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    专题15 完形填空记叙文(学生版)-【备考2024】2019-2023五年高考真题分项整理汇编(新高考地区) .docx

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    专题15 完形填空记叙文(学生版)-【备考2024】2019-2023五年高考真题分项整理汇编(新高考地区) .docx

    专题15 完形填空记叙文(15空)(原卷版)全国各地历年高考真题全收录一、 2023年高考真题(一) 2023新高考全国卷On Oct. 11, hundreds of runners competed in a cross-country race in Minnesota. Melanie Bailey should have _21_ the course earlier than she did. Her _22_ came because she was carrying a _23_ across the finish line.As reported by a local newspaper, Bailey was more than two-thirds of the way through her _24_ when a runner in front of her began crying in pain. She _25_ to help her fellow runner, Danielle Lenoue. Bailey took her arm to see if she could walk forward with _26_. She couldnt. Bailey then _27_ to let Lenoue climb onto her back and carried her all the way to the finish line, then another 300 feet to where Lenoue could get _28_ attention.Once there, Lenoue was _29_ and later taken to a hospital, where she learned that she had serious injuries in one of her knees. She would have struggled with extreme _30_ to make it to that aid checkpoint without Baileys help.As for Bailey, she is more _31_ about why her act is considered a big _32_. “She was just crying. I couldnt _33_ her,” Bailey told the reporter. “I feel like I was just doing the right thing.”Although the two young women were strangers before the _34_ theyve since become friends. Neither won the race, but the _35_ of human kindness won the day.21. A. designedB. followedC. changedD. finished22. A. delayB. chanceC. troubleD. excuse23. A. judgeB. volunteerC. classmateD. competitor24. A. raceB. schoolC. townD. training25. A. agreedB. returnedC. stoppedD. promised26. A. courageB. aidC. patienceD. advice27. A. went awayB. stood upC. stepped asideD. bent down28. A. medicalB. publicC. constantD. equal29. A. interruptedB. assessedC. identifiedD. appreciated30 A. hungerB. painC. coldD. tiredness31. A. worriedB. ashamedC. confusedD. discouraged32. A. gameB. problemC. lessonD. deal33. A. leaveB. cureC. botherD. understand34. A. rideB. testC. meetD. show35. A. secretB. displayC. benefitD. exchange(二) 2023新高考全国卷In April last year, I saw a post on the PNP (Pilots N Paws) website from a family in Topeka. They had to move to Virginia but they were on a very tight _21_. They could not afford to pay for _22_ for their dog, Tiffy, and _23_ wanted to take her with them. It just _24_ that I was planning another PNP flight with another pilot, Karen, who _25_ to take Tiffy from Kansas City to Virginia. What I was to do was fly to Topeka to _26_ Tiffy. When I met Tiffys owners, they seemed very _27_. George, the husband, was trying to be calm, but I could tell this was _28_ for him, having to leave his dog to a _29_ and trust that everything would _30_.After some goodbyes, I asked George and his wife to help me _31_ Tiffy into the plane. I promised to take care of Tiffy and _32_ them as soon as we got to Kansas City. The flight was _33_ and Tiffy was a great passenger. The next day, she _34_ with Karen and made it back to George in Virginia within a few days. He was so _35_ and sent me a nice e-mail with pictures. It felt great to know that I had helped bring this family together again.21. A. turnB. budgetC. scheduleD. connection22 A. foodB. shelterC. medicineD. transportation23. A. desperatelyB. temporarilyC. secretlyD. originally24. A. appearedB. provedC. happenedD. showed25. A. waitedB. offeredC. hurriedD. failed26. A. see offB. look forC. hand overD. pick up27. A. confusedB. nervousC. annoyedD. curious28. A. hardB. fineC. commonD. lucky29. A. coworkerB. passengerC. strangerD. neighbor30. A. speed upB. work outC. come backD. take off31 A. feedB. followC. changeD. load32. A. callB. joinC. leaveD. serve33. A. unnecessaryB. unexpectedC. unavoidableD. uneventful34. A. returnedB. foughtC. flewD. agreed35. A. thankfulB. generousC. proudD. sympathetic(三) 2023年2月四省联考Dr. Smith of New York works at a center for children who cant learn well. One day a father brought his son to him for_21_ at his office.The father told Dr. Smith about his son. “My son has _22_ in learning and cant even play baseball. He isnt doing well because he doesnt try. I have done everything for him. I have even shouted at him. But nothing _23_. ”After Dr. Smith tested the boy, he _24_ his father. He asked the father to sit in front of a _25_ and then gave him a pencil and a piece of paper. There was a _26_ on the paper. He asked the father to look only in the mirror and _27_ the lines of the star with the pencil. The father made the same _28_ anyone makes. Every time he _29_ the pencil, it went the wrong way. The fathers face became red.At this _30_ the doctor shouted at him, “Hurry up! Why are you _31_ so long? You cant do such an _32_ thing! You dont know left from right!” These _33_ made the father very angry.