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    2023年 高 考 英 语 冲 刺 押 题 试 卷 及 答 案 选 择 题 部 分 i.语 法 与 词 汇 知 识 选 择 题 1.-Is there any possible way to help them get rid of sucha bad habit?-To tell the truth,it s very hard.But we on thisproblem trying to improve the situation.A.worked B.had worked C.are working D.hadbeen working【答 案】C【解 析】考 查 动 词 时 态。语 境 意 义:”这 个 问 题 还 没 解 决,我 们 正 在 努 力 解 决 这 个 问 题,因 此 用 现 在 进 行 时。对 动 词 时 态 的 考 查 历 来 是 高 考 试 卷 的 重 点 内 容。2.The computer looks old,but it just half a yearago.A.has been bought B.will be bought C.is boughtD.was bought【答 案】D【解 析】考 查 动 词 时 态。此 题 容 易 错 选 A 项。语 境 有 具 体 过 去 时 间“half a year ago”,因 此 buy表 示 过 去 的 动 作,用 一 般 过 去 时 被 动 语 态。3.“I in the room,watching TV broadcast about theearthquake.I told the policeman who had driven here toquestion me.A.was staying B.stay C.stayed D.amstaying【答 案】A【解 析】考 查 动 词 时 态。语 境 没 有 提 到 具 体 时 间,但 从 语 境 和 和 试 题 命 制 形 式 上 看 是 直 接 引 语,这 里 表 示 答 复 警 察 的 讯 问,那 么 一 定 是 问 在 过 去 某 个 时 候“我 在 做 什 么,因 此 用 过 去 进 行 时。4.i n charge of the shopping center has upset him forquite some time.A.Left B.Being left C.Having left D.Toleave【答 案】B【解 析】考 查 非 谓 语 动 词 用 法。本 空 在 句 中 做 主 语,表 示 被 动 含 义,因 此 选 B o5.On March 14,violent crimes of beating,looting and burningin Lhasa of Tibet broke o u t,13 innocent people and withmore than 300.A.killed;injured B.killing;injured C.killed;injuring D.killing;injuring【答 案】B【解 析】考 查 非 谓 语 动 词 用 法。第 一 空 用 kill的 现 在 分 词 做 状 语 表示 主 动 含 义 和 补 充 说 明,第 二 空 用 过 去 分 词 表 示“受 伤”。6.Do you know that the first textbooks written for teachingEnglish as a foreign language in the 16th century?A.came up B.came along C.came out D.came about【答 案】C【解 析】考 查 常 见 动 词 短 语 用 法。语 境 表 示 第 一 本 教 授 英 语 作 为 外 语 的 课 本”出 版,出 现,用 come out表 示“被 出 版,被 刊 行。其 他 短 语 的 含 义:Vi.A 发 生,被 提 出,B 进 展,出 现,D 发 生。7.Write down the key words that you your students to findin the passage.A.make B.expect C.suggest D.hope【答 案】B【解 析】考 查 常 见 动 词 辨 析。从 搭 配 看,只 有 expect能 接 带 to的 不 定 式 做 宾 补;从 含 义 看,语 境 表 示 预 料 学 生 可 能 会 问 的 问 题,因 此 选 Bo8.To good relationships with your teachers andclassmates,you should learn to be on good terms with them.A.bring up B.add up C.keep up D.takeup【答 案】C【解 析】考 查 常 见 动 词 短 语。语 境 表 示“保 持/维 持 好 的 人 际 关 系,因 此 选 Co9.We d better set off,or it will be dark we know it.A.before B.after C.whenD.until【答 案】A【解 析】考 查 状 语 从 句 的 连 词。语 境 表 示“还 不 等 我 们 意 识 到“,用 before引 导 状 语 从 句 表 示“在 之 前”。10.一 Isnt it a surprise that I happened to meet FrancisMathews at the Christmas party last week?一 If my memory serves me correctly,you each other forexactly two years.A.hadnt seen B.havent seen C.didnt seeD.don,t see【答 案】A【解 析】考 查 动 词 时 态。语 境 表 示 在 上 周 见 面 之 前 有 两 年 没 见 面,因 此 用 过 去 完 成 时。1 1.the city lies the famous beautiful mountain.A.40 miles southeast of B.To 40 miles southeastofC.Southeast 40 miles to D.To southeast 40 milesof【答 案】A【解 析】考 查 副 词 用 法。语 境 表 示 方 位,“城 市 东 南 方 向 四 十 公 里 的 地 方,用(t。the)+方 位 词,数 量 概 念 放 在 介 词 短 语 或 副 词 短 语 的 前 面。因 此 A 为 唯 一 正 确 表 达。12.一 What do you think of the blind man?I ve never seen a man with sense of touch.A.the better B.a better C.a good D.thebest【答 案】B【解 析】考 查 形 容 词 比 拟 级 的 用 法。