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    /教师英文演讲(精选多篇)english teacheras a newer in kindergarden, in this semester. i not only learned a lot of teaching methods, but also increase a lot of experience. interest is the internal driving force for children to learn, is the key to education success. in the implementation process, we should raise childrens interest, pay attention to foster their positive attitude. so they can learning english happy.teachers should give children an environment to speak english, to foster a sense of their english language and hearing. for example, every morning, children /come to the kindergarden, teachers welcome and greet. at this time, we can use “bilingual greetings”. i think, it is a good habit, we can do it for a long time.in other aspects of life, teachers should creat a number of english situational. before they wash hands, teachers can speak in english but not chinese. before play game, we can say “are you ready?” when lining up, we can tell them “line up”. do these, children can learing in our life. in my opinion, it is really important.about teaching methods, we use game, and all kinds of flexible teaching methods. to seize the children, mobilize effective early childhood learning. we can make use of physical, visual aids and models of toys, and other things they like. let children learnenglish when they play games, increased their interest in learning english. for instance, teaching children learn the /animal words, we prepared a variety of animal toys and pictures. through the game to allow children to play games in the process of learning, they are very interested in this.but, i think the most important to teaching english is love. love children, love work.教师的梦想 - 秋水*无痕的博客 - 敏思博客敏思首页 * *每一位老师都有一个梦想。我的 梦想,是让所有的孩子在我的陪伴下健 康快乐地成长,让他们的成长因为有了 我而变得更加灿烂。然而,这却不是我 最初的梦想。teachers always have a dream.for me ,i hope the children grow up healthilyand have a valuable life.now ,i work for this. but , it is not my initial dream./很小的时候,爸爸总是问我,你 长大了要当什么?我总会回答:我要当 演员,我要当钢琴家,我要当歌手。因 为小时候的我能歌善舞,艺术和表演都 是我最钟爱的。可是到了中学毕业选择 升学志愿的时候,在妈妈的要求下,我 填上了“师范”。这两个字改变了我的人 生道路,为了挣脱这个选择,我做了许 多的努力。当我在泪水中终于明白,这 条路已经不能改变,自己再也不可能实 现小时候的梦想,我只能接受这个现实。when i was young,my father asked me:”what will you want to be in thefuture”? my answer was that: director,pianist,singer and so on. beacause i wasgood at singing and dancing and liked art and performance. after graduating frommiddle school,my mother forced me to be a teacher. everything changed suddenly,itrid my best to change my life but failed finally with tears. i knew i can/hardly realise my dream and chose to face the reality.有一天,我在看读者的时候 看到这样一段话:“我不能成为诗人, 但是我可以培养出诗人;我不能成为歌 手,但是我可以培养出歌手;我不能成 为科学家,但我有可能培养出科学家? 因为我是教师,我的手中孕育着无限未 来的希望,我的价值在学生的身上体现, 我的青春和梦想在学生的身上灿烂。 ”看 了以后,我的心深深被打动。原来,教 师是这样一种职业,它是这样的充满诗 意。我不能成为一个演员,但是讲台就 是我的舞台,学生就是我的观众;我不 能成为钢琴家,但是我在音乐课上弹响 钢琴的时候,那么多孩子惊叹和喜欢, 仿佛我就是一位伟大的钢琴家;我不能 成为一个歌手,但是当我带着孩子们愉 快唱歌的时候,学生们就好像是我的忠 实粉丝。one day, an article effected me, it said:” i am not poet,singer or scientistbut i /can cultivate thembecause i was a teacher.” i can create a lot hope andthe children embody my value.after that ,i knew how significant a teacher it is. i cant to be a director,my platform is my stage,children is my audiences. icant to be a pianist,but when i play the piano,the children show their amazementand let me feel like a pianist; i cant to be a singer, but children as my fanswhen i sing for them.慢慢地,我感受到了教师这个职 业的可爱。虽然很累,虽然很苦,但是 辛勤付出后,收获的是一种精神的满足。 老师就是爱的化身,就是奉献的代名词, 但我更希望做一个有生命力的老师,和 孩子们一起成长的老师。我不愿意做蜡 烛,虽然照亮了别人,却要燃尽自己; 我不愿做园丁,总要拿起残酷的剪刀修 剪个性的枝叶;我不愿做灵魂的塑造者, 因为这不是我能做到的;我只想做一条 河,一条能/够让小鱼儿快活地游玩、觅食、 成长的河流,我陪伴着学生们,学生们 也陪伴着我,一起往前流淌?slowly,i loved to be a teacher, though it was tired, i would get metalsatisfaction after my devotion. teacher is love,teache is devotion.i want to bea helpful teacher and accompany them grow up. i am not a candle ,destory myselfand brighten others;i am not a gardener,make the branch unique using cruelscissor; i also cant beautify a soul;what i want is to be water where fish canswim happily, find food and grow up.fish and water go for wards together.圣经里有这样一段话:爱是恒久 忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不 自夸,不张狂,不作害羞的事,不求自 己的益处,不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶, 不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理;凡事包容, 凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐;爱是 永不止息。in bible,it says: love is /patient; love is kind; love is not envious prboastful or arroga nt or rude. it does not insist on its own way; it is notirritable or re sentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in thetruth. it bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. love neverends.我愿让这段话成为我的座右铭, 用爱陪伴孩子们成长,用爱带给学生灿 烂的生命阳光,用爱提升自己的生命价 值,这就是我所追求的。