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    2019九年级英语上册 Unit 6 Movies and Theater Lesson 32 Moving Pictures教案.doc

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    2019九年级英语上册 Unit 6 Movies and Theater Lesson 32 Moving Pictures教案.doc

    1UnitUnit 6 6 MoviesMovies andand TheatreTheatreLessonLesson 3232 MovingMoving PicturesPictures 1.1. AnalysisAnalysis ofof thethe StudentsStudents 2.2. AnalysisAnalysis ofof TeachingTeaching ContentContent【知识目标】1. To master the words: effect, France, couple, titanic, action, fiction, comedy, popcorn.2. To master the phrases: be similar to, have a big effect on, a couple of, find out, 5. be on 【能力目标】Improve the students ability of speaking, listening, reading and writing. To be able to talk about types of movies in English.【情感目标】Know more about movies and theatre. To realize the necessity of working together to make a good movie.【教学重点】To master the words and phrases.【教学难点】To be able to talk about types of movies in English. 教学目标教学目标 教材分析教材分析2Tape recorder, MultimediaStepStep 1.1. Warm-upWarm-upFree talk: (1) Show some pictures of the movies and ask students: What movies have you seen? Name some.(2) What kind of movies do you know? StepStep 2.2. PresentationPresentation1. Introduce the types of movies. (with the pictures.)2. Group work: What kind of movies do you like to watch? Why? (Show the module)3. Report.4. Show the picture of the conversation, let students guess what they are talking about.5. What are their favourite types of movies? Listen to the dialogue and fill in the table. 6. Check the answers.7. Listen to the tape again and answer the question:Why do some people like comedies?8. Check the answer.9. Read by themselves and tick the kinds of movies that are mentioned in the lesson. 课前准备课前准备 教学过程教学过程310. Check the answers.11. Explain the new words.12. Explain the language points:have (an) effect on sb./sth. 对有影响;对起作用have a big/good/bad effect on: 生效Every word from teachers will have an effect on children. 老师说的每句话都将对孩子产生一定的影响。very adv. (1) 非常,很He is very nice.(2) (用于形容词最高级或 first, last 之前)真正地,极其This is the very best novel I've read.adj. 正是;恰好是That is the very last thing I should have expected.a couple of 既可表示“一对;一双”,也可表示“两个.;两三个.; 几个一些”。I saw a couple of gloves, but they dont make a pair. 我看到两只手套,但他们不是一双。He met a couple of old classmates at the meeting. 开会时他遇到了几个老朋友。4prefer v. 更喜欢(1) prefer +名词Would you like fruit or meat?I'd prefer meat, please.(2) prefer +动名词Do you prefer cooking for yourself or eating in the restaurant? (3) prefer +不定式I prefer to spend the free time at home.(4) Prefer sb. to do sth.His father prefers him to be home early. (5) prefer A to BWe prefer trains to buses.I prefer staying at home to going out.(6) prefer+不定式+rather than+不定式She prefers to die rather than give up.StepStep 3.3. PracticePractice1. Listen and follow to the tape.2. Read the lesson again and answer the questions. (1) How long is the history of movie making?(2) Where were the first movie made?5(3) What were the first movies like?(4) How are movies today different from movies in the past?3. Check the answers.4. Fill in the blanks on page 85. 5. Check the answers.StepStep 4.4. ConsolidationConsolidation1. Group work: Discuss one of your favourite movies.2. Write a movie review for it.Show the module: I really like the movie Titanic. The director, James Cameron, made it in the year I like Jack and Rose in the movie. A famous line in the movie is 3. Summary how to write a movie review.(1)Name of the movie(2)Name of the director(3)Date when the movie was released.(4)Did you enjoy the movie?(5)Who were the main characters?(6)What specifically did you like or dislike about the movie?(7)What was most memorable about the movie?(8)Would you recommend the movie to others?Step5Step5 HomeworkHomework61. Listen and read.2. Finish exercises of this lesson.略。


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