此 题 用“否 认 词+比 拟 级 结 构 表 示“没 有 比 更 的,比 拟 结 构 后 有 名 词 时,用 不 定 冠 词 修 饰,表 示 没 有 具 体 限 定 的“更 的。13.The result was far beyond we had expected,broughtgreat joy to every one of us.A.that;which B.than;that C.what;whatD.what;which【答 案】D【解 析】考 查 宾 语 从 句 和 定 语 从 句。第 一 空 用 what引 导 宾 语 从 句,连 词 what在 从 句 中 做 宾 语,第 二 空 用 which引 导 非 限 制 性 定 语 从 句,关 系 代 词 which指 代 主 句 内 容。14.Everyone has periods in their lives everythingseems very hard.A.when B.where C.whichD.that【答 案】A【解 析】考 查 定 语 从 句。此 题 的 关 系 词 引 导 定 语 从 句 修 饰 periods,并 在 从 句 中 做 时 间 状 语,因 此 选 A。15.What impresses me most is he appears in front ofothers,he wears a sincere and charming smile.A.which B.that C.where C.thatwhenever【答 案】D【解 析】考 查 表 语 从 句 和 状 语 从 句。从 语 境 看,此 题 需 要 两 个 连 接 词,一 个 是 表 语 从 句 的 连 词 that,此 时 that只 起 连 接 作 用,不 在 从 句 中 做 任 何 成 分,而 且 一 般 不 省 略;表 语 从 句 中 还 有 一 个 状 语 从 句,表 示“无 论 他 在 什 么 时 候 出 现,用 附 属 连 词 whenever。16.Class regulations require is the last to leave theclassroom off all the lights.A.who;should turn B.whom;shall turnC.whomever;turns D.whoever;turn【答 案】D【解 析】考 查 名 词 从 句 的 连 词 和 虚 拟 语 气 用 法。主 语 从 句 中 缺 少 主 语,故 用 whoever=the person who,require后 接 宾 语 从 句,句 中 动 词 用(should)doo17.一 Where is Bob?I cannot find him anywhere.He have been off long.I heard him make a call justnow.A.shouldn,t B.can,t C.mustnt D.needn t【答 案】B【解 析】考 查 情 态 动 词 与 虚 拟 语 气 用 法。语 境 表 示 语 气 很 肯 定 的 否 认 判 断 推 测:我 刚 刚 还 听 见 他 打 电 话 了,因 此 他 一 定 没 走 多 远。用 cant have done018.If the prediction for the earthquake more accurate,we would have been more prepared and many more lives would havebeen saved.A.had been B.was C.has beenD.were【答 案】A【解 析】考 查 虚 拟 语 气。语 境 表 示 假 设 地 震 的 预 测 更 准 确,我 们 就 能 做 好 准 备,很 多 生 命 就 不 会 失 去 了,主 句 使 用 了 would have done,因 此 表 示 与 过 去 实 际 情 况 相 反 的 假 设,状 语 从 句 用 过 去 完 成 时,因 此 选 Ao19.Who has made a mess in my room?Who else it but your naughty son?A.could do B.could have done C.did D.has done【答 案】B【解 析】考 查 情 态 动 词 用 法。语 境 表 示 对 过 去 发 生 并 延 续 到 现 在 的 情况 的 推 测,用 could have done表 示 不 肯 定 的 语 气。20.I was told that 10:15 flight would take us to Shanghaiin time to reach Fudan University.A.the;/B.the;a C.a;theD./;the【答 案】A【解 析】考 查 冠 词 的 用 法。第 一 空,用 the表 示 定 指,“十 点 一 刻 的 航 班,第 二 空 是 专 有 名 词,不 加 冠 词。21.He talked again and again to his friend about carefuldriving,but just turned a deaf ear to his words.A.another B.other C.others D.the other【答 案】D【解 析】考 查 代 词 用 法。语 境 涉 及 两 人,他 和 他 的 朋 友,因 此 这 里 用 the other表 示“另 外 那 个 人,即 他 的 朋 友。表 示 两 者 中 的 另 外 一 个 用 the other。表 示 没 有 具 体 所 指 的 另 外 一 个 用 another,other是 形 容 词,不 能 单 独 使 用;others表 示 没 有 具 体 范 围 限 制 的“其 他 的,是 复 数 指 代。22.It is a great for a person to be able to drive whenhe is seeking a job.A.advantage B.chance C.fun D.importance【答 案】A【解 析】考 查 名 词 辨 析。语 境 表 示 找 工 作 时,如 果 会 开 车 将 是 一 个 优 势,因 此 选 A。2 3.t he weather,the sports meet will be held on time.A.In favor of B.Regardless of C.Apartfrom D.Due to【答 案】B【解 析】考 查 介 词 短 语 辨 析。语 境 说 运 动 会 按 期 举 行,因 此 这 里 表 示“不 顾”天 气 情 况,用 B 表 示“不 管,不 顾。其 他 选 项 的 含 义:A赞 成,C 除 了 之 外,D 由 于。24.