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    '' 听力听力( (一)一) .听录音,选出你所听到的字母或单词。每个读两遍。(5 分) ( )1. A. CNNB. endC. F2F ( )2. A. UKB. U.S.A.C. NBA ( )3. A. morningB. afternoonC. China ( )4. A. hiB. helloC. how ( )5. A. nice B. fine C. my .听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。(5 分)6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ .听录音,选择你所听到的句子。每个句子读两遍。(5 分) ( )11. A. Fine, thanks.B. Im OK.C. Im fine. ( )12. A. Good morning.B. Goodbye.C. Good afternoon. ( )13. A. This is my teacher.B. This is Maria.C. This is my mom. ( )14. A. Nice to meet you.B. How are you?C. How do you do? ( )15. A. See you later.B. See you.C. Lets begin. .听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。(5 分) ( )16. A. Fine, thanks.B. How do you do?C. You, too. ( )17. A. Good afternoon.B. Hello!C. Nice to see you, too. ( )18. A. Yes, I am.B. Thank you.C. Im OK. ( )19. A. Good morning, Mike.B. Thank you.C. Goodbye, Mike. ( )20. A. Yes, I am.B. Thank you.C. Fine, thanks. 听力听力( (二)二) .听句子,选出与其相符的图片(5 分)''5. .听对话,根据问题选择正确答案(10 分)6.A.Its in the classroom. B.There are old desks. C.They are in the classroom. 7.A.He is in front of Tom. B.He is behind Tom. C.He is in the office. 8.A.Yes,there are. B.No,there arent. C.Yes,they are. 9.A.Yes,it is. B.No,there isnt.C.Yes,there is. 10.A.Yes,there is a gym. B.There is a gym. C.No,there is a classroom. .听短文,选择最佳答案(5 分)11.This is room. A.my English teachers B.my Chinese teachers C.Mr Lis 12.There are on the table. A.some books and a televisionB.some books and a computerC.some books and some flowers 13.Ther computer is . A.on the table B.on the chair C.on the desk 14.Mr Wang can . A.play basketball B.play football C.ride a horse 15. on the wall. A.Some pictures and a map of England are B.A map of China and some pictures are C.A map and a kite are 听力(三)听力(三).听句子,选择最佳答案(5 分)1. 2 3 4 5 .请听对话,选择最佳答案(10 分) 6.A.Her favourite food is a hamburger.B.Her favourite food is an apple.C.Her favourite food is meat. 7.A.Some milk. B.Some juice. C.Some water. 8.A.Some juice. B.Only some bananas. C.Some apples and bananas. 9.A.They're healthy food B.They're unhealthy food. C.No,they aren't. 10.A.Yes,it is. B.No,it isn't. C.Yes,they are.请听短文,将你所听到的词按类别填入下列表格(5 分) vegetablefooddrinkfruithealthy11. 12. juiceapples'' carrotsricewatermelonsonionsbeef14. orangespork15. 13. unhealthycandyCoke听力(四)听力(四).根据句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的选项。 (5 分) 1.What's Mary's favourite subject? A.Chinese. B.Maths. C.English. 2.What day is it today? A.Saturday.B.Friday.C.Sunday. 3.When does science lesson start? A.8:30.B.8:00.C.7:30. 4.What does Daming's uncle often do? A.Watch TV.B.See a film.C.Reading. 5.Where does Betty's aunt live? A.China.B.England.C.American.听对话,根据问题选择正确答案(5 分) 6.What's Jack favourite subject? A.Chemistry. B History.C.maths. 7.What time is it now? A.7:20.B.7:30.C.8:00. 8.What does Lucy get on her birthday? A.A magazine. B.A card. C.A book with the name of Harry Porter. 9.What does Mary often have dinner? A.Beef and chicken. B.Beef and potatoes.C.Some bread and milk. 10.What does the women like doing on Sundays? A.She likes doing housework. B.She likes playing. C.She likes doing homework.听短文,根据短问内容选择正确答案(10 分) 11.Lucy goes to school . A.at 7:45 B.at 7:30C.at 6:45 12.How many classes does she have every day? A.Four. B.Two. C.Six. 13.Where does she have lunch? A.At home. B.At school. C.In a shop. 14.She often _ after school. A.plays ping-pong B.plays football C.plays basketball 15.In the evening she . A.watches TV B.does her homework C.watches TV and does her homework 听力(五)听力(五).