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    高考英语作文俗语表达1.Weighta dead weight:阻止进步/前进的负担;累赘例:You've been dead weight this entire road trip. You've just sat there without driving or paying for gas or anything!a load/weight off somebody's mind:如释重负;减轻精神/心理上的负担例:Having a night out to talk over my problem with my close friend helped me get a weight off my mind.carry (one's) own weight:恪尽职守例:I know I've been sick, but I'll carry my own weight on the project, don't worry.give weight to (something):重视某物例:Jonathan knew his parents never approved of his relationship with Michael, so when he decided to get married, he didn't give much weight to their objections.punch above (one's) weight:以小博大;超常发挥取胜例:The small-town mayor has been punching above her weight recently, going head-to-head with federal lawmakers over the issue of immigration reform.【反义词:punch below (one's) weight:形容发挥失常】pull (one's) weight:做好分内的事例:If you don't pull your weight, our presentation will never be finished on time.throw (one's) weight behind (sb or sth):(利用自己的权利/影响力)鼎力支持Measureby all measures/by every measure:无论如何desperate times call for desperate measures:非常时期用非常手段get/have/take the measure of somebody:摸清某人的底细例:I've gotten the measure of the students, and I just don't think that topic will hold their interest at an assembly.in no small measure/in large measure:在很大程度make something to measure:量身定做例:That shirt fits you perfectly. It looks like it was made to measure!Man is the measure of all things. 人是万物的尺度。measure twice and cut once:三思而后行measure up to (someone's) expectations:达到(某人的)期望例:We're letting you go, Sam. I'm afraid you just didn't measure up to our expectations.2.Numberdo a number on (someone or something):伤害某人或某物例:Considering her pessimism toward marriage, her last break-up must have really done a number on her.a cushy number:一份清闲却高薪的工作,美差例:I get to work from home and spend a lot of time with my kids, so it's certainly a cushy number.beyond number:数不胜数例:A great field greeted us with wildflowers beyond number, producing a redolence so strong as to nearly overwhelm us.have strength in numbers:在数量上占优make up the numbers:凑数例:I was excited that they wanted me on their team, but I realized that I was just making up the numbers.number cruncher:指擅长处理和分析大量数据的人Hawkbetween hawk and buzzard:处在两个极端或者派别之间例:The settlers on the border of the two warring states found themselves caught between hawk and buzzard.have eyes like a hawk:善于观察的;观察力敏锐的例:Mom has eyes like a hawk, so she'll definitely notice if you sneak some of those cookies out of the kitchen.hawks and doves:指鹰派(强硬派)和鸽派(温和派)【鹰派:用以形容主张采取强势外交手段或积极军事扩张的人士、团体或势力。鸽派:用以形容主张采取柔性温和的态度及手段处理外交、军事等问题的人士、团体或势力。】know a hawk from a handsaw:有分辨能力例:Of course I know which twin is whichI know a hawk from a handsaw, after all!watch (someone or something) like a hawk:紧盯某人;密切监视某人/某物例:Ms. Finnegan was watching me like a hawk during that entire test. Did she think I was going to cheat?3.Silvera silver lining:一线生机;一线希望例:There could be a silver lining to getting laid offyou might find a job you actually like!Every cloud has a silver lining. 否极泰来;守得云开见月明a silver/smooth tongue:形容能说会道be born with a silver spoon in (one's) mouth:生在富贵人家be given everything on a silver platter:不劳而获例:You can't just expect to be given everything on a silver platter in life. You've got to work for the things you want.cross (one's) palm with silver:为得到好处而给某人钱例:You will find that things happen much faster in hotels if you cross the staff's palms with silver fairly often.family silver:传家宝silver fox:有魅力的年长男性4.Goose(as) loose as a goose:形容非常放松/冷静例:I know the boss is under a ton of pressure, but he still seems loose as a goose.