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    2019 届九年级英语第一次模拟考试试题新人教 版.doc

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    2019 届九年级英语第一次模拟考试试题新人教 版.doc

    120192019学年第二学期九年级英语第一次中考模拟学年第二学期九年级英语第一次中考模拟考试时间为考试时间为120120分钟。试卷总分为分钟。试卷总分为150150分。分。第第 I I 卷卷 选择题选择题 (共三部分,满分(共三部分,满分 9595 分)分)第一部分第一部分 听力(共三节,满分听力(共三节,满分 3030 分)分)第一节(共 7 小题;每小题 1.5 分,计 10.5 分)根据你所听到的句子,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三幅图片或题目中选出恰当的答语。并将答题卡上相应的字母标号涂黑。1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B C. 4. A. How funny it is! B. I like it very much C. Good idea.5.A. twice a week B. For two weeks C. In two weeks6. A. What a pity! B. Over there C . see you 7. A. Thats all right. B. Don t worry. C. All right.第二节(共 3 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 4.5 分)你将要听到 3 个人谈论不同的音乐。请你一边听一边将他们的名字与对应的音乐连起来。把事物前的字母 A、B、C 涂在答题卡上的相应位置。8. WuDong A. classical music9. Da Ming B. pop music10.LiuMei C. folk music第三节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)2听下列对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡上的相应位置。听第一段对话,回答第 1112 小题。11.What is wrong with the woman?A. She has a headache. B. She has a fever C. She has a cough.12. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Classmates. B. Doctor and patient C. Father and daughter听第二段对话,回答第 1315 小题。13. Who will spend the weekend with the man?A. His parents B. His friends C. His teachers14. Where will the man go camping?A. By a lake B. On a hill C. Near a river15. What does the woman ask the man to be caref ul of ?A. Weather B. Traffic C. Fire听下面一段独白,回答第 16 20 小题。16.Where did the speaker live when he was a child ?A On a farm B. In a city C. In a village17. When did the speaker get up?A. At 6:05 B. At 6:15 C. At 6:5018. How did the speaker usually go to scho ol?A. On foot B. By bus C. By bike19. What color was the school uniform which the speaker had to wear?A. red B. green C. gray20.What does the speaker think of the time of being a child? A. Interesting but short B. Boring and short C. Exciting and long笔试部分(满分笔试部分(满分 120120 分)分)第第 1 1 卷卷 选择题(满分选择题(满分 6565 分)分)3第一部分第一部分 阅读理解(共三节,阅读理解(共三节, 满分满分 4040 分)分)第一节(共 4 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 8 分)请根据下面四则信息的内容,从方框中选出与其匹配的名称。21. Chinese Womens Volleyball Team won the gold medal at Rio 2016 Olympic Games. This is the first time that they have won the gold medal in the history of volleyball at the Olympics.22. Hangzhou, the host of the G20 Summit welcomed leaders from G20 members and guest countries as well as heads of relevant(相关的)international organizations. The discussions and wonderful show drew the whole worlds attention.23. On April 12, 2016, it got two Guinness World Records(吉尼斯世界纪录)the most popular dictionary and the best-selling book. The book is also a good tool for foreigners who want to learn Chinese language and culture.24. He was born in a small village in China. He became the first Chinese student to give a speech at Harvards commencement(典礼). Its the highest honor given by the university.A. Xinhua Dictionary B. An excellent student C. Chinese Womens Volleyball Team D. The G20Summit.第二节 (共 12 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 24 分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大 意, 然后从每题所给的四个选项中(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项, 并将答题卡上相应的字母标号涂黑。( A )One day , a poor farmer was taking a bag of wheat to town. Suddenly the bag fell off his horse onto the road. He did not know what he could do about it because it was too heavy for him to lift by himself. He only hoped that someone would soon pass by and gave him a hand.Just at that moment, a man riding a horse came up to him. But the farmer felt disappointed whe n he saw who he was. It was the great man who lived nearby. He thought the great man wouldnt help him, and hoped another farmer would come up. But to his surprise, the great man got off his horse as soon as he came near. “I see you need help,” he said, “ Im here just at the right time.” Then he took one end of the bag and the farmer took the other. They lifted it together and put it on the horse.4“Sir,” asked the farmer, “How can I pay you ?”