一 I just wonder that made Mark Twain so famous awriter.一 Of course his early experiences.A.it was what B.what he did C.how hedid D.what it was【答 案】D【解 析】考 查 强 调 句 的 特 殊 疑 问 句 和 语 序。从 题 干 的 含 义 看,此 题 涉 及 强 调 句 的 特 殊 疑 问 句 和 语 序。被 强 调 的 成 分 在 原 句 做 主 语,表 示 物,用 what,疑 问 句 在 此 题 做 宾 语,用 陈 述 句 的 语 序,因 此 选 D。25.Never in my wildest dreams these people are livingin such poor condition.A.I could imagine B.could I imagineC.I couldn,t imagine D.couldn,t I imagine【答 案】B【解 析】考 查 倒 装 句 结 构。否 认 副 词 never放 在 句 首,主 句 要 用 局 部 倒 装,再 者,表 示 否 认 含 义 时,前 面 已 经 有 了 否 认 词,句 中 就 用 肯 定 形 式,因 此 此 题 选 B。26.You shouldn t have taken pictures before the carvedstones.A.Pardon me B.Yes,I will C.Never mind D.Don,t mention it【答 案】A【解 析】考 查 交 际 用 语 用 法。语 境 表 示 责 怪 及 答 复。从 四 个 选 项 看,这 里 应 该 表 示 抱 歉,选 A,表 示 没 听 清 楚 对 方 的 话。27.一 I found my mom not feeling well this morning.I m afraidshe is ill.A.Don t worry too much B.It s nothing at allC.I m sorry to hear that D.Take it easy【答 案】C【解 析】考 查 交 际 用 语。此 题 的 交 际 语 境 是 如 何 表 示 抚 慰。对 方 说 他 母 亲 生 病 了,此 时 应 该 表 示 抚 慰,帮 对 方 分 担 忧 虑,选 C,而 不 是 A、D 项 空 泛 地 让 对 方 别 着 急,也 不 是 B,没 事。28.Good morning,Doctor Brown s office.Hello,this is Tom Smith.Could you please tell Doctor BrownI?My car start.A.was delayed,doesn,t B.will be delayed,won tC.am delayed,didn t D.would delay,mustn t【答 案】B【解 析】考 查 动 词 的 时 态 和 情 态 动 词 用 法。从 语 境 看,第 一 空 用 一 般 将 来 时 表 示 对 将 来 情 况 的 预 测,第 二 空 用 won,t/wouldn,t 表 示 无 可 奈 何 的 感 觉,“偏 不,就 是 不。29.When I saw mum nod to me,I calmed down and wenton with my acting.A.encouragingly B.amazingly C.increasingly D.accordingly【答 案】A【解 析】考 查 副 词 辨 析。词 类 的 考 查 异 军 突 起,在 高 考 试 卷 中 所 占 比 例 越 来 越 大。考 查 的 着 重 点 更 多 是 从 语 境 和 词 汇 的 含 义 去 把 握 和 选 择,很 少 考 查 同 义 词 或 近 义 词 的 辨 析。语 境 说 妈 妈 对 我 点 头,我 冷 静 下 来,从 这 些 信 息 看,此 题 选 A,妈 妈 用 手 势 语 鼓 励 我。30.In the time of social reform,people,s state of mind tendsto keep with the rapid change of society.A.contact B.progress C.touch D.pace【答 案】D【解 析】考 查 名 词 辨 析。四 个 选 项 的 含 义:A 接 触,B 进 步,C 碰,触 摸,D 节 奏。从 动 词 与 介 词 搭 配 看,这 里 用 keep in contact with或 keep pace with表 示“与.并 驾 齐 驱。非 选 择 题 部 分 I)阅 读 理 解 热 点 预 猜 一 组 AFreeRice For Each Vocabulary Word You Get Right,WeDonate Free Rice through the United Nations World Food Programto Help End World Hunger1 word=20 grains;5 words=100 grainsPlay and feed hungry people.How to playClick on the answer that best defines the word.If you get it right,you get a harder word.If wrong,you getan easier word.For each word you get right,we donate 20 grains of rice to theUnited Nations World Food Program.WARNING:This game may make you smarter.It may improve yourspeaking,writing,thinking,grades,job performance.