(as) silly as a goose:形容非常愚蠢(go on/send on) a wild goose chase:通常指浪费时间和精力的事情;徒劳无功例:I've been on a wild goose chase trying to find a bag of Dan's favorite potato chips.cook (one's) goose:毁掉的前程;使丧失成功机会例:I cooked my own goose by not showing up on time.get goose pimples/give someone goose flesh/goose bumps:起鸡皮疙瘩例:The sound of the scream was so chilling that it gave us all goose bumps!kill the goose that lays the golden egg(s):杀鸡取卵,竭泽而渔例:Firing the programmer who created your most successful app is like killing the goose that lays the golden egg.the goose hangs high:形势大好;前景光明例:Well, one month after moving, and so far the goose hangs high! I've settled into my job, made some new friends, and I absolutely love this city.5.Pie(as) easy as pie:轻而易举;小菜一碟例:After so many years as an accountant, doing taxes is as easy as pie for me.apple pie order:井然有序;秩序井然例:Everything needs to be in apple-pie order before Grandma gets here!be pie-eyed:喝醉了的;睁大眼睛的例:Do you remember last night at the bar at all? You were pie-eyed!have a finger in every pie:形容爱管闲事,事事都要干预例:Monica wouldn't be so busy and stressed if she didn't have a finger in every pie.get a piece of the pie:分一杯羹pie in the sky:难以付诸实施的构想(或计划)例:He keeps talking about how he'll move to Los Angeles to be a famous actor, but it's just pie in the sky if you ask me.Shut your pie hole! 闭上你的乌鸦嘴!eat humble pie:忍辱负重,忍辱含垢(承认错误并接受别人的批评)例:Ugh, now that my idea has failed, I'll have to eat humble pie in the board meeting tomorrow.6.Cupa storm/tempest in a teacup:小题大做例:I really think you're making a storm in a teacup over this. It's just a tiny scratch on the car!in one's cups:醉醺醺地;酪酊大醉例:When you're in your cups, foolish ideas have a peculiar tendency of sounding like excellent ones.cup of tea:表示个人喜好或兴趣的隐喻just (one's) cup of tea:合乎某人的品味、喜好,是某人的菜例:I've never enjoyed boring intellectual dramas, but a gore-filled monster movie? Now that's just my cup of tea.cup of coffee:短暂逗留7.Pantants in one's pants:坐立不安;形容某人因焦虑、兴奋或不耐烦而无法保持平静例:The kids really have ants in the pants today, so I'm going to take them to the playground.a kick in the pants:(出乎意料的)非难;责备be caught with (one's) pants down:措手不及;陷入囧境例:We seriously underestimated our opponents on Saturday and were caught with our pants down.beat (one's) pants off:在比赛中大获全胜例:The final score was 171? Wow, we really beat their pants off!(fly) by the seat of (one's) pants:形容没有明确的计划或清晰的方向例:Pilots who are in fog and using only instruments are flying by the seat of their pants.have lead in (one's) pants:行动迟缓;反应迟钝例:Do you guys have lead in your pants today? Pick up the pace!keep (one's) pants on:别生气,保持冷静Watcha watched kettle never boils:形容越心急,时间过得越慢be on the watch:保持警惕例:You need to be on the watch for suspicious people when you're out in the city this late at night.keep (a) (close) watch on (someone or something):密切注视(某人或某事)watch (someone or something) with an eagle eye:密切注视(某人或某事)the watches of the night:夜间焦虑不眠的时刻例:My poor wife was up in the silent watches of the night for two months before our daughter was born, plagued by restless legs and an aching back.watch (one's) tongue/manner/mouth:注意言行例:After being threatened with expulsion for my vulgar remarks in class, I knew had to watch my tongue for the rest of the semester.bear watching:值得一看;大有前途例:This is a very serious disease, and it will bear watching for further developments.8.Hothot potato:棘手的问题;烫手山芋in the hot seat:承担重任;面临压力或批评的处境hot under the collar:形容很生气例:I'm sorry I got hot under the collar just then, I have a hard time hearing criticism about my novel.hot tomato:指有魅力的女人、漂亮的女人例:Check out that hot tomato! Do