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    2019七年级英语下册 Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather综合能力演练1 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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    2019七年级英语下册 Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather综合能力演练1 (新版)仁爱版.doc

    1UnitUnit 8 8 TheThe SeasonsSeasons andand thethe WeatherWeather综合能力演练综合能力演练I.I. 单项选择单项选择1. What is the weather _ in fall?Its cool.A. for B. like C. as D.at2. It _ and some boys are making a snowman outside.A. snow B.is snowing C. snowy D.is sunny3. Its hot in summer. Its a good season _ swimming.A.at B.in C.to D. for4. It is very cold outside. Youd better _ warm clothes.A.to wear B. wear C. wearingD. wears5. Its raining now, so you need _ an umbrella with you.A.to taking B. takes C.to take D. taking6.Where does Tom plan _ for his summer holiday?Bei Daihe.A. go B. goes C. to go D. going7. Please remember _ me the weather report tomorrow, Xiao Ming.OK. No problem.A. tell B. told C. tells D.to tell8. Before Spring Festival, people are busy _ for it.A. preparing B. prepared C. prepare D.to prepare9.When is Halloween?Halloween is _ the night of October 31st.2A.in B.at C. of D. on10. Wish you good luck in the new year!_A. Me, too. B. Thank you. C. All right. D. The same to you.【真题链接】1. Im not finished with my dinner yetBut our friends _ for usA. wait B. waited C. are waiting D. were waiting 2. I really need to take more exercise because Im weight.A. putting off B. putting on C. putting down D. putting away3. I had some _,vegetables and two eggs for dinnerArice Bnoodle CbananaII.II. 完形填空完形填空In Britain(英国), winter is not very cold 1 summer is not very hot. There is not a great difference 2 summer and winter. 3 is this?Britain has a warm winter and a cool summer because it is an island(岛) country. In winter the sea is warmer than the land. The winds from the sea 4 warm air to Britain. In summer the sea is cooler than the land. The winds from the sea bring 5 air to Britain.The winds from the west(西部) blow 6 Britain all the year. They blow from the southwest(西南部). They are wet(湿的) 7 . They bring rain to Britain all the year. Britain has8 rain all the year. The west of Britain is wetter than the east(东部). The winds must blow over the highland(高原) in the west. They drop more rain there. The east of Britain is drier(更干) than the west.The four seasons are 9 three months long. Winter is in December, January and February. Spring lasts 10 March to May. Summer is in June, July and August. Fall is in September, October and November.31. A. orB. butC. andD. so2. A. betweenB. from C. withD. in3. A. WhatB. Why C. HowD. Where4. A. carryB. take C. bringD. get5. A. coolB. cooler C. warmD. warmer6. A. overB. under C. atD. on7. A. rainB. rains C. windD. winds8. A. manyB. a lot C. a lot ofD. a few9. A. everyB. both C. allD. between10. A. fromB. inC. atD. onIII.III. 阅读理解阅读理解A AIt is a beautiful spring morning. There isnt a cloud, and the sun is warm but not too hot. So Mr. Green is surprised when he sees an old man at the bus stop with a big strong black umbrella in his hand.Mr. Green says to him, “Do you think we are going to have rain today?”“No,” says the old man, “I dont think so.”“Then are you carrying the umbrella to keep the sun off you?”“No, the sun is not very hot in spring.”Mr. Green looks at the big umbrella again, then the man says, “I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong. So I really need a walking stick(拐杖). When I carry a walking stick, people will say, Look at that poor man. And I dont like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weather, people only say, Look at that foolish man. ”1. Where does Mr. Green meet the old man?A. In the bus. B. Near the bus stop.C. At the bus stop.D. In a big shop.42. How does Mr. Green feel when he sees the old man with an umbrella in his hand?A. He feels worried.B. He feels surprised.C. He feels happy.D. He feels sad.3. What colour is the old mans umbrella?A. Black. B. Blue. C. Brown. D. White.4. What is the weather like?A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Fine. D. Windy.5. What do people think of the old man when he carries an umbrella in fine weather?A. He is very strong. B. He is very foolish.C. He is very