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    写作素材读后续写专题一 情感描写第一节 开心高兴词汇积累名词joy 高兴 happiness 幸福 delight 愉快 pleasure 快乐 amusement 愉悦excitementthrill 激动 glee 欢喜 enthusiasm 热情 passion 激情 sweetness 令人愉快 yellcheer 欢呼 smile 微笑形容词happy 高兴的 cheerful 令人愉快的 delighted 高兴的 pleased 开心的amused 觉得好笑的 joyful 快乐的 merry 愉快的 overjoyed 欣喜若狂 excited兴奋的 buoyant 心情愉快的 enthusiastic 热情的 passionate 热诚的 energetic 充满活力的 thrilled 极其兴奋副词happily 快乐地 cheerfully 愉快地 快地joyfully 高兴地energetically 精力充沛地merrily 快乐地 excitedly 兴奋地passionately 充满激情地 sweetly 令人愉动词delight 使开心 amuse 逗笑 excite 使兴奋 rejoice 深感欣喜 cheer 欢呼 thrill 使非常兴奋词组jump for joy 高兴得跳起来light up 露出喜色much to ones delight 让某人很开心的是tears of happiness flow down 流下幸福的泪水 let out a scream of joy 发出高兴的尖叫声dance with joy 高兴得手舞足蹈in high spirits 兴高采烈on top of the world 欣喜若狂be flushed with success 志得意满overflow with happiness 洋溢着幸福a wave of happiness floods over sb.一股幸福感涌上心grin from ear to ear 咧嘴大笑 rejoice atinover sth. 因某事感到非常开心句子积累1. A ripple of excitement ran through them 他们心中满是激动。2. She was overflowing with happiness 她洋溢着幸福。3. She wore a shining smile on her face 她的脸上带着灿烂的笑容。4. I was wild with delight 我欣喜若狂。5. Her smile lit up the whole room 她的笑容照亮了整个房间。6. Tears of happiness flowed down her face 幸福的浑水顺着地的脸流了下来。7. Her flushed face was shining with excitement 她激动得满脸通红。8. Amusement gleamed in his eyes 他的眼睛流露出愉快的神情。9. An air of delight and excitement settled over the crowd 一种喜悦和兴奋的气氛笼罩着人群。10. I am in a buoyant mood at the moment , just like the white clouds in the blue sky 此刻我心情愉快,就像蓝天上的白云。11. She was overflowing with happiness , humming and skipping in the forest like a bird 她开心得像小鸟一样在森林里哼唱跳跃。12. Unforgettable were her eyes that shone like diamonds and lips held in a steady smile 令人难忘的是她如钻石 般璀璨的眼睛以及嘴角上露出的坚定微笑。13. I could hardly contain my joy and danced into the house 我抑制不住内心的喜悦,蹦跶着进了家门。14. At the sight of such a lovely rabbit , I was wild with delight and followed its track 看到如此可爱的兔子, 我欣喜若狂,追了过去。115. As long as I hear my mother to come back to see me,I will jump for joy 只要听说妈妈要回来看我,我就会 高兴得跳起来。16.Full of happiness , he jumped up and ran around the yard 他高兴极了,跳起来在院子里跑。17. “Aha! I catch you!”a trace of pleasure can be noticed in his voice “啊哈!我抓住你了!”他的声音里带 着一丝喜悦。18. A smile lit up his face and his eyes were sparkling with great joy他脸上露出笑容,双眸闪烁着喜悦的光芒。 19. I nodded cheerfully , with a broad smile appearing on spreading across my face我开心地点点头,脸上露 出灿烂的笑容。20. She felt on top of the world , and every freckle on her cheeks was dancing with joy 她欣喜若狂,脸上的每一个雀斑都雀跃起来了。21. Tears of joy welled up in their eyes as they hugged tightly together 他们紧拥在一起,喜极而泣。22. She came up to him, with a smile shining like a diamond. In no time his eyes were filled with warm excited tears.