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    ''三年级 3A 朗文复习资料Chapter 1 Weather and seasons一、重点词汇:1.seasons: spring summer autumn=fall winter季节 春天 夏天 秋天 冬天2.weather: warm foggy rainy sunny windy天气 温暖的 有雾的 多雨的 晴朗的 大风的cloudy wet cool hot cold dry多云的 潮湿的 凉爽的 热的 冷的 干燥的Phonics(语音单词): they that down Dad他/她/它们 那 下来 爸爸反义词: hot-cold warm-cool dry-wet二、重点句型1.Whats the weather like today? Its rainy.今天是什么天气? 今天是多雨的。2.Whats the weather like in spring? Its warm and foggy.春天是什么天气? 它是温暖和有雾的。3.Whats the weather like in summer? Its hot and sunny.夏天是什么天气? 它是热的和晴朗的。4.Whats the weather like in autumn? Its cool and dry.秋天是什么天气? 它是凉爽的和干燥的。5.Whats the weather like in winter? Its cold and windy.冬天是什么天气? 它是冷的和有风的。熟读内容一、词汇:plant flowers go to the park eat ice cream go swimming种花 去公园 吃冰淇淋 去游泳''fly kites go hiking wear a scarf eat hotpot放风筝 去远足 戴围巾 吃火锅二、句型:1.How many seasons are there in a year? There are four.一年有多少个季节? 有四个。 2.I like spring. Its warm and foggy. I plant flowers and go to the park.我喜欢春天。它是温暖的和有雾的天气。我种花和去公园。3.I like summer. Its hot and sunny. I eat ice cream and go swimming.我喜欢夏天。它是热的和有阳光的天气。我吃冰淇淋和去游泳。4.I like autumn. Its cool and dry. I fly kites and go hiking.我喜欢秋天。它是凉爽的和干燥的天气。我放风筝和去远足。5.I like winter. Its cold and windy. I wear a scarf and eat hotpot.我喜欢冬天。它是冷的和有风的天气。我戴围巾和吃火锅。6.How many seasons are there in a year? There are four.一年有多少个季节? 有四个。7.Whats your favorite season? I like spring.你最喜欢什么季节? 我最喜欢春天。Whats your favorite season? I like summer.你最喜欢什么季节? 我最喜欢夏天。Whats your favorite season? I like autumn.你最喜欢什么季节? 我最喜欢秋天。Whats your favorite season? I like winter.你最喜欢什么季节? 我最喜欢冬天。8.Its warm and foggy in spring. Its hot and sunny in summer.春天是温暖和有雾的。 夏天是热的和晴朗的。Its cool and dry in autumn. Its cold and windy in winter.秋天是凉爽的和干燥的。 冬天是冷的和有风的。''三年级 3A 朗文复习资料Chapter 2 Festivals we like熟背内容一、重点词汇1.festivals Christmas Chinese New Year节日 圣诞节 春节Easter Mid-Autumn Festival复活节 中秋节2.get lucky money eat moon cakes eat chocolate eggs收红包 吃月饼 吃巧克力蛋watch fireworks give presents send cards看烟花 送礼物 送贺卡weak sweets eat three it虚弱的 糖果 吃 三 它二、重点句型:Which festival do you like best? I like Christmas best.你最喜欢哪个节日? 我最喜欢圣诞节。We give presents and send cards at Christmas.我们在圣诞节时送礼物和贺卡。Which festival do you like best? I like Chinese New Year best.你最喜欢哪个节日? 我最喜欢新年。We get lucky money and watch fireworks at Chinese New Year.我们在新年拿压岁钱和看烟花。Which festival do you like best? I like Mid-Autumn Festival best.你最喜欢哪个节日? 我最喜欢中秋节。We eat moon cakes at Mid-Autumn Festival.我们在中秋节吃月饼。Which festival do you like best? I like Easter best.你最喜欢哪个节日? 我最喜欢复活节。''We eat chocolate eggs at Easter. 我们在复活节时吃巧克力蛋。Which festival do you like best? I like Dragon Boat Festival best.你最喜欢哪个节日? 我最喜欢龙舟节。We watch dragon boat races at Dragon Boat Festival.我们在端午节时看划龙船比赛。熟读内容一、词汇:Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 watch dragon boat races 看龙舟赛二、句型:1.Do you like Chinese New Year? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.你喜欢春节吗? 是的,我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。2.Does she like Easter? Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt.她喜欢复活节吗? 是的,她喜欢。/ 不,她不喜欢。3.In spring, it is warm and foggy. Chinese New Year is in spring. People get lucky money and watch fireworks at Chinese New Year.在春天,它是温暖的和有雾的天气。春节是在春天。人们在春节收红包和看烟花。