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    2019学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 牛津译林版 人教新版.doc

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    2019学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(无答案) 牛津译林版 人教新版.doc

    120192019 学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题学年七年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(考试时间 60 分钟 满分 100) 得分 一、单项选择。(15 分)( )1.There are _days in a week and Tuesday is _day of a week.A seven , third B. seven , the third C. seventh , three D. the seventh ,three( )2. Mr Wang is _ engineer. He works very hard.A the B. a C. an D. /( )3. The hall is big enough_ five hundred students in it.A. to hold B. holding C. to holds D. to holding( )4. -How do you read 10,206 in English? -It is “_”A .one thousand , two hundred and six B.one thousand , two hundreds and sixC.ten thousands ,two hundred and six D.ten thousand,two hundred and six( )5. The teacher asks us not to _the playground in class.A .look into B. look out for C. look out at D. look up( )6. -Where does your uncle work ?-He works in Ottawa , the capital of _.A .France B.Canada C. The USA D. Japan( )7. There_ a meeting tomorrow afternoonA will be going to B will haveC. is going to have D. is going to be( )8. They are going _ a basketball match tomorrow.A. watching B. to watch C. watch D. watches( )9. We can make a fire_ the room warm.A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D. keeps( )10. Jim ,_his father , _playing basketball very much .A.like ,like B.likes ,likes C. like ,likes D. likes ,like( )11. The young boy often helps his father _ machines.2A fix B. fixes C. to fixing D. fixing( )12. There is _with my computer .I will ask my uncle _it this afternoon.A .wrong something; to fix B. something wrong; fixing C.something wrong; to fix D. wrong something; fixing( )1 3. My mother does not feel _.She will go to see a doctor after work.A. hungry B.well C. lucky D. sick( )14. If you are hungry ,_ have some sandwiches ?A why not to B.why not C. why dont D. why( )15.All the children are looking forward to _ some presents.A. getting B. to get C.get D.gets二、完形填空(10 )John is an interesting young man. He likes to wear his hair very long. 1 of his friends think it looks like a 2 hair, but never make jokes (开玩笑) about it, 3 John is a big, strong man and he doesn't like jokes about his hair.John always goes to the barber's (理发店) twice a 4 to cut(剪) and wash his hair, and one day the barber 5 to him, “Now why don't you 6 me cut most of your hair off and make your head tidy(整治)? No one will recognize (认出) you if I do that, I'm 7 .“John says 8 for a few seconds, and then he says, “Maybe you are 9 , but I'm sure that no one will recognize you, either (也), if you do that to my 10 .”( ) 1. A. Little B. No C. Some D Few( ) 2. A. girl B. girl's C. girls D. woman( ) 3. A. because B. so C. that D. but( ) 4. A. year B. day C. hour D. month( ) 5. A. says B. talks C. speaks D. tells( ) 6. A. lets B. letting C. let D. to let( )7. A. sure B. right C. of course D. wrong( )8. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything( )9.A. fine B. wrong C. clever D. right( )10. A. hand B. face C. back D. hair三、阅读理解(10 分)3Dear Jenny,How are you? Th anks for your last letter.I like English a nd Maths, too. I think they're interesting and useful(有用的). Our school is over at 3:40 p. m. every da y and I can get home at 4 o'clock, but I don't go home at once(立刻).On Monday afternoon, I have a violin lesson from 4:00 to 5:00. I like sports, and I'm in the school basketball team with our P. E. teacher on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday afternoon, I go shopping with my parents. We buy a lot of food and fruits, and I like eating them very much. On Thursday, I often watch TV at home after school. I like Sports World very muchOn Saturday we don't have classes. I often sing in an art school. I like singing and I can sing better now. I usually go to the park or have a rest at home on Sunday. I'm busy every day, but I'm very happy because I have fun in my life.Yours,Alice( )1. Alice likes_.A. Chinese and Maths B. English and ChineseC. English and Maths D. English and Biology( )2. Alice's school is over at_ in the afternoon every day.A. 3:40 B. 4:00 C. 4:40 D. 5:00( )3. Alice has a violin lesson for_ on Monday afternoonA. half an hour B. an hour C. two hours D. three hours( )4. What does Alice do on Tuesday afternoon?A. She plays basketball at school. B. She plays the violin at school.C. She goes shopping with her parents. D. She watches TV at home.( )5. What does Alice often do on Saturday?A. She often plays the violin B. She often goes to the park.C. She often h as a rest at home. D. She often sings in an art school.四、根据音标写单词。 (5 分)41.'mljn_ 2. mi:njavascript:;_3 wetjavascript:;_4 . tek _5 kld_五、 、词汇。(25 分)(A)根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词。 (10 分)1. The window is_(坏的).It is very cold in the room·2. We have a new_(邻居).He is very kind and helpf ul.3. We are very_(幸运的)to go to the party and meet the great singer.4. Now Mo Yan is_(著名的)all over the world. 5. Millie's mother works in a_(宾馆)in Suzhou.6 Let's go to the new_ (剧院)in Wanda Square and watch a play.7. As an (艺术家), my uncle works very hard8.The box is (满) of books, you cant put yours in it.9. - What do you want to do in the _(将来)?-I want to be a doctor to help people.10. There are many famous (海滩) in Hong Kong. (B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (15 分)1. I like Jay Chou's songs because they can make me_ (feel) great.2. Are you worrying about what_ (wear) to a party?3. The social workers will be happy_ (give) you some ideas.4. It's_ (real) hot. I want to go swimming this afternoon5. His idea_ (sound) very good. Let's have a try.6. My parents _(have) a trip to Sunzhou next week. 7.September is the (nine) month of the year.8. It is so cloudy. I think it_ (rain).9. There are different_ (skill) for us to learn in school.10. How many Chinese_ (paint) do you have in your home?11. Our new English teacher Miss Li is very_ (friend) to us.12. There are two (knife) on the table.513. Thanks for (invite) me to see the film with you.14. Erics (old) sister helps him clean his room every day.15. Thousands of (visit) come to the Palace Museum every day.六连词成句 (10 )注意大小写。1 share, with , a, sister, I , bedroom , my ._.2 in , he , always , first ,is , to , the , come , to school , our , class._ _ _.3 take , I , umbrella , with , will , an , me._.4 help , children , homework , parents , their , with , their , do ?_?5 my is with something wrong bike there._._.七.阅读并回答问题(10 分)The Greens come from England. Now they are in Beijing. This is their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China for three weeks. They want to visit some big cities and villages. They want to learn some Chinese, too. Mr. Green is a driver. He likes driving in Beijing very much. Mrs Green is a teacher. Their son often visits a middle school near Beijing, and he likes to speak English with them. They take a lot of photos in China. When they are back to England, they are going to show the photos to their friends. They want them to know more about China.回答下面 5 个问题:1.Where are the Greens from?2.How long are they going to stay in China?3.What is Mrs Greens job?64.Does their son like to speak English with Chinese students?5.What do the Greens want their f riends to do?七书面表达 (20)根据以下要点,写一篇 70 左右的短文介绍 TOM 的梦想家园。1、 Tom 梦想的家园很大,有两层楼,超过 10 个大房间,可以容纳许多人;2、 底楼有他喜欢的电脑房,卧室和浴室在二楼;3、 阳台是他最喜欢的地方。周末时,他可以和朋友一起聊天、下棋、看书。4、 ._ _ _


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