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    2019届中考英语复习 九上 Unit 4 导学案.doc

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    2019届中考英语复习 九上 Unit 4 导学案.doc

    19 9 上上 UnitsUnits 4 4 基础训练部分基础训练部分一、记忆训练部分一、记忆训练部分(一)重点词汇梳理(一)重点词汇梳理1挂在心上;惦念on ones mind2在不同时期和地方in different times and places3一就as soon as4大量,许多a great deal (of)5参加选拔(或试演)try out for sth.6泄气,灰心lose heart7拒绝做某事refuse to do sth.8改变某人的主意change ones mind9使某人引起的注意bring sb. to the attention of10成功地做某事succeed in doing sth.11注意,察觉take notice of12取得伟大的成绩have great achievements13爆发break out14失去了生命lose ones life15人类精神的胜利the victory of the human spirit16躲藏起来go into hiding17死于die of/from18为生命安全担忧in fear of ones life19(某人)三十多/四十多/五十多岁in ones thirties/forties/fifties20令某人惊奇的是to ones surprise(二)重点句子梳理(二)重点句子梳理1在想啥呢,埃迪?Whats on your mind, Eddie?2自从我第一次见到你以来,你一直是开心的。Youve been happy since I first met you.3直到你建完它才叫醒我。Dont wake me up until you finish building it.24无论何时我想要读它们我都能读。I can read them whenever I want to.5你一点击鼠标,就有大量信息。As soon as you click the mouse, theres a great deal of information.6当上初中时,斯巴德参加了校队的选拔。While attending junior high, Spud tried out for the school team.7这使他引起北卡罗来纳州立大学的注意。This brought him to the attention of North Carolina States University.8因此他成功获得奖学金。As a result, he succeeded in getting a scholarship.9在他毕业之后,他被迫效力于另一个篮球联盟。After he graduated, he was forced to play in another basketball leagues.10在全美篮球协会注意他之前,他逗留在那里大约一年。He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him.11通过努力,斯巴德·韦伯证明高矮胖瘦不重要只要永不放弃,几乎没有什么你做不到的。Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that size and body type does not matteryou can do almost anything if you never give up.12第二次世界大战在 1939 年在欧洲爆发,在 1945 年结束。World War broke out in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945.13她的爸爸使她的日记出版。Her father had her diary published.14然而,遗憾的是他们不能像我们一样享受幸福生活。However, its a pity that they couldnt enjoy a happy life just as we do.15让我惊讶的是,他已经决定死后捐献遗体供医学研究。To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death.二、基础练习部分二、基础练习部分重点语法强化重点语法强化(一)根据句子意思,选用 before、when、while、since 或 until 填空。31. At 8:30 p.m., my brother was doing his homework _ I was reading newspapers.2. What do you think of the trip to Gaoyou?-It was wonderful. It was time for us to leave there _ we knew it.3. The woman was practising the piano in the hall _ it began to rain.4. How long have you known about the story of Anne Frank?-_ I was ten.5. -When did you leave the classroom yesterday afternoon?-Not _ I finished cleaning it.(二)单项选择。( ) 1. Do you know how long the meeting will last?-Yes. It will last _ 10:30 p.m.A. atB. sinceC. untilD. for( ) 2. Can you describe what the UFO this morning was like?-Sorry, it disappeared completely _ I could see what it was.A. untilB. afterC. whileD. before( ) 3. They were having a barbecue in the open air _ the earthquake happened.A. after B. whenC. beforeD. while( ) 4. (2014 黄冈) I can hardly believe my eyes. Is that you, Lucy?-Yes. It has been almost 20 years _ we were together.A. sinceB. beforeC. afterD. until( ) 5. (2014 绵阳) Will you please give the Readers Times to Jane?-Sure, Ill give it to her _ she comes back.A. beforeB. untilC. becauseD. as soon as9 9 上上 UnitsUnits 4 4 综合训练部分综合训练部分一、单项选择( ) 1. The boy always has his homework _ before the next lesson.A. doB. didC. doneD. doing4( ) 2. Mr Liu looks old because of the hard work, but in fact he is still in his _.A. fifthB. fiftyC. fiftiethD. fifties( ) 3. We were scared to death when the fire _. Luckily, it was put out before it caused much damage.A. broke outB. came outC. gave outD. turned out( ) 4. Why dont you _ the basketball team? You have nothing to lose.-Good idea.A. pay attention to B. try out forC. take care ofD. look forward to( ) 5. I will keep the message until Mr Smith _ back from lunch.A. comeB. comesC. cameD. will come( ) 6. _ you look up at the sky, think of a star as my soul.A. HoweverB. WhateverC. WheneverD. Whoever( ) 7. Have you got any news from him?-Not yet. I will call you _ I get any news from him.A. as soon asB. beforeC. untilD. while( ) 8. The cars give off _ waste gas in the streets.