(more)Frequently Asked QuestionsHow does playing the vocabulary game at FreeRice help me?Learning new vocabulary has tremendous benefits.It can helpyou:Present your ideas better Write better papers,emails and business letters Speak more accurately and influentially Read faster because you understand better Get better grades in high school,college and graduate school Perforin better at job interviews and conferences Be more effective and successful at your jobAfter you have done FreeRice for a couple of days,you maynotice an odd phenomenon.Words that you have never consciouslyused before will begin to pop into your head while you arespeaking or writing.You will feel yourself using and knowingmore words.How does the FreeRice vocabulary program work?FreeRice has a custom database(数 据 库)containing thousandsof words at varying degrees of difficulty.There are wordsproper for people just learning English and words that willchallenge the most learned professors.In between are thousandsof words for students,business people,doctors,truckdrivers*everyone!FreeRice adjusts to your level of vocabulary.It starts bygiving you words at different levels of difficulty and then,based on how you do,designs a proper starting level for you.When you get a word wrong,you go to an easier level.When youget three words in a row right,you go to a harder level.There are 60 levels in all,but it is rare for people to getabove level 50.1.Playing the vocabulary game at Freerice enables you to dothe following E X C E P T.A.be admitted to a top university B.perform betterin a speech contestC.help the needy people in the world D.improve yourperformance at work2.People of different levels of learning can surf FreeRicebecaus e.A.it offers a large vocabularyB.it adjusts to the player s level of vocabularyC.it is free of charge to play the gameD.it is designed to meet the needs of people in differentfields3.We can infer from the passage that the purpose of designingthe game is t o.A.supply more rice to feed the hungry people in poorcountriesB.promote English learning in non-English speakingcountriesC.attract more people to learn English to stop hungerD.combine English learning with helping hungry people4.Where is the passage likely to appear?A.In a popular newspaper.B.In a farmingmagazine.C.On the website.D.In a document of theUN.BHuman beings have always been fascinated by twins.Romulusand Remus,Jacob and Esau,Mary-Kate and Ashley.As children,many of us imagine having a twin:a permanentplaymate,a partner in trouble,someone who d love usunconditionally.Somewhere out there is someone who is exactlylike us!What would it feel like to look into a face exactlylike our own?And what if she suddenly appears in my life?That sessentially what happened to Brooklyn writer Paula Bernstein.I d known Paula slightly for years;she wrote a lovely essayfor Redbook many years ago refuting(驳 斥)the persistent beliefthat all adoptees want to search for their birth parents.Heradoptive family was her family,she wrote;her adoptive motherwas her mother.But then,out of the blue,an adoption agencycalled her and told her about the identical twin sister shedidn t know she had.Her sister,Elyse Schein,wanted to meether.I met them for coffee at Cafe Mogador,three years aftertheir first meeting.Now 38,they have different haircuts,havemade different choices in hair color,do their makeupdifferently.But they clearly look alike,with thick hair,upturned noses.They