you think she'd go out with me?hot on the heels of (someone or something):紧跟(某人或某物)例:Look, the cops are hot on the heels of the bank robbers!get in(to) hot water:陷入困境例:The senator has gotten into hot water with constituents over his callous remarks.drop (someone or something) like a hot brick:立马与某人或某事脱离关系例:We dropped our renovation plans like a hot brick after finding out how much the job would cost.9.Harda hard nut (to crack):棘手的人或物例:The spy we captured is a hard nut; he hasn't said a thing since we began the interrogation.a hard row to hoe:比喻难啃的硬骨头;棘手的情况bad habits die hard:恶习难改be hard on somebody:对某人很苛刻/严厉例:Please don't be hard on Tessashe's such a sensitive kid.caught between a rock and a hard place:处于两难的境地;进退两难例:She found herself caught between a rock and a hard place when she had to choose between her career and her relationship.fall on hard times:遭遇不幸drive a hard bargain:(在某事上)极力讨价还价例:Sal is known to drive a hard bargain, so I doubt you'll get that car for the price you want.hard cheese:倒霉;表示某人遇到不幸或不顺利的情况10.Conditionbe in an interesting condition:有喜;怀孕(委婉表达)例:A: "Is it true that Stan's daughter is in an interesting condition?"B: "Yes, she's due at the end of the summer."in a delicate condition:怀孕(委婉表达,过时的说法)be in the pink of condition:形容身体健康;状态极佳同义词:in the pink;in good condition例:It's going to be tough work, so we want everyone in the crew to be in the pink of condition before we start.in good condition:处于良好状态:指物品或设备没有损坏或磨损;已做好准备例:No, the manuscript isn't in good condition for review yetI still have a few sections to edit.in mint condition:崭新的;指物品保存得非常完好,几乎没有磨损或损坏例:My brother made a lot of money selling vintage baseball cards that were in mint condition.on condition that:在条件下例:The company agreed to the sale, on condition that all their staff be absorbed by the larger company, with no forced layoffs.11.Skeletonfamily skeleton:家丑例:The explosive memoir by the famous actor details all sorts of family skeletons that have been buried for years, including patterns of emotional abuse inflicted by his parents.have (a) skeleton(s) in (one's)/the closet/cupboard:黑历史;指尴尬的、令人丢脸的秘密例:She has some skeletons in her closet that could ruin her chance at the presidency if the press were to find out about them.skeleton at the feast:扫兴的人或事物例:Don't invite Chris to your engagement partyhe's always so gloomy and will just be a skeleton at the feast.skeleton crew:最低人手;最少人数例:The rigs will have a skeleton crew keeping them running until the company finishes handing over its business to the new owners.近义词:skeleton staff:基干人员12.Windowa window of opportunity:指可以做某件事的一个短暂的时机例:Some fear we may have already missed our window of opportunity to get the development plan approved by the city.be window dressing:装饰门面,弄虚作假例:As far as I can tell, this new policy is little more than window dressing to woo new employees.make a better door than a window:挡住某人的视线(幽默说法)例:Move it, will you? You make a better door than a window!go window-shopping:只看不买例:My bank account is so sad these days that I'll only be going window-shopping for a while!out of the window:指忘却或忽视;被弄丢或不受重视例:Once the government deregulated the industry, expensive safety precautions were the first thing out the window.Shopa bull in a china shop:指笨手笨脚的人、鲁莽闯祸的人例:This is a complex problem, and if you attack it like a bull in a china shop, you will alienate a lot of people.all over the shop:形容事物或人的行为杂乱无章,没有条理例:If that paperwork is all over the shop, it will take us hours to find what we're looking for.go on a shopping spree:疯狂购物;血拼like a kid in a candy store/shop:(常见于美式英语)形容非常兴奋例:She looked like a kid in a candy story being