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    迪卡侬人权审核标准Decathlon HRP GRID - V11 CN.xls

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    迪卡侬人权审核标准Decathlon HRP GRID - V11 CN.xls

    11 HRPHRP EVALUATIONEVALUATION GRIDGRID V11.0V11.0 HRPHRP审审核核表表 V11.0V11.0 SupplierSupplier (CNUF)(CNUF) 供供应应商商名名称称 (CNUFCNUF编编号号) DateDate ofof lastlast FullFull assessmentassessment 上上一一次次全全审审日日期期 FactoryFactory / / sitesite 工工厂厂地地址址 EvaluationEvaluation datedate (last(last dayday if if moremore thanthan oneone day)day) 审审核核日日期期(如如果果超超过过一一天天请请填填写写最最后后一一天天) AssessmentAssessment scope:scope: 审审核核范范围围: - all production buildings on-site (with or without Decathlon products) - 所有厂区内生产建筑(不论是否生产迪卡侬产品) - Decathlon embassy is applicable - 迪卡侬驻厂办公室 - administration - 办公室建筑 - living environment: canteen, kitchen, dormitories if provided by supplier (inside or outside the site) - 生活环境: 食堂,厨房,宿舍(无论在厂区内外) - transportation to/from factory (if operated by supplier) - 上下班交通工具(如果工厂提供) AssessmentAssessment typetype (Full(Full oror CAPCAP Follow-up)Follow-up) 审审核核类类型型(全全审审或或CAPCAP) EvaluationEvaluation timetime in in man-day(s)man-day(s) 审审核核用用时时(几几人人几几天天) SupplierSupplier typetype 供供应应商商类类型型 Assessor(s)Assessor(s) name(s)name(s) 审审核核员员姓姓名名 SupplierSupplier statusstatus 供供应应商商状状态态 DecathlonDecathlon staffstaff in in chargecharge ofof HRPHRP atat suppliersupplier 负负责责供供应应商商HRPHRP迪迪卡卡侬侬员员工工姓姓名名 NumberNumber ofof employeesemployees 员员工工数数量量 DidDid DecathlonDecathlon staffstaff attendattend thethe evaluation?evaluation? 迪迪卡卡侬侬员员工工是是否否参参加加审审核核? Level:ARate:0% SELF-EVALUATION (DONE BY SUPPLIER AND/OR DECATHLON PRIOR TO ASSESSMENT) - Self- evaluation accuracy rate: 100% ChapterChapter 章章节节 ChapterChapter levellevel 本本章章等等级级 ComplianceCompliance raterate 符符合合率率 RequirementRequirement levellevel 要要求求等等级级 RequirementRequirement 要要求求 AnswerAnswer 答答案案 Complies?Complies? 是是否否符符合合? TemporallyTemporally solvedsolved duringduring assessment?assessment? 在在审审核核过过程程中中被被暂暂时时解解决决了了吗吗? CommentsComments 评评论论 Answer Complie s? Temporally solved during assessment? Comments SIMILAR EVALUATION? COMMENTS 1 - CHILD LABOUR A0% REQUIREMENT LEVEL 1 1 - - CHILDCHILD LABOURLABOUR 童童工工 AnswerComplies? Temporally solved during assessment? CommentsAnswer Complie s? Temporally solved during assessment? Comments100% 1.0 INFOINFO 公公开开信信息息 The minimum age defined by local law: 当地法律要求的最低工作年龄 The minimum age is 16 years old in China. 1.0 INFOINFO / / PREPAPREPA 公公开开信信息息 / / 资资料料准准备备 Age and date of birth of the youngest worker: 最小工人的年纪和出生日期 1.0 INFOINFO / / PREPAPREPA 公公开开信信息息 / / 资资料料准准备备 The number of children living in factory or dormitories (if dormitories are not in factory): 住在工厂或宿舍的儿童的数量(如果工厂提供宿舍) 1.0 INFOINFO / / PREPAPREPA 公公开开信信息息 / / 资资料料准准备备 Are there young workers (under the age of 18)? If yes, how many? 是否有青年工(小于18岁)?如果有,有多少名? 1.0 INFOINFO 公公开开信信息息 Legal requirements on working conditions for young workers 青年工工作环境的法律要求 Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Protection of Minors, Article 38 Any organization or individual that, according to the relevant regulations of the State, hires minors who have reached the age of sixteen but not the age of eighteen shall observe State regulations regarding the types of jobs, working hours, intensity of labor and protective measures, and it or he may not assign them to any over strenuous jobs, jobs exposed to toxic or hazardous substances, or other jobs that imperil their physical or mental health, or any dangerous operations. 1.10. UNACCEPTABLE Are all people working at the supplier above the minimum legal working age or 15? 是否在供应商工作的所有人员,年龄都高于法定最低工作年龄或15岁? 00YES 1.20. UNACCEPTABLE Does the factory have adequate areas and clear listing for children who stay at the supplier facilities? 