“Now you can _34_, cant you?” The doctor said to him. “Your son has felt just like that all the time. You scolded (训斥) him too often, so he didn't try any more. He was afraid of making mistakes. ”_35_ the father understood everything. He put his face down. Now he felt so sorry.21. A. testingB. actingC. teachingD. playing22. A. confidenceB. interestC. experienceD. difficulty23. A. returnsB. helpsC. appearsD. remains24. A. waited forB. searched forC. believed inD. called in25. A. mirrorB. televisionC. paintingD. desk26. A. faceB. lineC. numberD. star27. A. removeB. followC. crossD. cut28. A. decisionsB. choicesC. mistakesD. patterns29. A. touchedB. droppedC. movedD. sharpened30. A. speedB. cornerC. endD. point31. A. stayingB. takingC. preparingD. writing32. A. easyB. importantC. obviousD. exciting33. A. ideasB. wordsC. questionsD. instructions34. A. relaxB. leaveC. understandD. promise35. A. InterestinglyB. AbsolutelyC. SuddenlyD. Unfortunately(四) 2023年1月浙江卷The sun was beginning to sink as I set off into the Harenna Forest. I was on my way to _41_ a unique honey harvest. Here, in south-east Ethiopia, hand-carved beehives(蜂箱)are placed in the _42_. Reaching them to get the honey is difficultand often _43_ . I _44_ beekeeper Ziyad over a wide stretch of grassland before entering a thick jungle. Ziyad began preparations. He _45_ handfuls of damp tree leaves, wrapped them with string, and _46_ the bunch to create a torch(火把). Then, with one end of a rope tied to his waist and the other end around the trunk of a tree, Ziyad began _47_ . He stopped every few minutes to move the _48_ higher up the tree trunk. _49_ , Ziyad got close to the hive which was around 20 metres above the ground. Sitting on a branch, he _50_ towards it and blew smoke from his torch into a tiny hole in the hive. Suddenly, Ziyad let out a sharp cry. Within seconds, hed _51_ the trunk and was back on the ground. It was too _52_ to collect the honey. A cool summer had delayed _53_ . Baby bees were still in the honeycombs(蜂巢). The adult bees were _54_ and kept attacking as Ziyad escaped from the tree. He had to wait for the right _55_ to go back up.41. A. shareB. collectC. celebrateD. witness42. A. courtyardsB. fieldsC. treetopsD. caves43 A. urgentB. dangerousC. expensiveD. pointless44. A. searchedB. recognisedC. followedD. invited45. A. gatheredB. cleanedC. droppedD. checked46. A. shookB. litC. measuredD. decorated47. A. jumpingB. talkingC. testingD. climbing48. A. hivesB. leavesC. ropeD. honey49. A. FinallyB. SurprisinglyC. NaturallyD. Immediately50 A. backedB. divedC. shoutedD. inched51. A. cut offB. gone upC. slid downD. held onto52. A. highB. earlyC. fastD. close53. A. hatchingB. trainingC. sowingD. trading54. A. curiousB. hungryC. boredD. angry55. A. momentB. equipmentC. personD. order二、 2022年高考真题(五) 2022年新高考1卷 My husband, our children and I have had wonderful camping experiences over the past ten years.Some of our _41_ are funny, especially from the early years when our children were little. Once, we _42_ along Chalk Creek. I was _43_ that our 15-month-old boy would fall into the creek (小溪). I tied a rope around his waist to keep him near to our spot. That lasted about ten minutes. He was _44_, and his crying let the whole campground know it. So _45_ tying him up, I just kept a close eye on him. It _46_ he didnt end up in the creek. My three-year-old, however, did. Another time, we rented a boat in Vallecito Lake. The sky was clear when we _47_, but storms move in fast in the mountains, and this one quickly _48_ our peaceful morning trip. The _49_ picked up and thunder rolled. My husband stopped fishing to _50_ the motor. Nothing. He tried again. No _51_. We were stuck in the middle of the lake with a dead motor. As we all sat there _52_, a fisherman pulled up, threw us a rope and towed (拖) us back. We were _53_.Now, every year when my husband pulls our camper out of the garage, we are filled with a sense of _54_, wondering what camping fun and _55_ we will experience next.41. A. ideasB. jokesC. memories D. discoveries42. A. campedB. droveC. walkedD. cycled43. A. annoyedB. surprisedC. disappointedD. worried44. A. unhurtB. unfortunateC. uncomfortableD. unafraid45. A. due toB. instead ofC. apart fromD. as for46. A. workedB. happenedC. matteredD. changed47. A. signed upB. calmed downC. checked outD. headed