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    ''TheThe English-ChineseEnglish-Chinese BasicBasic GlossaryGlossary ofof HumanHuman AnatomyAnatomy英汉人体解剖学基本词汇英汉人体解剖学基本词汇systematic anatomy 系统解剖学 regional anatomy(topographic anatomy)局部解剖学 anatomical position 解剖学姿势 superior 上 inferior 下 anterior 前 posterior 后 medial 内侧 lateral 外侧 superficial 浅 deep 深 internal 内 external 外 proximal 近侧 distal 远侧 vertical axis 垂直轴 sagittal axis 矢状轴 coronal axis(frontal axis)冠状轴(额状轴) sagittal plane 矢状面 coronal plane(frontal plane)冠状面(额状面) horizontal plane(transverse plane)水平面(横切面) I.LocomotorI.Locomotor SystemSystem 运动系统运动系统 1.Bony System (Osteology)骨学 long bone 长骨 short bone 短骨 flat bone 扁骨 irregular bone 不规则骨 sesamoid bone 籽骨 compact bone(dense bone)骨密质 cancellous bone(spongy bone)骨松质 diploe 板障 periosteum 骨膜 bone marrow 骨髓 (1)Bones of Trunk 躯干骨 vertebrae 椎骨 cervical vertebrae 颈椎 thoracic vertebrae 胸椎 lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 sacrum 骶骨 coccyx 尾骨''atlas 寰椎 axis 枢椎 vertebra prominens 隆椎 sternum 胸骨 rib 肋骨 costal cartilage 肋软骨 (2)Skull 颅 frontal bone 额骨 ethmoid bone 筛骨 sphenoid bone 蝶骨 parietal bone 顶骨 temporal bone 颞骨 occipital bone 枕骨 maxilla 上颌骨 zygomatic bone 颧骨 palatine bone 腭骨 nasal bone 鼻骨 lacrimal bone 泪骨 inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲 vomer 犁骨 mandible 下颌骨 hyoid bone 舌骨 (3)Bones of Upper Limb 上肢骨 clavicle 锁骨 scapula 肩胛骨 humerus 肱骨 ulna 尺骨 radius 桡骨 scaphoid bone 手舟骨 lunate bone 月骨 triquetral bone 三角骨 pisiform bone 豌豆骨 trapezium bone 大多角骨 trapezoid bone 小多角骨 capitate bone 头状骨 hamate bone 钩骨 metacarpal bones 掌骨 phalanges 指骨 (4)Bones of Lower Limb 下肢骨 hip bone 髋骨 ilium 髂骨 ischium 坐骨 pubis 耻骨 femur 股骨''patella 髌骨 tibia 胫骨 fibula 腓骨 talus 距骨 calcaneus 跟骨 navicular bone 足舟骨 medial cuneiform bone 内侧楔骨 intermediate cuneiform bone 中间楔骨 lateral cuneiform bone 外侧楔骨 cuboid bone 骰骨 metartarsal bones 跖骨 phalanges of toes 趾骨 2.Arthrology 关节学 joint(articulation)关节 ligament 韧带 flexion 屈 extension 伸 adduction 收 abduction 展 pronation 旋前 supination 旋后 rotation 旋转 circumduction 环转 (1)Joints of Bones of Trunk 躯干骨的连结 vertebral column 脊柱 intervertebral disc 椎间盘 annulus fibrosus 纤维环 nucleus pulposus 髓核 anterior longitudinal ligament 前纵韧带 posterior longitudinal ligament 后纵韧带 cervical curve 颈曲 thoracic curve 胸曲 lumbar curve 腰曲 sacral curve 骶曲 thoracic cage 胸廓 costal arch 肋弓 (2)Synovial Joint of Skull 颅的连结 temporomandibular joint 颞下颌关节 (3)Joints of Upper Limb 上肢骨连结 shoulder joint 肩关节 elbow joint 肘关节 wrist joint(radiocarpal joint)腕关节(桡腕关节) (4)Joints of Lower Limb 下肢骨连结 pelvis 骨盆''hip