bank clerk.- 4 -19. What did the speaker do that afternoon?A. He went shopping.B. He went to the cinema. C. He went to the police station.20. What was the thief doing when he was arrested?A. Buying something. B. Drinking in a bar.C. Running down the stairs.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, ,满分满分 3535 分)分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,共 30 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A ABritish Museum Visitor RegulationsAdmissionAdmissionWe Warmly welcome you on your visit to the Museum. In the interest of the security of all of our visitors we require you follow these Visitor Regulations.Admission to the Museum is free, but we may charge for entry to some temporary exhibitions and events.OpeningOpening hourshoursWe open the Museum's galleries daily from 10: 00 am until 17: 30 pm. We keep selected galleries open until 20: 30 pm on Fridays.The Museum's Great Court is open from 9: 00 am until 18: 00 pm; except on Fridays when it remains open until 20: 30 pm.You may be asked by our staff to begin leaving up to ten minutes before closing time.The Museum is closed 24-26 December and I January.FoodFood andand drinkdrinkYou aren't allowed to consume food and drink inside the Museum, except in the places such as the restaurant and cafes or the forecourt. Families with children may use the ford Centre for young visitors in the basement of the Museums Great Court at weekends and during school holidays.- 5 -AnimalsAnimalsIf you have a disability, you may be accompanied in the Museum by your guide, assistant or companion animal. You aren't allowed to bring animals into the museum under any other circumstance.Film,Film, photographyphotography andand audioaudio ( (声音的声音的) ) recordingrecordingExcept the places that are indicated by notices, you're permitted to use hand-held cameras (including mobile phones) with flash bulbs or flash units, and audio and film recording equipment not requiring a stand. You may use your photographs, film and audio recordings only for your own private and non-commercial purposes.21. What are the Visitor Regulations mainly intended for?A. Protecting exhibits.B. Increasing entry charges.C. Keeping visitors safe.D. Controlling the entry of visitors.22. When can visitors visit the Museum?A. At 18: 30 pm on Fridays.B. At 17: 55 pm on weekends.C. At 11: 00 am on Christmas Day.D. At 10: 15 am on New Year's Day.23. What can visitors do in the Museum?A. Record films for sale.B. Eat and drink as they like.C. Take along their pet dogs.D Take photos for personal use.B BThroughout history scientists have risked their health and their lives in their search for the truth.Sir Issac Newton, the seventeenth century scientist was very smart, but that didn't stop him from doing some pretty stupid things. In his laboratory in Cambridge, he often did the strangest experiments. Once, while testing how light passes through lenses (晶状体), he put a long needle into his eye, pushed it to the back, and then moved it around just to see what would happen. Luckily, there was no lasting bad effect. On another occasion, he stared at the sun, for as - 6 -long as he could bear, to discover what effect this would have on his sight. To escape suffering permanent damage, he had to spend some days in a dark room before his eyes recovered.In the 1750s, the Swedish chemist Karl Scheele, was the first person to find a way to produce phosphorus (磷) He, in fact, discovered eight more chemical elements, including Chlorine (氯), though he didn't get any place for them. He was a very clever scientist, but he had a strange habit of tasting a little of every substance he studied. This risky practice finally caught up with him. In 1786, he was found dead in his laboratory, surrounded by a large number of dangerous chemicals, any of which might have been responsible for his death.Eugene Shoemaker was a respected geologist, he spent a large part of his life studying craters (陨石坑), and how they were formed, and later the research into the comments of the plane Jupiter. In 1997, he and his wife were in the Australian desert, where they went every year search for places where comets (彗星) might have hit the earth. While driving in the Tanam desert, one of the most open places in the world, another vehicle rushed into them, and Shoe maker died on the spot. Some of his ashes (骨灰) were sent to the moon by the Lunar Prospect or, a spacecraft, and he is the only person who has this honor.24. What does the underlined word “permanent“ in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Brief.B. Slight.C. LastingD. Ordinary.25. What did Karl Scheele like doing when performing experiments? A. Tasting chemicals.B. Staying in the empty labs.C. Experimenting in darkness. D. Working together with others.26. What special honor was Shoemaker given after his death?A. He was buried in the Tanami desert.B. Some of his ashes were placed on the moon.C. One comet of Jupiter was named after him.D. A spacecraft carrying him travelled around Jupiter.27. The text is mainly about three great scientists' _.- 7 -A. special honorsB. great achievementsC. famous experimentsD. suffering in their researchC CEverywhere you go, there are free accommodation chances. How would you like to sample local life by staying for free in the following places: A bluestone cottage on 300 hectares of land in the Australian countryside. A deserted village in Spain. A trendy house in the Beaches area of Toronto. A cottage resort (度假胜地) on the Caribbean island of Grenada. A Swiss alpine (高山) cottage and4- storey home in Zurich. A grand house in Panama.This doesn't count the families I've stayed with - for free - in Canada, USA, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, England, France, and many, many more countries. In addition to saving money, you can obtain much more than staying in a hotel, most of all, struggling to get a true feel for the local culture.In my first six years of my full-time travel, I saved over 63, 000 in accommodation expenses - and I can teach you how to do the same. You can spend the money you save on more exciting things than accommodation.This e-book is a practical resource (资源) to get you on the road and enjoying free accommodation, right away - whether it's for a week, a month, or a year - with the help of my full-time travel experience specializing in free accommodation since 2007.Ready?Great! How to Get Free Accommodation around the World is a 57-page e-book and costs $19.99 USD. Even if you stay in hostel dormitories, that's rarely enough to cover one night of accommodation. So buying this book, you will get your money's value right away - on your next trip - on your first night of free accommodation.28. What does the underlined word “sample“ in Paragraph 1 probably mean?A. Switch.B. Experience.