4.In summer, it is hot and rainy. Dragon Boat Festival is in summer. People watch dragon boat races at Dragon Boat Festival.在夏天,它是热的和有阳光的天气。端午节是在夏天。人们在端午节看龙舟赛。5.In autumn, it is cold and dry. Mid-Autumn Festival is in autumn. People eat moon cake at Mid-Autumn Festival.在秋天,它是凉爽的和干燥的天气。中秋节是在秋天。人们在中秋节吃月饼。6.In winter, it is cold and windy. Christmas is in winter. People give presents and send cards at Christmas.在冬天,它是冷的和有风的天气。圣诞节是在冬天。人们在圣诞节送礼物和''送贺卡。三年级 3A 朗文复习资料Chapter 3 Our school events熟背内容一、重点词汇thick tenth three first beef free厚的 第十 三 第一 牛肉 自由Open Day Speech Day Parents Day Sports Day开放日 演讲日 家长会 运动会the school picnic the school fair the school concert学校野餐 学校义务 学校音乐会whens = when is 什么时候 its = it is 它是本单元的序数词:1st first 13th thirteenth2nd second 15th fifteen3rd third 20th twentieth5th fifth 21st twenty-first9th ninth 22nd twenty-second12th twelfth 30th thirtieth序数词变化规律:在数词词尾加上 th;一二三特殊记,词尾字母 t、d、d;八减t,九去 e,f 来把 ve 替;单词 ty 结尾,ty 变成 tie;若是碰上几十几,只变个位就可以。二、本单元的重点句型:Whens + 活动? Its on the + 序数词 + of + 月份.''1.Whens the school picnic? 学校的野餐在什么时候?Its on the seventh of November. 在 11 月 7 日。2. Whens the Sports Day? 校运会在什么时候?Its on the second of May. 在 5 月 2 日。3. Whens the school fair? 学校义卖会在什么时候?Its on the twenty-first of December. 在 12 月 21 日。4. Whens the school concert? 学校的野餐在什么时候?Its on the twenty-third of April. 在 4 月 23 日。5. Whens the Open Day? 开放日在什么时候?Its on the thirtieth of March. 在 3 月 30 日。6. Whens the Speech Day? 学校的野餐在什么时候?Its on the tenth of July. 在 7 月 10 日。熟读内容一、词汇January February March April May June July一月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月August September October November December八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月本单元的序数词:4th fourth 6th sixth 7th seventh8th eighth 10th tenth 11th eleventh14th fourteenth 16th sixteenth 17th seventeenth18th eighteenth 19th nineteenth 21st twenty-first22nd twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 24th twenty-fourth25th twenty-fifth 26th twenty-sixth27th twenty-seventh 28th twenty-eighth29th twenty-ninth 31st thirty-first''二、句型Mum, can you come to our school fair?妈妈,您能到我们的学校义卖会吗?When is it? 什么时候?Its on the twenty-first of December, from nine oclock in the morning to four oclock in the afternoon.在 12 月 21 日,从早上九点到下午四点。Yes, I can. 好的,我行。三年级 3A 朗文复习资料Chapter 4 At the school fair熟背内容一、重点词汇:camera watch wallet purse photo frame照相机 手表 钱包 小钱包 相框crayons shoes dollars photo elephant蜡笔 鞋 港币/美元 相片 大象Phonics(语音单词): apple phone pond each苹果 电话 池塘 每一个二、本单元的重点句型:1.Excuse me. How much is the watch, please?打搅了,请问这只手表多少钱?Its sixty-four dollars.六十四港币。2.How much are the crayons, please?请问这些蜡笔多少钱?Theyre thirty-nine dollars.三十九港币。''熟读内容一、词汇:数字:ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty十 二十 三十 四十 五十 六十seventy eighty ninety a hundred (= one hundred)七十 八十 九十 一百二、句型:1.Whens the farewell party for the headmaster?请问校长告别派对在什么时候?Its on the fifteenth of July.在七月十五日。2.How much are the tickets?票多少钱?Theyre fifty dollars each.每张 50 港币。3.May I have two tickets, please? Heres a hundred dollars.我能要两张吗?这是一百港币。Here you are. Thank you.给你,谢谢。''三年级 3A 朗文复习资料Chapter 5 Things at home熟背内容一、重点词汇:1. a cushion an armchair a marble a stone一个靠垫 一把扶手椅 一个弹球 一块石头on in在上面 在里面2.反义词:smooth - rough soft - hard光滑的 粗糙的 柔软的 坚硬的二、重点句型:1.That chair is hard. Dont sit on it.那把椅子是硬的。不要坐上去。Please sit in this armchair. Its soft.请坐在这把扶手椅上。它是柔软的。