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    ,Welcome to our class,观察英汉的差异1.墙上的画 2.一个擅长英语的男孩 3.那个正在做作业的女孩,(前置定语),(后置定语),(前置定语),(前置定语),(后置定语),(后置定语),the pictures on the wall,a boy good at English,the girl doing her homework,英汉定语位置的差异:,汉语的定语习惯放在被修饰语的前面,也就是前置定语,但在英语中,既有前置定语又有后置定语,其中后置定语是较为复杂的也是常给中国学生带来理解和表达障碍的一种定语表现形式。若短语(常见的是形容词短语,介词短语或非谓语动词)或从句作定语时常位于被修饰语的后面。,练习:找出下面句子中的后置定语,1. People there like dancing.2. English is one of the official languages used in India.3. They are taking care of the crop on the farm.,英汉定语句式调整,英语和汉语的语序是有差别的,汉语的定语都是位于被修饰语的前面,英语不仅有前置定语,更多更复杂的是它的后置定语。定语从句属于后置定语。对汉语的调整可以帮助写出含有定语从句的句子。,1.图片中的玫瑰 (前置定语) 调整为后置定语 The roses in the picture (后置定语)扩展成句子:我喜欢图片中的玫瑰 (前置定语) 调整为后置定语 I like the roses in the picture.(后置定语), 玫瑰在图片中的,我喜欢玫瑰在图片中的,2.一个怕黑的孩子 孩子怕黑的a child afraid of darkness扩展成句子:他是个怕黑的孩子。他是个孩子怕黑的.He is a child afraid of darkness.,3.那个正在弹钢琴的女孩 那个女孩正在弹钢琴的 The girl playing the piano扩展成句子:那个正在弹钢琴的女孩是我同学。那个女孩正在弹钢琴的是我同学。 The girl playing the piano is my classmate.,先找出下面句子的定语和中心词,调整后翻译成英语 :1.地板上的钥匙是我的。2.他是教我数学的老师。调整为:1.钥匙在地板上是我的。2.他是我的老师教我数学。翻译:1.The key on the floor is mine2.He is my teacher teaching me maths./ He is my teacher who teaches me maths.,定语从句的来源,定语从句的来源为初中阶段所学的adj.或adj.短语,介词短语,副词或副词短语,非谓语动词短语所作的作后置定语的还原形式。在其前面加上相应的关系代词和be动词就成定语从句。定语从句修饰的对象在英语中叫先行词,引导定语从句的引导词叫关系代词或关系副词。关系代词 1.指人:who whom 2.指物: which 3. 既指人又指物 that whose(表示所属关系)as.,关系代词+ be + 后置定语短语定语从句1. the roses in the picture the roses which is in the picture 2. a child afraid of darkness a child who is afraid of darkness3. the girl playing the piano the girl who is playing the piano,练习:把下面句子中的后置定语改成定语从句。1. They are enjoying the pictures on the wall. 2. He is a boy good at English.3. Nobody knows the boy playing football.答案:1. They are enjoying the pictures which are on the wall. 2. He is a boy who is good at English.3. Nobody knows the boy who is playing football.,关系代词与关系副词巧判断关系代词 1.指人:who whom 2.指物: which 3. 既指人又指物 that whose(表示所属关系)as.关系代词具有代词的语法功能,即作主语,宾语,表语。常代替先行词在从句中的位置,但要放在从句的前面。关系副词有when, where, why, that(表示方式,常省略)。关系副词具有副词的语法功能, 即作状语。常代替先行词在从句中的位置,但要放在从句的前面。,例如:1.This is the hospital that his daughter visited yesterday.2.This is the hospital where his daughter works.3.This is the hospital that his daughter works in.,关系代词与关系副词巧判断,方法:把空格去掉如先行词和从句组成完整的句子就用关系代词,否则就用关系副词。例如:1.This is the mountain village I visited last year. 2.This is the mountain village I lived last year.注意:当定语从句中有主语时,先行词要么放在动词后要么放在介词后。,关代,关副,which/that/-,where,This is the factory _ makes shoes.This is the factory _ his father works.This is the factory _ we visitedyesterday.Please tell me the reason _you are late.He has told me the reason_canexplain his absence(缺席) from the meeting. The reason _he told us wasnot true.,which/that,where,which/that/-,why,which/that,which/that/-,Thank you!,并列句到定语从句的转变,前提条件,两个句中都含有相同的一部分。若是并列句或两个句子都含有相同的部分时,后面的句子所含的人称代词或副词指的是前面提到那一部分,常常可以把它们改写成定语从句。