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    Re-design Concept in Practice Student Number: 105897325/01/2011Design and Its Strategy (737)The meaning of design can be simply explained as the behavior of technically creation and invention. This concept exits in every field and industry, such as engineering design, system design, clothes design, digital design, and etc. people can find the reflection of design thinking everywhere, no matter when you go shopping in a fantastic shopping mall, travel in a historic attract, or eating in a chain fast food restaurant. The architecture, products, and even the abstract theory, like the organization structure or management methods, are all can apply the strategy of design. Just as Thomas has demonstrated, a prototype of the new product idea, perhaps favorably received at a trade show, becomes the design for the final product. (1993, P. 4) On some degree, all the products and objects are the outcome of design behavior, no matter whether the products are high-quality or low-quality. But what is the real definition of the design in peoples daily world? Is it only referring to developing those new creative stuffs? “Product development projects can be classified as four types: new product platforms, derivatives of existing product platforms, incremental improvements to existing products, and fundamentally new products.”(Ulrich & Eppinger, 2008 P.35-36)In my point of view, the design notion should contain two aspects: re-design and design “new”. Re-design is not totally focusing on making efforts to invent but trying to reform and upgrade what has existed in peoples life, breaking the rules of the old viewing and using reversing thinking to perfect the object. For example, the change of a products package for customers convenience of holding is just a kind of re-design behavior. On the other hand, design new stresses the “new”, and it puts emphasis on the endeavor of finding new approach to invent a fire-new product. Just like the invention of iPad. It is not hard to find that both of the aspects are centering on the change, while the most obvious difference is the former one is based on the previous experience and foundation and then to make the difference, but the latter one is hoping to make a distinct new thing and at the same time replacing the old. The same advantages of them are that they all need a new view of thinking, a new approach to execute and a new angle to criticize.Actually, those common points of design do contribute to the development of the whole industry, culture, society and even human beings. For instance, the design of organization may simplify the companys human resource, the design of engineering may change the whole engineering industry, and the digital design may bring about the change of peoples visual and auditory world. Harakenya has claimed that people discover the word through the creation and communication. (2003, P. 016) By the devotion of making improvement and the discovery of the unknown knowledge, the entire society makes progress. Whats more, he has argued that creation not only means getting ahead on the era, it also means using new value and way rethinking the history However, the idea of design is just the draft, and how to practice the draft in real world is vital as well. After all, the design talked here, is more related to the products design instead of the ivory tower of arts. Like as Hippel has mentioned, such links are currently of great concern to manufacturers who correctly see “getting close to the customer” as essential to successful innovation. (1988, P. 118)The purpose of design is to make the object better and more suitable to adapt to the people and greatly satisfy peoples demands. Especially, in the business situation, the essential goal of design is to extend the life of its products in the market, and through the continuously design and improvement of products making the maximum profits. Similarly, Belk has written that consumers are not mere automatons who receive information inputs and produce brand choice outputs that maximize satisfaction.” (1995 P. 62) At the same time, Rosenau and Moran has pointed out that new products are the cornerstone of the long-term survival and prosperity of most firms. (1993 P.3)So the application of design strategy in the business indicates the combination of aesthetic design ideas and the practically tactical strategy is the core of successful design strategy when running a business. Thus, this essay concentrates on the analysis of the re-design strategy and how it can work in practice in the production.The cases of application (1518)(1) Muji (677)There is a Japanese brand-Muji gradually catch the eyes of the world for its famous re-design and creative strategy. Opening 25 branch stores and averagely opening one store every 24 days is the prospect of ambitious Muji in Chinese Market. (Zheng, 2009) The western country usually calls this raising brand as Non-frill, which reflects Mujis fundamental principle-“anti-excess, anti-over decoration, and anti-complexity.” Facing with this firms success, people can figure out that the re-design strategy impenetrate the whole production process and sales.In fact, Muji categorized itself as the life style store which is aiming at advocating the simple and natural attitudes to the consumers through its products and stores environment. And this principle is completely used in the designing of products. The products in Muji are not famous for its luxury, expensive, and outstanding, but for its unadorned design, reasonable price, and practical function. Furthermore, Muji is good at re-designing the products that consumers have already been familiar with, and through the re-designing process, making the familiar products become more unique, convenient, and valuable. This is the core value of re-design strategy. In the case of re-design of the package of mushroom, Muji broke the traditional way of packageing mushroom which usually puts the entire mushroom in a package, instead, Muji choose to cut all mushroom into pieces and then put all the pieces in a package. And Muji renamed this mushroom as “pieced mushroom”. This change led to the good selling of mushroom, and made Muji widely known by the consumers. Consumers are so familiar with the mushroom that they can barely tell the difference between different mushroom brands except for their prices, so why this change can make the Muji mushroom so unique and attractive. Actually, it is just because of Mujis re-designing strategy. And this strategy is utilized to the improvement of package method which is rational and creative. Firstly, in common sense, people cut the mushroom into pieces when they are going to cook it, so the package of mushroom in pieces can help consumers save energy and time, and consumers surely happy to accept this convenience. Secondly, this package style gives a refreshing shock to the customers and makes itself differentiated form other similar products in the market. When consumers see a great number of different brands of mushroom, the special shaped mushroom is relatively easier to catch consumers eyes. Vangundy has criticized that people are creatures of habit, so they are naturally do the way theyve always done it. (2007, P. 03) Conversely, Muji do not follow the main stream and does as same as other firms does, and this is just the implication of re-design strategy.In addition, this strategy can be embodied by another case of Muji products as well. This