able to look at so much world-class art in one place.shop till (one) drops:买东西买到手软,形容在购物上花一大笔钱例:Every weekend my wife shops till she drops. Her credit card bills are enormous!13.Namea big name/noise:大人物;名气很大的人;大腕儿(one's) name is mud:指某人失去信誉,名声扫地例:His name is mud now that he's been found guilty of embezzling money from the company.a household name:家喻户晓的(人或物)例:I knew that winning at the Olympics would change my life, but I didn't realize that I would become a household name!blacken (one's) name:败坏某人的名声drag (one's) name through the mud:搞臭/败坏某人的名声【相似表达:give a bad name to (someone or something)】be somebody's middle name:是(某人的)突出个性 常用于幽默或讽刺的语气例:You don't need to worry about Donna"safety" is her middle name.lend (one's) name to (something):支持或赞同某事例:Now that we've got a big movie star lending his name to our campaign, we're finally starting to get the traction we've wanted.14.Mud(as) clear as mud:不清楚;不清晰;难以理解例:I guess I need to call a lawyer because these legal contracts are as clear as mud.(as) happy as a pig in mud:形容非常兴奋例:I know I'll be as happy as a pig in mud once I get this stupid cast off my leg.a stick-in-the-mud:老古董;墨守成规的人例:Sally was tired of being called a stick in the mud by her friends just because she refused to drink alcohol.fling mud at sb:诽谤某人例:I'm trying to maintain a fair and respectable campaign, and my opponent has no problem flinging mud at me!mudduck:指没有魅力的女人例:Now, I know I'm no supermodel or anything, but I'm certainly no mudduck either!15.Lega leg in the door:指为成功迈入某一行业而迈出的第一步例:I knew that I could prove myself to be a valuable asset to the company, if only I could get a leg in the door.a lie has no legs:撒谎是站不住脚的cost an arm and a leg:花费极大;价格昂贵例:I'm sick of paying rent in this town. It's costing me an arm and a leg!get a leg up on (someone):形容在某一方面比某人有优势例:I've been practicing all summer long, and now I've finally gotten a leg up on Keith in tennis.have a hollow leg:形容酒量/饭量大例:The way she drinks on a night out, you'd swear she has a hollow leg.legwork:跑腿工作例:I'm too old to do the gardening on my whole property, so each summer I hire a couple of local teenagers to do the legwork.16.Spitspit in the ocean:微小的或无关紧要的数量例:I appreciate your donation, but with how much these repairs will cost, a couple hundred bucks is spit in the ocean.be the spit and image of (someone):与某人长得相似例:Wow, you are just the spit and image of your mother! I was about to call you by her name.eat the meat and spit out the bones:将有价值的信息和无效的信息分开例:Don't get hung up on outdated terminology in your studiesjust eat the meat and spit out the bones.spit in someone's eye:轻视/蔑视某人例:Many felt that the judge spat in the victim's eye by giving the perpetrator such a short prison sentence.【相似表达:spit in the eye of】spit and polish:指对细节的关注,特别是在外观和个人仪表方面例:Our manager demands spit and polish whenever we clean up the kitchen at the end of the night.17.Flowerhearts and flowers:多愁善感例:The premise is actually pretty interesting, but the dialogue in these books is all hearts and flowers.flower of the flock:鹤立鸡群;某一集体中出类拔萃的人物例:Your cupcakes are just the flower of the flockthere is no better item at the bake sale.in the flower of youth:风华正茂之时例:You're still in the flower of your youthyou have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do with your life.(as) delicate as a flower:形容非常脆弱,容易受伤例:She a mixed martial artist who could knock your block off now, but she was delicate as a flower when she was a kid.the flower of (something):(某物的)精华;最佳部分例:Though many worry the legislation will hamper trade with foreign countries, I'm hopeful that it w


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