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    D.Make you feel more stressed.3.What does the text mainly talk about?A.Tips on how to take your time off B.Skills to manage work and family C.Advice on how to free yourself D.Ways of scheduling your work B The AI research arm of Alibaba created a machine learning model that received a higher score on the Stanford Question Answering Dataset than humans.The database consists of more than 100,000 questions to test reading comprehension.In early January this year the Alibaba AI software machine scored 82.44 on the test while humans scored 82.304.Besides,computers and AI have already defeated humans,for example in games such as chess.However,it seemed that language skills were superior in humans as machines find languages hard to master.A large number of call center employees,often in developing countries,may be out of work soon if the AI robots are cheaper and as effective as human labor.Soon when you phone a company for information the conversation will go like this:“We are sorry but all our robots are busy right now.We value your call.Please stay on the line until a robot is free to serve you.There are just 12 callers ahead of you.”A robot will serve you some popular tunes while you wait.Si Luo,who is a chief scientist of natural language processing at Alibabas AI research group noted that questions such as“What causes rain?”can now be answered with a high degree of accuracy by robots.Si Luo said,“We believe the foundational technology can be gradually applied to a lot of applications such as customer service,museum tutorials,and online responses to inquiries from patients,freeing human efforts in a new way.”Si Luos team is working closely with Ali Xiaomi,a mobile customer service chatbot.Ali Xiaomi can be customized to be used on Alibabas platforms such as Taobao and Tmall.The new AI robots could answer consumers questions as they did the Stanford questions.The robots would look for the answers from prepared information.However,there are limits to what the system will be able to do.If questions do not have clear-cut answers,or the questions asked are too unclear or ungrammatical,the robot may not be able to deal with them.4.What can we learn about the Alibaba AI software machine?A.It has been tested in some areas.B.It has become popular since January.C.It has offered a special learning style.D.It has made people interested in reading.5.What does the example in paragraph 3 show about the AI robots?A.They should have better language skills.B.They may replace humans in some fields.C.They need to be customized to serve customers.D.They will be widely used in developing countries.6.How does Si Luo feel about the foundational technology?A.Doubtful.B.Worried.C.Curious.D.Confident.7.What can we infer from the lastparagraph about Ali Xiaomi?A.It needs to improve in some ways.B.It is connected with another system.C.It is a platform to show good service.D.It can answer any questions accordingly.C Preventing heart disease is a topic I think about all the time,given my family history of heart disease.So last summer,I travelled toBolivia.The natives,called the Tsimane,were reported to have the healthiest hearts in the world.I wanted to learn what they could teach me about preventing heart disease.Getting to the Tsimane wasnt easy.They lived in small family groups of about 60 people along river banks.We finally found one of the villages at sunset.That night,we set up our tents in the middle of the village.Thatched huts surrounded us,with no electricity or modem conveniences.At first,I thought they mainly got their calorics from meat.However,I found food such as rice and com made up nearly 70%of their diet.The food was not processed,lacking added sugars or salts.During my stay there,I went hunting and fishing with the men and played soccer with the kids.I found the Tsimane were standing or walking nearly all of their waking hours.Men spent lots of time tracking animals.Fanning and gathering,mostly done by children and women,were all-day affairs.I also got a clear idea of how they rested.As soon as the sun went down,people returned to their huts and went to sleep.And with the call of the cock in the morning,another day began.The lifespan of the Tsimane is actually much shorter than those living in theUS.Various factors,like animal attacks and infections,bring down the lifespan.But up until the day they die,they are often very healthy.While heart disease kills thousands of Americans every year and costs nearly a billion dollars a day,the Tsimane remind us that wealth doesnt necessarily buy health.8.Why does the author pay so much attention to preventing heart disease?A.He dreams of becoming a doctor.B.He wants to teach others about the topic.C.His family members encourage him to do so.D.He was born with a high risk of heart disease.9.Which factors did the author mainly focus on in his research?A.Housing,food and cooperation.B.Diet,activity and rest.C.Physical work,social life and