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    专题09 阅读理解(解析版).doc

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    专题09 阅读理解(解析版).doc

    You may plan to write a book some day, but you are living a book every day. The “Great Biographer” is writing the book of your life on the pages of time. Each day is a page, and each year is a chapter.也许有一天你会计划着写一本书,但是你每天都书写着自己的人生这本书。这部伟大的“自传”在时间的书页上书写着你的人生。一天书写一页,一年书写一章。阅读理解一细节理解题的解题技巧(1)查读法(scanning)查读是在读者对材料有所了解的情况下进行的。查读的特点是带着问题寻找答案。(2)原文定位法根据题干中的关键词,找准相关句、段的内容,再仔细对照,不符合原文意义的选项要首先排除,反之,则是正确选项。(3)首尾定位法做排序题可采用“首尾定位法”。即先找出最先发生的事和最后发生的事,迅速缩小选择范围,从而快速选出正确答案。(4)排除法利用排除法时,考生要注意的是有时在两个难以抉择的选项之间一定要通过文章的整体意思来作出判断。(5)按“文”索“图”法做选图题时,可采用按“文”索“图”法。即从文中找出描绘图形的句段,按“文”索“图”。二词义猜测题的解题技巧(1)通过因果关系猜测词义通过因果关系猜词,首先是找出生词所在部分与上下文之间的逻辑关系,然后才能猜词义。有时文章借助关联词(如because,as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,of course,therefore等)表示因果关系。例You shouldnt have blamed him for that,for it wasnt his fault.解析 通过for引出的句子所表示的原因(那不是他的错),可猜出blame的词义是“责备”。(2)通过同义词和同义关系猜测词义在文章中,有时作者为避免重复,或为了表达同一事物的不同种类,使用同义词或近义词。在这种情况下,我们就可以利用同义词、近义词的关系由熟悉的词语推测不熟悉词语的含义。通过同义词猜词,一是要看由and或or连接的同义词词组,如happy and gay,即使我们不认识gay这个词,也可以知道它是“愉快”的意思;二是看在进一步解释的过程中使用的同义词。例 Man has known something about the planets Venus,Mars,and Jupiter with the help of spaceships.解析 此句中的Venus(金星),Mars(火星),Jupiter(木星)均为生词,但只要知道planets就可猜出这几个词都属于“行星”这一领域。(3)通过反义词和反义关系猜测词义有时作者为了说明相反的两件事或人,使用了一些反义词或表示反义关系的词语来进行对比,我们可以利用已知单词推测未知单词的词义。通过反义词猜词,一是看表转折关系的连词或副词,如but,while,however等;二是看与not搭配的或表示否定意义的词语。例He is so homely,not at all as handsome as his brother.解析根据“not at all as handsome.”我们不难推测出homely是“不英俊,不漂亮”的意思。(4)通过举例来猜测词义恰当的举例能够提供猜测生词的重要线索。例Bananas,oranges,pineapples,coconuts and some other kinds of fruit grow in warm areas.解析pineapples和coconuts是生词,我们可以从这两个词在句中所处的位置来判断它们大概的意思。从句中不难看出pineapples,coconuts和bananas,oranges是同类关系,同属fruit类,因此它们是两样水果,准确地说,是菠萝和椰子。三推理判断题的解题技巧完成推理判断题,通常应注意以下两点:(1)特别留心特定细节所谓“特定细节”,就是问题所涉及的范围和对象中的细节事实,一般包括事实根据、名字(人物或地点)、数字(日期或统计数字)、关键词语的其他表达方法(同义词、近义词、反义词)等。(2)注意作者的语气和态度作者的语气和态度通常体现在短文所使用的措辞和句式上。要特别注意感情色彩比较浓重的形容词和副词,特别留心短文句子的长度和结构。从措辞上我们可以推断出作者对所讨论话题的态度;从句式的长短和结构可以判断出作者讨论问题的语气。一体裁:记叙文难度: 3 星建议时间:10分钟正确率: %My name is Claire. I live in a small house in a town called Kingston.I love to visit Highgrove Road. This road has a lot of big houses, and some even look like palaces. Highgrove Road is next to a beach. I love to sit on the beach and dream what these houses look like inside.My favourite house is a pink house at the end of the road. In my dreams this house has at least four sitting rooms and two dining rooms, all on the ground floor. One dining room is for the family and the other one is for friends. It has a really big kitchen next to the dining rooms. The house has three bedrooms on the first floor and five bedrooms on the second floor. Each bedroom has a bathroom with a toilet, a sink, a bath and a shower. The house is very tidy and quiet. In front of the house, there is a big garden with a swimming pool. It is the biggest swimming pool in the whole town. A friendly family lives in this house and they often invite friends over to use their swimming pool.My dream is to live in a house just like this. My mother thinks I should stop dreaming and start studying for my exams!来源:Z*xx*k.Com1. Highgrove Road is next to .A. a beachB. Claires schoolC. a palaceD. a big house来源:学科网ZXXK2. What is the colour of Claires favourite house?A. Red.B. Purple.C. Pink.D. Blue.3.How many bedrooms does Claire imagine(想象)there are in this house?A. Eight.B. Ten.C. Five.D. Three.4. Claires dream is to .A. pass her examsB.buy this houseC. use the swimming poolD. live in a similar (相似的) house5.What may (可能)Claires real house look like?A. It is new.B. It is very small.C. It is very big.D. It is clean.1.