ihope these words always stay in my heart and use love to accompany themgrow up,use love to bring them bright sunshine, use love to improve my lifevalue,that is what i want to do.on january 13, jin weijie, a teacher from longhua chinese-english experimental school in baoan rushed to save four primary school students and sacrifice herself. /on march 31, a traffic accident happened in jiangsu province, once again, a primary school teacher, yin xuemei, saved six primary school students lives, while losing her own. this touched my heart deeply. who is the greatest? the teacher! if it was me, if i happened to be there, i would do the same thing, because i am a teacher, too.working as a teacher, maybe there is nothing special in their life. but we have a belief deep within, that is -we must protect our students, keep our children safe, we wont let any of them get hurt. just as what the commissioner of education in jiangsu province said: “the accident happened so quickly, it happened in a flick of an eye, there is no time to think about it or hesitate, saving the others is an instinctive action. she did it only because she was of great stature. she forgot about /herself in the heat of the moment. ” there is no doubt, teachers are worth all respect! teachers are selfless! they impart knowledge to the students, they offer ways and skills of learning to their students, and they offer their lives with no hesitancy when necessary! so i am proud of being a teacher. i like students, teaching will be my life-time career.choosing the right career is very important, most of us spend a great part of our lives doing jobs. some of us have become very successful. mainly because they have chosen appropriate careers which match their talents and stimulate their interests . i prefer teaching english. english is my favorite. in my opinion, teaching english is more wonderful than any other subject.there are thousands of different languages in the world. which language is the most/important? as we know, english is an international language, and it could be used all over the world. english is becoming more and more important and popular in china. we adults learn english, school students learn english, even the babies in the kindergarten learn english. its a necessary language if you want to go abroad, its an essential quality for the researchers to get the latest information in the world quickly. in an age of fast communication, if we want to learn about the outside world, english is definitely the language we should know. lets take a look at a practical viewpoint, if youre looking for a job that can provide you a good position and a high salary, understanding english often makes it much easier. it cant be denied that english is very important if you want to make a good living. english is a very /important language no matter what you do or where you go, millions of people would like to master english, but its not a piece of cake.so being an english teacher is good. i am fortunate that i can express my opinions in english. so i am lucky i can teach english.furthermore, being an english teacher, i am very content. i am so grateful to have a life that is filled with teenagers trust and love. when my students answer my questions correctly, when they discuss passionately, when they communicate with foreigners fluently, when i see the slowest in thought make progress, i know i have done a great job. nothing can replace my pleasure.so being an english teacher, i have got fantastic pleasure. it is english that makes my life wonderful. it is english that /makes me feel confident. it is english that makes me differentif there is another chance for me to choose my occupation, i wont choose anything except being an english teacher. i enjoy my job, and i love my life.ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon! im very glad to stand here and give you a speech.hello! i wonder whether everybody knows the meaning of these two words of “energy-conservation “ and “ low carbon “? i assume as a matter of course and know. does “energy-conservation” save the energy? does “low carbon” reduce carbon emission? yes, it is really simple. we often chat about them. but, do you really understand them? have they really taken root on your bottom of heart deeply?once, the earth mother left our rich energy to cause us to be jubilant, sighed on /earths energy inexhaustible, inexhaustible, now, the newest statistics indicated, the petroleum will dry up after 60 years, the coal also might supply the humanity to use for 250 years; once, developed first, the environment question the situation which neglected is often occurred, now, the sustainable development, was together harmoniously with the nature the biggest topic. not difficult to see, the environment question in is taken unceasingly by the people. for all this, the environment question was still stern, the energy conservation reduced the platoon, the low- carbon lives imminently. at the copenhagen climate congress, this affects the human destiny the question