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    Module 4 Note-taking in interpretingI Theory and skills 口译笔记的特点与结构安排口译笔记是译员应该掌握的一项核心技能。口译笔记是译员记忆的延伸和补充,记录得当的笔记能减轻译员工作时的记忆负担,保证工作质量,确保信息的完整、准确。由于口译受时间所限,口译笔记具有即时、简短、个性化的特点。在笔记训练中没有标准的笔记供效仿,而只有一些示范和建议。大家应针对自己的实际情况选择适当的记录方法。由于时间所限,笔记不必也不可能是意义的完整再现。译员不应该迷信笔记,认为一切信息都应该体现在笔记中,而彻底忽略了理解和记忆的主导地位。译员必须要做到“脑记”和“手记”的相互协调,优化脑力资源的分配,保证口译的成功。口译笔记的这些特点决定了它与课堂笔记和速记的不同。一般不主张学员花大量时间钻研速记。当然,速记的记录方法和某些符号可以有所取舍地结合到口译笔记系统中来。尽管口译笔记具有个性化的特点,但是笔记的结构一般作如下安排:1. 采用纵向、阶梯式缩进结构。将笔记纵向安排,一目了然,同时易于调整信息前后顺序,体现信息之间的逻辑关系。而阶梯式缩进的结构,则有助于译员区分信息之间的并列、主次等关系,获得清晰的视觉效果。2. 结构要宽松,多分行。这样可方便目光移动,节省阅读时间。并列的内容尤其要注意分行,哪怕是一个字一行,千万不要挤在一起。3. 左右各留出一定边距。在记录时要注意在页面的左右各留出约12厘米的边距,用于补充信息或连接前后信息。4. 横线明确结束。译员应该在翻译结束同时从容地划横线以明确上一段讲话和下一段讲话之间的分界限,并示意讲话人继续。此外,译员使用的笔记本最好是带活页圈的上翻式记录本,约手掌宽,封底较厚为佳。记录用的笔,建议用按压式的而不是带笔帽的,这样一手就可操作,还不会有笔帽掉落的尴尬;建议用圆珠笔或水写笔而不是铅笔和钢笔,防止出现断笔芯和漏墨水的危险。口译笔记系统的设计口译笔记是译员记忆的延伸和补充,而不是全部内容的完整再现,因此,记录的内容应当是记忆的难点(如:概念命题、专有名词、数字等)、能刺激回忆的内容(如:逻辑连接词),以及听过后一时难以理解的句子结构等。由于各人的记忆、理解、分析能力存在差异,选择记录的内容也应因人而异。一套良好的笔记系统有助于译员快速、清晰地记录下必要的内容并结合记忆完成口译。笔记应简洁明了。要用最少的符号代表尽量完整的意义,尽量克服书写时的惯性和完整听写的冲动,不记录无实质意义的东西,将宝贵的时间用于分析理解上。记录时应做到快而不草。有些人记录时一味求快,结果潦草得连自己都看不明白,这样就丧失了记笔记的意义。以下建议的方法可提高书写效率,大家可根据自己的特点酌情采用。需要注意的是,设计的笔记系统必须相对稳定、无歧义,保证译员无障碍地解读笔记。应注意避免使用易产生歧义或意义不明确的符号。1. 利用线条回指重复出现的信息。2. 用最少的汉字笔画表示完整的意义。在用汉语记录时,除了一些首次听说并理解有困难的表达,一般只需记录一个核心字就可以回忆出整个词汇。例如“改”或“革”表示“改革”,“中”表示“中国”等。为了提高书写速度,还可将笔画复杂的汉字“简写”,即减少一些笔画或潦草书写,甚至一笔成字,只要本人能够识别就可以了。3. 缩略。用英语做笔记时首先遵循拼写的经济原则。与汉语类似,如果书写几个甚至一个字母便可回忆起整个单词,就不要记录完整的单词。例如“eco”表示 “economy”,还可简写到 “e”一个字母,只要本人在解读时不与 “electronic”混淆就可以了。这种不完整的记录,不一定按照拼写法取前几个字母,也可抽取字母组成。如 “pj” 表示 “project”, “tks” 表示 “thanks”, “std” 表示 “standard”等。国名也常用这种省略法书写,如 “Sg” 表示 “Singapore”, “Sz” 表示 “Switzerland”, 而 “Sd” 则表示 “Sweden”。还有许多用首字母缩略表达,如常用的国家、机构名称(UK, ASEAN, UNECEF等),以及各行业领域约定俗成的表达(GDP, CIF, FOB等)。另外,来自拉丁语的缩略也可采用,例如 “eg”表示举例, “etc”表示“等等”, “cf”表示“比较”等。对中文口译员而言,缩略不仅可用英语字母,还可用拼音。尤其在口译实战时,有时无法用英语或中文快速记录某一关键词汇,这时不妨考虑拼音缩略法,即用该词汇打头的拼音字母来记录。例如,“霉菌”可以用 “MJ”或“M”来表示。4. 使用符号。口译笔记中常用数学符号、标点、图像符号形象地记录信息。以下是常用的符号及其表示的含义:>大于,多于,好于,优于<小于,少于,差于,劣于+加之,加上,表示补充-减去,除去=即,等于,相当于不等于,不相当,不是»大约重要的(人或事),重要性增加,发展,升高减少,下降,恶化导致,(出口)到,指向由导致,(进口)自,因为,由于,多亏所以,结果P 对,正确,好Í表示否定,不,没奏效_加在词下,强调程度。如“严重”表示非常严重、及其严重。在内容上画斜杠,表示否定Î 属于总和!惊叹,奇迹,需特别注意问题,疑惑,难题认为,希望表示一个想法,或表示重要的、优秀的关于J笑脸表示高兴,荣幸,好现象L 哭脸表示难过,悲伤,忧虑,不满3看似人头和耳朵,表示听说°右上角的圈,表示人,如 中°,科°。代表,(打)基础,国家地球,世界会议h看似椅子,表示主持, h° 即主持人,主席U协议,在下凹处写2表示双边,3表示三方笔记具有鲜明的个人风格,设计个性化的笔记系统既需要学习借鉴他人的经验,更需要发挥个人的主动性和创造性,摸索设计出巧妙的笔记符号和符合自身需要的记录方法。平时应勤加练习,一方面稳定笔记系统,一方面练习记忆与笔记的结合,提高笔记效率。对于出现频率较高的特殊表达和笔画复杂的词汇,应设计快速书写的符号或简写法。在口译实战时,应该充分发挥想象力和创造力,尤其是尝试用简笔图像来表示一时无法缩略的内容。下面是中英文笔记演示各一则,仅供参考:1 海关总署3月10日发布的最新统计表明,今年1-2月,中国与主要贸易伙伴双边贸易实现全面快速增长。前2个月中国与欧盟双边贸易总额达296.4亿美元,增长29.2%,欧盟继续保持中国第一大贸易伙伴地位。美国仍居中国第二大贸易伙伴位置。前2个月,中美双边贸易总额达266亿美元,增长21.5%。列居第三的日本仍为中国第一大进口来源地,双边贸易总额达245.7亿美元,增长10.6%。东盟首次成为我国第四大贸易伙伴。前2个月,中国与东盟双边贸易额166.3亿美元,增长23.6%。