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    2019七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Party综合能力演练2 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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    2019七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Party综合能力演练2 (新版)仁爱版.doc

    1UnitUnit 7 7 TheThe BirthdayBirthday PartyParty综合能力演练综合能力演练I.I. 单项选择。单项选择。1. _ is your brothers birthday?His birthday is _ July 19th.A. What; inB. When; on C. Where; atD. How; for2. Whats the month between September and November?Its _ .A. JanuaryB. March C. October D. June3. What happened _ you last Sunday?I hurt myself with the knife.A. forB. ofC.to D. on4. What time _ Lily go to the park yesterday?At about eight oclock.A. doesB.do C. didD. was5. _ It was August 1st.A. What was the date yesterday? B. When was yesterday?C. How was yesterday? D. What day was it yesterday?6. _ is your teachers desk?Its about 140 centimeters long.A. How far B. How many C. How wideD. How long7. The boy is only _ and today is his _ birthday.A. nine; nine B. ninth; nine C. nine; ninthD. ninth; ninth8. Dad, I worked out the math problem at last. _ A. Thats nothing.B. Youre so smart!2C. So bad!D. Thank you.【真题链接】1. Sir, Jenny wants to know when she can leave the officeOnly when she _ copying this reportAfinishes Bfinish Cfinished Dwill finish2Jim sits behind me,so I sit _ himAat the top of Bat the end of Cin the middle of Din front of3. Dinner is ready. Help yourself, please!Wow! It _ delicious. You are really good at cooking.A. gets B. sounds C. tastes D. turnsII.II. 阅读理解。阅读理解。A AIt was Bettys birthday, December 6th. She received(接收) a letter from her uncle. “Dear Betty,” he wrote in his letter, “Happy birthday! Im sending you some hens(母鸡).They will arrive(到达) the day after tomorrow. I hope youll like them. Uncle Tony. December 5th.”Betty was very happy. She likes eating eggs and chicken. “I can keep the hens for their eggs or eat them.” She thought.When the hens arrived, they were in a box. Betty was very pleased (高兴). She took the box off the truck and began to carry it into her garden, but the box of hens was so heavy that she dropped (掉落) it.The box fell on the ground and broke(摔坏). The hens all ran out. They ran here and there. Betty spent hours trying to find them.A few days later, her uncle came. He asked, “Did the hens arrive safely(安全地)?” “Yes, but I dropped the box. It broke open and the hens ran everywhere. It took me the whole(整个) morning to look for them.” Betty said.“Did you find them all?” asked her uncle. “I hope so,” Betty answered, “but I only caught (抓到) eleven of them.”“Thats interesting. I only sent you six.” her uncle said with a smile.1. What did Betty receive from her uncle as a birthday present?A. Hens. B. A box.C. A letter.D. A card.32. When did Betty receive the hens?A .On December 7th. B. On December 8th.C. On December 5th. D. On December 6th.3. Where were the hens when they arrived?A. On the truck.B. On the ground.C. In the garden.D. In a box.4. Why did the hens run everywhere?A. Because they were afraid (害怕) of Betty.B. Because they were hungry (饥饿) and looked for food.C. Because the box was broken.D. We dont know.5. How many hens did Bettys uncle give her?A.11 B.6 C.5 D.17B BMy mother only had one eyeI never wanted her to show up at my school.One day during primary school, I was terribly illMy mother came.“Your mom only has one eye!” yelled some of my classmatesI wished my mother would have just disappeared(消失).