如儿童进入厂区,工厂是否设有隔离区域,且有具体的儿童名单? 00YES 1.31. ELEMENTARY Does the supplier have the proof of the age of employees? (E.g. by showing official documents) 供应商是否有全体员工的年龄证明文件?(如:出示官方文件) 00YES 1.41. ELEMENTARY Is there historical child labour? (Workers younger than the minimum age hired over the last 6 months) 过去是否聘用过童工?(过去六个月内曾经雇用低于法定工作年龄的工人 ) 00YES 1.51. ELEMENTARY Do young workers have a protected status respecting at least local regulation? 是否有落实当地法律要求的青年工管理及保护措施? 00YES 1.62. CONSOLIDATED Does supplier have procedure to ensure: - There is no child labour? - Children onsite cannot access areas other than the defined ones? 供应商是否有管理程序: - 确保没有童工? -厂内儿童仅能在安全区域逗留,不可以进入生产等其他风险区域? 00YES 1.72. CONSOLIDATED Is there a formalized procedure and listing for young workers? 是否有正式程序与清单来管理青年工? 00YES 1.82. CONSOLIDATED Are those procedures (children no physical violence; etc.)? Are these regulations and sanctions known by employees? 是否有内部规章规定禁止与奖惩办法? 该奖惩办法是否尊重员工权益?(不扣押薪资、无肢体暴力等) 这些规章与奖惩办法是否为员工所知? 00YES 11.102. CONSOLIDATED Are women returning from maternity leave given an equivalent position and equal pay? 产后返回的女性员工,是否有相当的工作岗位和相等的薪酬? 00YES 11.112. CONSOLIDATED Does the company have the means to keep up with social regulations and any changes? 公司是否有能力得知最新的地方法规及任何的变更? 00YES 11.122. CONSOLIDATED If there are other local regulatory obligations than the above (ex: medical visit, private medical insurance.), are they respected? 若有上述其他地方的法规义务(如:医疗体检、私人医疗保险.),是否 依法遵守? 00YES 11.132. CONSOLIDATED Is human turnover monitored? (precise the way it is calculated + the result) 人员流动率是否被监控?(精确记录其计算方式与结果) 00YES 11.142. CONSOLIDATED Is absenteeism monitored (precise the way it is calculated + the result)? 旷工率是否被监控?(精确记录其计算方式与结果) 00YES 11.152. CONSOLIDATED Is a clear dismissal procedure defined in the internal rules? If someone was dismissed, are facts recorded? 清楚的解雇流程是否被定义在内部规章? 若有人被解雇,其实际原因是否被记录? 00YES 11.162. CONSOLIDATED Is there a training program to increase the competency and attitudes of the workers? 是否有培训计划来增进工人的能力与态度? 00YES 11.172. CONSOLIDATED Are all trainings & procedures available in the language spoken by all the employees? 是否所有培训与流程都有员工所用语言的版本? 00YES 11.183. BEST PRACTICE Does the supplier promote development practices: - For illiterate people: reading / writing classes. - For pregnant ladies: free training on the necessary know-how as a mother. - For women: free training on health or finance. 供应商是否有促进发展的各项计划: - 对文盲劳工:阅读/书写课程 - 对怀孕劳工:免费产前教育课程 - 对女性员工:免费健康或财务管理课程 00YES 11.193. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 其它的好范例 00YES 12 - MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY A0% REQUIREMENT LEVEL 1212 - - MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT OFOF SOCIALSOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITYACCOUNTABILITY 企企业业社社会会责责任任管管理理 AnswerComplies? Temporally solved during assessment? CommentsAnswer Complie s? Temporally solved during assessment? Comments100% 12.0 INFOINFO / / PREPAPREPA 公公开开信信息息 / / 资资料料准准备备 Main members of HRP management and roles: 主要的HRP管理人员和角色 12.0 INFOINFO / / PREPAPREPA 公公开开信信息息 / / 资资料料准准备备 Name of HRP responsible in the factory: 工厂HRP负责人姓名 12.11. ELEMENTARY Is the supplier in possession of the Decathlon code of conduct on-site? 供应商是否存有迪卡侬的社会责任章程? 00YES 12.21. ELEMENTARY Is there someone or a team assigned to the management of the HRP project in the factory? Are they aware of the basic content of the code of conduct? 是否有人或团队被指派管理工厂内的HRP?他们是否知道”社会责任章程“ 中的基本内容? 00YES 12.31. ELEMENTARY Is this responsible person or team able to detect HRP risks, make regular reviews and take immediate actions if necessary? 