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    2019八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B(1a-2e)教案.doc

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    2019八年级英语下册 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum Section B(1a-2e)教案.doc

    1UnitUnit 9 9 HaveHave youyou everever beenbeen toto a a museummuseum 课 题 SectionB Section B 1 (1a-2e)主备人课型Learning 教 学目 标Knowledge aims: 1) Key vocabulary: the Terracotta Army, the Great Wall; the Birds Nest, the Palace Museum;Singapore, population, southeast Asia, western food, Indian food, Night Safari(2) Target language: Have you visited ?Have you been to ?Have you seen ?Have you tried ?教 学资 源courseware and a recorder重 点难 点Finish the task in this unit and exercises教 学 过 程教学环节Teachers activities Students activities purposeTime Step 1 Revision 1.Greet to the students .2.Complete the sentences.Write some kinds Greet to the teacher.Students check their writing each other.To ask students master last lesson points well. 232Step 2 Pre-listening Step 4 Speaking of volunteer work on the blackboard and talk to the students.1. Look at the pictures and learn the new words.thousand num. 一千 thousands of 数以千计的 safe adj.安全的fear v.& n.害怕;惧怕 Indian adj.印度人;印度的 spring n.春天Japanese adj.日本人;日本的 fox n.狐狸 equator n.赤道2. Look at the pictures and review the sentence pattern: Have you ever been to?3. Finish exercise 1a on textbook. Match the pictures Answer the questions.Students do groupwork To introduce Ss to the topic. To give Ss practice in listening for specific information. 223Step 5 Readingwith names.Keys: c, a, d, bStep 3 Listening 1. Listen to a student interviewing a foreign student. Check () the question you hear. Keys: 1,3, 52. Listen again and take notes. Keys: Peter, Australia, two weeks, the Palace Museum, the Great Wall, the Birds Nest, the Terracotta Army, Beijing Duck Work in pairs to ask your partner where she/he has been to?Have you visited ?Have you been to ?Have you seen ?Have you Students should go over the questions and sentencesStudents complete the passage in Part 2 individually and check the answer together.A,B,C all students do exercise.Most students recite this knowledge points.To give Ss practice in listening for specific information .To give Ss practice in listening for specific information.1534tried ?1. Introduction of Singapore1)Look at some pictures and watch some videos about Singapore2)Talk about the symbol of Singapore2. Fill in the blanks according to the article.Singapores geographical positionA small island (1) _Language(s) people speak in Singapore(2) _Food we can find in SingaporeChinese food, (3) _ and Japanese food.Cs finish these questions.T checks these answers.then students check in .To give Ss practice in using the target language in speech. To introduce the topic and prepare Ss for the subsequent reading activity. To give Ss practice in reading for details. 5Step 6 Language pointsStep 7 summary and homeworkName of the night zoo in Singapore (4) _Temperature in SingaporeIt is (5) _ _ all year round.Keys: 1. in Southeast Asia 2. Putonghua and English 3. Indian food, western food 4. Night Safari 5. almost the same4. Work on 2b. Read the article. How many reasons can you find for visiting Singapore?5. Work on 2c. The statements below are false. Use information from the article to correct them. Keys: 1. both Lets pk. Ask students study each other, so that they master better. Ask all students to master this lesson from different ways.To allow Ss to demonstrate comprehension of the reading passage.To give Ss practice in using the target language in writing . 6English and Chinese 2. very easy3. at night 4. whenever you like6. Work on 2d. Fill lconversation about Singapore using the information form the article. Keys: Have, been, been, Southeast, speak, English, have, ever, have, see, warm, year1. on the one hand on the other hand 一方面另一方面 This lesson we mainly study the way of the present perfect tense.A: make five sentences. To give Ss practice in making notes based on their recall.7B: recite conversation.C: write new words.板书设计Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? 1. Have /has been to , Have /has gone to ,Have / has been in 2. New words.教 学后 记Most students master very well. I think most students should make progress.


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