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    Unit 9 单元测试题 2.doc

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    Unit 9 单元测试题 2.doc

    Unit 9 单元测试题单元测试题Written test part (共(共 80 分)分). 单项选择单项选择(每小题每小题 1 分,分, 共共 10 分分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )16. Is Steves cousin _ artist?Yes. Hes _ good artist.A. an; an B. an; a C. a; a D. a; an ( )17. They put pictures of the lost boy _ newspapers. A. on B. at C. in D. with( )18. Linda is good at singing and she dreams of being a _.A. worker B. player C. driver D. singer( )19. Alice, lets go to the _. I want to watch that new movie.A. restaurant B. cinemaC. bank D. hospital( )20. Can you tell me another story, Mom? Its boring to listen to _ story.A. same B. the same C. funny D. the funny( )21. Jane, if you want to be _, you cant eat too much. A. tall B. heavy C. thin D. tidy( )22. I dont know what to say. Its difficult to _ how I feel.A. describe B. study C. write D. forget( )23. Youre _ late today, Dale. Be early tomorrow.A. lot B. a lot C. little D. a little ( )24. They _ playing basketball. Each of them _ a basketball.A. like; have B. like; has C. likes; have D. likes; has ( )25. _?Hes heavy and has short curly hair.A. What does Joe do B. What does Joe likeC. What is Joe doing D. What does Joe look like. 完形填空完形填空(每小题每小题 1 分,共分,共 10 分分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Im John, a middle school student. My eyes are brown. My hair is 26 too. I am 27 , so my mom doesnt let me have too much ice-cream 28 cola. I have to 29 the uniform on school days. On weekends, I usually wear a T-shirt and jeans.My 30 best friends are Bob and Molly. Bob is 13. Hes tall. He 31 near my house. We often do our homework together at his home. Hes very 32 and helps me a lot with my math. There is a 33 in our neighborhood. He often exercises there. Molly is 13, too. Shes beautiful with straight blonde hair. Her home is far from 34 . It takes her about an hour 35 at my home. But she often comes to my home and says that she always has a good time playing with me.( )26. A. black B. purple C. white D. brown( )27. A. shy B. fat C. busy D. cold( )28. A. with B. of C. or D. but( )29. A. wash B. wear C. show D. bring( )30. A. five B. four C. three D. two( )31. A. lives B. plays C. works D. shops( )32. A. afraid B. healthy C. smart D. funny( )33. A. bank B. hotel C. hospital D. park( )34. A. mine B. my C. yours D. your( )35. A. arrive B. to arrive C. arriving D. to arriving. 情景交际情景交际(每小题每小题 1 分,共分,共 5 分分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, Kate! (36)_B: Hi, Bob! Im looking for (寻找) someone.A: (37)_B: Dans cousin. She has blonde hair and big eyes.A: (38)_B: No, her hair is short and curly.A: What clothes is she wearing today? B: (39)_A: OK. Let me help you look for her. B: Thank you.A: (40)_A. Who are you looking for?B. Does she have a big nose?C. She is wearing a white T-shirt and blue trousers.D. I see.E. No problem.F. Is her hair long?G. What are you doing?. 阅读理解阅读理解(每小题每小题 2 分,共分,共 20 分分) A Tina: Hello, Jeff. Do you have time this evening?Jeff: Yes.Tina: There is a very good Chinese restaurant near my home. I want to have dinner there. Would you like to come with me? Well, my good friend Linda will come, too.Jeff: Sure! When will we meet?Tina: At 6:30. But I will be a little late. You can meet Linda at the restaurant.Jeff: But I dont know her. What does she look like?Tina: She has big eyes, short curly hair and she is very thin. She wears a pair of glasses.Jeff: OK. See you later.根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F)。( )41. Tina wants to have dinner in an English restaurant.( )42. Linda is Tinas good friend.( )43. Tina will arrive at the restaurant on time.