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    单元( Unit 1 Hello ) 第( 1 )课时课题Part A Lets talk Hello, Hello Chen Jie;Hi, Hi Miss White; Hi, Hi Wu Yifan;Hello, Hello Sarah; Hello, Hello John;Hi, Hi Mr Black; Hi, Hi, Bai Ling.4、Game for consolidation(Put up all the name cards with pictures on the blackboard. Choose representatives from each group.)T: Hello, Im Mr Black. (Mike)(After hearing the orders, representatives should do their best to touch the picture .The quick one is the winner, their group will get the score.)T: Goodbye Bye,.S: Goodbye Bye.5、Come to the text.P4 Lets talk.Lead the students to recognize the words (Hello/Hi, Im Goodbye Bye) in the dialogue and imitate to read aloud the dialogue while listening to the tape recorder.6、Learn the song in lets sing in P6 with the gestures. 作 业 设 计1、 Act out the dialogue with your classmates.2、 Sing the song with the gestures to your parents.3、 Enable to say (Hello/Hi, Im Goodbye Bye) in daily life.板 书 设 计Unit1 Hello! Lets talk Hello. I am. Mike Wu Yifan Chen Jie ZipHi. Im . Sarah Miss White John Zoom教 学 反 思 单元( Unit 1 Hello ) 第( 2 )课时课题Part A Lets learn Let's chant设计者Ma Lingqiao教学 目标1. Be able to listen, say and read the words: pencil, ruler, eraser, crayon.2. Be able to read and say the sentences: I have a/an . And make a simple talk3. Be able to read the ballad with rhythm.4. Be able to sing the song: Hello.教学 重难 点Teaching Importance:1. Listen, say and read the words: pencil, ruler, eraser, crayon.2. Sentence structures: I have a .Teaching Difficulties:1. Pronunciation of crayon and eraser 2. Using of a/an in the sentences.教学 准备tape recorder, teacher cards二次备课记录教学预设Step 1 Warming up 1. Sing the song: Hello.2. Game: Stand up/ Sit down.3. Greetings with each other in groups.T: Hello. I'm . S: Hi, I'm . T: Bye.T-S act, then Ss work in pair and act.4. Game: To get one S's eyes closed. Let him/her say: Hello, I'm Let others guess who he /she is. If others guess right, says: Yes, I'm . Otherwise: No, I'm . Step 2. PresentationLet's learn: pencil, ruler, eraser, crayon1. T: Today is Teddy Bear's birthday. His parents bought a new bag to him. Read: bag, bag.Guess: What's in the bag?2. T shows the school things: pencil, Ss read. Make a dialogue.T: Hello, Im PencilS: Hello, Im .(After teaching the words: pencil.)T-S, Ss pair work.3. After teaching the pencil and crayon.二次备课记录教学预设T: I have a crayon/ pencil.T guide Ss to say. Then T present the sentence on Bb: I have a . Ss pair work. A: I have a . B: I have a . S: I have a crayon. T: Me too!Let's do. T say: I have a . Ss: Me too! (S show the stationery)Then SA say, Ss act and say “Me too“.4. T: Look at the board, guess. What is it?T draw and lead in ruler. Ss read.T: Hello, I have a ruler. SA: Hi, I have a ruler/ .5. Game: Touch and guess, T lead in eraser.Ss read. T: I have an eraser.6. Ss compare the sentences on Bb, find the differences of a/an.7. Listen to the tape.Ss listen and repeat it. Then Ss work in four and read.Let's chant1. Listen to the tape. 2. Ss listen to the tape, and repeat.3. Ss listen to the tape and act.4. Ss close the book, just listen to the tape and act.5. Group competition. Ss listen to the tape, act. Step 3. Consolidation and extensionExercises book. 作 业 设 计1. Read the textbook. three times.2. Listen to tape five times板 书 设 计Unit1 Hello! Lets learnpencil Show me your ruler I have a / an crayoneraser教 学 反 思单元( Unit 1 Hello ) 第( 3 )课时课题Part A Lets sing Let's find out设计者Ma Lingqiao教学 目标1. Be able to sing the song of ABC song.2. Be able to find out the letter which hided in Let's find out3. Be able to finish the exercises.