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    2019八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B(3a-Self Check)教案.doc

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    2019八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B(3a-Self Check)教案.doc

    1UnitUnit 9 9 HaveHave youyou everever beenbeen toto a a museummuseum课 题 Unit 9 Section B(3aselfcheck )主备人课型Reading 教 学目 标Knowledge aims: 1. Key vocabulary: unbelievable, progress, rapid, unusual, toilet, encourage, social, peaceful, performance, perf ect, itself, collect2. Target language:1) I wonder how much more computer will be able to do in the future2) Watching them prepare the tea with the beautiful tea sets is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself教 学资 源courseware and a recorder重 点难 点Understand present perfect tense教 学 过 程教学环节Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurpose Time Step 1 Leading-inGreet to the students .Greet to the teacher.To let Ss master last lesson.22Step 2 ReadingStep 4Step 5 ExplanationMatch the words with its meaning and learn some new words. True or False( ) 1. American Computer Museum only has information about different computers there.( ) 2. Ken thinks computers will do more work in the future.( ) 3. International Museum of Toilets is a very unusual museum. ( ) 4. India has the most advanced toilet.( ) 5. Linlin didnt know why her grandpa loved drinking and collecting tea set.Read the passage again and answer the questions.3a 1. I wonder how much more computer will be Answer the questionsIf necessary , students can ask the teacher for help.DiscussionTo give Ss practice in reading for specifec information.To give Ss further practice in reading for specific information.To give Ss an opportunity to 20103able to do in the future.不知道将来电脑还能够做些什么事情呢。1)wonder 表示“ (对某事)感到疑惑; 想要知道; 想弄明白; 琢磨”, 后面常接由 what, how, who 或者if/whether 引导的宾语从句。e.g. I wonder how theyre getting on. 我想知道他们现在过得怎样。I just wonder if theyve arrived safely. 我就想知道他们是否安全抵达了。2) 此句从句部分的原始结构是: How much more will computers be able to do in the future? 是对陈述句 Computers will be able to do (much) more in the future.(电脑将来能够做更多的事情。)的提问。由于充当了宾语从句, 疑问结构改成了陈述结构: how much more .Add some exercises, so that they can master quickly.expand their vocabulary. To give Ss furthyer practice in using the target language . To give Ss practice in using the target language in speaking. 124Step 6 Homeworkcomputers will be able to do in the future, 即:将助动词还原到陈述句的位置。e.g. I dont know when he will come.我不知道他什么时候来。I dont know where he lives. 我不知道他住在哪里。2. It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways toencourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事eg.My dad encouraged me to take part in the sports meeting.父亲鼓励我参加运动会。3. Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. 看沏茶的过程和饮茶本身一样令人愉快。-able 是一个典型的形容词后缀, 可加在动词之后, 表示“可.的; 能Ss study todays sentence pattern. Ask them from each other. All students can have their own things to do. To give Ss pracice in using the target language. Most students must remember, others must also remember slowly.Encourage them to use today sentence patterns.15够的” 。此处enjoyable(能使人快乐的; 令人愉快的) 便是一例, 再如:drinkable(可饮用的), washable(可洗的), readable(可读的), usable(可用的; 可使用的)等等。1. Remember the words and expressions.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.板书设计Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?New words: Target language: the present perfect tense.教 学后 记From most students, they may have all kinds of mistakes to happen,come on.


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