joint 髋关节 knee joint 膝关节 medial meniscus 内侧半月板 lateral meniscus 外侧半月板 ankle joint(talocrural joint)踝关节(距小腿关节) arch of foot 足弓 3.Myology(Muscular System)肌学 muscle 肌 long muscle 长肌 short muscle 短肌 flat muscle 扁肌 orbicular muscle 轮匝肌 superficial fascia(subcutaneous fascia)浅筋膜 deep fascia(proper fascia)深筋膜 (1)Muscles of Head 头肌 1)Facial Muscles 面肌 Epicranius(occipitofrontalis)颅顶肌(枕额肌) galea aponeurotica 帽状腱膜 orbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌 orbicularis oris 口轮匝肌 2)Masticatory Muscles 咀嚼肌 masseter 咬肌 temporalis 颞肌 lateral pterygoid 翼外肌 medial pterygoid 翼内肌 (2)Muscles of Neck 颈肌 platysma 颈阔肌 sternocleidomastoid 胸锁乳突肌 scalenus anterior 前斜角肌 (3)Muscles of Trunk 躯干肌 1)Muscles of Back 背肌 trapezius 斜方肌 latissimus dorsi 背阔肌 erector spinae(sacrospinalis)竖脊肌(骶棘肌) 2)Muscles of Thorax 胸肌 pectoralis major 胸大肌 serratus anterior 前锯肌 intercostales externi 肋间外肌 intercostales interni 肋间内肌 3)Diaphragm 膈 4)Muscles of Abdomen 腹肌 obliquus externus abdominis 腹外斜肌 obliquus internus abdominis 腹内斜肌 transversus abdominis 腹横肌''rectus abdominis 腹直肌(4)Muscles of Upper Limb 上肢肌 1)Muscles of Shoulder 肩肌 deltoid 三角肌 2)Muscles of Arm 臂肌 biceps brachii 肱二头肌 brachialis 肱肌 triceps brachii 肱三头肌 3)Muscles of Forearm 前臂肌 flexor pollicis longus 拇长屈肌 flexor digitorum superficialis 指浅屈肌 flexor digitorum profundus 指深屈肌 extensor pollicis longus 拇长伸肌 extensor digitorum 指伸肌 4)Muscles of Hand 手肌 (5)Muscles of Lower Limb 下肢肌 1)Muscles of Hip 髋肌 psoas major 腰大肌 iliacus 髂肌 gluteus maximus 臀大肌 piriformis 梨状肌 2)Muscles of Thigh 大腿肌 sartorius 缝匠肌 quadriceps femoris 股四头肌 adductor longus 长收肌 adductor magnus 大收肌 biceps femoris 股二头肌 semitendinosus 半腱肌 semimembranosus 半膜肌 3)Muscles of Leg 小腿肌 tibialis anterior 胫骨前肌 extensor digitorum longus 趾长伸肌 extensor hallucis longus 拇长伸肌 triceps surae 小腿三头肌 flexor digitorum longus 趾长屈肌 tibialis posterior 胫骨后肌 flexor hallucis longus 拇长屈肌 4)Muscles of Foot 足肌 II.SplanchnologyII.Splanchnology 内脏学内脏学 viscera 内脏 1.Alimentary System 消化系统 alimentary canal 消化管 alimentary gland 消化腺 (1)Oral Cavity 口腔''oral lips 口唇 philtrum 人中 cheek 颊 hard palate 硬腭 soft palate 软腭 uvula 腭垂 palatine velum 腭帆 palatoglossal arch 腭舌弓 palatopharyngeal arch 腭咽弓 isthmus of fauces 咽峡 deciduous teeth 乳牙 permanent teeth 恒牙 incisor 切牙 canine 尖牙 premolar 前磨牙 molar 磨牙 dentine 牙质 enamel 釉质 cement 牙骨质 dental pulp 牙髓 tongue 舌 parotid gland 腮腺 submandibular gland 下颌下腺 sublingual gland 舌下腺 (2)Pharynx 咽 nasopharynx 鼻咽 oropharynx 口咽 laryngopharynx 喉咽 palatine tonsil 腭扁桃体 (3)Esophagus 食管 (4)Stomach 胃 (5)Small Intestine 小肠 duodenum 十二指肠 jejunum 