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    南京市玄武区2021-2022学年八年级下学期期末英语试卷注意事项 本试卷共11页, 全卷满分120分, 考试时间为120分钟。试卷包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。 请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合, 再将自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5毫米墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。答选择题必须用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑, 如有改动, 请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置, 在其他位置答题一律无效。第I卷 选择题(共60分)一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)听对话回答第1-10小题。每段对话听两遍。1. What is the girl's father busy doing?2. Which charity is mentioned in the conversation?3. What has the boy's grandfather just received?4. What can the man get for free?5. Which means of transport are they talking about?6. What does the man think of the people in Tokyo?A. They are rude. B. They have good manners. C. They obey all the rules. 7. What kind of books does Michael like?A. He likes books about history. B. He likes books about school life. C. He likes books about great people. 8. When can the woman take a train back?A. 3:30 p. m. B 4:00 p. m. C. 4:30p. m. 9. How long has the man's wife worked in the factory?A. 8 years. B. 10 years. C. 12 years. 10. What does the new law protect?A. Animals. B. Children. C. The Environment. 听一段对话, 回答第 11-12 小题。听两遍。11. When was China's Project Hope started?A. In 1989. B. In 1999. C. In 2006. 12. What does Liu Qiang usually do to help the poor children?A. He sells his books to make money. B. He does a part-time job in Project Hope. C. He donates his pocket money and some other things. 听第一篇短文, 回答第 13-16 小题。听两遍。A NEW SNOOPY SHOWA great successThe Snoopy series first came out 13_.When and where to see the showThe special programme can be seen on 14_ on the Channel of Apple TV+.What to see in the showCharlie and friends want to play a 15_ game but Charlie's 16_ Sally notices a small flower and decides to protect it.13. A. on TV B. in a book C. in newspapers14. A. 15 May B. 15 AprilC. 16 April15. A. basketball B. baseballC. soccer16. A sister B. friend C. dog听第二篇短文, 回答第 17-20小题。听两遍。17. Bridge painters need to bring the following things to work except _.A. Special tools. B. Special clothes. C Special drinks. 18. What does a bridge painter have to do before painting a famous bridge?A. He has to go to college for education. B. He needs to work with other painters. C He needs to have a lot of experience. 19. Who cannot be a bridge painter?A. A person who is too short. B. A person who is afraid of heights. C. A person who likes working outdoors. 20. What can a bridge painter do during work?A. Eat or drink. B. Go to the bathroom. C. See views far away. 二、单项选择(满分15分, 每小题1分)21. Could you manage, if you don't mind, _ the work on time?No worries, I'm working on it. A. finishB. finishedC. finishing D. to finish22. How did you learn to do computer programming?_ taking an online course. I have already learnt to design some apps _ this way. A. By; onB. By; inC. With; inD. With; on23. AI will surely play an important role in our future lives. But it _be used in a proper way. A. can B. willC. need D. must24. Leonardo, famous as an artist, also succeeded in many other different fields, _ Biology and Geography. A. includeB. includedC. including D. to include25. She was ill last week. But she is _ to go to school today. A. well enoughB. enough well C. good enoughD. enough good26. According to the local government, lots of new railways _ _in order to improve the traffic situation in the next five years. A. builtB. will buildC. will be builtD. have been built27. The cars made in Germany are more expensive than _made in Japan. Yes, you are right. But German cars seem safer. A. it B. onesC. thatD. those28. We are going out for a picnic tomorrow. I'll call Simon to make sure _ to meet.A. whyB. what C. whenD. which29. The restaurant in Deji Plaza _ for two months, but I _there so far. A. has opened; haven't gone B. has been open; haven't been C. has been opened; haven't been D. has been open; haven't been to30. -Can you tell me how to save water?