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标签: 英语 英语复习 中考复习 中考英语复习


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1、专题五专题五介词介词语法系统梳理一二三四五六一、时间介词 语法系统梳理一二三四五六语法系统梳理一二三四五六语法系统梳理一二三四五六语法系统梳理一二三四五六二、方位介词 语法系统梳理一二三四五六语法系统梳理一二三四五六语法系统梳理一二三四五六语法系统梳理一二三四五六三、方式介词 语法系统梳理一二三四五六语法系统梳理一二三四五六四、其他常用介词 语法系统梳理一二三四五六语法系统梳理一二三四五六语法系统梳理一二三四五六语法系统梳理一二三四五六语法系统梳理一二三四五六五、介词的使用场合1.不能遗漏介词的场合(1。

2、专题九专题九非谓语动词非谓语动词语法系统梳理一二三非谓语动词在句中不可单独用作谓语,不受主语人称和数的限制,在句中可以用作其他句子成分。非谓语动词形式有:动词不定式、动词-ing形式和过去分词。一、动词不定式动词不定式在句中可以做除谓语以外的一切成分:主语、宾语、宾语补足语、主语补足语、表语、定语和状语。1.做主语动词不定式做主语时,往往用it做形式主语,而把真正的主语置于句末。常用句式:It is (not)+adj.+(for/of sb.)to do sth.。To swim in the river is dangerous.=Its dangerous to swim in the river.在河里游泳是。

3、初三英语中考专题复习第四节 连词( ) 1. I wont go to the party tomorrow. -_ you told me you would. Whats happening? A. But B. So C. And D. Or( ) 2. Mike did something wrong, _ the headmaster is talking with him. A. so B. but C. and D. or( ) 3. Jim has been in the factory for two years _ he left school. A. when B. since C. as soon as D. whether ( ) 4. Mike is good at playing basketball _ Bruce does well in football. A. when B. until C. since D. while ( ) 5. Excuse me. Do you have a table for two? -。

4、初三英语中考专题复习 第九节 句子( ) 1. _ natural things they are! A. How B. What C. Which D. Where( ) 2. Its hot here. Why not _ your coat? A. put on B. dress up C. try on D. take off( ) 3. He has never visited the Great Hall of the People, _? A. hasnt he B. has he C. does he D. doesnt he( ) 4. In the street I met the scientist _ gave us a talk last week. A. he B. which C. who D. what( ) 5. Do you know _? -Next year. A. when he came here B. when did he come hereC. when he will come here D. when 。

5、非谓语动词,初中英语,定义,非谓语动词主要是指在句中不能充当谓语,没有人称和数的变化,而只能充当其语法功能的动词。,动词不定式,I want to see you this afternoon.,Have you finished doing your homework?,动名词,Ive known the boy named Mike well.,分词,主要有三种形式:动名词、动词不定式和分词。,考点聚焦,。

6、动词的时态,初中英语,不同时间发生的动作或存在的状态,要用不同的动词形式来表示,这种表示动作或情况发生时间的各种形式就是时态。,考点聚焦,构成,名师点拨,巧学妙记,四种时间各四式,联想对比便于记。时间现在和过去,各自还有将来时。一般、完成、进行式、完成进行是四式。四四共有十六种,看来复杂掌握易;除去have / be以外,动词变化有规律。,归纳拓展,。

7、情态动词教案【教学目标】1. 要求学生能说出情态动词的分类及用法,掌握情态动词在一般疑问句中的问与答,会熟练做题。2. 要求学生能进行情态动词的辨析,掌握情态动词表示猜测的用法,并熟练做题。【教学重点难点】情态动词can, may, must, ought to , will, shall, should, would , need, dare的用法【知识梳理】考点一:情态动词的分类及用法1. can/could的基本用法: 表示体力或智力上的能力,即“能够,会”,可与be able to转换,过去时是could。例:He can speak English. = He is able to speak English.  Can you play baske。

8、情态动词学案【学习目标】1. 掌握情态动词在一般疑问句中的问与答。2. 掌握情态动词表示猜测的用法。【重点难点】情态动词can, may, must, ought to , will, shall, should, would , need, dare的用法【知识铺垫】情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,或表示主观设想。情态动词有自己的词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须和不带to的动词不定式(ought除外)连用,没有人称和数的变化。常用的情态动词有can, may, must, ought to , will, shall, should, would , need, dare。 【课堂探究】探究1 must和have to两者都表示“必须”的意思,但must。

9、Reading Comprehension,阅读理解,What kinds of sports do you know?,Which one of these sports do you think is the most popular in the word?,a football match,the World Cup,Discuss these questions:1.How many kinds of footballs do you know? What are they? Which one is more popular in the world?2.How many players are there in a team?3. How often is there a World Cup game?4.How many times has Chinese football team taken part in the World Cup game?,Can you guess where football started?,。

