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    大学英语(一)高起专19春在线作业2-0001 The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things to teach you the art o.docx

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    大学英语(一)高起专19春在线作业2-0001 The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things to teach you the art o.docx

    大学英语(一)高起专大学英语(一)高起专1919春在线作业春在线作业2-00012-00011 1 单选题单选题1 The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things _ to teach you the art of learning. D A thanB rather thanC norD as2 I didnt mean _ anything, but these apples looked so good I couldnt resist _ one. A A to eattryingB to eato tryingC eatingto tryD eatingto trying3 It is _ that I would like to go to the beach. B A so nice weatherB such nice weatherC so nice a weatherD such a nice weather4 The boy told his father that he would rather _ an astronaut. A A becomeB to becomeC becomingD became5 By no means _ their own language well. D A it is true that all English people knowB is it true that do all English people knowC it is true that do all English people knowD is it true that all English people know6 Whatever the rule is, you may be sure he will keep _ it. D A onB inC offD to7 David likes country life and has decided to _ farming. A A go in forB go intoC go throughD go after8 The purpose of the official inquiry is to _ the true facts leading to the loss of the ship at sea. A A come atB come forC come intoD come over9 If I _ in the twenty-first century, I _ my vacation in a very different way. A A should livewould spendB will live .should spendC are living should have spentD will be livingwould have spent10 Three hours _ enough for us to finish the task. C A areB hasC isD were11 There isnt anything wrong with the radio, _? A A is thereB is itC does itD does there12 Three hours ought to be enough time, _? C A oughtnt three hoursB didnt theyC shouldnt itD shouldnt three hours13 Some quite artistic, yet inexpensive fabrics are now being _ from British mills. B A turned overB turned outC turned upD turned off14 He works _. C A loneB lonelyC aloneD lonesome15 You should spend _ in the study of the various senses and uses of the common words. D A much time as you canB as time much as you canC time as many as you canD as much time as you can16 _ is worth doing at all is worth doing well. B A ThatB WhateverC WhicheverD However17 “_ twenty dollars a big sum to her?”“I suppose so.” B A Will beB IsC AreD Were18 Generally there are _ television programs for children on Saturday. C A littleB muchC a large number ofD a large amount of19 I had my hair cut at the _ around the corner. C A barberB barbersC barbersD barbers20 _ to see a film with us today? B A Did you likeB Would you likeC Will you likeD Have you liked21 When he just got off the plane, he gave us a good description of _ in Spain. A A what he had seenB that he had seenC which he had seenD he had seen what22 _ with the corresponding period of last year, the output of chemical fibers in the first quarter rose by 15%. C A ComparingB To compareC ComparedD Compare23 In Britain, and on the Continent too, the Japanese are viewed _ a threat to domestic industries. B A likeB asC withD for24 There are many kinds of metals _. C A each has its special propertiesB one has its special propertiesC each having its special propertiesD having its special properties25 Recently, he has lost all his _. D A wage and saving at cardB wages and savings at cardC wages and saving at cardD wages and savings at cards26 Those of us who are over fifty years old should get _ blood pressure checked regularly. C A theirB theirsC ourD ours27 She didnt want to buy it, _. B A however good was itB however good it wasC for how good might it beD for how good it might be28 It was _ late in the evening that the students returned to the dormitories. D A tillB beforeC whenD not until29 Whoever _ a full nights sleep will be more than rewarded in heightened productivity, creativity and focus. B A invests atB invests inC invests byD invests with30 As usual,_ man was given his individual assignment. B A everyB eachC allD both31 All that can be done _. B A has doneB has been doneC have doneD have been done32 Henry _ a rich man today if he had been more frugal in the past. A A would beB isC will beD was33 On his way to school he met _, so he sent him to hospital. D A very ill manB much sick manC serious ill manD very sick man34 The students in the classroom _ not to make so much noise. B A needB oughtC mustD dare35 The like to take a vacation _. C A one time the yearB one time in a yearC once a yearD once in a year36 In order to save time, I _ my shopping to once a week. D A cut offB cut outC cut upD cut down37 _, I must do another experiment. A A Be it ever so lateB It is ever so lateC It be ever so lateD So late it be ever38 If a claim is kept _, it is more likely to be recognized. C A liveB livedC aliveD living39 The _ about nuclear energy revolves around the waste problem. A A publics chief concernB public chief concernC chief public concernD chief concern of publics40 The young doctor could not sleep at night, his thoughts _ him no peace. B A gaveB givingC being givenD to give


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