她带着如钻石般璀璨的笑容走到他面前。他立刻激动得热泪盈眶。23. Hearing that,Karie grinned from ear to ear , a wave of happiness flooding over her听到那,Karie 咧嘴大笑, 一股幸福感涌上心头。24. A wild joy seized/overcame/took hold of/came over/swept over her, and a wave of pleasure also welled up in me.她快乐极了,我心中也涌起喜悦。25. The flowers were waving in the early spring breeze. Birds were singing, the air was filled with laughter.andeveryone was in the best of moods.花儿在早春的微风中摇曳。鸟儿在歌唱,空气中满是欢声笑语,人人心情 愉悦。第二节 愤怒生气词汇积累名词anger 愤怒 quarrel 争吵fury 暴怒 scowl 怒容rage 狂怒 outrage 愤怒 wrath 怒火 argument 争论形容词mad 狂怒的 pissed 怒气冲冲的 annoyed 恼怒的 furious 狂怒的indignant 愤怒的 wrathful 愤怒的 fractious 暴躁的 miffed 稍微恼火的breathless 令人窒息的 badill-tempered 脾气暴躁的副词madly 发狂地 furiously 狂怒地 indignantly 愤慨地动词irritate 使烦恼 provoke 激怒 offend 得罪 rage 怒斥 argue 争辩 quarrel 争吵词组be seizedgripped by anger 充满愤 clench ones fiststeeth 握紧拳头咬紧牙关fume with rage 大发雷霆 tremble shake shiver with rageanger 气得发抖smash ones fist down 用拳头猛击 burst into anger 勃然大怒glare at sb. with burning eyes 用灼热的目光怒视某人explode with anger 勃然大怒 lose ones temper 发脾气boil with rage 怒不可遏 stamp ones foot in anger 生气地跺脚句子积累1. I was seized by anger 我充满了愤怒。22.He was fuming with rage 他气得大发雷霆。3.His anger boiled over 他勃然大怒。4.He was breathing fire and fury 他充满着怒火。5.He glared at me with burning eyes 他用灼热的目光怒视着我。6.His face clouded with anger 他气得脸色阴沉。7.Her handsvoice trembled with anger 她气到双手声音颤抖。8.A rush of fury swept over her 她被愤怒冲昏了头脑。9.Fury roared through her mind 愤怒在她的脑海中回荡。10.Jill smashed his fist down on the desk Jill 狠狠地把拳头砸在桌上。11.So annoyed was I that I couldnt utter a single word 我气到一个字也说不出来。12.Boiling with rage ,he shook his fist at me 他怒不可遏,朝我挥舞着拳头。13.Rage flowed through her like lava 愤怒像熔岩一样涌上她的心头。14.He felt so angry that he stormed out of the room ,slamming the door furiously behind him他感到非常愤怒以至于他冲出房间,生气地摔门。15.Seized by an upsurge of indignation from his heart, he couldn't help roaring with a current of sheer fury.他被心 中升腾的愤怒所控制,忍不住怒吼。第三节 焦虑不安词汇积累名词anxiety 焦虑disquiet 不安apprehension 忧虑 agitation 焦虑不安turmoil 焦虑 frustration 沮丧misgiving 疑虑形容词worried 担忧的 concerned 担心的 restless 坐立不安的distressed 忧虑的 anxious 焦虑的 unsettled 心绪不宁的 uneasy 心神不安的 edgy 烦躁不安的 upset 沮丧的 apprehensive 担心的 stressed-out 不堪重负的 frustrated 沮丧的副词anxiously 忧虑地 uneasily 心神不安地动词depress 使抑郁 confuse 使迷惑 puzzle 使困惑 sigh 叹气词组be worriedconcerned about 为 · · · · · · 而担忧 be down inspirits 情绪低落feel depresseddiscouraged 感到沮丧a puzzledconfused expression 一副不解的表情 惑be at a lossbe at sea 不知所措have ants in ones pants 坐立不安in a state of great agitation 十分焦虑不安be worried sick 担心得要命be in low spirits 情绪低落with a worried look 面带愁容be confusedpuzzled about 对 · · · · · 感到因pace back and forth 来回踱步be in a stew 深感不安sit on thorns 如坐针毡句子积累1.He was burdened with worries 他心事重重。