poor. D. He is healthy.B BIt was nearly dark, the sun was dropping down the mountains far away. Little Tom came back home, with tears in his eyes. “Whats the matter, Tom? Hows your trip?” his mother asked with a big smile. “I failed. The mountain is so high and full of big or small stones on the way, I still go ahead. But I was tired and it was so late that I had to come back.” Tom cried. “It doesnt matter. You are only 14 years old after all. You will have another chance.” his mother said. “But, standing at the top of the mountain is my dream!” Tom said. His father came over and asked, “Did you see the green trees on your way to the mountain?” “Sure, and there are a lot of beautiful flowers by the side of the road.” Tom replied. “Did you hear the birds singing?” his father asked. “There were many kinds of birds singing in the trees, and the sound was very sweet.” Tom said. “Did you feel the beauty of nature?” his father asked. “Yes, the blue sky, the white clouds, the green trees and the colorful flowers made a nice picture.” Tom answered. “Thats enough!” his father smiled and said, “Please remember, son. For often, achieving what you expect is not the most important thing. Although you didnt reach the top of the mountain, you got a lot on the way.” It is true that not every goal will be achieved, not every job will end up 5with a success, and not every dream will come true. The most beautiful scenery (风景) is on the way. 6. Tom got back home when the sun was dropping. A. slowly B. sadly C. quickly D. Early7. Toms parents wanted Tom . A. to be friendly B. to be happy C. to be clever D. to be healthy 8. Whats the main reason that Tom didnt reach the top of the mountain? A. The mountain was so high.B. The way was full of big or small stones.C. He was tired and it was so late.D. He was only 14 years old.9. Tom saw a lot of things on the way to the mountain except .A. clear water B. blue sky C. colorful flowers D. green trees【答案与解析答案与解析】I.I. 单项选择。单项选择。1. B。考查询问天气的固定句型“Whats the weather like ?” ,故选 B。2. B。考查动词现在进行时的用法,题干中有“some boys are making a snowman” ,因此时态是现在进行时,故选 B。3. D。考查 Its good for 句型,for 后边可以跟名词或动名词,C 项 to 后边要跟动词原形,故选 D。4. B。考查固定用法 had better (do sth.) 意为“最好(做某事)” 。5. C。考查 need to do sth. 意为“需要做某事” ,故选 C。6. C。考查固定用法 plan to do sth. 意为“计划去做某事” ,故选 C。7. D。考查 remember to do sth. 表示“记着(要去做)某事” ,remember doing sth. 表示“记得做过某事” ,故选 D。8. A。考查固定句型。be busy doing sth.意为“忙于做某事” 。在 be busy 后要求动词6用v.-ing 形式,故选 A。9. D。考查时间前介词的用法,本题虽然有 night 出现,但在具体的某一天的夜晚仍要用on,故选 D。10. D。回答彼此共同的节日问候,应说“The same to you.” ;表示和对方看法相同则用“Me, too.” ;表示感谢时用“Thank you. ” ;表示同意则说“All right. ” 。本句问候的是圣诞节,是共同的节日,故选 D。I.I. 单项选择。单项选择。【真题链接】1. C。根据句意可知“我的晚饭还没有吃完,但是朋友们正在等我们” ,应用现在进行时。故选 C。2. B。此题意为:因为我体重在增加,所以需要多参加锻炼。put on weight 意为“增加体重,发福”符合题意。put off “推迟” ; put down“放下,记下” ;put away“收起来,放好”均不符合题意。3.A。rice 意为“米饭” ,是不可数名词;noodle 意为“面条” ,是可数名词;banana 意为“香蕉” ,是可数名词。some 后接不可数名词或可数名词复数形式。故选 A。II.II. 完形填空。完形填空。1. C。and 表示“和,又” ,表并列;or 往往用在选择疑问句中;but 表转折;so 表因果关系,故选 C。2. A。考查固定搭配 between and 意为“在和之间” ,故选 A。3. B。本句意为“这是什么原因?” ,问为什么,要用疑问副词 why。4. C。bring 带来;take 带走,故选 C。5. A。根据句意,与上文对应,选形容词 cool。6. A。over 在的上方;under 在下边;at 在某个点上;on 在(表面)之上,故选 A。7. D。They 指的是上文的 winds。8. C。后面的 rain 是不可数名词,a lot of 既可修饰可数名词,又可以修饰不可数名词;a lot 不能直接修饰名词;many 和 a few 修饰可数名词,故选 C。9. C。all 修饰三者或三者以上;every 每一个;both 两个都;between 两者之间。因为主语是四个季节,所以用 all。710. A。last from to 表示“从持续到” 。III.III. 阅读理解。阅读理解。A A 篇篇1. C。由第一段中“he sees an old man at the bus stop”得知。2. B。由第一段第三句中“So Mr. Green is surprised ”可知。3. A。由第一段最后一句中“with a big strong black umbrella”可知。4. C。由第一段第二句中“the sun is warm”可知。5. B。根据文章最后一句“When I carry an umbrella in fine weather, people only say, Look at that foolish man. ” ,可知人们认为 He is foolish。B B 篇篇6. B。根据短文第一段中“Little Tom came back home, with tears in his eyes.” 和第二段中 Tom 所说的话中可知 Tom 是伤心的。7. B。根据第二中“I failed. The mountain is so high and full of big or small stones on the way, I still go ahead. But I was tired and it was so late that I had to come back.” Tom cried.可知 Tom 是因没爬到山顶而伤心,后文 Tom 的父母都劝他以使他开心,故选 B。8. C。根据文中“The mountain is so high and full of big or small stones on the way, I still go ahead. But I was tired and it was so late that I had to come back.”可知主要原因是答案 C。9. A。根据 Tom 和他父亲的对话内容可知 Tom 没有提到 clear water,故选 A。


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