“If you embarrass (使尴尬) me, why dont you just die?” I shoutedshouted at her, taking no notice of the sad look on her faceMy mother just handed me some medicine and left without saying anything.At that time, I didnt think I had hurt her feelings very muchThat night I saw my mom crying in her roomEven so, I hated her tears from one eyeI made a decision: I must study hard and leave my mother.Years later my dream came trueI was quite successfulI never thought of going back to see my “ugly” mother until one day I got a letter.“My son ,Im sorry I only have one eyeWhen you were little, you got into an accident and lost your eyeAs a mom, I couldnt stand watching you live with only one eyeSo I gave you mine.I was never angry with you and I never regretted it because I love you.”I cried out aloudOnly then did I realize how beautiful my mother was!46Why didnt the writer want his mom to show up at his school?ABecause he thought she was ugly.BBecause his mom couldnt see anything.CBecause his classmates didnt like her.7From the underlined word “shouted” in Paragraph 4, we learn that at that time the writer was very _.AnervousBangryCexcited8That night, the writer decided to _.Aask his mom never to go to his schoolBtake good care of his mom from that timeCwork hard and stay away from his mom9The writers mom lost one eye because _.Ashe used it to save her sons sightBshe had a serious car accidentCshe was born with only one eye10.The story is mainly about _.Athe difficulties on a boys way to successBa naughty boys experience of growing upCa mothers great love for her son. 书面表达。书面表达。根据所给的提示以“Jenny 的周末”为题,写一篇短文。1. 上星期六早上在家做作业、练习说英语。 下午看电视、打网球。 晚上看电影。2. 星期天的早上打扫房间,然后去海滩。下午购物、访友。晚上参加晚会。3. 她的周末繁忙但有趣。_ _ _ _5_参考答案参考答案. 单项选择。单项选择。1. B。本句句意为“你哥哥的生日是什么时候?” 提问时间用 when。而 what 是提问事物;where 是提问地点;how 提问方式。有具体日期用介词 on;只有年、月用 in,故选 B。2. C。九月份与十一月份之间是十月 October,故选 C。 3. C。考查固定短语 happen to sb. 某人发生了什么事,故选 C。4. C。考查特殊疑问句的一般过去时,由 yesterday 可知用 did,故选 C。5. A。Whats the date ?是问日期。What day ?是问星期,故选 A。6. D。how far 用于问距离;how many 问可数名词的数量;how wide 问物体的宽度;how long 问物体的长度或时间段。句子的语境是问教师桌子的长度,故选 D。7. C。nine 是基数词,表示年龄、数字等;ninth 是序数词,表示顺序。句子的意思是说小男孩 九岁,今天是他的第九个生日,故选 C。8. B。考查口语 Youre so smart! 根据语境父亲应该表扬自己的孩子聪明,故选 B。【真题链接】1.A。句意为:老师,Jenny 想知道她何时可以离开办公室。只有当她抄完报告她才可以离开。when 引导的条件状语从句遵循“主将从现”的原则。主句为“情态动词+动词原形” ,从句要用一般现在时 表达一般将来时的意思。故选 A。2. D。由“Jim sits behind me”可知,Jim 坐在“我”后面, “我”坐在 Jim 的前面。故选 D。at the top of 意为“在的顶部” ;at the end of 意为“在结尾” ;in the middle of 意为 “在中间” ;in front of 意为“在前面” 。3. C。句意:晚饭已经准备好了,请随便吃吧。哇,尝起来多么好吃呀。你真擅长做饭。 sounds“听起来” ;tastes“尝起来” ;根据情景可知是尝后对事物的称赞,故选 C。II.II. 阅读理解。阅读理解。A A1. A。由叔叔的信中写道:Im sending you some hens. 判断得知。2. A。由 They will arrive the day after tomorrow Dec.5th. 可知 5 号的后天应该是 7 号。3. D。由第三段第一句判断得知。4. C。由 The box fell on the ground and broke. The hens all ran out. They ran here and there.可知盒子掉在地上摔破了,小鸡都跑了出来。5. B。由 Thats interesting. I only sent you six. 可知叔叔只寄来了 6 只小鸡。6B B6A。题意:为什么作者不想要他的妈妈出现在他的学校?由短文后面的“I never thought of going back to see my“ugly”mother”可知作者认为妈妈丑。故选 A。7B。题意:从第四段有下划线的“shouted” ,我们知道作者当时非常怎样? 根据作者的话“If you embarrass(使尴尬) me,why dont you just die”(如黑你使我尴尬,你为什么不去死呢?)可 知,当时他非常的愤怒。故选 B8C。题意:那天晚上,作者决定干什么? 从文中的“I made a decision:I must study hard and leave my mother.”(我决定:我必须努力学习并且离开妈妈。)可知,本题选 C。9A。题意:作者的妈妈为什么失去了一只眼睛?从短文后面妈妈给作者的信中可知,是妈妈把一只 眼睛给了儿子。故选 A。10C。主旨大意题。题意:这个故事主要是关于什么的?妈妈把自己的一只眼睛给了儿子,自己还 忍受着儿子的冷落。体现了伟大的母爱。故选 C。III.III. 书面表达。书面表达。Jenny had a busy weekend. Last Saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced speakingEnglish at home. She watched TV and played tennis on Saturday afternoon. That night, she went to the movies. On Sunday morning, she cleaned her room and went to the beach. On Sunday afternoon, she visited her friends and went shopping .She had a party last night. What a busy but happy weekend she had!


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