2 The most common plastic used in water bottle manufacturing is PET, an environmentally unfriendly substance that actually requires 17.5 kilograms of water to produce only 1 kilogram of PET. In fact, more water is used to make PET bottles than is actually put into them. The production of the plastic also produces numerous byproducts that are extremely harmful to the environment. The Container Recycling Institute reported that 14 billion water bottles were sold in the U.S. in 2002, yet only 10 percent of these bottles were recycled 90 percent ended up in the trash.II Skills practiceTeaching suggestions: Most of the beginners of interpreting are not able to handle properly the relationship between memory and note-taking while they are listening to a speech. They usually try to take down every word that the speaker says; actually this is impossible because an average speaker speaks approximately 130 to 220 words per minute, and an average note-taker writes at a rate of 30 to 70 words per minute. So they spend most of their mental energy taking notes and miss the most important task - to comprehend, analyse and memorize what the speaker has said - and this will always lead them to failure in interpreting. So this lesson and the lesson following will deal with three .key points of note-taking skill for interpreting:· Why take notes? · What notes should be taken? · How should one take notes?Instruction: take notes while listening to the following passages, using techniques introduced to improve note-taking efficiency. Then compare notes with your classmates to discuss if they can be further improved. 4.1 怎样建设世界一流大学女士们,先生们,世界一流大学有哪些共同的特征呢?中国建设世界一流大学该做怎样的努力?中国高等教育当前是朝两个方向发展:一是要建设一些高水平的、一流的大学,往高处发展。另外是要大众化。这是两个大方向。研究高等教育就要研究这两个大方向。一流大学有哪些特征呢?我个人认为:第一,一流大学要有自己特色的理念,这个理念应是在发展过程中证明行之有效的,有利于高等教育的发展提高的。如果学校没有自己的理念,只看排名榜,然后跟着排名榜的指挥棒转,为建立一流大学而建立一流大学,那你永远建不成一流大学。第二,一流大学要有名师。一流大学师资的总体水平要高,还要有大师,有名师。美国加州理工学院是只有2000多学生的学校,但是却有1000教师,其中将近300位教授,300位教授里面一半是美国科学院院士、工程院的院士和国家文理学院院士。这所学校的确在人们心目中是高水平的学校。第三,一流大学要培养出优秀的学生,并为社会承认,学生中要出对社会有很多、很大贡献的知名人士。我们知道,法国有个巴黎高师。这所学校过去不过1000个学生,1986年和女子高师合并后有2000人左右。规模不大,但它在法国是顶尖学校,因为它出了许多名家:哲学家,生物学家,还有总统。有个总统是大家都知道的蓬皮杜。这个学校为什么能出这么多著名校友?因为学校有它自己的办学理念,并且求精不求多,对学生既严格训练,又要让其个性自由发挥。我一直在想,建世界一流大学,我们追求什么?与其去考虑这个排名、那个排名,不如对那些世界著名的大学集中进行研究、分析,分析人家著名之所在,研究他们如何从不著名到著名。尤其是对一些新出名的大学,研究他们如何从不著名到著名,或者说如何从不是一流到一流,这样可能比较实在。当然别人的东西也只能够作参考,不能照搬。谢谢大家。4.2 A brief introduction to the APECAPEC was established in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence among Asia-Pacific economies. Its goal is to advance Asia-Pacific economic dynamism and sense of community. APEC has 21 members so far, they are Australia; Brunei; Canada; Chile; China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; Peru; the Philippines; the Republic of Korea; Russia; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; the United States and Vietnam.APEC is a forum for Asia-Pacific economic cooperation. The purpose of APEC meetings is to promote free trade and Asia