听句子,选择你听到的单词或短语。 (5 分) 1.A.chocolatesB.sweetsC.candies 2.A.peansB.silk shirts C.trousers 3.A.book shop B.party C.concert 4.A.grandmotherB.grandfatherC.Lee Tong 5.A.bootballB.basketballC.table tennis '' .听句子,选择最佳答语。 (5 分) 6.Is Jack's favourite's subject history? A.Yes,it is. B.No,he likes chemistry best. C.He likes math very much. 7.Is it eight o'clock now? A.No,it's 7:20. B.No,it's 7:30. C.Yes,it is. 8.Why do they buy a book as Lucy's birthday present? A.Because she likes writing. B.Because she likes Harry Potter. C.Because she likes reading. 9.What doesn't mary often have for dinner? A.Beef. B.Chicken. C.Potatoes. 10.Does the woman like doing homework on Sunday? A.No,she likes doing housework. B.No,she likes playing. C.No,she likes watching TV. III、 11.Whose birthday is it today? A.It is Tony's birthday. B.It is Lingling's birthday. C.It is Betty's birthday. 12.What does Betty get from her friends? A.A birthday card. B.A lot of birthday presents. C.A birthday cake. 13.Where are Lucy and Lily from? A.They are from England.B.They are from America. C.They are from Japan. 14.Who likes swimming very much? A.Lucy. B.Lily. C.Lucy and Lily. 15.What do Lucy and Lily like doing? A.They like playing basketball.B.They like jumping. C.They like playing football.Iv、.听短文,选择最佳答语, 听两遍。 16.Lucy gets up . A.at 7:30 B.at 7:00 C.at 7:10 17.How many classes does she have in the afternoon every day? A.Four. B.Six. C.Two. 18.In the evening she often plays ping-pong _after school. A.with me and other students B.with classmates C.with me 19.In the evening she . A.does housework,then does her homework B.does her homework,then watch TV C.watches TV,then does her homework 20.She goes to bed . A.at 10:00 B.after 11:00 C.at 10:30 听力(六)听力(六) I. 听录音,选出正确的图片。A BCD''EF GH1. _2. _3. _4. _ 5. _6. _7_8. _ II. 听句子,选出相应的短语。 A. Money Isnt Everything B. A Good Movie C. Reference(参考)Material D. A Future(未来)Farm E. Parents Headache(头痛)1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _ III. 听录音,根据你所听到的选择正确的问句或答句。 ( )1. A. What country are you in?B. Where do you come from? ( )2. A. I like it very much.B. It doesnt matter. ( )3. A. I cant stand it.B. Yes, I think they are cool. ( )4. A. When do you have supper?B. Would you like to have breakfast with us? ( )5. A. Is he watching “Super Sports”?B. What does he think of “Beijing Culture”? IV. 听录音,根据大意填空。1. Maria is writing an article for the school. _.2. Maria loves the _.3. She doesnt mind the _.4. She cant stand the colour of the _.5. She thinks the _ is really cool. V. 听录音,选择正确答案。 ( )1. How many children does the young woman have?A. Ten B. Eleven C. Four ( )2. The children wore _ caps, _ coats and _ pants.A. yellow/ white/ blue B. blue/ white/ yellow C. white/ blue / yellow ( )3. The mother dresses her children in the same clothes now because _.A. she loves her childrenB. she doesnt want to take other children homeC. it is easy to see her children when they are among their friends ( )4. From the story we know the woman was _.A. braveB. dull C. boring'' 听力(七)听力(七)I. 听下面的句子,按照听到的顺序将正确图画的代码填在表格内。(5 分) 1- 2- 3- 4- 5-A B C D E F II. 听对话, 然后根据问句选择正确的答案。 (5 分) 1. A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15 2. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren't. C. Yes, they do. D. No, they don't. 3. A. Jack does. B. Jack is. C. Jim does. D. Jim is. 4. A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A nurse. D. A student. 5. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn't. C. Excuse me. You may ask that man. D. Sorry, I don't know. III. 听短文,将文中所空的单词补充出来。 (10 分) Tom is from America. He's in China now. He's a Grade 8 student. He's_1_. He's my _2_ friend. We're in the same class. He sits _3_ me. We have _4_ good friends for one year. Tom has a _5_ face and a big nose. He has big _6_eyes. They make him _7_. He always _8_a pair of glasses. He is _9_. He _10_ like to be a computer engineer when he grows up. 听力(八)听力(八) A)听录音,选出你所听到的句子中所包含的单词或词组。1.A.nearly B.neatly C.near D.clear2.A.clever B.hear C.clear D.dear3.A.change B.trouble C.chicken D.danger4.A.telegraph B.telegram C.photograph D.television5.A.called B.opened C.try D.try6.A.new ideas B.no idea C.oh,my dear D.have a rest7.A.in a moment B.in the moment C.at the moment D.just a moment8.A.turn down B.turn off C.take down D.take off9.A.double B.trouble C.travel D.trousers10.A.busy B.easy C.noisy D.lazyB)录音中有五个单词,每个单词听一遍后,用所听到的单词的正确形式完成下面各题。1.You are sitting so far.Can you hear me _?2.I want to learn how to eat _.3.She was so _ that she couldnt move.4.During his lifetime,Edison had 1093 _.5.The policeman rushed out and carried the boy to _.'' 听力听力(九九) I. 听录音,写出所听单词的反义词或对应词。 (5 分) 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ II. 听录音,选择符合录音内容的图画。 (5 分) 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ III. 听录音,选择适当的句子补全对话。(5 分) A. Do they love you? B. They have good jobs. C. What about your mother? D. Of course. E. what does your father do? Mike: Lisa, 1 Lisa: My father is a doctor. Mike: 2 Lisa: She is a teacher. What about your parents? Mike: My father is a cook. My mother is a nurse. Lisa: Do they enjoy(喜欢;享受) their work? Mike: Yes, they enjoy their work very much. 3 Lisa: 4 Mike: 5 They love me and I love them. IV. 听录音,根据所听短文内容完成句子。(5 分) 1. The speaker's pet is a _ . 2. The pet's is Xiaobai _ . 3. The pet has a long _ . 4. The pet likes to sleep on the speaker's _ . 5. The pet likes to eat _ . 听力(十)听力(十) I. 听单词,从 A、B、C、D 中选出一个能填写在句子空白处的最佳选项。 (5 分) 1. Can Liza _ chess? 2. He wants to _ the swimming club. 3. Mr Green can _ Chinese well. 4. He needs some help _ his music homework. 5. The musicians can _ a lot of English songs. II. 听短文,填写所缺的单词。 (5 分) '' My name is Wang Hua. I'm a Chinese girl. My English name is _. I'm_2_years old. I like English very much. I can speak a little English. I want to learn to speak English_3_. I want to_4_English with English boys and girls. I want to join the English_5_. III. 听对话,补全所缺的单词。 (5 分) 1. Alice is_years old. She can play the_. 2. The students sing English songs at the_club. 3. Anna can play the_. She can't play the _. IV. 听句子,选择适当的答语。 (5 分) 1. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I don't. 2. A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can't. C. The guitar and the piano. D. Rock band. 3. A. Yes, a little. B. I can draw. C. No, I don't. D. The art club. 4. A. Don't thank me. B. You are right. C. That's all right. D. Here you are. 5. A. I'm 14. B. It's 14. C. It's Sunday. D. It's summer. 听力材料(一)听力材料(一).听录音,选出你所听到的字母或单词。每个读两遍。 1. end 2. U.S.A. 3. morning 4. hello 5. fine.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读两遍。 6. Goodbye. 7. Welcome to China. 8. Good morning. 9. Nice to meet you. 10. This is Mr. Lee.听录音,选择你所听到的句子。每个句子读两遍。 11. Im fine. 12. Good afternoon. 13. This is my teacher. 