These marbles are smooth and round.这些弹球是圆滑的。Can I feel them? Sure.我可以感受它们吗? 当然可以。''2.This + 名词复数 + is 这个是如: This cushion is soft. 这个靠垫是柔软的。I like it. 我喜欢它。I dont like it. 我不喜欢它。3.These + 名词复数 + are 这些是如:These stones are hard and rough. 这些石头是硬的和粗糙的。I like them. 我喜欢它们。I dont like them. 我不喜欢它们。(it 和 them 是宾格,it它,表单数,them它们,表复数)4.-This cushion is soft. -Can I feel it? -Sure.这个靠垫很柔软。 我可以感受它吗? 可以。-This rabbit is smooth. -Can I feel it? -Sure.这只兔子是柔软的。 我可以感受它吗? 可以。-This dog is rough. -Can I feel it? -Sure.这只狗是粗糙的。 我可以感受它吗? 可以。-These stones are hard and rough. -Can I feel them? -Sure.这些石头很硬和粗糙。 我可以感受它们吗? 可以。熟读内容一、词汇:please sit round feel请 坐 圆形的 感受sure teddy bear tissues key当然 玩具熊 纸巾 钥匙分写形式: Its = It is Theyre = They are dont = do not它是 它们是 表否定反义词:softhard bigsmall standsit''柔软的 坚硬的 大的 小的 站 坐smilecry thisthat thesethose微笑 哭 这个 那个 这些 那些sit on the chair sit in the armchair坐在椅子上 坐在扶手椅上二、句型:1.Theyre soft. I think theyre tissues. Yes, theyre tissues.它们是柔软的。我想它们是纸巾。是的,它们是纸巾。2.Theyre round. Theyre hard and smooth. I think theyre marbles. Yes, theyre marbles.它们是圆的。它们是硬的和光滑的。我想它们是大理石。是的,它们是大理石。3.Its hard and rough. I think its a key. Yes, its a key.它是硬的和粗糙的。我想它是一条钥匙。是的,它是一条钥匙。4.Its soft. I think its a teddy bear. Yes, its a teddy bear.它是柔软的。我想它是一只玩具熊。是的,它是一只玩具熊。''三年级 3A 朗文复习资料Chapter 6 A trip to the beach熟背内容一、重点词汇:1.collectcollecting shells listenlistening to the waves捡贝壳 听海浪的声音swallow-swallowing salty water makemaking a sandcastle喝咸的海水 做一个沙城堡smell and eatsmelling and eating food on a barbecue 闻和吃烧烤walkwalking on the sand touchtouching the warm sand在沙上走 摸温暖的沙子2.smell shell sell-buy ball tallshort stall闻 贝壳 卖 买 球 高 矮 货摊二、重点句型:1.What do you like doing at the beach, children? I like collecting shells.''孩子们,你们喜欢在沙滩上做什么? 我喜欢捡贝壳。2.What dont you like doing at the beach? I dont like walking on the sand.你们不喜欢在沙滩上做什么? 我不喜欢在沙上走。熟读内容一、词汇:1.pretty shells gentle waves fresh air look at have fun漂亮的贝壳 温和的海浪 新鲜的空气 看着 玩得快乐二、句型:1.What do you like doing at the beach, Charlie?查理,你喜欢在沙滩上做什么?I like touching the warm sand.我喜欢摸温暖的沙子。2.What dont you like doing at the beach, Betty?贝蒂,你不喜欢在沙滩上做什么?I dont like swallowing salty water. 我不喜欢喝咸的海水。3.What do you like doing at the beach, children?孩子们,你们喜欢在沙滩上做什么?We like smelling and eating food on a barbecue.我们喜欢闻和吃烧烤。4.What dont you like doing at the beach, children?孩子们,你们不喜欢在沙滩上做什么?We dont like listening to the waves. 我们不喜欢听海浪的声音。5.What do they like doing at the beach? They like making a sandcastle.他们喜欢在海滩上做什么? 他们喜欢做一个沙城堡。What dont they like doing at the beach? They dont like fishing.他们不喜欢在沙滩上做什么? 他们不喜欢钓鱼。6.What do you like at the beach, Beeno? ''比奴,你在沙滩上喜欢什么?I like the pretty shells. I like looking at them.我喜欢美丽的贝壳。我喜欢看着它们。7. What do you like at the beach, Beeno? 比奴,你在沙滩上喜欢什么?I like the gentle waves. I like listening to them.我喜欢温暖的海浪。我喜欢听着它们。8. What do you like at the beach, Beeno? 比奴,你在沙滩上喜欢什么?I like the fresh air. I like smelling it.我喜欢新鲜的空气。我喜欢闻它。9.What dont you like? I dont like salty water. I dont like swallowing it.你不喜欢是什么? 我不喜欢咸的海水。我不喜欢喝它。10. What dont you like? I dont like the warm sand. I dont like touching it.你不喜欢什么? 我不喜欢温暖的沙子。我不喜欢触摸它。三、现在分词(动词 ing)变化规律:1.直接加 ing。如:smellsmelling listenlistening2.以不发音 e 结尾的,去 e 加 ing。如:dancedancing makemaking3.重读闭音节的,双写最后一个字母。如:swimswimming jogjogging


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