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    北师大初中英语九上《Unit 4 Inventions and Inventors》PPT课件Lesson 15.ppt

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    北师大初中英语九上《Unit 4 Inventions and Inventors》PPT课件Lesson 15.ppt

    ,Unit 4 Inventions and Inventors,Lesson 15(1),Very few people will be killed by future cars.,说课,北师大版 Book 15,Teaching contents,Teaching process,一,Topic: Inventions and Inventors.Lesson: Very few people will be killed by future cars.Language points: 1)Reading about the future cars. 2)The passive voice of the simple future tense.,Teaching contents,Lead-in,While-reading,Post-reading,Homework,流程图,学习,创造,生活,Reading,Evaluation,Teaching process,Pre-reading,Lead-in,学生活动,设计意图,Show the pictures and lead students to talk about them.,Talk about the pictures.,To lead the students attention into cars .,教师构设,Pre-reading,学生活动,设计意图,教师构设,1.Lead the students to discuss two questions.,Task 1:Discuss the questions in pairs.,To lead the students into the topic and arouse their interest.,2.Lead students to do prediction.,Task 2:Predict the text,To create reading expectation to be active readers,学生活动,设计意图,教师构设,1.Ask students to do fast reading.,Task 4:Read the text and match the words with the definitions.,To learn the words.,2.Create situation to make students learn the meaning of the words.,Task 5:Read again and complete the table.,To get some detailed information.,While-reading,3.Ask students to read for the details.,Task 3: Read to get the general information.,To skim the passage for general information.,学生活动,设计意图,教师构设,1.Set a situation to lead in the language point.,Task 7: Design their future cars.,To use the language point in the task.,2.Organize a group work.,Task8: Evaluation on group work and themselves.,To evaluate how well the students have achieved and encourage them learn from others and try to make more progress later.,Post-reading,3. Evaluation .,Task 6:Learn the language point.,To know the new structure and the usage of the passive voice of the simple future tense.,学生活动,设计意图,Lead students to give two evaluations on group work and themselves.,Task 8: EvaluationGive evaluations on group work and themselves.,To evaluate how well the students have achieved and encourage them learn from others and try to make more progress later.,教师构设,Evaluation,学生活动,设计意图,Assign homework .,Write a short passage to introduce their future cars.,To consolidate the language in writing.,教师构设,Homework,教材分析,学情分析,二,说课,教学目标,教学重点和难点,教学资源,设计思路,总结,教材分析,本单元,本课,本单元内容围绕发明与发明者话题展开,并围绕话题内容进行被动语态的语法教学。这是初中阶段要求掌握的语法项目。,教材分析,本课内容以预测未来的汽车发展方向为话题, 通过任务性阅读获取所需信息. 在理解文章的基础上,感悟并提炼出语法现象,总结出一般将来时被动语态语法结构,进而在真实的发明中自然地运用所学新知,进行科学探索、发明与交流。,教材分析,学情分析,1原有的认知结构:学生在本课前已学习了一般将来时的主动语态及一般现在时/一般过去时的被动语态。2学生情况:本班大部分学生基础知识较好,他们对与自己生活相关的话题感兴趣,乐于探索新事物。,教学目标,一知识目标:1)学习重点词汇:warn, control, disagree, production, comfortably, motor2)阅读文章获取主要信息,学习动词一般将来时被动语态的构成。二能力目标:1)通过阅读,了解并掌握专家对未来汽车发展的两种不同观点2)运用所学知识,发挥自己的想象力,能够设计并提出自己简单的小发明的设想。三情感目标:通过对科学技术发展的了解,培养学生的科学探索精神。,教学重点和难点,一教学重点 阅读文章获取主要信息,学习动词一般将来时被动语态的构成。二教学难点 能够应用本节课所学知识介绍自己小组设计的未来汽车。,教学资源,实物投影仪,计算机及自制教学课件,复印好的课堂活动纸。,设计思路,Lead-in,While-reading,Post-reading,Homework,Evaluation,Pre-reading,生活,学习,创造,教学设计,一.Lead-in,二.Reading,阅读前阅读中阅读后,三.Homework,话题讨论预测内容,General ComprehensionWords studyDetailed Comprehension,Language PointGroup WorkEvaluation,Proper TitleScanning,Lead-in,Very few people will be killed by future cars.,关注生活,激发兴趣,引导话题,Pre-reading,1.Is the use of cars a major cause of air pollution in your city?2.What should we do to stop air pollution?,Discussion,2.1引导主题,激发兴趣,寻找解决问 题的措施.,Pre-reading,What will be mentioned in the text?,Prediction,创设阅读期待,预测文章主题,使学习者成为主动的学习者。