【答案】A 【解析】由第二段中“Highgrove Road is next to a beach.”可知答案。2.【答案】C 【解析】 由第三段的第一句可知,Claire最喜欢的房子的颜色是粉红色。3.【答案】A 【解析】由第三段中“The house has three bedrooms on the first floor and five bedrooms on the second floor.”可知,Claire想象在这所房子里有8个卧室。4.【答案】D 【解析】由第四段的第一句可知,Claire的梦想是住在一所和自己想象中相似的房子里。5.【答案】B 【解析】由文章内容可知,Claire希望自己拥有一所大房子,由此推知Claire现实中的房子可能很小。二体裁:记叙文难度: 3 星建议时间:10分钟正确率: %A well-dressed man goes into a restaurant one day. He sits down at a table near the window. A waiter comes up to him and says,“Can I help you, sir?”The man says,“Can I see the menu?”“Sure.”The man wants a good meal and he wants a lot of nice dishes. The waiter gets them for him. The man is having his meals. At this time, a boy comes in and sits down beside the man. He asks the man to give him an ice cream. The man says, “I go out for a newspaper.” Then he goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream up, he stands up and goes to the door.“Excuse me, your father doesnt give the money.”The waiter stops him and says.来源:学科网ZXXK“Father? You are wrong. He isnt my father. I dont know him. I meet him in the street. He says he will give me an ice cream if I come here at 12 oclock.”1. One day a into a restaurant.A. well-dressed man goesB. well-dressed man and his son goC. girl goesD. boy goes2. The man asks the waiter to bring him .A. a lot of ice creamB. a lot of nice dishesC. a newspaperD. drinks3. The man asks for the boy.A. some breadB. an ice creamC. some dishesD. drinks4. The boy comes into the restaurant .A. at twelve oclockB. with the manC. to buy an ice creamD. at ten oclock5. The boy .A. is the waiters sonB. is the mans sonC. meets the man in the streetD. knows the man1.【答案】A 【解析】由第一段第一句A well-dressed man goes into a restaurant one day.可知“一天一位穿着体面的人走进了饭馆”,故选A项。2.【答案】B 【解析】由第一段中The man wants a good meal and he wants a lot of nice dishes.可知“那个人想要吃一顿好饭,他要了许多佳肴”,故选B项。3.【答案】B 【解析】由第一段中.a boy comes in and sits down beside the man. He asks the man to give him an ice cream.可知,那个人给男孩要了一个冰淇淋,故选B项。4.【答案】A 【解析】由第二段最后一句He says he will give me an ice cream if I come here at 12 oclock.可知:男孩说如果他在12点钟来饭馆,那个人说将给他一个冰淇淋。前文提到男孩果真来了,而且还吃了一个冰淇淋,可知男孩是12点到的,故选A项。5.【答案】C 【解析】由第二段中“Father? You are wrong. He isnt my father. I dont know him. I meet him in the street.”可知:男孩是在街上遇到那个人的,A项意为“(男孩)是侍者的儿子”;B项意为“(男孩)是那个人的儿子”;C项意为“男孩在街上遇到那个人”;D项意为“(男孩)认识那个人”。只有C项符合文意,故选C项。三体裁:记叙文难度: 3 星建议时间:10分钟正确率: %OUR BUSES CAN MAKE YOUR HOLIDAYSEast Busmaybe the best choice on your visit to the famous places of interest in Beijing. Sit back, relax and see all there is to see, with no need to worry about driving, finding a parking place or leaving your car with no one to watch it. We have lots of buses taking you to visit Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven Park, the Olympic Center and the Great Wall. The whole tour will take you three days. Chinese & English speaking guides. Booking by phone four days in advance .Tour price:¥580.00 per person (half price for children under 1.2 m tall),including the ticket price, breakfast and lunch. For more information, please phone Yongan Tourism Company at 010-23368688/23368689.Word Bankin advance(预先)Add:356 Chaoyang Road, Beijing.Open 7 days a week.8:00-16:001. When they visit the places of interest on an East Bus, the visitors .A. need to watch their earsB. have to worry about the drivingC. have to find places to park the busD. can sit back and relax themselves2. From the advertisement, we can see that East Bus is a kind of .A. tourist busB. village busC. airport busD. school bus3. on an East Bus can speak two languages.A. The guideB. The driverC. The visitorsD. The children4. Children under 1.2 m tall need to pay for the trip.A. 230 yuanB. 