is a case of the re-design of wrapping paper. The majority of stores prefer the tradition way of producing wrapping paper which is by the bleaching process to get rid of the original color of the paper-hazel. However, Muji likes the wrapping paper to keep its natural color and omit the process of pastiche bleaching. This varying change comes from Mujis another tactic re-design plan. In the first place, Muji considers the original color of wrapper is consistent with its products which is simple, non-frilled, and environmental friendly. In the second, comparing with the current trend that the most of stores are likely to make the wrapper as garish as possible, the Mujis wrapper is unique and exclusive which impresses the customers again. In the third, getting rid of the bleaching process certainly can save money, which is contributing to lower the cost of production. As return, the price of products is able to be more reasonable and competitive. The same to Chia and Holts comments, better access and advantage can often be achieved indirectly and elliptically than through direct confrontation and engagement. (2009, P. 24) It hints that re-design strategy does not mean to complicated changing and continuously adding something but changing for a view to observe the objects, and sometimes leaving out something.(2) Tokyo shopping mall (841)Obviously, the re-design strategy is significant and meaningful for production, but what if applying this strategy in the re-building and decoration of a shopping mall. Whereas, the shopping mall is the gathering place of plentiful brands and products, so whether the re-design strategy can be successful put into practice is crucial and important for the development of this theory.Matsuya department store is located at Tokyo Ginza which is the most flourishing and busy business center. This center is an assembly of world famous brands and grand shopping malls. How to be standout and competitive in this marketplace and make different styles of brands together in one shopping mall are the main reason why Matsuya decided to re-build its environment and related stuffs. (2003, P. 086- 091)Considering to differing from other shopping malls armored and concrete or transparent glass, the Matsuya chose to use snow-white as the basic tone of its exterior and preferred the material which touched like the paper. Viale has advocated that for companies that have been able to maintain a “quality mindset” in their products and process while responding to the tremendous time pressures of bring products to market, success has been forthcoming. (1998, P. 07)Accordingly, this idea bases on the idea that the white usually impresses people a feeling of great capacity, modern, fashion, good taste and top-grade. And the textural surface makes the shopping have a sense of natural beauty. Consequently, a series of re-design plans were set down. Firstly, a re-design plan of the exterior was applied. The designed made a model of shopping mall, and designed some logo of Matsuya and then printed them on a number of white high-quality papers which is thirty cm in width, and fifty cm in length. And then, swelling out the area with logos, and stacking all the papers until to be as thick as the cushion of sofa. Moreover, designers took this mode as Matsuya, dug nine tetragonal holes, inlaid transparent acrylic cubes in each hole and put the pictures of brands in all cubes. Every cube is an independent store. In consequence, people can see all the brands directly through the transparent cubes, and account for the transparent materials, those pictures can own a sense of third dimension. (see Figure 0.1) Whats more, for the combination of white and transparent, the whole Matsuya becomes more consistent and harmony. Though this re-design strategy, the Matsuya accomplishes it mission-this white container can includes all multitudinous brands and information.(Figure 0.1 ) Secondly, the re-design strategy also contains the re-design of construction fence. (2003, P. 091-094) In traditional sense, most construction fences function is just for separating the construction area from the outside. And according to Japanese city regulation, it is not permitted to advertising on those fences. Nevertheless, Matsuyas re-design strategy changed those common fences to a valuable promotion way and made full use of them. The fact is that the designer colored the fences into white and put an giant zip on the middle of the fences, and on the top of zip is an sentence- the opening date of Matsuya. Amazingly, the zip would be zip up when a part was constructed, and with the constructing advancing, the entire zip wad gradually zipped up rightward. Finally, when the whole construction was finished, the zip would be totally zipped up, and people can find the secrets inside it. (see Figure 0.2 )This re-design strategy gained huge success, because it accomplishes the essential goal-make usual to unusual, and the design of zip can cover Matsuya a mask of mystery and consumers may become more curious about the Matsuya and they would spontaneously pay attention to the progress of construction and wait for the opening day of new Matsuya. Meanwhile, the aim of re-design is achieved. (Figure 0.2)Thirdly, it is about the re-design of shopping bags. Except the products, the shopping bag is the other object the consumers will bring home. Thus the shopping actually is a tool to convey the information and image of the shopping mall. So the designers are determined to taking five senses into account when designed the shopping bags. The previous blue shopping bags were replaced by the current white color in order to be consistent with the theme of the shopping mall. Besides, on the score of reflecting high-quality texture, the designer with the help of paper mill developed a special top-grade paper which is hard to wear and tear, and is easy to print. After overcoming a series of difficulties, the finished shopping bags had to be tested by the professional testers. In the result, the high-quality and textural shopping bags was named “M Wrap”, (2003, P. 096) and put into practice. (see Figure 0.3)Without doubt, this new stylish shopping bags attracted a lot of consumers and made consumers feel the concern from the shopping mall.(Figure 0.3)The Matsuya case conveys that the golden rule of attracting and keeping consumers is not only to re-design the product itself but also paying attention to the environment the products displayed, the shopping bag the products put, and the every detail related to the products.(3) The Sign of Maternity Hospital (500)Indeed, maternity hospital is a place for curing patients and providing service for the lying-in women. Additionally, in modern society, running hospital is also a business activity. Especially with the increasing number of private and public hospitals, the competition among hospitals is becoming fierce and intense. How to seek for the advantage and advance becomes a sever task for the hospital who wants to be the first choice for the patients. In this case, people can find the re-design strategy help a maternity hospital accomplish this goal.The target of re-design strategy in a Umeda maternity hospital is conducted to change the traditional image of hospitals environment which is cold and indifferent into be a very gentle and comfortable space. Markman and Wood have noticed that the potential new idea is serendipity, research and development


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