教学 重难 点Teaching Importance:1. Sing the song of ABC song.2. Find out the letter which hided in Let's find outTeaching Difficulties:1. Pronunciation of 26 letters2. Finding the letters/ words in exercises.教学 准备CAI, word cards二次备课记录教学预设Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1. Review the writing materials.A touching game: Put the writing materials cards on the board. Let students run to the stage and point to them. The winner can get one point.2. Matching gameDivide the whole class into two groups. The students of group one hold the writing material, the other one hold the cards. The teacher says one word, the students have the same thing, run to the stage. The first one gets one point.3. Review “Show me your”Listen to the teacher and do the actions.Step 2 Presentation1. Let's singThe words are made of the letters. Now let's listen to the song, A B C song.Ss listen and clap the hands.二次备课记录教学预设T guide Ss to read the lyrics: ABDEFG HIJKLMN OPQ RST UVWXYZ XYZ now you see, I can say my ABCs.Listen, look and sing again.T asks Ss to sing the song in group.2. Game1: Point and read.T shows the letters on Bb without order, T point and Ss read it out quickly.Game 2: Listen and pick up the letters.T put the big letters and small letters on Bb. T say, SA and SB pick up the letters to the basket quickly.Game 3: Put the letters in right order.T asks the Group Ss put the letters in order.Then the letters change into the song: ABDEFG HIJKLMN OPQ RST UVWXYZ XYZ now you see, I can say my ABCs.3. Ss listen and sing the song again.Let's find outT plays the song, T circles the letter: N. Then T ask Ss to do the exercises on book page 6.Then T asks Ss to check the answers.Step 3. Consolidation and extensionExercises book.作 业 设 计1. Sing the song three times.2. Preview the B Lets talk板 书 设 计Unit 1 Hello! A Let's singABDEFG HIJKLMN OPQ RST UVWXYZ XYZ now you see, I can say my ABCs. 教 学 反 思本课时重点在于学习城市中常见的地点,并能够运用所学语言描述其位置。在教学过程中,教师通过说唱的形式简洁明了地将所学单词和主要句型进行综合归纳,既练习了所学知识,巩固了核心语言,同时又调动了学生的学习积极性。学生容易在单词的发音和拼写上出现问题,教师采用拆分法教读单词,既有利于降低难度,又能帮助学生根据发音记住单词拼写,教学效果显著,能培养学生的语感。教师也可采用发音拼读比赛,利用紧张的氛围激发学生的潜能,增强课堂参与度。最后以萝卜蹲游戏操练单词,既有利于增强学习又能使全体学生积极参与进来,课堂识记效果强。单元( Unit 1 Hello! ) 第( 4 )课时课题Part B Lets talk Let's play设计者Ma Lingqiao教学 目标1. Be able to listen, say and read the sentence: What's your name? My name's . Goodbye. Bye.2. Be able to introduce oneself to others.3. Be able to use the sentence structures in communication.4. Appreciate the song of “Hello“.教学 重难 点Teaching importance:1. Listen, say and read the sentence: What's your name? My name's . Goodbye. Bye2. Introduce oneself to others.Teaching Difficulty: Introduce oneself to others in the communication.教学 准备CAI, tape, word cards, head-case二次备课记录教学预设Step 1 Warming up 1. Sing the song: Hello. (Change the names in the song.)2.T-S greetings:T: Hello. Im .Whats your name?SA: Hello. I'm .T-Ss(Ss act Sarah) ask and answer.Step 2. Presentation1. My name's .a. T point to herself and say: Hello! I'm Miss Zhang. My name's Zhang Sisi. T says it slowly, and the Ss try to understand the meaning. T: What's your name? T guide the S to answer the question: My name's . b. S read the sentence My name is .c. Pair work. T-ST: My names . Whats your name? S: My names .S-S work in pairsSA: My names . SB: My names .二次备课记录教学预设2. Whats your name?T: Lead in Whats your name?T guides the S to read and say. Then T guide the Ss to work in group. T: What's your name?Ss (act as pen/ pencil/ .): My name's .3. Goodbye/ Bye!After the feedback. T says: Bye! Goodbye! Lead in the sentence: Bye!S read and work in pair. SA: Goodbye. / Bye. SB: Goodbye/ Bye!4. Read the Let's talk.T guides the Ss to read after the tape. Then act in group.Step 3. Practice1.Act the dialogue.T asks the Ss to act as Mike and John.2.Let's playa. Ss look at the book and find how to do the game.b. Ss ask: Hello. What's your name?SA: My names .Ss: Goodbye!SA: Bye!