290 yuanC. 320 yuanD. 460 yuan5. Which of the following is NOT true? A. The tour price includes six meals.B. Visitors can see six places within three days.C. Visitors must go to the company to book the tickets.D. The office hour of the company is eight hours a day.1.【答案】D 【解析】由第二段中Sit back, relax and see all there is to see.可知选D。2.【答案】A 【解析】由第一段East Busmaybe the best choice on your visit to the famous places of interest in Beijing.可知,East Bus是一种旅游车。3.【答案】A 【解析】由文中Chinese & English speaking guides.可知,车上的导游能说两门语言。4.【答案】B 【解析】由文中.(half price for children under 1.2 m tall).可知,1.2米以下的儿童半价。故选B。5.【答案】C 【解析】由文中Booking by phone four days in advance(预先).可知,可以提前四天打电话订票。故选C。四体裁:说明文难度: 3 星建议时间:10分钟正确率: %Skin-diving is a new sport today. This sport takes you into a wonderful new world. It is like a visit to the moon. When you are under the water,it is easy for you to climb big rocks,because you are no longer heavy.Here,under water,everything is blue and green. During the day,there is plenty of light. When fish swim nearby,you can catch them with your hands.When you have tanks of air on your back,you can stay in deep water for a long time. But you must be careful when you dive in deep water.Word BankSkin-diving(轻装潜水)To catch fish is one of the most interesting parts of this sport. Besides,there are more uses for skin-diving. You can clean ships without taking them out of water. You can get many things from the deep sea.Now you see that skin-diving is both useful and interesting.1. Skin-diving is a popular sport. It can take you to .A. deep waterB. the mountainsC. a new world of landD. the moon2. In deep water .A. there is no light at all B. there is plenty of lightC. there is a new world of landD. it is like a visit to the moon3. You can climb big rocks under water easily because .A. you are very heavyB. you are as heavy as on the landC. you are very thinD. you are not so heavy as on the land4. With tanks of air on your back,you can .A. catch fish very easilyB. stay under water for a long timeC. climb big rocksD. have more fun5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Skin-diving is a new sport.B. The only use of skin-diving is to have more fun.C. Skin-diving is like visiting the moon.D. Skin-diving is not only interesting but useful.1.【答案】A 【解析】根据第三段第一句.you can stay in deep water for a long time.可知。2.【答案】D 【解析】根据第一段中的句子It is like a visit to the moon.可知。3.【答案】D 【解析】根据第一段最后一句When you are under the water, it is easy for you to climb big rocks, because you are no longer heavy.可知。4.【答案】B 【解析】根据第三段第一句When you have tanks of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time.可知。5.【答案】B 【解析】根据文章的最后一段可知。五体裁:记叙文难度: 3 星建议时间:10分钟正确率: %Yesterday wasnt a good day. The weather wasnt very nice. It was cold and rainy. The bus wasnt on time. It was late. My boss wasnt very happy, because I was late for work. He was a little angry.At one oclock I went to a cafe for lunch, but the food wasnt hot and the coffee was cold. I wasnt very happy. Then I went back to work, but my papers werent on my desk. They were missing. I looked for them everywhere, but I couldnt find them. Later someone gave them back to me. I left work at 5 oclock and it started to rain again. I got very wet.Yesterday was a bad day for me.1. How was the weather yesterday?A. It was a nice day.B. It was rainy and cold.C. It was humid and hot.D. It was snowy.2. Why was the boss angry?A. Because the weather was bad.B. Because the writer was late for work.C. Because the food was cold.D. Because the papers werent on his desk.3. What does the underlined word “missing” mean in Chinese?A.