空肠 ileum 回肠 (6)Large Intestine 大肠 caecum 盲肠 vermiform appendix 阑尾 ascending colon 升结肠 transverse colon 横结肠 descending colon 降结肠 sigmoid colon 乙状结肠 rectum 直肠 anal canal 肛管''anal column 肛柱 anal valve 肛瓣 anal sinus 肛窦 dental line 齿状线 anal pecten 肛梳 white line 白线 anus 肛门 sphincter ani internus 肛门内括约肌 sphincter ani externus 肛门外括约肌 (7)Liver 肝 porta hepatis 肝门 hepatic pedicle 肝蒂 gallbladder 胆囊 (8)Pancreas 胰 2.Respiratory System 呼吸系统 respiratory tract 呼吸道 respiratory organ 呼吸器官 (1)Nose 鼻 (2)Paranasal Sinus 鼻旁窦 frontal sinus 额窦 maxillary sinus 上颌窦 ethmoidal sinus 筛窦 sphenoid sinus 蝶窦 (3)Larynx 喉 thyroid cartilage 甲状软骨 cricoid cartilage 环状软骨 arytenoid cartilage 杓状软骨 epiglottic cartilage 会厌软骨 vocal fold 声带 cricothyroid 环甲肌 (4)Trachea and Bronchi 气管和支气管 right principal bronchus 右主支气管 left principal bronchus 左主支气管 (5)Lung 肺 apex of lung 肺尖 base of lung 肺底 hilum of lung 肺门 root of lung 肺根 (6)Pleura 胸膜 parietal pleura 壁胸膜 viceral pleura 脏胸膜 pleural cavity 胸膜腔 costodiaphragmatic recess 肋膈隐窝 3.Urinary System 泌尿系统''kidney 肾 renal hilum 肾门 renal pedicle 肾蒂 renal sinus 肾窦 renal region 肾区 minor renal calices 肾小盏 major renal calices 肾大盏 renal pelvis 肾盂 ureter 输尿管 urinary bladder 膀胱 urethra 尿道 4.Male Genital System 男性生殖系统 testis 睾丸 epididymis 附睾 ductus deferens 输精管 spermatic cord 精索 ejaculatory duct 射精管 seminal vesicle 精囊 prostate 前列腺 bulbourethral gland 尿道球腺 penis 阴茎 scrotum 阴囊 5.Female Genital System 女性生殖系统 ovary 卵巢 uterine tube 输卵管 uterus 子宫 vagina 阴道 vaginal orifice 阴道口 hymen 处女膜 greater vestibular gland 前庭大腺 vulva 女阴 greater lip of pudendum 大阴唇 lesser lip of pudendum 小阴唇 clitoris 阴 mamma 乳房 mammary papilla(nipple)乳头 6.Peritonium 腹膜 peritoneal cavity 腹膜腔 lesser omentum 小网膜 greater omentum 大网膜 mesentery 肠系膜 rectovesical pouch 直肠膀胱陷凹 vesicouterine pouch 膀胱子宫陷凹 rectouterine pouch(Douglaspouch)直肠子宫陷凹(道格拉斯陷窝)''III.VascularIII.Vascular SystemSystem 脉管系统脉管系统 1.Cardiovascular System 心血管系统 pulmonary circulation(lesser circulation)肺循环(小循环) systemic circulation(greater circulation)体循环(大循环) (1)Heart 心 right atrium 右心房 right ventricle 右心室 left atrium 左心房 left ventricle 左心室 tricuspid valve 三尖瓣 bicuspid valve 二尖瓣 aortic valve 主动脉瓣 pulmonary valve 肺动脉瓣 sinoatrial node 窦房结 internodal tract 结间束 atrioventricular node 房室结 atrioventricular bundle(Hisbundle)房室束(希氏束) left bundle branch 左束支 right bundle branch 右束支 Purkinjes fibers 普氏纤维 left coronary artery 左冠状动脉 right coronary artery 右冠状动脉 coronary sinus 冠状窦 great cardiac vein 心大静脉 middle cardiac vein 心中静脉 small cardiac vein 心小静脉 pericardium 心包 (2)Artery 动脉 pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干 