作 业 设 计1. Listen to the tape for 3 times, try to recite the dialogue.2. Finish the Exercise.板 书 设 计Unit 1 Hello! B Let's talkA: Hello, I'm Mike. What's your name?B: My name's .A: Goodbye!B: Bye! 教 学 反 思单元( Unit 1 Hello! ) 第( 5 )课时课题Part B Lets learn Let's do设计者Ma Lingqiao教学 目标1. Be able to listen, say and read the words and sentences: pen, pencil box, bag, book. Zoom, your bag. Oh, no!2. Be able to understand the commands and do actions.3. Be able to use the words in communication.教学 重难 点Teaching Importance:1. Listen, say and read the words and sentences: pen, pencil box, bag, book. Zoom, your bag. Oh, no! 2. Introduce one's stationery to others.Teaching Difficulty: Introduce one's stationery to others.教学 准备Word cards, tape, CAI二次备课记录 教学预设Step 1 Warming up 1. Sing songs:Hello.2. Daily oral greetingT: Hello, Im Miss Zhang. My names Miss Zhang. Whats your name?S: Hello, my names _. T: I have a/ an .S: Me too. I have a/ an 3. Hold up crayon, ruler, eraser, pencil, name the school things. Step2. PresentationLet's learn 1. Use the regalia of pencil box, bag, book, pen.T: Look. I have a pencil. T shows the card: pencil. Then Ss compare with the word: pen. Ss read. Ss make a dialogue. T-SA gives an E.g. A: Hi. I'm Ruler. What's your name? B: My name's Pen. ( T paste the words cards on Bb.)T: Put the pen in the pencil box. Put the pencil in the pencil box.T lead in the word: Pencil box. Ss read.T, SA, then Ss work in pair.二次备课记录教学预设T draws, Ss guess, review the words in A and B, then lead in book.Ss read.T: Open your book. Close your book. Ss do the actionsT: Open your pencil box. Close your pencil box. Ss do.T: Put the pencil in the pencil box. Put the pencil box in the .?T leads in bag.T: What's in the bag? Shake, shake, shake? This is a bag. T shows a bag and guide the Ss to read.T guides the Ss to read.T reads the contents in Let's do, such as Open your book. Lead in A: Zoom, your bag! B: Oh, no! Ss read and act.Let's do1.The teacher open the book, then say “open the book” and the teacher close the book, say “close your book”(twice)b. Ask Ss to take out the pencil box. The same way to teach: Open the pencil box. Close the pencil box.c. Show me your ./book/bag/eraserd. “Carry your bag”, do the action. Step 3. Practice 1. Ask Ss to put the school things on the desk. The teacher say “book”, Ss hold up the book quickly, then say loudly “book”.2. Game: Touch and say. T put the word cards on board, and then T asks Ss to touch the word then he/she hear. 作 业 设 计1. Listen to the tape and follow. 2. Finish the exercise book. 3. Can recite Lets do.板 书 设 计Unit 1 Hello! B Let's learnpen pencil box A: Zoom, your bag!bag book B: Oh, no! 教 学 反 思单元( Unit 1 Hello! ) 第( 6 )课时课题Part B Start to read设计者Ma Lingqiao教学 目标1. Be able to listen, say and read the letters:a, b, H, Q. 2. Be able to review the words in unit 1. 3. Be able to understand the commands and do actions.4. Be able to use the words in communication.5. Be able to sing the songs: Hello. ABC songs.教学 重难 点Teaching Importance:1. Listen, say and read the words in unit 1, such as: pen, pencil box, bag, book, pencil, etc.2. Introduce one's stationery to others.3. Greet to each others.Teaching Difficulty: Listen, say and read the words in unit 1, such as: pen, pencil box, bag, book, pencil, etc.教学 准备CAI, tape二次备课记录教学预Step 1 Warming up 1.Sing songs:Hello.2.Daily oral greetingT: Hello, Im Miss Jin. My names Jin . Whats your name?