该负责人或团队是否能够侦测HRP风险、定期检查并在需要时作出立即性 的改善? 00YES 12.42. CONSOLIDATED Are mid-management and workers aware of the basic HRP requirements by Decathlon (at least for those in link with their workplace)? 中层管理人员与工人是否知道迪卡侬的HRP的基本要求(至少能知道与他 们工作区域相关的要求)? 00YES 12.52. CONSOLIDATED Does the supplier have the means to keep up to date of the latest regulations in link with HRP? 供应商是否有能力得知与HRP相关的最新的法规? 00YES 12.62. CONSOLIDATED Is the supplier able to conduct a self-assessment on its own for all chapters covered by this grid, with a list of non-conformity points and corresponding corrective actions? 供应商是否有能力根据审核表上各章节来进行自主审核?记录不合格点与 对应的改善措施? 00YES 12.72. CONSOLIDATED Do the people employed by the external companies and working on the supplier site (i.e. security guard, cleaning agents, kitchen employees, gardener) work in working conditions which reach at least the C level of the HR and Working Hours chapters of this grid? 由外部公司聘雇并在供应商场所工作的人员(如保全人员、清洁公司、厨 房员工、园丁.),其工作条件是否至少达到人资与工作时数章节的C级 要求? 00YES 12.82. CONSOLIDATED Does the supplier regularly conduct evaluations of their suppliers to ensure they respect Decathlon Groups policies, and are the evaluation records available? 供应商是否对其供应商定期进行评核,以确保他们也遵守迪卡侬集团的政 策?且存有该评核记录? 00YES 12.93. BEST PRACTICE When observing non-conformity points, is the supplier able to find the root cause of these points? Then are there actions to solve the root causes? 当检讨不合格点时,供应商是否有能力发现根本原因?接着是否有行动来 解决这些根本原因? 00YES 12.103. BEST PRACTICE Other Best Practice carried out: 其它的好范例 00YES HRP EVALUATION GRID V11.0 Supplier0 Factory / site0 Supplier type0 Supplier status0 Number of employees0 Date of last Full assessment1899/12/31 Evaluation date (last day if more than one day)1899/12/31 Assessment type (Full or CAP Follow-up)1899/12/31 Assessor(s) name(s)1899/12/31 Decathlon staff in charge of HRP at supplier1899/12/31 LEVELRATE OVERALL A0% 1 1 - - CHILDCHILD LABOURLABOUR童童工工A0% 2 2 - - FORCEDFORCED LABOURLABOUR强强迫迫劳劳动动A0% 3 3 - - FREEDOMFREEDOM OFOF ASSOCIATIONASSOCIATION自自由由结结社社A0% 4 4 - - H&SH&S - - LEGALLEGAL AUTHORIZATIONSAUTHORIZATIONS ANDAND PERIODICALPERIODICAL CHECKSCHECKS健健康康与与安安全全 - - 法法律律授授权权与与定定期期检检测测A0% 5 5 - - H&SH&S - - RISKRISK & & SAFETYSAFETY MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT健健康康与与安安全全 - - 风风险险和和安安全全管管理理A0% 6 6 - - H&SH&S - - CHEMICALSCHEMICALS MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT健健康康与与安安全全 - - 化化学学品品管管理理A0% 7 7 - - H&SH&S - - FIREFIRE SAFETYSAFETY / / EVACUATIONEVACUATION健健康康与与安安全全 - - 消消防防安安全全和和疏疏散散A0% 8 8 - - H&SH&S - - LIVINGLIVING ENVIRONMENTENVIRONMENT生生活活环环境境A0% 9 9 - - WORKINGWORKING HOURSHOURS工工时时A0% 1010 - - COMPENSATIONCOMPENSATION薪薪酬酬A0% 1111 - - HRHR MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT人人力力资资源源管管理理A0% 1212 - - MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT OFOF SOCIALSOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITYACCOUNTABILITY企企业业社社会会责责任任管管理理A0% 1 - CHILD LABOUR 童工 2 - FORCED LABOUR 强迫劳动 3 - FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION 自由结社 4 - H&S - LEGAL AUTHORIZATIONS AND PERIODICAL CHECKS 健康与安全 - 法律授权与定期检测 5 - H&S - RISK & SAFETY MANAGEMENT 健康与安全 - 风险和安全管理 6 - H&S - CHEMICALS MANAGEMENT 健康与安全 - 化学品管理 7 - H&S - FIRE SAFETY / EVACUATION 健康与安全 - 消防安全和疏散 8 - H&S - LIVING ENVIRONMENT 生活环境 9 - WORKING HOURS 工时 10 - COMPENSATION 薪酬 11 - HR MANAGEMENT 人力资源管理 12 - MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY 企业社会责任管理 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% PLEASE COMPRESS YOUR PICTURES (1 pic < 1 Mb) Requireme nt LevelEvidence / FindingPicture 1 (Pictures Height 1.65)Picture 2Picture 3 Good Points Points to improve


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