off48. A. arrangedB. interruptedC. completedD. recorded49. A. windB. noiseC. temperatureD. speed50. A. findB. hideC. startD. fix51. A. luckB. answerC. wonderD. signal52. A. patientlyB. tirelesslyC. doubtfullyD. helplessly53. A. sorryB. braveC. safeD. right54. A. reliefB. dutyC. prideD. excitement55. A. failureB. adventureC. performanceD. conflict(六) 2022年新高考2卷 Like many young people, Jessica wants to travel the globe. Unlike most of them, this 25-year-old is doing it _21_ . She and her husband have spent the last two years traveling the world, stopping everywhere from Paris to Singapore. It might sound like one long, expensive _22_ , but the couple has an unusual way to make their travel _23_ . Theyre part of a new form of the _24_ economy: an online group of house sitters. Throughout their no-cost stays in _25_ homes, they feed pets and water plants in the homeowners _26_ . Its not all sightseeing. The two travelers carefully _27_ their trips, scheduling their days around the pets that are sometimes difficult to _28_ . But house sitting also offers a level of _29_ they cant find in a hotel. “Its like _30_ at a friends house,” Jessica says. The couple has a high _31_ rate in getting accepted as house sitters and they always go beyond the homeowners _32_ . For Jessica, that means _33_ plenty of pictures of happy pets, keeping the house _34_ and leaving a nice small gift before heading to the next house. “You want to make the homeowner feel that they made the right _35_ ,” she says. 21. A. indoorsB. onlineC. single-handedD. full-time22. A. gameB. serviceC. vacationD. procedure23. A. safeB. busyC. helpfulD. affordable24. A. localB. privateC. sharingD. agricultural25. A. strangersB. parentsC. co-workersD. neighbors26. A. favorB. defenseC. honorD. absence27. A. planB. explainC. compareD. complete28. A. buyB. transportC. chooseD. please29. A. supportB. comfortC. controlD. attention30. A. cookingB. stayingC. waitingD. studying31. A. successB. survivalC. growthD. unemployment32. A. budgetB. abilitiesC. expectationsD. understanding33. A. admiringB. donatingC. sendingD. borrowing34 A. cleanB. openC. simpleD. empty35. A. guessB. decisionC. responseD. impression(七) 2022年北京卷第一节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One Monday morning, while the children were enjoying “free play”, I stepped to the doorway of the classroom to take a break. Suddenly, I _1_ a movement of the heavy wooden door. This was the very door I _2_ guided the children through to ensure their safety from the bitter cold. I felt a chill (寒意) go through my body.My legs carried me to that door, and I pushed it open. It was one of my kindergarteners who I thought was _3_ that day. He had been dropped off at school late and was _4_ to open the door.He must have been waiting there for quite a while! Without a word, I rushed him to the hospital. He was treated for frostbite on his hands. Hed need time to _5_ , and wouldnt come for class the next day, I thought.The next morning, one of the first to _6_ was my little frostbitten boy. Not only did he run in with energy, but his _7_ could be heard as loud as ever! I gave him a warm hug and told him how _8_ I was to see him. His words have stayed with me all these years, “I knew you would open the door.”That cold Monday morning, he waited a long, long while for adults to _9_. To a child, every minute feels like forever. He didnt attempt to walk back home; he waited and trusted. This five-year-old taught me a powerful lesson in _10_ .1. A. causedB. spottedC. checkedD. imagined2. A. hesitantlyB. randomlyC. dizzilyD. carefully3. A. angryB. absentC. specialD. noisy4. A. courageousB. contentC. unableD. unwilling5. A. recoverB. playC. changeD. wait6. A. settleB. gatherC. arriveD. react7. A. sneezeB. weepC. complaintD. laughter8. A. luckyB. happyC. curiousD. nervous9. A. show upB. pull upC. hold upD. line up10. A. gratitudeB. forgivenessC. faithD. kindness(八) 2022年1月浙江卷When Beverley Burdeyney turned seventy-four last year, she started having problems with her 36       , notably dryness and discomfort."I was simply 37     a terrible experience," Ms. Burdeyney said at  her home in Toronto. "I felt so helpless and insecure because the quality of my 38       was affected."Ms. Burdeyney talked to some friends who had 39      problems and  discovered that they were largely suffering in 40     . "Nobody chooses to talk about it because it seems so 41      ," she said. "But more and more are suffering and lives are being 42        ."Eventually, Ms. Burdeyney learned about plans for an eye research 43       at Tel Aviv University in Israel .The research team 44       Canadian doctor Allan Slomovic, who has done 45    work on eye care using stem


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