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    一、一、 长元音长元音/i:/ 外号外号“长衣音长衣音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:we /wi:/ she / i:/ meet /mi:t/ each/i: t/ eat /i:t/ me /mi:/ green /gri:n/对应的字母:对应的字母:e-Chinse ei-recve ie-belveeeiieee-fling ea-plseeeea实用操练:实用操练:1.Speaking English is a piece of cake.2.Seeing is believing.3.Please feel free to visit anytime.二、短元音二、短元音/ 外号外号“短衣音短衣音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:sit st big bg visit vzt six sks list lst trip trp对应的字母:对应的字母:i-vst u-bsy y-prett iiuye-English ui-bld ui实用操练:实用操练:1. Where there is a will, there is a way.2.Im pretty busy.三、元音三、元音/e/ 外号外号“45 度度”音音词汇拓展:词汇拓展:bed /bed/ head /hed/ many /men/ any/en/pen /pen/ egg /eg/ let/let/对应的字母对应的字母: e- bd ea- hd a-mnyeeaa实用操练:实用操练:1.Better late than never.2.East or west, home is best.四、音标四、音标/æ/ 外号外号“90 度大嘴音度大嘴音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:plan /plæn/ glad /glæd/ stand /stænd/ bag/bæg/ cat /kæt/ hat /hæt/对应的字母对应的字母: a-pplea实用操练:实用操练:1.I have a happy family.2. Not bad.五、音标五、音标/:/ 外号外号“重读卷舌音重读卷舌音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:her /h:/ girl /g:l/ nurse /n:s/ worker/w:k(r)/ first /f:st/ learn /l:n/对应的字母对应的字母: er-pref ir-dty or-wld ur-ht erirorur实用操练:实用操练:1. Nobody is perfect.2.The early bird catches the worm.六、音标六、音标/ 外号外号“短鹅音短鹅音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:teacher ti:t(r) driver drav(r) doctor dkt(r) actor ækt(r)sister sst(r) brother brð(r)对应的字母对应的字母: er-dinn or-doct u-sppose erorua-lone o-intrduceAo实用操练:实用操练:1. The faster, the better.2.Whats the matter with you?七、音标七、音标/:/词汇拓展:词汇拓展:car /k:/ start/st:t/ father/f:ð(r)/ farm/f:m/ half /h:f/对应的字母对应的字母: a-watch ear-heart ar-far uar-guard ar-car实用操练:实用操练:1. So far, so good.2.Times are hard.八、元音八、元音/ / 外号外号 “短啊音短啊音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:cup kp brother brð(r) young jus s fun fn mother mð(r)对应的字母:对应的字母:o-lve u-fn oo-bld ou-enghouooou实用操练:实用操练:1.Seven is my lucky number.2. Something is better than nothing.九、音标九、音标/:/ 外号外号“中嘴卷舌音中嘴卷舌音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:short :t more m: fourf: floor fl: callk: sportsp:t对应的字母:对应的字母:or-sht ore-more our-four oor-doororar-wm ar实用操练:实用操练:1.Its important to practice more.2.Force yourself to do more.十、音标十、音标/ 外号外号“中嘴短元音中嘴短元音” 词汇拓展:词汇拓展:dog dg wrong r watch wt hot htboss bs shop p对应的字母:对应的字母: o-dg a-watch o实用操练:实用操练:1.My boss feels hot and goes to the shop.十一、音标十一、音标/U:/ 外号外号“长乌音长乌音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:zoo zu: who hu: ruler ru:l(r) blue blu:you ju room ru:m对应的字母:对应的字母:oo-z u-rler oe-sh ue-bl oouoeueo-imprve ui-frt ou-rteouiou实用操练:实用操练:1. You look cool.2. The color of the room is blue.十二、音标十二、音标/ 外号外号“短乌音短乌音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:put pt book bk would wd woman wmn good gd could kd对应的字母:对应的字母:u-pt oo-bk o-wman ou-clduoooou实用操练:实用操练:1.You mother is a good woman.十三、音标十三、音标/e/ 外号外号“嘴角咧到耳朵上音嘴角咧到耳朵上音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:face fes cake kek play ple they ðeeight et great gret game gem对应的字母:对应的字母:a-amzing ay-p ai-afrdAayai实用操练:实用操练:1.No pain, no gain.2. Dont make the same mistakes.