- Of course. For example, collect rain water or _ the water to do some cleaning after _your face. A. reuse; wash B. reuse; washing C. reusing; washD. reusing; washing31. Attention! Please! Without permission, children _ in the lake. A. don't allow to swim B. don't allow swimming C. are not allowed to swim D. are not allowed to swimming32. Let's go to the zoo this weekend?Dad, you said so last week and the week before. _ A. No pain, no gain B. Practice makes perfectC. It never rains but pours D. Actions speak louder than words33. There is a _ in the sentence "Other natural resources like coal, oil and natural gas dig up from the ground. "A. missing word B. spelling mistake C. word usage mistake D. grammatical mistake34. If you want to describe the inside of the school library, you'd better organize the ideas in _.A. space orderB. time order C. general to specificD. specific to general35. It shouldn't take long to clear up if we all volunteer to help._. Many hands make light work. A. I'm not sureB. I'm afraid notC. Of course notD. I can't agree more三、完型填空(满分10分, 每小题1分)Jellyfish are badly named. They are neither a fish nor made of jelly. Instead, their bodies are 36 95% water and 5% solid matter. They have been in existence for at least half a billion years. Yes, they are 37 than dinosaurs. Surprisingly, they don't have a brain, a heart, or lungs (肺). You may wonder how they can possibly survive without these vital organs, but 38_is for the best. They don't have lungs because their skin is 39 thin that they can absorb(吸收) oxygen through it. They don't need a heart to pump blood because they don't have any. And they have a nerve netwhich is sensitive to touchbelow their outer skin. They respond to the changes in their environment using signals from the nerve net, so they don't need a 40 to process complex thoughts. Their variety is nearly endless. Most of them are umbrella-shaped and have tentacles(触角)Some jellyfish have very long tentacles. 41, they never get tangled up or sting themselves. That's because the tentacles are very slippery(滑的)and will only sting other animals. Most jellyfish have 42 or no vision, but they can detect light and ocean currents, which helps them to navigate and move. A few species can also recognize colour and have a 360-degree view of their environment. Jellyfish come in all 43 , from 0.5 millimeters to the giant Nomura's jellyfish, which can measure up to two meters in diameter and weigh over 200 kilograms. While jellyfish are beautiful, they can also be 44 . Some jellyfish toxins can be deadly to humans, such as those from the box jellyfish and the Australian Irukandji, but deaths are relatively rare given the number of jellyfish-sting victims every year. In any case, it's better to stay 45 the way of any jellyfish you may see! You can go swimming with dolphins, but you definitely want to think twice before swimming with jellyfish. 36. A. made inB. made ofC. made fromD. made up of37. A. olderB. biggerC. smallerD. younger38. A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. everything39. A. soB. tooC. suchD. very40. A. lungB. brainC. heartD. tentacle41. A. ButB. AnywayC. HoweverD. Otherwise42. A. goodB. muchC. littleD. a little43. A. typesB. sizesC. looksD. colours44. A. pleasantB. dangerousC. surprisingD. interesting45. A. inB. onC. awayD. out of四、阅读理解(满分15分, 每小题1分)A46.Where can you take part in the activity Lost and Found?A. At Arts Council of England. B. At mayor's office of London. C. At London Transport Museum. D. At London Transport's Lost Property Office.47.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the poster?A. Children don't need to pay for the tickets.B. The activity will last for more than two weeks.C. You can meet Emily Rand and Kate Wilkinson.D. The things on show are donated by children's authors.BAfter her college closed for the first lockdown in March 2020, Finty Royle was looking for something to do in her community to help people. When a local company said that it wanted someone to deliver free meals for families in need, it was perfect for Royle. She cycled 25 miles around her area every day to hand out the meals. Speaking to The Week Junior, she said, "The children got very excited to see me every day. There was even one family who had feeds drawn a picture in chalk of someone cycling through a rainbow in front of their house. "Royle, aged 19, has now become a youth member of a charity called Magic Breakfast, which aims to provide pupils across the UK with healthy breakfasts to help them learn as well as they can at school. She says the best thing you can have for breakfast is porridge because it's good for you and it keeps you going for the whole morning. Magic Breakfast's youth members, including Royle, have written to Prime Minister Boris Johnson to ask him to increase the Government's funding for free school breakfasts by 75 million. As food prices rise across the UK, more families may find it hard to afford school meals. Royle believes it is important to try your best to help your local community. "You can create change yourself, "she said. 48. From the text, we know that Boris Johnson is _.A. a college student B. an artist drawing with chalkC. the Prime Minister of the UKD. a deliver man in a local company49. Magic Breakfast was set up in order to _.A. deliver free meals for families in their community B. help poor children to learn without worrying about meals C. increase the Government's funding for