Pacific cooperation in the fields of economy, investment and technology, to develop and strengthen an open multilateral trading system; and to reduce barriers to trade in goods and services.The activities of APEC cover the promotion of regional trade, investment, financial resources flows, human resources development, technology transfer, etc., and cooperation in specific sectors such as energy, the environment, fisheries and tourism as well as in other sectors, to encourage members to conduct joint research and development programs to promote sustainable economic development.Cooperation among APEC 's members is governed by the principle of mutual benefit and a commitment to open dialogue and consensus-building, with equal respect for the views of all participants.III. Interpreting exercise4.3 Eating problems begin in early childhoodWords and phrasesInternational Treaty on Tobacco Control 国际烟草控制公约Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 烟草控制框架公约the World Health Organization (WHO)世界卫生组织bring into force使生效second-hand smoke被动吸烟violate a national constitution违背国家宪法Language tips1. They must place controls on second-hand smoke, smoke from other peoples tobacco. 此句译成“他们必须采取措施减少公共场所被动吸烟”已经很达意。如果还把后面的说明也译出,反而有些画蛇添足。 2. There is no such thing as a safe cigarette. 此句可以译为“专家说所有的香烟都是不安全的。” 或译为“任何香烟都有害健康”。如果直译成“没有安全香烟这种东西”似乎有些别扭。Ladies and Gentlemen:To begin with, I would like to tell you all a piece of good news. A treaty that aims to reduce a major cause of death and disease just went into effect. The treaty is called the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. It is the first public health treaty negotiated by the World Health Organization. /More than one hundred and sixty countries have signed it. Countries that sign the treaty then must approve it within their governments. So far, fewer than sixty countries have done that. But only forty countries needed to ratify the treaty to bring it into force. The treaty went into effect on February twenty-seventh 2005. /Nations that ratify the treaty must raise prices and taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products. They must fight illegal trade in tobacco products. And they must place controls on second-hand smoke, smoke from other peoples tobacco. /The treaty also bans advertising and other marketing campaigns for tobacco. But this is true only if such a ban would not violate a national constitution. /The treaty calls for tobacco companies to make public all the substances they use to make cigarettes. And health warnings may not include information that might lead people to believe that some cigarettes are less harmful than others. Experts say there is no such thing as a safe cigarette. /Also, governments that approve the treaty must support programs to help people stop smoking. And there must be education programs to urge people not to start. /The World Health Organization estimates