十四、音标十四、音标/a/ 外号外号“大嘴阿姨音大嘴阿姨音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:hi ha my ma bye ba eye a high ha like lak 对应字母:对应字母:a-lfe y-cr ie-p uy-biyieuy实用操练:实用操练:1.Never say die! Try! Try! Try!2. Dont be shy. Just try.十五、音标十五、音标/ 外号外号“中嘴短衣音中嘴短衣音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:boy b toy t coinkn join dn noise nz enjoy nd对应的字母:对应的字母:oy-b oi-cnoyoi实用操练:实用操练:1. The boy hopes you join the club and enjoy it.十六、音标十六、音标/ 外号外号“舀水音舀水音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:no n know n coatkt onlynliold ld photo ft对应的字母:对应的字母:o-hpe oa-gal ow-kn ou-slooowou实用操练:实用操练:1.You are my only hope.2.There is no place like home.十七、音标十七、音标/a/ 外号外号“鬼哭狼嚎合口双元音鬼哭狼嚎合口双元音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:out at now na brown bran house has found fand对应的字母:对应的字母: ow-h ou-hseowou实用操练实用操练:1.There is no doubt about it.2. Get out of my house right now.十八、音标十八、音标/ 外号外号“短衣卷舌音短衣卷舌音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:here h(r) ear (r) dear d(r) idea ad clear kl(r)对应的字母对应的字母: ere-here ea-idea ear-clear实用操练:实用操练:1. He has a clear idea about beer.十九、音标十九、音标/e/ 外号外号“咧嘴卷舌音咧嘴卷舌音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:hair he(r) there ðe(r) their ðe(r)fair fe(r) chair te(r)对应的字母:对应的字母:air-hair ere-there are-share eir-their实用操练:实用操练:1. Where there is a will, there is a way.二十、音标二十、音标/ 外号外号“短乌卷舌音短乌卷舌音”实用操练:实用操练:poor/p(r)/ sure (r) purep(r) tourt(r) curek(r)对应的字母:对应的字母:oor-poor ure-sure实用操练:实用操练:1. Im not sure about the tour.二十一、双唇爆破辅音二十一、双唇爆破辅音/p/ 外号外号“气破双唇音气破双唇音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:penpen happy hæpi keep ki:p pencil pensl person p:sn实用操练实用操练:1.Practice makes perfect.2.The person is happy to buy one pen and two penscils.二十二、二十二、双唇爆破辅音双唇爆破辅音/b/ 词汇拓展:词汇拓展:bus bs bed bed boy b book bk bag bæg ball b:l brother brð(r)实用操练:实用操练:1.The boy likes the ball、bag、bus and books.特别注意不发音的特别注意不发音的 b:出现在字母 m 后时,b 通常不发音:climb klam comb km bomb bm thumb m二十三、音标二十三、音标/t/ 外号外号“舌尖齿龈弹气音舌尖齿龈弹气音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:let /let/ tall t:l letter let(r) little ltl meet mi:t talk t:k实用操练:实用操练:1. I feel a little bit better today.2. Try harder next time.二十四、音标二十四、音标/d/ 外号外号“舌尖齿龈弹气音舌尖齿龈弹气音” 词汇拓展:词汇拓展:dog dg child tald deathde good gd bed bed kind kand实用操练:实用操练:1.A friend in need is a friend indeed.二十五、音标二十五、音标/k/ 外号外号“气破舌根软腭音气破舌根软腭音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:kite kat back bæk cat kæt book bkdesk desk clock klk实用操练:实用操练:1. The kite and book are in the desk.二十六、音标二十六、音标/g/ 外号外号“气破舌根软腭音气破舌根软腭音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:go /g/ egg eg good gd game gem get get great gret实用操练:实用操练:1.Lets give him a big hand.2. Thats a good idea.二十七、音标二十七、音标/m/ 外号外号“双唇闭嘴鼻音双唇闭嘴鼻音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:man mæn time tam more m:(r) meet mi:t math mæ market m:kt实用操练:实用操练:1. Men make mistakes.2. Money will come and go.二十八、音标二十八、音标/n/ 外号外号“舌尖齿龈开口鼻音舌尖齿龈开口鼻音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:no n eleven levn know n name nem need ni:d new nju:实用操练:实用操练:1. No news is good news.2. He sure is a pain in the neck.二十九、音标二十九、音标/ 外号外号“舌后软腭撒娇鼻音舌后软腭撒娇鼻音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:think k sing s ring r morningm:n thing thank æk实用操练:实用操练:1. Thank you for everything.