14. How do you do? 15. See you later.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读两遍。 16. How are you? 17. Nice to see you. 18. Are you Kangkang? 19. Goodbye, Miss Gao. 20. Welcome to China. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B . 1. C 7. D 8. B 9. E 10. A . 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. A . 16. A 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B 听力材料(二)听力材料(二)1.There are 18 boys in our class. 2.Mr.Green is next to the blackboard. 3.Lily is in front of her father in the photo. 4.There is a computer on the desk. 5.This is our school. 答案:15 BBCAB'' 6.There are 64 desks in the classroom. Q:Where are the desks?7.Tom is in front of Tony. Q:Where is Tony?8.There are 36 classrooms and 16 science labs in our school. Q:Are there 36 science labs and 16 classrooms in your school?9.The computer is on Miss Wang's desk. Q:Is there a computer on Miss Wang's desk?10.There is a gym next to the classroom. Q:What's next to the classroom? 答案:610 CBBCB 听力原文及答案:Mr Wang is my Chinese teacher.This is his room.It's very new and big.You can see some flowers on the table.Some books are on it.Next to the table there is a desk.On the desk,there is a computer.Behind the desk,there is a chair.Under the chair,there is basketball.Mr Wang can play basketball.He likes it very much.There is a map on the wall.It's a map of China.There are some pictures on the wall,too. 听力材料(三)听力材料(三) 1.What food does Tom like? 2.What's your favourite fruit? 3.Is an orange healthy or unhealthy? 4.Are there any eggs in the fridge? 5.Does Daming like carrots? 答案:15 CEABD 6.M:What's your favourite food? W:It's meat. Q:What's the woman's favourite food? 7.M:Have you got any milk? W:No,I haven't.I have got some juice. Q:What does the woman have? 8.M:Is there any juice in the fridge? W:No,there isn't.But there are some apples and bananas in it. Q:What's in the fridge? 9.M:Do you like hamburgers? W:No.They are unhealthy food. Q:Are hamburgers healthy food or unhealthy food? 10.M:What's your favourite drink? W:Coke.But it's unhealthy. Q:Is Coke a healthy drink? 答案:610.CBCBB Apples,melons,oranges and bananas are fruits.They are all healthy.We all know them.Some foods are healthy and some are unhealthy.Noodles,rice,beef and pork are healthy,but hamburgers and candy aren't healthy.Milk,water and juice are healthy drinks,but Coke isn't a healthy drink.If you want to be healthy,eat noodles,rice,and some vegetables,like onions,tomatoes,carrots and drink juice,water and milk,not Coke. 答案:1 1.tomatoes/carrots 12.noodles 13.hamburgers 14.milk 15.bananas 听力材料(四)听力材料(四) I、1.A:What's your favourite subject,Mary? B:It's English.'' 2.A:What day is it today? B:It's Friday. 3.A:When is your science lesson? B:We have a science lesson at half past eight. 4.Daming's uncle likes film and he often goes to the cinema. 5.Betty's aunt doesn't live in China.She lives in the USA. 答案:15 CBABC II、6.A:Which subject do you like best,chemistry,history,or maths,Jack? B:I like chemistry best. 7.A:What time is it now,please? B:It's half past seven. 8.A:Today is Lucy's birthday,what shall we do? B:Let's choose a birthday present for her.She likes reading very much. A:OK,let's get her a novel.One of the Harry Porter books. B:Good idea! 9.A:Do you have beef and chicken for dinner,Mary? B:No,we often have beef and potatoes. 10.A:What do you like doing on Sundays? B:I like doing housework. 答案:610 ABCBA


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