free school breakfast D. write to the Prime Minister to increase the Government's funding 50. More families may find it hard to afford school meals becauseA. There is a lockdown in the UK B. Food prices are becoming higher C. The schools don't want to provide free meals D. Magic Breakfast only deliver free meals to poor families(C)What did your street look like a hundred years ago? It has probably changed over time. U. S. Route 66 was a road that saw many changes, too. This famous road has been written about in books. It has been the subject of TV shows and songs. Route 66 stretched 2, 448 miles(3, 940 km) across the United States, and it carried a lot of history. For hundreds of years, native Americans followed animal tracks to hunt. Later, mountain men blazed trails along the same paths in order to set their fur traps. Next came the pioneers moving west in wagons. Gold was discovered in Californian 1849. People used the same route to seek their fortunes(财富)there. About 10 years later, railroads were built along the flat and wide route. In 1908, Henry Ford began to manufacture automobiles. Motorists took off into the countryside. They wanted to drive on paved roads. In 1926, Route 66 became an official U. S. highway. It was the first paved road to run all the way from Illinois to California. During the 1930s and'40s, people drove west on U. S. Route 66. They were looking for work on farms and in war -time plants. In the 1950s and'60s, many Americans enjoyed taking road trips. They drove along Route 66 to visit the Grand Canyon and Disneyland. Wider, straighter, and safer highways were built. Old Route 66 was used less and less. In 1985, it was officially removed from the U. S. highway system. The parts that still exist today are called Historic Route 66. Most of the old Route 66 filling stations, diners, and motels are closed. But U. S. Route 66 is still remembered as a road of dreams that carried people west. 51. U. S. Route 66 is important in America because. A. it records part of the history B. it is a paved road to the westC. people have to use the road to find gold D. people have to pass the way across America 52. What does the underlined word "motorists" in Paragraph 3 mean?A. people in need of goldB. people driving cars to travelC. the pioneers moving west in wagonsD. native Americans following animal tracks 53. What is the best title for the text?A. Road trips to the west of America B. The official high ways in AmericaC. The history of American high ways D. A historical main road in America(D)What do Batman, Black Panther, Spider-Man and Superman all have in common? Not only are they all superheroes, they're all orphans too. Bruce Wayne is inspired to fight crime as Batman after his parents are killed in a robbery. Peter Parker is raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben after his parents die in a plane crash. The alien Kal-El, otherwise known as Superman, is sent to Earth by his parents before his home planet of Krypton is destroyed. Upon his arrival he is discovered by Martha and Jonathan Kent, who raise him as their own. T'chala means "Orphan King", after he takes the title of Black Panther from his late father. Now, a new exhibition at London's Foundling Museum is exploring the way orphans are shown in comics and other types art from around the world. Opened in 2004, the Foundling Museum was built on the site of the Foundling Hospital, whichlooked after children who had been left without people to care for them. "Foundling" is a term used for children who have been given up by their parents and left somewhere for others to find. The Foundling Hospital still works today with the children's charity Coram. Superheroes, Orphans & Origins:125 Years in Comics looks at famous DC and Marvel comic book characters, old newspaper comic strips, graphic novels such as Zenobia and Japanese manga including Sunny. The collection includes international comics rarely seen in the UK, and original art drawn for the exhibition, such as Up in Flames by Woodrow Phoenix. The exhibition runs until 28 August. You have to book but under-21s get in free. You can find out more about the show at 54. Who used to be called "Orphan King"?A. Batman. B. Superman. C. Spider-Man. D. Black Panther.55. The underlined word "alien" in Paragraph 2 means. A. a super hero without parentsB. a popular cartoon character C. a living thing from other planetsD. a super hero with special abilities 56. If you want to watch the exhibition, you should _.A. read graphic novels such as Zenobia B. go to London's Foundling Museum directly C. order a ticket before you attend the exhibition D. enjoy it on the website tinyurl. com/TWJ-comicorigins(E)A new study has foun


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