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    |课 题 Unit4 I can play basketball教学内容第一课时课 时目 标1.能听懂、会读、会说单词:basketball, well, can, cant, have a try.2.能听懂、会读、会说日常用语与句型 I can Can you? Yes, I can./ No, I cant.3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 basketball.4.能正确地理解并朗读对话,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。教学重点及难点1.句型 I can Can you? Yes, I can./ No, I cant.的正确使用。2.词汇:basketball, well 的读音。3.能正确地理解并朗读对话,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。4.在情景对话中,学生能理解并正确使用 can 和 cant。教学准备挂图,录音机教 学 内 容 和 过 程教学札记Step 1 Greetings1. 歌曲导入让学生听 song time :I can skate and I can jump2. 做做猜猜教师做动作,学生猜单词,复习已经学过的动作类单词。21T:(做出吃东西的动作)S:Eat.T:(做出睡觉的动作)S:Sleep.Step 2 Presentation1教师运用肢体语言,通过和学生的问答活动,教授新句型 I can和 basketball.T:(做跑步动作 )I can run, can you run?S: (T 引导) Yes, I can. (T 板书: I can Can you? Yes, I can.带读)T:(做睡觉动作 )I can sleep, can you sleep in class?S: (T 引导 ) No, I cant. (T 板书: I can Can you? No, I cant.带读)T:Lets come to the sports time.Whats this?(篮球图片)S:(在老师的帮助下回答)Its a basketball(教授 basketball).T: I can play basketball, can you play basketball?(play basketball 打篮球)S1: Yes,I can. I can play basketball.T:(教师做篮筐,让学生假装投篮)Nice!/ Cool!/ Great!S2: No, I cant.(T 引导,忠实自己的想法,不会就说不会!)T: Have a try!(试一试)22T:Can you play basketball now?S2: Yes, I can.(投篮)T:Nice!/ Cool!/ Great!T: Can S2 play basketball?S3:Yes, he/she can.(渗透第三人称回答)2Story time教师出示课文挂图,通过提问的方式引导学生理解课文内容。T: Listen to the tape then answer the questions.T: Who are they?S: They are Liu Tao, Wang Bing and Mike.T:Yes, they are in the playground.Can Wang Bing play basketball?S1:Yes, he can.T:Can Mike play basketball?S2:Yes, he can.T: Can Liu Tao play basketball at first(起初)?S3:No, he cant.T: Can Liu Tao play basketball at last(最后)?S4:Yes, he can. T: Yes, he can play basketball very well.(very well 非常好)(教师播放录音,让学生跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调)Step 3 Consolidations:1.T: Lets come to show time.三人分角色朗读,注意动作和表情2.Lets retell the story.Homework:1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue fluently.23板书设计Unit 4 I can play basketballCan you play basketball? Can you play basketball?Yes, I can. No, I cant.Nice!/ Cool!/ Great! Have a try.Nice!/ Cool!/ Great!教学后记课 题 Unit4 Can you play basketball?24教学内容 第二课时 Fun time, Checkout time课 时目 标1.能听懂、会读、会说单词:football, jump, skate, swim, table tennis .2.能听懂、会读、会说日常用语与句型 I can./ I cant She/ He can She/ He cant3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 football, jump, skate, swim.4.能正确地理解并朗读对话,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。教学重点及难点1.句型 I can./ I cant She/ He can She/ He cant的正确使用。2.词汇:football, table tennis 的读音。3.能正确地理解并朗读对话,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。4.在情景对话中,学生能理解并正确使用 can 和 cant。教学准备 数字卡片教 学 内 容 和 过 程教学札记Step 1 Warm up1. Revision timeT: Lets retell the story together.2. Greetings25T:(做跳跃动作)I can jump. Can you jump?S1:Yes, I can.T:(做游泳动作) I can swim. Can you swim?S2:No, I cant.用同样的方法教授新单词:skate, football.3. 自我介绍:在学生阅读前,教师可以让学生进行自我介绍,以此来复习以前学过的句型。T: Hello, Im Imyears old. I like I canI cantS: Step 2 Presentation1. Read the story and circle the names.(圈出 Tom, Mary 和Peter)T: Read quickly, who are they?S: Tom, Mary and Peter.T: Circle : Name:Age:Can:Cant:2. Read the story and fill in the blanks:football basketball table tennisswim runTom ×Mary ×Peter × 3根据表格中的信息进行复述T:What can they do?S1: Tom can play football. He cant play basketball.S2: Mary can play table tennis.(教授 table tennis) She cant swim.S3:Peter can swim and run. He cant play football.4.checkout timeListen and judgeHelen cannot skate. Su Yang can play table tennis.Liu Tao cannot play basketball.Yang Ling can play football.Look and say26S: I can swim and play table tennis. I cant play basketball.I cant skate.Step 3 Practice:1.T: Lets come to show time.三人分角色朗读,注意动作和表情2.Lets retell the story.Step 4 Consolidation:Do a survey.学生分组活动,用can和cant介绍自己和朋友的实际情况。S: Hello, Im This is my friend He/She canHe/She cantHomework:1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue fluently.2. Copy the new words .板书设计Unit 4 I can play basketballfootballjump I can He can She canswim I cant He cant She 教学后记27cantskate table tennis课 题 Unit 4 Can you play basketball ?教学内容 第三课时 Cartoon time,Sound time课 时目 标1.能听懂、会读、会说单词:fly, too, quack, tweet.2. 能熟练运用本单元的句型 I canI cant.Dont be sad.3. 能正确理解卡通的意思,能体会其幽默之处,并能够在老师的指导下尝试表演。4. 能了解比准确掌握字母“f”在单词中的发音规律,并自己养成总结,归纳的习惯教学重点及难点教学重点:能熟练运用本单元的句型 I canI cantDont be sad.教学难点:1. 能了解比准确掌握字母“f”在单词中的发音规律,并自己养成总结,归纳的习惯。2. 能听懂,会读,会说句型 I canI cantDont be sad。教学准备 挂图、录音教 学 内 容 和 过 程教学札28记Step1:GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Chu.Step2: Review sports timePlay a game: 快速闪现图片,让学生猜动作Step3: Presentation1. 利用单词卡片,导入故事Show the picture of duck, bird, rabbit and so on.T: Try to say “ can ”S1: A rabbit can run.S2: A duck can swim.S3: A bird can fly.2. Read the story by themselves.3. Answer the questions:T: Can Bobby fly?(教授 fly)S1:No, he cant.T: What can he do?S2:He can swim.(引导学生回答)T: Can Sam swim?S3:Yes, he can.4. Read the story after the tape.朗读 I cantoo 时要读出骄傲的语气,朗读 I cant fly 是要用难过的语气。5. Act the dialogue in pairs.29Step 4: Sound timeT: What letter is it?Ss: F.T: Can you say words with “F” ?Ss: afternoon, breakfast, familyT: 引导学生体会 Ff 在单词中的发音。/f/Ss: Listen to the tape 跟着节拍,读小诗。T: Teach “funny”Ss: Read in groups.Homework:1.复习已学过的板块。2.背诵要求背诵的四会单词并默写在家作本上。板书设计Unit 4 I can play basketballI cantoo.I canteither.afternoon breakfastfamilyfather football 教学后记


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