2.He was pacing nervously up and down the room 他紧张地在房间里踱来踱去。3.Disquiet and anxiety oppressed her 她焦虑不安。4.Anxiety registered on his face 他脸上流露出焦虑的神色。35.Dot arrived in a state of great agitation Dot 到达时十分焦虑。6.Her heart was torn into pieces by apprehension 她焦虑得心都碎了。7.A slight feeling of anxiety slowly crept up on him 他慢慢感到一丝焦虑。8.The unfamiliar room made her feel nervous and uneasy 陌生的房间使她感到紧张不安。 9.He sat in the chair with a worried look 他愁眉苦脸地坐在椅子上。10.She tried to hide her nervousness ,but she was uncomfortable 她试图掩饰自己的紧张,但不自在。 11. Mary was worried sick about the approaching test Mary 对即将到来的测试担心得要命。12. Her sons letter dissipated all her fears and inquietude 儿子的信消除了她所有的恐惧和焦虑。 13. Worried about the journey, 1 was unsettled for the first few day 由于担心旅途,前几天我很不安。14.As the evening Wore on, be grew increasingly worried,wandering restlessly from one room to another.夜深了,他越来越担心,不安地从一个房间走到另一个房间。15. Anxiety deprived me of sleep.焦虑使我无法人睡。16. Several fruitless attempts made me upset.几次徒劳的尝试让我感到很祖丧。17. He studied my face apprehensively,and T sighed.他担心地审视了下我的脸,我叹了口吃。18.Seized by a strong sense of anxiety, 1 began lo panic.披一种强烈的焦慮盛抓住,我开始感到恐慌。 19.John had ants in bis pants and was in no mood for play totally.John 坐立不安,完全没心思玩。20.He's been in a stow since he knew his son had suffered a terrible car accident.从得知儿子遭遇严重车祸后他一 直深感不安。21.Concerned about his sick wife,he hurried home immediately after the meeting.他很担心生病的妻子一开完会 就赶紧回家了。22. My mind flashed back to the rows of anxious parents in the emergency room.我的脑海中闪过父母在急救室 焦虑的争吵。23.He was so nervous about the English test that he lay awake half the night,worrying.他太紧张英语考试了,以至 于半夜都没睡着,仍在担心。24.An air of frustration and depression could be sensed ten meters away. The only thing she wanted todo was to rush back home and drop herself onto the shabby little couch and weep.十米外就能感受到一股沮丧的 气息。她唯一想做的就是赶回家,倒在破旧的小沙发上哭泣。25.My mind was full of confusing pictures and disturbed emotions.我的脑子纷乱一片,心绪不安。26.“How could you possibly have known that?"he asked,totally confused.“你怎么可能知道那件事?”他非常困惑 地问道。27. After my explanation,Mandy still had a puzzled expression on her face. 听了我的解释之后,Mandy 脸上仍然 带着困惑的表情。28.Tormented by the mingled sense of apprehension and restlessness,I sat rooted in my seat and my mind went into turmoil.被忧虑和不安双重折磨着,我坐在座位上一动不动,思绪陷人了混乱。29.The breeze,though a bit cool,blew into my heart,dispelling the anxiety that had haunted me for a long time.微风 虽然有点凉,却吹进了我的心里,驱散了长久以来的焦点。30.When hearing these words,he feel his inner doubts melt away.听到这些话,他感觉心中的疑虑消失了。31.My father wrinkled his forehead and gazed t me,confused and worried.父亲皱起眉头,困惑而焦虑地望着我。