lifespan.D.Group size,family history and consumption 10.What was the Tsimane s sleep-wake cycle mainly based on?A.Natural sound.B.Routine activity.C.Animal behaviour.D.Natural light.11.What might the author advise us to do after his travels inBolivia?A.Take in less sugar and salt.B.Stand less and walk more.C.Eat white meat instead of red meat.D.Live in the middle of the community.D While space travel still gets lot of attention,not enough attention has been paid to the exploration of oceans,about which we know much less than the dark side of the moon.Ninety percent of the ocean floor has not even been recorded and while we have been to the moon,the technology to explore the oceans floors is still being developed.For example,a permanent partially-underwater sea exploration station,called the Sea Orbiter,is currently in development.The oceans play a major role in controlling our climate.But we have not learned yet how to use them to cool us off rather than contribute to our overheating.Ocean organisms are said to hold the promise of cures for a wide of the unique eyes of skate(ray fish)led to advances in conquering blindness,the horseshoe crab was important in developing a test for bacterial pollution,and sea urchins helped in the development of test-tube fertilization(人工授精).The toadfishs ability to regenerate its central nervous system is of much interest to neuroscientists.A recent Japanese study concluded that the drug Eribulin,which was taken from sea sponges,is effective in fighting with breast,colon,and Urinary cancer.Given the approaching crisis of water insufficiency,we badly need to improve current methods,of desalinating(淡化)ocean water and make them more efficient and less costly.By 2025,1.8 billion people are expected to suffer from severe water shortage,with that number jumping to 3.9 billion by 2050-well over a third of the entire global population.If the oceansdo not make your heart go beating faster,how about engineering a bacterium that eats carbon dioxide and thus helps protect the world from overheating and produces fuel which will allow us to drive our cars and machines,without oil?I cannot find any evidence that people young or old,Americans or citizens of other nations would be less impressed or less inspired with such a breakthrough than with one more set of photos of a faraway galaxy or a whole Milky Way full of stars.12.What does the author think about the ocean exploration?A.It is equal to the space exploration.B.It is well developed.C.It deserves more attention and devotion.D.It is beyond our knowledge.13.What technology has been developed to make use of the oceans?A.Curing human diseases with ocean organisms.B.Preventing the world getting warmer.C.Mapping the global ocean floor.D.Removing salt from sea water.14.What does the author imply in the last paragraph?A.The temperature rise will be overcome by a bacterium.B.Solving the existing problems is more significant.C.The space exploration is worth the efforts.D.The ocean exploration is not inspiring.15.What is the best title of the passage?A.Oceans,the Last Hope.B.Oceans,the Hidden Treasure.C.Space,the Final Frontier.D.Space,the Faraway Dream.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项 When people have a choice of whom to work with,likability can sometimes matter a little bit;more than ability,said Tiziana Casciaro,an associate professor at the University of Torontos Rotman School of Management,who researches likability in the workplace._16_ .These strategies can help:_17_ You can induce a sense of similarity with almost anybodyby finding things you have in common.They may not be apparent right away,so be observant.Great salespeople do this all the time by studying potential customers for bits and pieces of their lives they can relate to.Like someone and theyll like you right back _18_ Flattery(奉承)can convey fondness,but she doesnt recommend using the fake kind,even though it may work.Casciaro said,uFlattery that is completely made up is exhausting and morally blameworthy.wInstead,let a praise come from a real place._19_For instance,“I really appreciate what you did yesterday.”When you give people praises,it goes a very long way towards their liking you back.Be a familiar presence Humans like things that are familiar,so just seeing you around in person makes you more likable to others.“This concept gives a whole new meaning to the idea of face time,”Casciaro said._20_If not,just try to talk to people as much as possible in person during work hours,she advised You want to maximize rich interactions and cut down on the drier ones,like texts and phone calls.Be sure to be seen.A.Ask a lot of questions.B.See the positive in a person and express it to him.C.People like to guess what others think about them.D.What can you do to increase your chances of being liked?E.Find the common points that link you with another person.F.Its almost irresistible that we like people who seem to like us.G.Go to after-work drinks if you have time and you would find the outing enjoyable.