,1.)若两个句子都含有相同的部分时,后面的句子所含的人称代词指的是前面提到的人或者物时,常常可以把它们改写成定语从句。公式即 and + 人称代词 关系代词常见的代指人或物的关系代词有 who whom that(人或物) which,例如:The number of the people reached more than 400 000and they were killed or injured. 寻找共同点 运用公式The number of the people reached more than 400 000(and they ) who were killed or injured.they 代指the people 所以定语从句移到其后,为The number of the people who were killed or injured reached more than 400 000.,1. Another big quake shook Tangshan and it was as strong as the first one.寻找共同点 运用公式Another big quake shook Tangshan(and it) which was as strong as the first one. it 代指quake 所以定语从句移到其后,得出定语从句为: Another big quake which was as strong as the first one shook Tangshan.,把下面的两组句子改写成含有定语从句的句子。先找出共同部分,再用公式转变,并移动到先行词的后面1. Do you want a friend ? You could tell everything to them.2.Devices have been developedand they can recognize and respond to a human voice.3.Dishes have much fat in themand they looked oily. 4.You dont have to turn away from the food,and you enjoy it.,用公式转变1. Do you want a friend ? You could tell everything to him. (and+ him ) whom2.Devices have been developed. (and they ) which can recognize and respond to a human voice.3.Dishes have much fat in them(and they) which looked oily. 4.You dont have to turn away from the food. You enjoy it. ( and it ) which,把得出的从句移到先行词后。1. Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to? 2.Deviceswhich can recognize and respond to a human voice have been developed. 3.Dishes which looked oily,have much fat in them. 4.You dont have to turn away from the food which you enjoy .,若是并列句或两个句子都含有相同的部分时,后面的句中含有ones sth 和前面的人或物构成所属的关系。这时可以把它们改写成定语从句。公式即 and+形容词性物主代词whose (whose表示所属关系),例如:Workers built shelters for survivors,and their homes had been destroyed. and + their whoseWorkers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.,把下面的两组句子改写成含有定语从句的子。 。,1.Dont get too close to the house,and its roof is under repair.2.I like the room,and its window faces south.答案:Dont get too close to the house, whose roof is under repair.I like the room whose window faces south.,若是并列句或两个句子都含有相同的部分时,后面的句中含有there或then, 来代指前面提的时间或地点。这时可以把它们改写成定语从句. 公式即,and + 副词 (表示时间或地点) 关系副词 或者 and + 介词短语(表示时间或地点)关系副词关系副词有三个 when where why (这一公式只适用前两个)I will never forget the day. I first went to school then. and + then whenI will never forget the day when I first went to school.,把下面的两组句子改写成含有定语从句的句子。,1. The house is being repaired now. Lu Xun once lived there.2. Would you suggest a time ? We can have a talk at the time.答案:1. The house where Lu Xun once lived is being repaired now. 2. Would you suggest a time when we can have a talk?,Homework,Translation,Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to?,下面的句子翻译成含有定语从句的英语句子。注意先对汉语的定语调整。1.他是一个爱笑的人。2.我不认识刚才和你聊天的那个人。3.这是姑姑上周送给我的书。4.我喜欢姐姐画的画。5.他正在看他儿子昨天制作的卡片。,


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