第四节 悲痛绝望词汇积累4名词grief 悲痛 desperation 绝望 pain 痛苦 sorrow 悲痛 anguish 极其痛苦 misery痛苦 torment 折磨 suffering 痛苦形容词desperate/hopeless/despairing 绝望的blue 悲伤的 miserable 痛苦的disappointed 失望的 heartbroken 心碎的bitter 使人悲痛的grievous 使人痛苦的副词grievously 极其痛苦地 desperately 绝望地 disappointingly 失望地 miserably 痛苦悲惨地动词despair 绝望 distress 使悲伤 whimper 呜咽 weep(通常因悲伤)哭anguish 感到痛苦 sadden 使悲伤 wail(因悲伤或疼痛)恸哭词组burst into tears/burst out crying 突然大哭起来 in anguish 极度痛苦地whimper in pain 痛苦呜咽 a lump in one's throat 喉咙哽咽a feeling/sense of despair 一种绝望感 sink into hopelessness/desperation 陷人绝望 be on the verge of tears 差点哭出来句子积累1. A sob caught in her throat.她喉咙哽咽。2.Her face was pinched with grief.她的面容因悲伤而消瘦。3.With a hopeless sigh,he turned away.他发出一声绝望的叹息,转过了头。4.What he said put a lump in his daughter's throat.他说的话让女儿哽咽。5.Laura burst into tears an ran out of the room.Laura.突然大哭起来,跑出了房间。6.He was brimming with sorrow when she left him.她离开时,他满怀悲伤。7.Anger and bitterness had preyed on continually.愤怒和痛苦不断折磨着我。8.She snook her head miserably,tears pouring down her cheeks.他痛苦地摇摇头,泪水顾者睑颊流下来。9.Tony was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness and sank into hopelessness.Tony 突然感觉就像被投人一个 黑暗的世界,陷人了绝望。10.His hands were shaking,He was on the verge of tears but James didn't realize it.他的手在颤抖。 他快要哭出来了,但是 James 一点也没意识到。11.He gazed at the confusion around him and was overwhelmed by a feeling of despair. 面对周乱情况,他深感绝 望。12.Desperate and helpless,she knelt down,with tears of regret streaming down her cheeks.绝望和无助的她跪了下 来,悔恨的泪水顺着脸颊流下。第五节 尴尬羞愧词汇积累名词shame 羞愧humiliation 丢脸的事discomfiture 狼狈 remorse 悔恨形容词embarrassed 尴尬的 awkward 令人尴尬的 toe-curling 令人无地自容的5uncomfortable 不自在的 guilty 内疚的 ashamed 羞愧的 abashed 窘迫的副词uncomfortably 不自在地guiltily 内疚地ashamedly 惭愧地 awkwardly 尴尬地动词embarrass 使尴尬regret 懊悔cringe 感到尴尬不安 repent 后悔abash 使惭愧 humiliate 羞辱blush(因尴尬或害羞)脸红词组to one's embarrassment/awkwardness 令某人尴尬的是a rush of embarrassment 一阵尴尬 make sb. feel uncomfortable 让某人尴尬an awkward silence 尴尬的沉默 one's face burning with shame 因羞愧而发红的脸颊be ashamed and uneasy 感到惭愧不安 be abashed at 因 ··· . · 感到羞愧shame on sb.某人应感到羞耻 blush with shame 羞愧得面颊绯红句子积累1. I nodded my head in embarrassment.我尴尬地点了点头。2.The audience fell into an abrupt silence,embarrassed.全场顿时鸦雀无声,尴尬不已。3.He felt his cheeks burning with shame.他羞愧得两颊发烫。4.Sam,abashed by his father's words,uttered no word.Sam 听了父亲的话后,羞愧得一言不发。5.Abruptly,I felt an awkward silence. After what seemed a century,John stammered out his need.突然,我感到一阵 尴尬的寂静。仿佛过了一个世纪之后,John 结结巴巴说出了他的需求。6.So embarrassed was she that she stood there clumsily,feeling the blood rushing to her face.她尴尬极了,笨手笨 脚地站在那里,感觉血都涌到了脸上。7.She was struck dead with embarrassment,heart beating painfully fast and banging against her ribs.她尴尬死了, 心脏极快地跳动着,撞击着她的肋骨。8.He lowered his dead,and hesitated for a moment,wondering how to hide his inner embarrassment.他低下头,犹豫 了片刻,思考若如何掩饰内心的尴尬。