空缺的B.被损坏的C.丢失的D.被去除的4. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A. The writer had a nice lunch.B. It stopped raining at five oclock in the afternoon.C. The writer went home after lunch.D. The writer took the bus to work.5.Which is the best title (标题) for the passage?A. A Great WeekendB. A Bad BossC. A Bad DayD. A Nice Job1.【答案】B 【解析】由第一段中的It was cold and rainy.可知,天在下雨,并且很冷。2.【答案】B 【解析】由第一段的最后两句可知,因为作者上班迟到了,所以老板有点儿生气。3.【答案】C 【解析】由第二段的第三句“我的文件不在桌子上了”可推断“文件丢失了”,故missing表示“丢失的”。4.【答案】D 【解析】由第一段内容可知,作者乘公共汽车上班。5.【答案】C 【解析】通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了作者不愉快的一天,故C项为最佳标题。六体裁:记叙文难度: 3 星建议时间:10分钟正确率: %Mr Green is my uncle. He has a house with a big garden. He has some apple trees in his garden. He looks after them. Now there are many apples on the trees and my uncle is very happy.One afternoon when he looks out of the window,he sees a boy in a red T-shirt in his apple tree. He opens the window and shouts,“Hey,what are you doing there? Come down and get away. Or Ill go to see your father.”The boy is not afraid of my uncle at all.“Dad,” he looks up and shouts,“Mr Green wants to see you.” My uncle smiles,“Ha,its my son,Dave.”1. Mr Green has a .A. big appleB. big houseC. big gardenD. big son2. Mr Green is very happy because .A. he has a gardenB. he has a sonC. there are many apples on the trees nowD. his son is smart3. One afternoon Mr Green .A. sees some birds in his apple treesB. sees a boy in his apple treeC. cleans the windowD. climbs up the apple tree4. From this passage we know Mr Greens son .A. wears a red T-shirtB. helps him clean the windowC. is a middle school studentD. likes apples5. Which is RIGHT?A. Mr Green doesnt like his apple trees.B. Mr Greens son is under the apple tree.C. Mr Greens son helps him open the window.D. The boy in the apple tree isnt afraid of Mr Green.1.【答案】C 【解析】由第一段第二句知,格林先生有一个大花园。2.【答案】C 【解析】 由第一段最后一句知,格林先生非常高兴的原因是,树上结了很多苹果。3.【答案】B 【解析】由第二段第一句话知他看到树上有一个男孩。4.【答案】A5.【答案】D 【解析】由最后一段第一句话可知树上的男孩一点也不怕格林先生。七体裁:记叙文难度: 3 星建议时间:10分钟正确率: %Im Helen. Peter is my good friend. We are from different countries. Peter is from Australia. Im from America. We both have computers,so we often talk on the Internet. Today we are talking about how to keep in good health.Peter thinks doing exercise is good for his health,so he plays many kinds of sports. Every morning he plays tennis with his father,and he plays soccer with his friends. Oh,Peter never skips because he thinks skipping is for girls. Peter also thinks eating habits are very important. He eats fruit and vegetables. He tells me most children like junk food,but he doesnt. He never eats it. Oh,he also tells me people have to drink enough water to keep healthy. Every day he drinks seven or eight glasses of water.1. From this passage we know Peter and Helen .A. are from America B. have computers C. are pen pals in AustraliaD. likes sports2. Peters father can .A. speak ChineseB. play chessC. play tennisD. play soccer3. Peter thinks is for girls.A. cookingB. playing the pianoC. singingD. skipping4. Peter doesnt like .A. fruitB. vegetablesC. m


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