“ Its quite easy.” The great man answered, “When you see anyone else in trouble, do the same for him.”25. What did the poor farmer take to town?A. A bag of coins B. A bag of wheat C. A bag of rice D. A bag of apples26. The poor farmer felt _ when he saw the great man.A. happy B. good C. afraid D. disappointed27. The great man asked the poor farmer to pay him _.A. by giving him money B. by giving him a horseC. by giving him a bag of wheat D. by helping others(B)We use our smart phones to carry out many tasks every day. Many of us have become so reliant on them. However, it is bad for our eyes and health to use too much phone.A study shows that smart phone owners usually start to use their phones early in the morning. They check personal emails and WeChat. And before they get out of the bed, many people often check the weather , read the news and send a message or two to friends. After getting up , they often take photos of food, themselves, and even whatever they can see with their phones. The research finds that users pick up their phones more than 1,500 times to do different tasks in an average(平均) week. And the smart phone users are on their phone for three hours and sixteen minutes a day. That is to say, people use their phones for almost one full day each week.Using phones will take up much time and its also bad for our health. Many people stay up late to play with phones. And mobile phones will influence our sleep. Without using the phones, many people will feel sad. Many owners also find they use their phones without realizing theyre doing so.What do you think people use their phones too much?528. The underlined(画线的)word “reliant” means “_” in Chinese.A. 依赖的 B.讨厌的 C.喜欢的 D.感兴趣的29. Before getting up, many people use their phones to do tasks , not including_.A. checking the weather B. sending messagesC. reading the news D. taking photos30. Many people _ without using their phones.A. will stay up B. will feel sad C. cant do work. D. cant live31. The writer advises people to _.A. use smart phones properly B. not to buy smart phonesC. stop using smart phones D. make full use of smart phones (C)We spent this holiday with our uncle . He loved to go on walks to collect stones. One day, he bought us backpacks(背包) and asked us to go to the mountain with him, and carry the stones.The whole day we walked around. Every now and then he put stones in our bags. To our surprise, he also took some stones out from our bags. But we thought he had just found better stones.When we returned to the house, we were very tired. The backpacks were so heavy that we felt relaxed when we put them down. Yet our uncles backpack was half empty.“Why did you put so many stones into our backpacks?” we asked.“I didnt. You did,” he said. “You didnt know it, but I gave you a test today. I listened to every word you said. Whenever you were complaining(抱怨), I added a stone to your bags. Whenever you talked about something with positive(积极的) thinking, I took out a stone. And now look at your backpacks.” Our backpacks were full of stones.“Your negative(消极的)thoughts are likes stones. You carry them in your mind just like those stones in a backpack. The more negative thoughts, the heavier your mind.”With great joy, our uncle taught us one of the most important lessons in life.632.How did they feel when their uncle took some stones out from their bags?A. Relaxed B. Surprised C. Sad D. Tired33.What did they find when they returned to the house?A. Their uncles bag was half empty. B. There was nothing in their uncles bag.C, Their uncles bag was full of stones. D. There were few stones in their uncles bag.34.When would their uncle add a stone to their bags?A. When their uncle had interesting thoughts. B. When their uncle found a better stone.C. When they complained about something. D. When they talked about something amazing.35.According to the passage, what does underlined word “them” refer to (指的是)?A. The bags B. The stones C. Positive thoughts D. Negative thoughts36.What can we learn from the story?A . Everyone must accept others advice. B. We should be positive about life.C. Never think about unimportant things. D. Its necessary to make a plan before doing things.第三节 (共 4 小题;每小题 2 分,共 8 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 (选项中有一项为多余选项), 并将答题卡上相应的字母标号涂黑。Teenage life-better now, or in the past?Does this situation sound familiar(熟悉)?You are complaining(抱怨) to your parents about something . Maybe your computer isnt powerful enough to play the latest games. _37_ Then you hear“When I was your age, there werent any computers or video games. And I didnt get a bike until I was sixteen. And it was second-hand. _38_”So, is it really true that life is better for teenagers now ? It is certainly true 7that many teenagers have got more things nowadays. A typical(典型的) family is smaller now .So parents have got more money to spend on each child. And many things are cheaper than they were when our parents were children._39_ Forty years ago, no one could imagine a world with tiny computers and amazing smart phones. And now these things are necessary-we cant imagine living without them!However, technology often means we spend more time at home. And often its just as, with our computer or television. Teenagers dont do enough exercise. _40 And, although young people still get on well with their friends, some people think teenagers today dont have so many social activities as they did in the past.What do you think? How is teenage life better these days?A. And it was too big for me.B. We have to learn new skills.C. Or your friends bikes are better than yours.D. So they arent as healthy as they were in the past.E. Technology is probably the greatest change in our life.