,Cars in the future,The causes of air pollution,Problems of future cars,Read the passage and choose a proper title.,While-reading,4.1 通过略读找文章主题,训练学生抓主旨大意的阅读技巧,Answer the questions:1. How many opinions are mentioned in the article?2. Are they the same?,While-reading,4.2 通过略读回答问题,训练学生抓主 旨大意的阅读技巧。,1. overuse2. motor3. warn4.control5.disagree6. production7.comfortably,Vocabulary,Match the words with the definitions :,While-reading,A.not agreeB.give notice of possible dangerC.power overD.use too muchE.in a comfortable mannerF.thing produced or madeG.,4.3 创设情景,根据文章或构词法,学习词汇,为理解文意扫清障碍。,Read the passage again and complete the table.,bigger,smaller,gray only,all Kinds of colors,five miles per hour,faster,no,no,no,yes,yes,yes,4.4 通过细读,训练学生抓细节信息的阅读技巧,为后 面自己的设计及介绍做铺垫,Cars in the future,No.This new car will be pushed by the drivers feet.,will be pushed,Will this new car be pushed by gas?,Post-reading,2.1 通过情景设置的自然过渡,引导、帮助学生发现 新知识点。彩笔显示,启发学生关注知识要点的 能力,1.The car of tomorrow will be made without a motor or air-conditioning.,will be made,Find and Study,This new car will be pushed by the drivers feet.,will be pushed,2.Very few people will be killed in accidents.,will be killed,will be solved,Post-reading,3. All our problems will soon be solved by car companies.,将来时的被动语态:肯定句:,主语+will+ be+ done,(动词的过去分词),eg.Very few people will be killed in accidents.,Post-reading,Summary,2.1 通过在文中寻找与所给句同样结构 的句子,训练学生感悟并提炼出语 法现象的能力,用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空:1.The car in the future _(open ) by itself.2.Our future car_(push) by itself.3.The future car_(drive) in the sky.4.I _(tell) the right direction(方向) by the car in the future.,2.1 通过在语句中根据语意用动词的正确形式填空的语法练习,加强学生的语法应用。并为后面的设计给予语句支持。,*Do you like the future cars that mentioned in the text?,Discussion,Post-reading,*If you are a car maker of a car company, can you introduce your designs to us?,2.2 创设情景,引导学生明确任务,发挥自己的创造空间,Our future cars,Appearance,Equipment(装备/品),Others,Color,Size,Brand,LengthWidth Height,Motor, air conditioningRadio, color TVS, lightsPollution control system,Price.,2.2头脑风暴,引导、帮助学生在设计与介绍中能够 概念、条理清晰,主题突出,彰显个性。,Post-reading,Group work,Cars in the Future1.Design your cars in the future .2.Introduce your designs using what you have learned today.,2.2四人一组(绘画者,口述 者,执笔者,汇报者)分工 合作,明确任务要求。,Post-reading,Cars in the future,2.2提供范图,开拓学生思维,给孩子予以描绘对象形象上的支持。,Post-reading,Cars in the future,Cars in the future,Cars in the future,Cars in the future,Cars in the future,Post-reading,互评(Evaluation),团队合作 Teamwork(1.组员间能够分工合作)(2.组员间都有交流),描述 Description(1.语言生动,形象)(2.目标语使用正确)(3.语言清晰,易懂),设计 Design (1. 草图具有直观性,能吸引人) (2.科学,合理,有可实现性),Group 1,Group 2,Group .,We think Group is the best because its (Teamwork/ Design/ Description) is better than other groups. We should learn from them.,Post-reading,自评(Evaluation ),通过互评,自评,取长补短,增强学习英语的兴趣与自信心。树立追赶的学习目标与超越他人的竞争意识。,Post-reading,Homework Write a short passage to introduce your future cars.,巩固知识,提升自我认知水平。,总结,*依据新课标的教学理念,只有树立以学生发展为本的思想,多角度地设计阅读教学过程,调动学生参与阅读教学的积极性,英语阅读课才有实效性。 *本课根据英语课程标准对阅读语篇教学的要求,以学生感兴趣的预测未来的汽车发展方向为主要内容,由导入到主体教学采用任务型教学,充分发挥所给文章的作用,调动学生阅读的欲望,从而使其积极主动地参与到阅读学习中来。 *根据学生学习由易到难的认知规律和英语学习主动探究与习的的渐进性规律,本课教学设计由易到难,由浅到深,教学呈阶梯式层层推进,逐步加深学生对文章的理解,且各个环节间过渡自然。活动突出以学生为主体,尊重个体差异的理念. 设计符合学生的认知特点,有助于学生课堂上集中精力,积极思考,主动参与课堂活动,培养学习策略,提高学习效果。,Thank you!,


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