10、专题03代词2016年1. 【2016湖北黄石】 Hi, Sara. Is this English book? No. is on the desk.Ayour; MineByour;MyC. yours;MineDyour;My2【2016湖北黄石】The twins look exactly the same. of them are in my class.AEachBBothCEitherDNone3.【2016山东东营】 How do you get on with little brother? Ive just had a baby sister I'm worrying about it. Amy Bhis Cher Dyour4.【2016山东东营】 If we just think about ,the boat of friendship will be overturned anytime. A. myself B. himself C. yourself D. ourselves5.。

11、专题01冠词2016年1.【2016山东菏泽】Did you have good time yesterday? -Yeah, I really had fun at the party! A. a; / B. a; the C. /; the2【2016湖北黄石】 What did you do last night, Bob? First I did my homework, and then I played piano for half hour.Athe;aB/;anCthe;anDa;the3.【2016山东东营】 -Will you stay for supper with us? -Sure, I'd love to. Home cooking is just what I like.A. a B. an C. the D. /4.【2016四川成都】To be good dance, you need to learn more.A. the B.a C.an5.【2016山东济宁】。

12、专题五介词素养训练提高S U Y A N GX U N L I A NT I G A O一、单项选择1.(2018甘肃白银,4)Look at the picture on the right! She is going . A.into the libraryB.out of the post officeC.into the supermarketD.out of the bank2.(2018甘肃白银,11) The earth goes the sun. A.aroundB.throughC.betweenD.across3.(2018甘肃天水,28) April 22nd,people around the world celebrate Earth Day different ways. A.In;inB.On;inC.In;onD.At;by4.(2018山东莱芜,23)Would you like something to drink,Mum?Yes,Id like a cu。

13、专题7介词2016年1.【2016山东菏泽】Please e-mail me sdshzs666 if you have any questions. A. on B. at C. to2. 【2016湖北黄石】It is necessary us to help our friends out when they meet difficulties. Ato Bof Cwith Dfor3.【2016山东东营】 running after success, we have a lot of other interesting things to do in our lives. A. By B. On C. Besides D. Except4.【2016山东东营】At the farewell party, Kobe Bryant said, " the support of my fans, it would be hard for me to achieve such great success.” A. W。

14、专题04动词2016年1.【2016山东菏泽】Lets get Laurie a gift for his birthday. -OK. Shall we a book online for him? A. afford B. order C. offer2.【2016山东菏泽】Today, WeChat(微信)becomes very popular, and more and more people like to use it to each other.A. depend on B. communicate C. believe in3.【2016山东东营】“重要的事情说三遍。”can be translated into "Important things must be again and again.” A. spoken B. repeated C. described D. introduced4.【2016山东东营】 -Good morning. I'd li。

15、专题八动词的分类素养训练提高S U Y A N GX U N L I A NT I G A O一、单项选择1.(2018甘肃白银,5)Can we play soccer here?No,you play it near the road.Thats too dangerous! A.canB.mayC.wontD.mustnt2.(2018甘肃白银,16)I cant find my English textbook.Is it possible that you it at home? A.lostB.sawC.leftD.gave3.(2018甘肃白银,25)Which part is the verb of the following sentence “Tom rides his bike to school every day.”?A.TomB.ridesC.his bikeD.every day4.(2018甘肃天水,27)Must I stay with him all da。

16、专题02名词2016年1.【2016山东东营】-Why do people never cut up the on their birthdays? -Because they are a symbol of long life. A. eggs B. cakes C. noodles D. dumplings2.【2016山东东营】 Great for football lovers-more than 50,000 soccer schools will be built in our country by the end of 2025. A. news B. message C. situation D. information3.【2016山东东营】-Are you sure this is a photo _, the famous comedy actress? -It surprised you, didn't it? But she was once really thin. A. Jia Ling B. Jia 。

17、专题08连词2016年1.【2016山东菏泽】 the traffic was heavy yesterday, we got to the bus station on time. A. Although B. Unless C. Since【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:虽然昨天交通拥堵,但是我们按时到了公交站。A.Although虽然,引出让步状语从句;B.Unless如果不,除非,引出条件状语从句;C.Since因为,既然,引出原因状语从句;虽然交通挤,但是还是按时到了。虽然:although,故选A。考点:考查连词辨析。2【2016湖北黄石】 What were you doing I knocked at the door? I was sleeping.Aunless Bonce Cwhen Dwhile【答案。

18、专题九非谓语动词素养训练提高S U Y A N GX U N L I A NT I G A O一、单项选择1.(2018甘肃兰州)Every morning,Tim often sees groups of middle-aged women in the square. A.danceB.to danceC.dancesD.danced2.(2018甘肃天水,44)You look worried.Youd better your problem with others. Oh,yes. a problem is like cutting it in half. A.share;SharingB.sharing;To shareC.to share;To shareD.share;Shared3.(2018辽宁盘锦,7)Evans had a sore throat.His friend advised him some hot water. A.drinkingB.to drin。

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