- 8 -C. Treat.D. Fix.29. What can we know about the village in Spain?A. It is an abandoned village.B. Houses of it consist of stones.C. It is not far from the beach.D. It was built on the mountain.30. What can we infer about staying with local families?A. No money is needed.B. People may make many friends.C. The local culture may be better understood.D. People will have no difficulty knowing the local culture.31. What is the author's purpose in writing the text?A. To show his many tour experiences.B. To introduce how to save money.C. To advise travelling as much as possible.D. To persuade people to buy the e-book.D DIn many countries in the world, public money is mostly used for preserving Architectural heritage (传统) in different ways. In my opinion, these funds are being spent effectively by this way. Old buildings such as historical buildings should be protected and turned into wonderful places for learning and visiting so that we can gain appropriate benefits from them.Personally speaking, using public funds for architectural heritage preservation is accurate as the society can take numerous advantages from this. First of all, these historical buildings, palaces, shrines (神殿), . are striking evidences for past lives and buildings. For example, before cameras were invented, there was no way to show how a life of a king was during his age. However, with his castle and exhibits, researchers can build up assumptions. The second considerable benefit of preserving architectural heritage is for tourism. In my country, every year, Hue welcomes thousands of visitors to its ancient capital, which contributes greatly to the province s income.Among distinct types of old buildings, I suggest preserving historical one as a studying and attraction spot. This is because, along with tourism purpose, - 9 -old houses and palaces surviving throughout time, witnessing the country's important events are huge material for both students and researchers. Schools can use them for practical history lessons, which help children to learn more effectively.To sum up, spending public money for protecting architectural heritages is a brilliant choice of most governments in the world. Besides, I think we should concern more about preserving historical buildings, turn them into visiting and learning areas in order to get the best out of them.32. What is the author's attitude to using most public money to preserve architectural heritage?A. Doubtful.B. Favorable.C. Disapproving.D. Unclear.33. What is the advantage of using public funds to protect architectural heritage?A. Making money.B. Gaining inspiration.C. Preparing for future.D. Improving the environment.34. Why do schools use historical buildings?A. Their materials are unique.B. Students have an urgent demand.C. They help increase students' knowledge.D. They do good to students' communication skills.35. What's the best title for the text?A. Ways of Architectural Heritage Protection.B. Architectural Heritage Is a Treasure of Society.C. Architectural Heritage Protection - a Wise Choice.D. Views on Using Public Money for Architectural Heritage.第二节(共 5 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,井在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。The purpose of our entire life could be concluded into one accurate word - - 10 -happiness. Satisfaction in life will always bring happiness. 36 This article will share ways to stay happy and satisfied.Remind yourself of things that make you happy. For many of us, some of the things and people in our lives are what make us happy. 37 It also could be the conversations you have with your significant friends. This makes it possible for you to look within your circle to find happiness. Reminding yourself that you have beautiful people in your life will keep you satisfied when you're experiencing depression (沮丧).Keep your focus on your life goals. 38 Realizing that you can achieve your goals and make your dreams come true will help you stay satisfied. Experts recommend celebrating every little wins on your way to success. So take time and celebrate the small steps you've successfully completed.Only spend time with people that make you happy. 39 This means you have to cut off communications with those that constantly let you down by putting negative feelings into your life.40 Do you often find that you blame yourself too much? We're humans and that means we will make a couple of mistakes every now and then Look at the fun side of it and make fun of yourself.A. But how do you get the feeling.B. Stop taking yourself too seriously.C. Go out of your way to make others happy.D. It's real that you can't make everybody happy.E. It could be the smile on the face of a loved one.F. People often get depressed when they stop focusing on their main goals.G. The people you surround yourselves with can affect your feelings greatly. 第三部分第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分语言知识运用(共两节,满分 3030 分)分)第一节(共 20 小题;每题 1 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选取可以填入空白处的最佳选项。答案写在答题卡上。When I was in Grade 11, my school built a Leadership Training Centre. It had a project called “The Leap of Faith“, where you 41 to jump off a platform eleven meters above the ground. I had 42 students in my class do it and had sworn there was no way I'd ever 43 it.One day at the Centre my teacher encouraged me until I finally 44 to do - 11 -it. I got harnessed up (系安全带), and was 45 like a leaf. I climbed up, when I got to the top, I simply couldn't move and I felt in 46 . My teacher suggested that I 47 sit on the edge and push myself off. So I sat down. 48 I still couldn't bring myself to slide off the edge. I sat here for 20 minutes! If I hadnt been so scared, I probably would have died of 49 . Finally, with the 50 of my class, I slid off the edge. I was 51 the whole day down.As I was 52


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