( )44. Jeff will meet Linda at her home.( )45. Linda has short hair and wears glasses.B Some boys like wearing the same kinds of clothes as girls, and some of them have long hair. So sometimes its difficult to tell whether (是否) they are boys or girls.Today is Sunday. I have a walk with my grandmother in the park. My grandmother is 80 years old and she cant see well. After some time, my grandmother is tired (疲倦的), so she sits down on a chair. There is another person sitting on the chair, too.“Hello,” my grandmother says to the person with long hair next to her. “Can you see the person with long hair under the big tree? Is it a boy or a girl?”“Which (哪一个) one?” asks the person.“The one eating under the big tree,” says my grandmother.“The boy?” says the person. “Hes my brother Mark.”“Oh,” says my grandmother, “I dont know you are his sister.”“No, Im not his sister. Im his brother.”根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )46. On Sunday, the writer _.A. goes shopping B. goes swimming C. takes a walk D. plays sports( )47. From the passage, we can learn the writers grandmother _.A. has long hair B. cant see wellC. is very interesting D. doesnt like walking ( )48. How many people are sitting on the chair?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.( )49. What is the person with long hair doing under the big tree?A. Sleeping. B. Reading. C. Talking. D. Eating.( )50. Why does the writers grandmother think the person next to her is a girl?A. Because he has long hair. B. Because he walks like a girl.C. Because he speaks like a girl. D. Because he wears girls clothes. 词汇运用词汇运用(每小题每小题 0.5 分,共分,共 5 分分)A) 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。51. Dont talk with your _(嘴) full (满的).52. Jeff is a(n) _(英俊的) boy with black hair. 53. We are going to a party _(今晚). 54. The children know that Santa Claus (圣诞老人) isnt a(n) _(真正的) man.55. There are three different _(方式) to solve (解决) the problem.B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。56. He is my favorite _(act).57. Different people think about it _(different).58. Tom always _(put) his things everywhere in his room.59. How many _(person) are there in the hall? 60. When I read I have to wear my _(glass). 完成句子完成句子(每小题每小题 2 分,共分,共 20 分分)A) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。61. 我确信我的梦想最终会实现。Im sure my dream will come true _. 62. 杰夫想给这只猫画张像。Jeff wants to _ the cat.63. 首先我必须把这些书带给老师。_ I must take the books to the teacher. 64. 我弟弟长着一张圆脸。My brother has a(n) _.65. 我可能会迟到,所以不要等我。I _ late, so dont wait for me.B) 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。66. Is your brother heavy? (补全否定答语)No, _ _.67. Amy has a big nose. (改为一般疑问句)_ Amy _ a big nose?68. Jacks hair is brown. (用 blond 改为选择疑问句)Is Jacks hair brown _ _?69. I like Dale because he is friendly. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you like Dale?70. Peter isnt thin or fat. (改为同义句)Peter is _ medium _. . 书面表达书面表达(10 分分)你们学校英语角要举行一次口语比赛,要求介绍你的一个朋友或家人。请你写一篇英语短文为此做准备。要求:要求:1. 从名字、年龄、外貌、性格、爱好等方面入手介绍;2. 60 词左右,可适当发挥。_参考答案参考答案. 16-20 BCDBB 21-25 CADBD. 26-30 DBCBD 31-35 ACDAB. 36-40 GAFCE. 41-45 FTFFT 46-50 CBBDA. 51. mouth 52. handsome 53. tonight 54. real 55. ways 56. actor 57. differently 58. puts59. persons 60. glasses . 61. in the end 62. draw a picture of 63. First of all 64. round face 65. may be 66. he isnt 67. Does; have 68. or blond 69. Why do 70. of; build . One possible version:I have a pen pal. Her name is Lucy and she is 13. She comes from Australia. She is very beautiful. She is tall and thin. She has long straight hair and big eyes. Her mouth is small. She is really friendly. She often helps others. She likes music and she can play the guitar very well.


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