ascending aorta 升主动脉 aortic arch 主动脉弓 brachiocephalic trunk 头臂干 common carotid artery 颈总动脉 external carotid artery 颈外动脉 superior thyroid artery 甲状腺上动脉 lingual artery 舌动脉 facial artery 面动脉 superficial temporal artery 颞浅动脉 maxillary artery 上颌动脉 middle meningeal artery 脑膜中动脉 occipital artery 枕动脉 posterior auricular artery 耳后动脉 internal carotid artery 颈内动脉 subclavian artery 锁骨下动脉''vertebral artery 椎动脉 internal thoracic artery 胸廓内动脉 inferior thyroid artery 甲状腺下动脉 costocervical trunk 肋颈干 axillary artery 腋动脉 thoracoacromial artery 胸肩峰动脉 lateral thoracic artery 胸外侧动脉 subscapular artery 肩胛下动脉 posterior humeral circumflex artery 旋肱后动脉 brachial artery 肱动脉 deep brachial artery 肱深动脉 radial artery 桡动脉 superficial palmar arch 掌浅弓 ulnar artery 尺动脉 deep palmar arch 掌深弓 common palmar digital arteries 指掌侧总动脉 proper palmar digital arteries 指掌侧固有动脉 descending aorta 降主动脉 thoracic aorta 胸主动脉 posterior intercostal arteries 肋间后动脉 subcostal artery 肋下动脉 abdominal aorta 腹主动脉 lumbar arteries 腰动脉 inferior phrenic artery 膈下动脉 median sacral artery 骶正中动脉 middle suprarenal artery 肾上腺中动脉 renal artery 肾动脉 testicular artery 睾丸动脉 ovarian artery 卵巢动脉 coeliac trunk 腹腔干 left gastric artery 胃左动脉 common hepatic artery 肝总动脉 splenic artery 脾动脉 superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜上动脉 inferior mesenteric artery 肠系膜下动脉 common iliac artery 髂总动脉 internal iliac artery 髂内动脉 obturator artery 闭孔动脉 superior gluteal artery 臀上动脉 inferior gluteal artery 臀下动脉 iliolumbar artery 髂腰动脉 uterine artery 子宫动脉 internal pudendal artery 阴部内动脉 external iliac artery 髂外动脉''femoral artery 股动脉 deep femoral artery 股深动脉 popliteal artery 腘动脉 posterior tibial artery 胫后动脉 peroneal artery 腓动脉 medial plantar artery 足底内侧动脉 lateral plantar artery 足底外侧动脉 anterior tibial artery 胫前动脉 dorsal artery of foot 足背动脉 (3)Vein 静脉 pulmonary vein 肺静脉 facial vein 面静脉 deep facial vein 面深静脉 retromandibular vein 下颌后静脉 maxillary vein 上颌静脉 pterygoid venous plexus 翼静脉丛 superficial temporal vein 颞浅静脉 external jugular vein 颈外静脉 internal jugular vein 颈内静脉 common facial vein 面总静脉 superior thyroid vein 甲状腺上静脉 middle thyroid vein 甲状腺中静脉 subclavian vein 锁骨下静脉 venous angle 静脉角 cephalic vein 头静脉 basilic vein 贵要静脉 median cubital vein 肘正中静脉 median vein of forearm 前臂正中静脉 ulnar vein 尺静脉 radial vein 桡静脉 brachial vein 肱静脉 brachiocephalic vein 头臂静脉 superior vena cava 上腔静脉 azygos vein 奇静脉 posterior intercostal veins 肋间后静脉 esophageal vein 食管静脉 bronchial vein 支气管静脉 ascending lumbar vein 腰升静脉 small saphenous vein 小隐静脉 great saphenous vein 大隐静脉 anterior tibial vein 胫前静脉 posterior