第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 Every Saturday night my family and I go out and feed the homeless people in the city ofOrlando.There are hundreds of people across the city without any_21_or shelter.We have been doing this for several months.We wanted to see what it was like in the_22_of a homeless person.One special thing I like to_23_is,my family and I do not eat before we begin our_24_so we know how it feels to be_25_All of the areas we go to are very_26_,such as Parramore,Gore Streetand downtownOrlando.We all get together in the_27_and prepare the food.Some of the meals are sandwiches and cookies and a bottle of water.Sometimes my mom_28_a steaming hot delicious meal.We then_29_them all up to feed 30 or more people.I like to write special_30_on the bag like,“God loves you”.Before my family and I get into the car,we ask God for protection in a family prayer.A lot of people_31_homeless people.Not all homeless people are drug addicts or_32_people.Some are_33_nice.Some of them just had bad things that_34_to them.At first,we had to earn their trust,because a lot of people are_35_to them for no good reason.But now that they see us every week they_36_us.We even know some of their names.We all have to remember that these are people that have_37_ Some of them shake our hands for giving them food.Some of them do really funny dances because they are happy.After we finished feeding the homeless,it makes me_38_what I have at home.Sometimes it makes me sad,and makes my mom_39_.I love feeding the homeless,and making a(n)_40_in someones life.21.A.power B.strength C.experience D.food 22.A.belief B.plan C.life D.dream 23.A.mention B.charge C.expect D.gain 24.A.collection B.journey C.holiday D.investigation 25.A.curious B.separate C.tense D.hungry 26.A.dangerous B.tidy C.busy D.peaceful 27.A.birthday B.kitchen C.field D.restaurant 28.A.eats B.buys C.prepares D.serves 29.A.break B.give C.use D.bag 30.A.notes B.poems C.novels D.articles 31.A.arrest B.misunderstand C.save D.adopt 32.A.patient B.active C.bad D.careless 33.A.finally B.luckily C.barely D.really 34.A.happened B.owed C.led D.added 35.A.interesting B.mean C.familiar D.unusual 36.A.trust B.respect C.forgive D.relax 37.A.tasks B.goals C.feelings D.methods 38.A.accept B.require C.spend D.appreciate 39.A.fight B.cry C.complain D.argue 40.A.experiment B.fortunate C.difference D.report 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 The Chinese New Year red envelope(红包)is one of_41._most popular Chinese traditions for children on the Chinese New Year.They receive red envelopes with money inside!Little kids_42._(usual)learn the words“hong bao”in Mandarin(普通话)very quickly.The red color1_43._(stand)for good luck for the Chinese.Traditionally the envelopes are decorated with gold letters and messages of_44._(happy)or Chinese lucky symbols like the Chinese dragon,the phoenix,etc.Nowadays,in_45._(keep)up with the times,you can find anything from Mickey Mouse to Hello Kitty on the red envelopes.Generally,kids_46._ are unmarried all get red envelopes during the Chinese New Year from their grandparents,uncles,aunts and parents of course.Close_47._(friend)also give red envelopes to children during the festival.Who gives money and how much money_48._(give)mainly depend on the personal relationship and the age of the kids.And_49._ is quite common for an adult_50._ (receive)a kids greeting for a red envelope during the Chinese New Year.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节短文改错(满分 10 分)51.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。Nowadays we can still see some behavior against public morals.As was often the case,people tend to talk loud in public places,annoyed others around.Spitting and littering rubbish can be seen anywhere.Besides,its common that the young or middle-aged sit on the bus when the elderly have to stand.Measure must be taken to change this situation.First of all,as students,we should manage our own behavior but help people around you form good habits.Meanwhile,it is necessary for the government and some organizations to encourage people to behave proper.Dont undervalue the role we can play with.Do remember we can make difference!Take action right now!第二节书面表达(满分 25 分)52.假定你是李华,你的好友 Jack 听闻你校即将举办 70 周年校庆(anniversary),他对此很感兴趣。请给他回信,告诉他活动的相关事宜,内容包括:1.活动时间、地点;2.活动内容(精彩的文艺表演等);3.欢迎届时来观看演出。注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节。参考答案 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.B 16.D 17.E 18.F 19.B 20.G 研究者发现:当人们选择和谁一起工作的时候,喜爱程度有时候比能力更重要一点。21.D 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.D 26.A 27.B 28.C 29.D 30.A 31.B 32.C 33.D 34.A 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.D 39.B 40.C 41.the 42.usually 43.stands 44.happiness 45.keeping 46.who/that 47.friends 48.is given 49.it 50.to receive 51.(1).wasis(2).annoyedannoying(3).anywhereeverywhere(4).whenwhile/but(5).MeasureMeasures(6).butand(7).youus(


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