-Yes. But Im sure something will be done to reduce air pollution.A. a number of B. a couple ofC. manyD. a great deal of二、词汇运用1. Nowadays people can learn lots of knowledge easily _ (凭借) the Internet.2. Now, both the Dragon Boat Festival and the Qingming Festival are _ (国家) holidays.3. My cousin showed great _ (勇气) to jump into the river to save a boy last summer.4. More _ (研究) is needed before we can make sure the medicine is safe.5. Qian Xuesen was a famous scientist of great _ (成就).6. His _ (think) is always different from others.7. Some _ (Germany) were forced to move to another country.8. I heard something _ (usual) when I walked through the forest, so I felt 5frightened.9. All of us are against _ (build) a chemical factory around our village.10. Her grandmothers sudden _ (die) made her family very sad last year.三、翻译句子1. 在父亲的帮助下,安妮成功地做出了飞机模型。_2. 这个新来的女生发现没有人注意她,一整天闷闷不乐。_3. 为了不被送往纳粹集中营,他们躲到了一个秘密的地方。_4. 令我们惊讶的是,第二天他改变了主意。_5. 一些孩子在森林里失踪了,他们的父母为他们的生命安全担忧。_四、语篇训练(一) 完形填空We can see computers, iPads and smart phones here and there. It seems that they are part of our 1 life. But a new problem has 2 at the same time. Its about handwriting.Do we need to learn handwriting 3 most writing is done on keyboards? Most students may say no. In the USA, 4 one state plans to make learning handwriting the law. South Carolina wants to 5 schools to teach students handwriting. Schools have started to teach children 6 to write in cursive(草书) by fifth grade.The main sponsor(发起人), Rep. Dwight Loftis says students still need handwriting skills, 7 more and more people mostly use digital communications. Its not just about writing beautifully. Practical uses include being 8 to write faster, he said.“People with 9 ideas say you dont need cursive writing any more,” said Loftis. “But both cursive and typing should be 10 . My teenage grandson cant 6sign his name in cursive. How 11 !” He held up thank-you cards he 12 from high school graduates to show that students handwriting was really poor. On these cards, the students names were sighed 13 . Research clearly shows that writing helps students 14 many ways. For example, cursive stimulates(刺激) the brain, says Dino.And what would you choose when you have 15 , writing or typing?( ) 1. A. oftenB. everydayC. unusualD. every day( ) 2. A. gone awayB. come alongC. gone outD. come in( ) 3. A. ifB. thoughC. becauseD. whether( ) 4. A. at mostB. at firstC. at lastD. at least( ) 5. A. askB. inviteC. allowD. make( ) 6. A. when B. what C. whyD. how( ) 7. A. even thoughB. so thatC. except thatD. as if( ) 8. A. readyB. willingC. ableD. glad( ) 9. A. the sameB. similarC. differentD. strange( ) 10. A. taughtB. forgottenC. returnedD. repeated( ) 11. A. wonderfulB. amazingC. interestingD. terrible( ) 12. A. boughtB. soldC. receivedD. sent( ) 13. A. badlyB. beautifullyC. nicelyD. kindly( ) 14. A. inB. onC. ofD. to( ) 15. A. placeB. adviceC. choicesD. mind(二) 缺词填空After playing basketball for several years, Morris(莫里斯) f 1 found his time has come in China.In January, 1986, Morris was born in the USA. He was s 2 as a talent in high school. He, Josh Smith and Dwight Howard were friends and all went to the NBA. But while Smith and Howard became big stars, Morris was s 3 most of his time on the bench. Some say he was too lazy. Some say his style was not good e 4 for the NBA.7In 2010,Morris m 5 a big decision to join the CBA, hoping for a fresh start. “I just told m 6 I would work as hard as possible and then good things would happen.”He did work harder than he ever thought. After a 7 in China, he started to practise six h 8 every day. Morris said practice became second nature(习性) to him. He also played hard on court. Each Chinese fan knows that he has broken five teeth s 9 he came to the CBA.So, a 10 Morris still gets a lower pay than Smith and Howard, he now has something they dont have two shining championship titles.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _8. _9. _10. _9 9 上上 UnitsUnits 4 4 基础练习部分参考答案基础练习部分参考答案(一)根据句子意思,选用 before、when、while、since 或 until 填空。1. while 2. before 3. when 4. Since 5. until(二)单项选择。1-5 CDBAD9 9 上上 UnitsUnits 4 4 综合训练部分参考答案综合训练部分参考答案一、单项选择1-5 CDABB 6-8 CAD二、词汇运用1. through 2. national 3. courage 4. research 5. achievements6.thought 7.Germans 8. unusual 9. building 10. death三、翻译句子1. With the help of her father, Anne succeeded in making the model plane.2. The new girl student found that no one took notice of her, so she was unhappy the whole day.3. They went into hiding in a secret place so that they wouldnt be sent to a Nazi camp.4. To our surprise, he changed his mind the next day.5. Some children were lost in the forest. Their parents were in fear of their lives.8四、语篇训练(一) 完形填空1-5 BBADA 6-10 DACCA 11-15 DCAAC(二) 缺词填空1. finally2. seen3. spending4. enough5. made6. myself7. arriving 8. hours9. since10. although


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