tibial vein 胫后静脉 popliteal vein 腘静脉 femoral vein 股静脉''external iliac vein 髂外静脉 internal iliac vein 髂内静脉 common iliac vein 髂总静脉 inferior vena cava 下腔静脉 inferior phrenic vein 膈下静脉 lumbar veins 腰静脉 testicular veins 睾丸静脉 ovarian veins 卵巢静脉 renal vein 肾静脉 suprarenal vein 肾上腺静脉 hepatic vein 肝静脉 hepatic portal vein 肝门静脉 superior mesenteric vein 肠系膜上静脉 splenic vein 脾静脉 inferior mesenteric vein 肠系膜下静脉 left gastric vein 胃左静脉 right gastric vein 胃右静脉 cystic vein 胆囊静脉 paraumbilical vein 附脐静脉 2.Lymphatic System 淋巴系统 lymphatic capillary 毛细淋巴管 lymphatic vessel 淋巴管 lymphatic trunk 淋巴干 jugular trunk 颈干 subclavian trunk 锁骨下干 bronchomediastinal trunk 支气管纵隔干 lumbar trunk 腰干 intestinal trunk 肠干 right lymphatic duct 右淋巴导管 thoracic duct 胸导管 cisterna chyli 乳糜池 lymph tissue 淋巴组织 lymph node 淋巴结 spleen 脾 thymus 胸腺 submandibular lymph node 下颌下淋巴结 submental lymph node 颏下淋巴结 lateral cervical lymph node 颈外侧淋巴结 axillary lymph node 腋淋巴结 bronchopulmonary hilar lymph node 支气管肺门淋巴结 superficial inguinal lymph node 腹股沟浅淋巴结 deep inguinal lymph node 腹股沟深淋巴结 internal iliac lymph node 髂内淋巴结 external iliac lymph node 髂外淋巴结''common iliac lymph node 髂总淋巴结 lumbar lymph node 腰淋巴结 celiac lymph node 腹腔淋巴结 left gastric lymph node 胃左淋巴结 right gastric lymph node 胃右淋巴结 left gastroepiploic lymph node 胃网膜左淋巴结 right gastroepiploic lymph node 胃网膜右淋巴结 hepatic lymph node 肝淋巴结 pancreaticosplanic lymph node 胰脾淋巴结 superior mesenteric lymph node 肠系膜上淋巴结 inferior mesenteric lymph node 肠系膜下淋巴结 IV.SensoryIV.Sensory OrgansOrgans 感觉器官感觉器官 1.Visual Apparatus 视器 (1)Eyeball 眼球 cornea 角膜 sclera 巩膜 iris 虹膜 pupil 瞳孔 sphincter pupilae 瞳孔括约肌 dilator pupilae 瞳孔开大肌 ciliary body 睫状体 ciliary muscle 睫状肌 choroid 脉络膜 retina 视网膜 optic disc 视神经盘 macula lutea 黄斑 fovea centralis 中央凹 aqueous humor 房水 lens 晶状体 vitreous body 玻璃体 (2)Accessory Visual Apparatus 眼副器 Eyelid(palpebra)眼睑 palpebral fissure 睑裂 eyelash 睫毛 conjunctiva 结膜 lacrimal gland 泪腺 nasolacrimal duct 鼻泪管 levator palpebrae superioris 上睑提肌 superior rectus 上直肌 inferior rectus 下直肌 medial rectus 内直肌 lateral rectus 外直肌 superior obliquus 上斜肌 inferior obliquus 下斜肌''ophthalmic artery 眼动脉 central artery of retina 视网膜中央动脉 superior ophthalmic vein 眼上静脉 inferior ophthalmic vein 眼下静脉 2.Vestibulocochlear organ 前庭蜗器 (1)External Ear 外耳 auricle 耳廓 tympanic membrane 鼓膜 (2)Middle Ear 中耳 tympanic cavity 鼓室 malleus 锤骨 incus 砧骨 stapes 镫骨 tensor tympani 鼓膜张肌 (3)Internal Ear 内耳 bony labyrinth 骨迷路 cochlea 耳蜗 vestibule 前庭 bony semicircular canal 骨半规管 cochlear duct 蜗管 spiral organ(Cortis organ)螺旋器(Corti 器) scala vestibuli 前庭阶 scala tympani 鼓阶 membranous