设S: Hello, my names _.T: Goodbye.S: Bye.T-S, S-S.3. Let's do. Let's chant. (Review the words in A and B) Step2. PresentationStart to read1. Circle the same lettersSing the song: A B C songsSs sing and point to the letters on page 6.Then Ss sing together.T: Look at page 9. Look at the letters. No. 1, a, a, a, three As. What have you find out? How to do it?二次备课记录教学预设SA say:.Then T asks Ss to finish the exercises on book. Then Ss check the answers in group, read the letters they circled.T writes the circled letters on Bb. Ss read.Letters on Bb: a, b, H, Q.2. Read and count.Game 1: See and response quickly.T show the cards quickly, Ss read.Game 2: Cover and guess.T cover the part of the picture, Ss guess, What is it?T guide Ss look at the book, and try to find out the way to finish the exercises.First, Ss read and finish the exercises.Next, T checks the answers.Then, T/ Ss read together. We read “2 pens“ in this way: Pen, pen. Then we read and clap the hands. Step 3. Practice 1. Let's check.No.1: A: Hello. I'm Miss White. B: Hello, Miss White. No.2: Hello, I'm Zoom. No. 3: A: Hi, I'm Mike. What's your name? B: My name's Chen Jie.No. 4: A: Goodbye. B: Bye. 2. Look and match.Ss finish the answers and read. 作 业 设 计1. Listen to the tape and read after it 3 times.2. Finish the exercise book.板 书 设 计Unit 1 Hello! Start to readWhos there? Guess!Are you Tutu? Lets play! Great!教 学 反 思教师在课堂呈现环节注意了以下几点: 1. 合理分散重难点。教师遵循先易后难、先重点句型后辅助语句、先学后练、先 分后合的原则进行教学,以便单词和句子都有相对独立的操练和表演的时间。 2. 以歌曲和 Lets try 部分导入新课,学生虽然会遇到难以理解的生词或句子, 但通过音乐的旋律可以先对本课时内容有大致的了解,并能找出问题,并将这些 疑问在新课呈现的过程中一一解决。教师注意新知呈现形式应相对轻松活泼,吸 引学生的注意力。 3. 小学生虽然记忆力强,但记得快忘得也快,呈现新知后,教师应及时帮助学生 巩固所学句型。新知学完后,教师不要急于让学生表达,应留有一定的时间让学 生自由练习,在学生听懂会说的基础上再让学生进行表达交流。机械操练是不可 少的,但可采用多种形式,如编成 chant,先集体后个人,或男生女生、前排后排、 左排右排、开火车、做游戏等多种形式操练。单元( Unit2 Colours ) 第( 1 )课时课题Part A Lets talk Bb /b/ book, bag; Cc /k/ cat, crayon; Dd /d/ duck, dog.3. To write letters well to train good habits of writing.教学 重难 点Key point: To master four letters. To write them correctly.Difficult point: can say /æ/ /b/ /k/ /d/ correctly.教学 准备Tape, cards, PPT, video二次备课记录教学预设Step1 Warm up1. GreetingsT: Hello. Good morning/ Good afternoon. Whats your name? Nice to meet you. This is .Goodbye.2. Lets do.T: Red, red, show me red.Ss: This is red. I see red.3. Lets sing: ABC song.Step2 Presentation 1. I see T shows the letters one by one.Ask some students to say.2. Listen, repeat and chant.A-A-A, show an A, B-B-B, show a B,C-C-C, show a C, D-D-D, show a D.After me ABCD, after me ABCD.Listen, read and follow the tape.3. Letters and sounds.A-A-A /æ/ /æ/ /æ/ ant apple 二次备课记录教学预设B-B-B /b/ /b/ /b/ bag bookC-C-C /k/ /k/ /k/ cat crayonD-D-D /d/ /d/ /d/ duck dogTeach new letters, sounds and works one by one.Step 3 Practice1. Listen and follow2. Listen and circle.3. Start to read Find and Say (P19) Lead Ss to find out the letters. Ask Ss to count letters: How many As?4. Start to write Ask Ss to say what Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd likes? T shows how to write Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd. Ss learn to write four letters.Step 4 Assessment1. Game: Have a dictation2. I say you say: eg: Cc-Dd Bb-Cc Aa-Bb etc.3. Finish the exercise in workbook.4. Add-activities作 业 设 计1. Listen to the tape 3 times, and recite the chant fluently.2. Copy the new letters.3. Preview the new lesson.板 书 设 计Unit 2 Colours A. Start to readapple bag cat duckant book crayon dog教 学 反 思单元( Unit2 Colours ) 第( 4 )课时课题Part B. Lets talk设计者Ma Lingqiao教学 目标1. Ss can listen, say and read Good afternoon! Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.2. Ss can introduce and communicate with the new sentences.3. To improve their interests of learning English.教学 重难 点Key point: To communicate with others using new language fluently.Diff


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