that more than one thousand million people smoke. It says that more than eighty percent of smokers live in developing countries. And it also says that tobacco kills one-half of those who keep using it. Each year almost five million people worldwide die from the effects of smoking. At current rates of growth, experts say the number could reach ten million a year by two thousand and twenty. /Smoking causes or increases the risk of many diseases. These include cancer and heart disease. Pregnant women who smoke may damage their unborn child. Also, a recent study offers more evidence that breathing tobacco smoke as a child increases the risk of lung cancer later in life. /The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control is well received by the people all over the world, but additional agreements known as protocols to strengthen it are needed. For example, developing nations need financial help to carry out the treaty. And there are no punishments for countries that fail to act. But they will have their records examined at United Nations conferences anyway. Thank you. /IV Self-study materialInstruction: Study the following words and phrases, then find 2 other people to practice 3-cornered interpreting.词汇与短语HIV/AIDS爱滋病(HIV与AIDS都是指HIV抗体阳性。病人一旦感染了HIV病毒,大约要经过810年的潜伏期才发病,在潜伏期内,病人可以没有任何症状,只是抽血化验的时候HIV抗体呈阳性,这时候就称之为“HIV携带者”,或“HIV carrier”。当他进入到发病期后,就称为“艾滋病人”,即AIDS patient。)be infected with 受到感染take efficient measures 采取有效措施prevention 预防缺乏常识ignorant有效药物effective medicinetake concrete measures 采取具体措施curb the rapid spread of控制蔓延监控系统monitoring system民间组织NGOs (nongovernmental organizations)调动mobilize 基层grass root宣传advocacy Q: Good morning Dr. Wang, I very much appreciate your finding time to meet us. Could you first tell us something about the current HIV/AIDS situation in China now? A: 好的。爱滋病已经成为中国社会发展一个相当严重的问题。有些人是意外感染上爱滋病的,比如在医院输了受污染的血,婴儿从母亲身上传染了爱滋病,有些是因为接触不合适的性伴侣。自从1985年我们发现第一个爱滋病患者,目前全国进入了爱滋病快速传染期。根据专家估计,到去年底,全国已经有90多万爱滋病病毒感染者。如果我们不采取一些有效的措施,那么到2010年,这个数字将要翻一番。Q: What do you think are the main reasons for the surge in numbers?A: 首先是因为贫穷,缺少预防爱滋病的教育与知识。其次是缺乏常识,对这个问题毫不在意。再其次是因为他们缺乏培训、资金以及信息资源。根据报道,我们到目前还没有医治爱滋病的有效药物。Q: What kind of concrete measures has the government taken to curb the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS in China? Any international cooperation? A: 我们已经从国际社会获得强有力的支持,特别是在技术方面。在国内,我们意识到让民众提高对爱滋病的认识以及警惕是非常重要的。因此,一般来说,加强卫生常识教育和规范日常行为是防止爱滋病感染的主要途径。Q: What has your government been doing in issuing alerts and increasing public awareness of the danger? Especially in rural areas? What further efforts do you think are necessary to solve this problem?A: 第一,我认为政府部门应该改善我们的监控系统,第二,民间组织应该尽力调动一切可利用资源帮助广大群众,特别是要帮助基层和农村地区的群众,让他们了解爱滋病传播的可怕后果以及如何防治。我认为,我们应该多做宣传。Q: Thank you very much again for answering so many questions. May I wish you every success in your fight against HIV/AIDS.A: 谢谢。


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