semicircular duct 膜半规管 V.NervousV.Nervous SystemSystem 神经系统神经系统 gray matter 灰质 white matter 白质 cortex 皮质 medulla 髓质 nucleus 神经核 ganglion 神经节 fasciculus 传导束 nerve 神经 reticular formation 网状结构 1.Peripheral Nervous System 周围神经系统 (1)Spinal Nerves 脊神经 cervical plexus 颈丛 lesser occipital nerve 枕小神经 great auricular nerve 耳大神经 transverse nerve of neck 颈横神经 supraclavicular nerves 锁骨上神经 phrenic nerve 膈神经 brachial plexus 臂丛 axillary nerve 腋神经''musculocutaneous nerve 肌皮神经 median nerve 正中神经 ulnar nerve 尺神经 radial nerve 桡神经 intercostal nerve 肋间神经 subcostal nerve 肋下神经 lumbar plexus 腰丛 femoral nerve 股神经 obturator nerve 闭孔神经 genitofemoral nerve 生殖股神经 sacral plexus 骶丛 superior gluteal nerve 臀上神经 inferior gluteal nerve 臀下神经 pudendal nerve 阴部神经 sciatic nerve 坐骨神经 tibial nerve 胫神经 common peroneal nerve 腓总神经 superficial peroneal nerve 腓浅神经 deep peroneal nerve 腓深神经 (2)Cranial Nerves 脑神经 olfactory nerve 嗅神经 optic nerve 视神经 oculomotor nerve 动眼神经 trochlear nerve 滑车神经 trigeminal nerve 三叉神经 abducent nerve 展神经 facial nerve 面神经 vestibulocochlear nerve 前庭蜗神经 glossopharyngeal nerve 舌咽神经 vagus nerve 迷走神经 accessory nerve 副神经 hypoglossal nerve 舌下神经 (3)Visceral Nervous System 内脏神经系统 sympathetic nerve 交感神经 parasympathetic nerve 副交感神经 sympathetic trunk 交感干 celiac ganglia 腹腔神经节 superior mesenteric ganglia 肠系膜上神经节 inferior mesenteric ganglia 肠系膜下神经节 aorticorenal ganglia 主动脉肾节 greater splanchnic nerve 内脏大神经 lesser splanchnic nerve 内脏小神经 lumbar splanchnic nerve 腰内脏神经 abdominal aortic plexus 腹主动脉丛''inferior mesenteric plexus 肠系膜下丛 pelvic plexus 盆丛 2Central Nervous System 中枢神经系统 (1)Spinal Cord 脊髓 cervical enlargement 颈膨大 lumbosacral enlargement 腰骶膨大 conus medullaris 脊髓圆锥 filum terminale 终丝 cauda equina 马尾 central canal 中央管 anterior horn (anterior column)前角(前柱) posterior horn (posterior column)后角(后柱) lateral horn (lateral column)侧角(侧柱) anterior funiculus 前索 posterior funiculus 后索 lateral funiculus 外侧索 fasciculus gracilis 薄束 fasciculus cuneatus 楔束 posterior spinocerebellar tract 脊髓小脑后束 anterior spinocerebellar tract 脊髓小脑前束 spinothalamic tract 脊髓丘脑束 corticospinal tract 皮质脊髓束 rubrospinal tract 红核脊髓束 vestibulospinal tract 前庭脊髓束 reticulospinal tract 网状脊髓束 tectospinal tract 顶盖脊髓束 medial longitudinal fasciculus 内侧纵束 (2)Brain 脑 1)Medulla Oblongata 延髓 pyramid 锥体 decussation of pyramid 锥体交叉 olive 橄榄 gracile tubercle 薄束结节 cuneate tubercle 楔束结节 inferior cerebellar peduncle 小脑下脚 2)Pons 脑桥 bulbopontine sulcus 延髓脑桥沟 basilar part 基底部 basilar sulcus 基底沟 middle cerebellar peduncle 小脑中脚 superior cerebellar


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