三十、音标三十、音标/f/ 外号外号“咬唇音咬唇音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:few fju: photo ft father f:ð(r) floor fl:(r) found fand实用操练:实用操练:1. Life is beautiful, but is not always sweet.2.How are you feeling ? I feel fine.三十一、音标三十一、音标/v/ 外号外号“咬唇音咬唇音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:veryveri seven sevn five fav video vdi movie mu:vi over v(r)实用操练:实用操练:1. Can you give me some advice?2. He lives a very active life.三十二、半元音三十二、半元音/w/ 外号外号 “圆唇突出短我音圆唇突出短我音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:we wi what wt want wnt where we(r) when wen well wel实用操练:实用操练:1.Where there is a will, there is a way.2.Dont give up. Well always be with you.三十三、音标三十三、音标/s/ 外号外号“气通舌尖齿龈音气通舌尖齿龈音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:sit st class kl:s yes jes nice nasschool sku:l sun sn star st:(r)实用操练:实用操练:1. The sun and star are nice.2.Dont be so tense.三十四、音标三十四、音标/z/ 外号外号“气通舌尖齿龈音气通舌尖齿龈音词汇拓展:词汇拓展:zoo zu: is z eggs egz whose hu:z busy bzi those ðz实用操练:实用操练:Business is business.三十五、音标三十五、音标/ 外号外号“舌端齿龈气擦音舌端齿龈气擦音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展: she i sure (r) fish f wish w short :t 实用操练:实用操练:She loves fish and wish to eat.三十六、音标三十六、音标/ 外号外号“咬舌音咬舌音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:thank æk month mn mouth ma thing three ri:实用操练:实用操练:Nothing is more important than staying healthy.三十七、音标三十七、音标/ð/ 外号外号“咬舌音咬舌音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:that ðæt these ði:z those ðz father f:ð(r) there ðe(r)实用操练:实用操练:That person over there is my father.三十八、音标三十八、音标/ts/词汇拓展:词汇拓展:hats hæts petspets facts fækts 实用操练:实用操练:The hats and pets are beautiful.三十九、音标三十九、音标/dz/词汇拓展:词汇拓展:beds bedz cardsk:dz kinds kandz deeds di:dz words w:dz实用操练:实用操练:His deeds dont agree with his words.四十、音标四十、音标/ h/ 外号外号“大口喘气音大口喘气音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展: he hi who hu: hope hp happy hæpi home hm实用操练:实用操练:He has a happy home.四十一、半元音四十一、半元音/ j/ 外号外号“双唇扁平短爷音双唇扁平短爷音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:year j(r) your j:(r) young j yesterday jestde lawyer l:j(r)实用操练:实用操练:The young lawyer is your father.四十二、半元音四十二、半元音/ r/ 外号外号“四指卷舌音四指卷舌音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:red red rightrat wrongr room ru:m run rn ruler ru:l(r)实用操练:实用操练:You are right. I am wrong.四十三、舌边辅音四十三、舌边辅音/ / 词汇拓展:词汇拓展:leg leg blue blu: place ples tell tel lead li:d like lak 实用操练:实用操练:I tell him I like blue.四十四、音标四十四、音标/tr/词汇拓展:词汇拓展:tree tri: truck trk try tra true tru: travel trævl trouble trbl实用操练:实用操练:Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.四十五、音标四十五、音标/dr/词汇拓展:词汇拓展:dress dres drink drk draw dr: dream dri:m drive drav实用操练:实用操练:My dream is to have a dress.四十六、音标四十六、音标/ 外号外号“舌端齿龈气擦音舌端齿龈气擦音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:usually ju:uli decision dsn pleasure ple(r) measure me(r)实用操练:实用操练:I usually make a decision by myself.四十七、音标四十七、音标/t/ 外号外号“气冲舌尖齿龈音气冲舌尖齿龈音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:child tald teach ti:t picture pkt(r) culture klt(r) church t:t touch tt实用操练:实用操练:Dont touch the head of a child.四十八、音标四十八、音标/d/ 外号外号“舌端齿龈气擦音舌端齿龈气擦音”词汇拓展:词汇拓展:just dst age ed joke dk imagine mædn orange rnd large l:d实用操练:实用操练:I cant imagine a large orange.


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