第二部分第二部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分语言知识运用(共三节,满分 4141 分)分)第 1 节 单项选择(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,共 10 分)从下列 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳的一项,并将答题卡上相应的字母标号涂黑。41. What do you think of the boy?He is _ honest student in our class and everyone likes him.A. a B. the C. / D. an42.Is this Kates bicycle?No, _ is under the tree. She put it there this morning.A. his B. hers C. mine D. yours43. _ is it from your home to your school?Its about 10 minutes ride.A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often844.The fans cheer us on _ and I feel more confident to win the game.A. politely B. carefully C. slowly D. loudly45.I saw Susan in the library just now.No, it _ be her. She went to Shanghai this morning.A. must B. cant C. may D. neednt46.You are speaking too fast. Can you speak a little _?A. more slowly B. most slowly C. more loudly D. most loudly47.Judy, could you tell me _ the schoolbag?Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on the Internet.A. where did you buy B. where will you buy C. where you bought D. where you will buy48.Can you tell me when you are going to arrive there?Im not sure. But Ill ring you up as soon as I _ there tomorrow.A. arrive B. arrived C. will arrive D. am going to arrive49. Hi, Lingling! How was your school trip?We took a tour to Dalian Forest Zoo. _.A. Take care. Bye B. It was great fun. C. Have a good trip. D. It looks really great.50.My classmates all accept me. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word?A. /ksæpt / B./ eksept / C. /ksept/ D. /ksept/第二节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项,并将答题卡上相应的字母标号涂黑。When I was a junior high school student in 1980, God gave me a gift. It was happiness. One weekend, I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. On my way home a 9car ran over me and cut off my _51_ because of its high speed.Several days later when I woke up at the hospital, I realized I had to spend the rest of my life _52_ arms. How sad I felt at that time! Even I was full of fears. _53_ slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it, I couldnt get my arms back even though I _54_ every day.However, its easier _55_ than done. It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness _56_. I got so much from my past story. From then on, I could treat my life with a _57_ mind. But in our daily life, I often see my classmates _58_ about little things: They get a bad grade on a test; their bus comes _59_; they dont have a mobile phone but _60 have, and so on. But I only _61_ life. I was lucky to realize from an accident: It is a waste of our life to focus on what you have _62_. We should always think of what we have. So why are so many people unhappy? Someone may say, “ My whole life would improve _63_ I have a new car.” But when you get the car and what _64_? For a whole week you are walking on air. Then you go right back to being unhappy.Happiness depends on what we have! Its in our heart, Its a state of mind, even though you own the whole world, you may still feel _65_. Happiness comes from mastering the art appreciating(感激)and taking pleasure in what you really have.51.A. feetB. legs C. arms D. ears52.A. with B. without C. for D. on53.A. Or B. But C. SoD. Once54.A. criedB. laughedC. sat D. stood55.A. dreamedB. actedC. calledD. said56.A. stronglyB. especiallyC. completelyD. similarly57.A. crazyB. normalC. fullD. special58.A. get excitedB. get nervousC. get seriousD. get worried59.A. early B. firstC. fast D. late60.A. the otherB. one anotherC. otherD. others1061.A. hateB. dislikeC. enjoyD. save62.A. lost B. had C. foundD. spent63.A. becauseB. as C. if D. whether64.A. happens B. takes placeC. usedD. uses65.A. funnyB. happyC. excited D. unhappy第第卷卷 非选择题(共三部分,满分非选择题(共三部分,满分 5555 分)分)注意:将答案写在笔试答题卡上,写在本卷上无效。注意:将答案写在笔试答题卡上,写在本卷上无效。第三节 语法填空 (共 8 小题;每小题 2 分,共 16 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(每空一词)(每空一词)或括号内单词的正确形式.Dave: Nice to meet you! Im Dave from America.He Wei : Nice to meet you, too! Im He Wei, an exchange student from China.Dave : China ? Its a great country. Im interested in Chinese festivals, especially the Chineses New Year.He Wei: Really? Well, next year, you can come to my house for the New Year.Dave : OK. Would you mind _66_(tell) me some customs about the festival?He Wei: Of course not. _67_ the New Years Eve, we always make dumplings with family and some coins _68_(put) in the dumplings. The person _69_ has coins is lucky.Dave : Thats cool. Anything else?He Wei: Before New years Day, people prepare delicious


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