9.She felt so ashamed of her foolish behavior that she could fell her face burning.她为自己的愚蠢行为感到非常 差愧,以至于脸都在发热。第六节 惊恐紧张词汇积累名词amazement 惊奇 fear 害怕 fright 惊吓 panic 惊恐 terror 惊骇 horror 震惊形容词astonished 吃惊的 amazing 惊人的 scared 害怕的 frightened 受惊的terrible 可怕的 horrible 可怕的 creepy 令人毛骨悚然的 spooky 阴森恐怖的intense 严肃紧张的 strained 紧张的 shaky 颤抖的 pale(脸色)苍白的dreadful 令人畏惧的 panic-stricken 惊慌失措的副词surprisingly 出人意料地 frighteningly 令人恐惧地amazingly 惊奇地 horribly 可怕地astoundingly 令人震惊地动词Surprise 使惊奇 shock 使震惊 astound 使震惊 fear 害怕 scare 使惊恐6Tremble 颤抖 shake 颤抖scream 尖叫词组to one's surprise 令某人惊讶的 have butterflies in one's stomach go/tum pale 脸色惨白be afraid of 害怕 go blank(大脑)突然一片空白忐忑不安 a knot of fear 因恐惧而喉咙发紧give sb. the creeps 使心里发毛句子积累1. Fear swallowed her.恐惧吞噬了她。2. Panic surged up within her.她心中涌起一阵惶恐。3. A wave of panic swept over her.一阵惊恐袭上她的心头。4.I could feel a knot of fear in my throat.我很害怕,感觉喉咙发紧。5. The terrible scene filled her with fear.恐怖的场景使她十分害怕。6.He felt so nervous that he felt his throat tightened.他非常紧张, 以至于感到喉咙发紧。7.A slight feeling of fear slowly crept on him.他慢慢感到一丝恐惧。8.His heart beat wildly and his legs trembled.他的心狂跳,双腿颤抖。9.Scared and shocked,she couldn't utter a word.她害怕和震惊到说不出话来。10.That horror movie made my hair stand on end.那部恐怖片让我毛骨悚然。11.That loud noise scared me out of my wits.那一声巨响把我的魂都吓没了。12.His face turned pale and he stood there tongue-tied.他的脸色变得苍白,他站在那儿说不出话来。13.She trembled from head to toe,feeling like sitting on pins and needles.她从头到脚都在颤抖,如坐针毡。14.My mind going blank,I felt my palms sweating and my legs trembling.我的大脑突然一片空白,手心冒汗,双 腿发抖。专题二 环境描写第一节 环境氛围词汇积累名词silence 寂静 stillness 宁静 bush 寂静 darkness 黑暗 rumble 隆隆声 din 喧嚣声形容词silent 寂静的 quiet 安静的 peaceful 平静的 wetdamp 潮湿的 humid 湿热的dark 黑暗的 noisy 吵闹的 bright 明亮的 dense 浓密的 dim 昏暗的动词surround 环绕 punctuate 不时打断 melt 融化 dim 变昏暗 crash 猛撞darken 变黑 sweep(风、雨、雪、火等)席卷词组in silence 静静地an air of sadness 悲伤的氛围 settle over 笼罩endless darkness and silence 无尽的黑暗和寂静a feeling of stillness 一种寂静的感觉be bathed in sunshine 沐浴在阳光下7句子积累1. Insects didnt sing.A feeling of stillness crept up on me.刹那间,万物突然安静。鸟儿不再鸣叫,树叶不再沙 沙 作 响 , 昆 虫 停 止 歌 唱 。 一 种 寂 静 的 感 觉 悄 然 向 我 袭 来 The mountain villages were bathed in the quiet moonlight 山村沐浴在静谧的月色中。2.An air of sadness settled over the group 人群中笼罩着一种悲伤的气氛。3.The silence of the night was punctuated by the distant rumble of traffic 夜晚的宁静不时被远处车辆的隆隆声 打破。4.The whole city fell into a deep sleep , covered by darkness in silence整座城市陷入了沉睡,在一片寂静中被 黑暗笼罩着。5.Deep in the night , villages , woods and clear pools are as quiet as ink paintings 夜深了,村落、树林、清潭 静得如水墨画一般。6.Endless darkness and silence ruled/swallowed/consumed everything, wind whistling and insects holding concerts. 无尽的黑暗和寂静统治吞噬了一切,风声呼啸, 昆虫正举行音乐会。7. All the students in the clas


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