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    【人教版】七年级下英语《Unit 12》 Section A 第一课时优质课课件.pptx

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    【人教版】七年级下英语《Unit 12》 Section A 第一课时优质课课件.pptx

    Section A (1a-2d),学练优七年级英语下(RJ) 教学课件,Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?,No, they didn't.They camped.,Did they climb the mountain last weekend?,No, they went to the lake.,Did they go to the farm yesterday?,Yes, they did.,Did they go to the beach yesterday?,No, he is playing badminton with his classmates.,Is he playing soccer with his classmates.,No, it's a sheep.,Is it a cow?,Why do you like the butterfly?,Because it is very beautiful.,A: Hey, why do you look so tired?,B: Because I stayed up late yesterday.,Words and expressions,camplakebeachsheepasnatural,扎营;搭帐篷湖;湖泊海滩;沙滩羊;绵羊作为;当作自然的,butterflyvisitortiredstay,蝴蝶游客;访问者疲倦的;疲劳的停留;待,课文展现,1a,Match the activities with the pictures a-f.,1. did my homework _2. went to the cinema _3. went boating _4. camped by the lake _5. went to the beach _6. played badminton _,a,d,e,f,b,c,1b,Listen and write the day, morning, afternoon or night below each picture.,1c,Role-play. Student A is Lucy. Student B asks Lucy about her weekend.,What did you do last weekend?,visited aunt/grandma,What did you do last weekend?,did my homework,did sports,What did you do last weekend?,fed some sheep/cows,2a,Listen and underline the words you hear.,1. _ I visited my (aunt/grandma).2. _ I did my (homework/sports).3. _ I studied for the (English/math) test.4. _ I went to a (farm/beach).5. _ I fed some (sheep/cows).,B,2b,Listen again. Write C for Carol, J for Jack or B for Becky next to the statements in 2a.,1. _ I visited my (aunt/grandma).2. _ I did (my homework/sports).3. _ I studied for the (English/math) test.4. _ I went to a (farm/beach).5. _ I fed some (sheep/cows).,B,B,C,J,J,2c,Student A asks questions with who, what, or where and Student B answers. Then change roles.,She studied for his English test.,What did she do?,Who stayed at home last weekend?,Carol. I think.,He went to the farm.,Where did Jack go last weekend?,What did he do there?,He fed some cows there.,2d,Paul: Hi, Lisa. How was your weekend?Lisa: Great. Thanks. Paul: What did you do?Lisa: I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum.,Role-play the conversation.,Paul: Really? How interesting!Lisa: Yeah, it was fun. They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies! I told the visitors about them and their living habits. Did you have a good weekend?Paul: Yeah, it was good, but Im kind of tired now. I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.,Language points,1. How interesting! 多么有趣啊! 这是个感叹句。 感叹句结构:“How + 形容词或副词+ 感叹号 (!)”,表示 “多么!” eg. 瞧那只鸟,多么漂亮呀! Look at that bird. How beautiful!,2. They have a butterfly house with over 200 kinds of butterflies! 它们(指博物馆)有一个有200多种蝴蝶的蝴蝶馆! butterfly house 表示“蝴蝶馆”。,英语中house既可表示房子,也可表示家,与所处的语境密切相关。 例如:a big house 表示“一座大房子”。I hope you all can come to my housethis Sunday for coffee. 我希望这个礼拜天你们全都能够来我家喝咖啡。, but I'm kind of tired now. 但现在我有点累。 tired 作形容词,意思是疲倦的;疲劳的;累的;厌烦的。 她有点累了。She is a little tired.,4. I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.我熬夜看足球赛。 stay up late 深夜不睡;熬夜 Afterwards she relented and let the children stay up late to watch TV.后来她宽容了些,让孩子们晚睡看电视。,Thank you,everyone!Bye-Bye,


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