slowly to be unable to reach the agreement actually. in the life, is driving the great displacement automobile, purchases including the fluorine air conditioning, the refrigerator, including the phosphorus /laundry powder, turns on the air conditioning the low temperature also one side to bind in the summer the quilt, the daylight lamp is being long all night clearly, water cock water drop sound day and night not rest .these influence environment phenomenon common occurrence. this is rebels with ours position. american president kennedy has said: do not have to ask the country canmake any for us, must ask first oneself can make any for the country. the low-carbon life needs everybody to participation!the low-carbon life first is one kind of life manner. so long as wants, each person may be able to achieve! the electricity saving, saves gas and oil, the solar terms, saving water, the tree-planting, makes use of waste, by step generation of vehicle . the intravenous drip, in life each aspect, all may choose the low-/carbon life the manner. the low-carbon life is also representing one kind healthily, the more natural life style. little eats counter- season food, the generation by works as season food; little uses the disposable product, the generation by the duplicated things; little rides an overhead traveling crane, little sits one time the elevator, the generation rides the bicycle, crawls the staircase, while falls the low-carbon withdrawal, we will have a healthier body and mind.we believed, so long as everybody works as one, participation together, humanitys tomorrow certainly will be able to be happier! schoolmates, today, your low-carbon?老师们、同学们:大家好!不知大家是否知道“节 能”和“低碳”这两个词的意思?我想当 然知道。 “节能”不就是节约能源吗?“低 碳”不就是降低碳排放量吗?是啊,的/确简单。我们经常把它们挂在嘴边。可 是,你真的理解它们吗?它们真的深深 扎根在你的心底了吗?曾经,地球母亲留给我们丰富的 能源使我们兴高采烈,感叹地球上的能 源取之不尽,用之不竭,现在,最新统 计表明,石油将在 60 年后枯竭,煤还 可以供人类使用 250 年;曾经,物资、 能源的浪费多么猖獗,现在, “节约光荣, 浪费可耻”成了新一代的口头禅;曾经, “发展第一”,环境问题被忽视的情况时 常发生,现在,可持续发展,与大自然 和谐相处成了最大的课题。不难看出, 环境问题在不断被人们重视。尽管如此,环境问题仍然严峻, 节能减排、低碳生活迫在眉睫。在哥本 哈根气候大会上,这一影响人类命运的 问题却迟迟无法达成协议。在生活中, 开着大排量汽车,购买含氟空调、冰箱, 含磷洗衣粉,夏天把空调开着低温还一 边裹着被子,日光灯彻夜长明,水龙头 滴水声日夜不息.,这些影响环境的/现象屡见不鲜。这是与我们的主张所悖 逆的。如果整个社会是大海,每个人就 是一滴水,大海的污染,影响着每一滴 水,也需要每一滴水努力帮助净化污染。 美国总统肯尼迪说过:“不要问国家能 为我们做些什么,先要问自己能为国家 做些什么。 ”低碳生活需要人人参与!i love you, beijing2014-6-4 17:13页面功能 as everyone knows,english is very important today.it has been used everywhere in the world.it has become the most common language on internet and for international trade. if we can speak english well,we will have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed.but for myself,i learn english not only because of its importance and its/usefulness,but also because of my love for it.when i learn english, i can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.when i read english novels,i can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.when i speak english, i can feel the confident from my words.when i write english,i can see the beauty which is not the same as our chinese?i love english,it gives me a colorful dream.i hope i can travel around the world one day. with my good english, i can make friends with many people from different contries.i can see many places of great intrests.i dream that i can go to london,because it is the birth place of english.i also want to use my good english to introduce our great places to the english spoken people,i hope that they can love our country like us./i know, rome was not built in a day. i believe that after continuous hard study, one day i can speak english very well.if you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everyday , it will love me too.i am sure that i will realize my dream one day!thank you!i love you,china2014-6-4 17:20页面功能 good morning, ladies and gentlemen, im very glad to make a speech here. today my topic is “i love you, china.”since the day i was born, i began to have a proud namechinese. since the day i began to talk, the most beautiful sentence ive ever learnt has been “i love you, china!”i love you, china, and im so proud /of being a chinese. im proud that ive got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. im also proud that i speak the most beautiful language in the world chinese.i love you, china, for i can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. last year, i got an opportunity to visit the united states of america. during my staying there, my fathers boss once invited my family to dinner. while at , he looked at me and asked: “little boy, how long have you been in america?” “about a month,” i answered, “how lucky you are!” he said, “if you were living in china, how could you learn such perfect english?” i smiled and told him proudly that all the students in china are able to learn english at school. i saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “im proud of you, china珍爱生命之水 cheri


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