quickly discovered they had the samechildhood habit of sucking their middle fingers,the same adulthabit of forgetfully typing their thoughts on an invisiblekeyboard while thinking.Both edited their high schoolnewspapers and studied film in college.Paula wrote filmcriticism;Elyse became a filmmaker.They both collected Alicein Wonderland dolls and kept them in the boxes.They,re now regulars at Cafe Mogador.The women s journeyfrom strangers to sisters has clearly been rocky.But as theygot to know each other,and struggled to piece together theirhistory,their search united them.“For me,the search began when I reached the age when myadoptive mother died,Elyse said.realized that my birthmother could be dead.Time was passing.I was ready to solvethe mystery that had shadowed my life.Elyse had always felta part of her was missing.T d felt so different from myadoptive family.she said.Paula was raised in a more typical Jewish intellectualfamily,and was at first a little threatened by Elyse sappearance in her life.My first response was both fear andexcitement.The moment we met,I felt I was meeting my long-lostbest friend.I could tell her anything.And then as that firstexcitement wore off,I thought,oh my God,V ve committed toa long-term relationship with a stranger.I wished we hadn,t been separated,but also that I hadn t been contacted.Whatwould it mean to be in each otherJ s lives?5.What is the main idea of the passage?A.We always hope to have twins for much good.B.We are often attracted by twins because of the mystery.C.The long-lost twins,Paula and Elyse,were reunited.D.Life with twins is always wonderful.6.Which of the following can we infer is the least common namesof twins according to the passage?A.Romulus and Remus.B.Jacob and Esau.C.Mary-Kate and Ashley.D.Paula and Elyse.7.The underlined words“out of the blue in the fourthparagraph can be replaced b y.A.unexpectedly B.accidentally C.oppositelyD.out of control8.It can be inferred that the following paragraph of thepassage will talk about.A.how Paula and Elyse found each otherB.how Paula and Elyse were separated when youngC.what their mothers were likeD.their mixed feelings when they saw each otherCTess still stood hesitating like a swimmer about to make hisdive,hardly knowing whether to return or move forward,whena figure came out from the dark door of the tent.It was a tallyoung man,smoking.He had an almost black face,though red and smooth.Hismoustache was black with curled points,though he could not bemore than twenty three or一 four.There was an unusual force inhis face,and in his daring rolling eyes.“Well,my beauty,what can I do for you?said he,comingforward.And seeing that she was quite at a loss,“Never mindme.I am Mr.d Urberville.Have you come to see me or mymother?This differed greatly from what Tess had expected.She haddreamed of an aged and dignified face.She tried to keep calmand answered-“I came to see your mother,sir.“I am afraid you cannot see her一 she is ill


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