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    2019年高考英语 专题四 第二节 三.docx

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    2019年高考英语 专题四 第二节 三.docx

    三、概括词汇类三、概括词汇类(2016·江苏)An Extension of the Human BrainOther people can help us compensate for our mental and emotional deficiencies(欠缺),much as a wooden leg can compensate for a physical deficiency.To be exact,other people can extend our intelligence and help us understand and adjust our emotions.When another person helps us in such ways,he or she is participating in what Ive called a “social prosthetic(义肢的) system.” Such systems do not need to operate face-to-face,and its clear to me that the Internet is expanding the range of my own social prosthetic systems.Its already a big bank of many minds.Even in its current state,the Internet has extended my memory and judgment.Regarding memory: Once I look up something on the Internet,I dont need to keep all the details for future useI know where to find that information again and can quickly and easily do so.More generally,the Internet functions as if it were my memory.This function of the Internet is particularly striking when Im writing; Im no longer comfortable writing if Im not connected to the Internet.Its become natural to check facts as I write,taking a minute or two to dip into PubMed,Wikipedia,or other websites.Regarding judgment: The Internet has made me smarter in matters small and large.For example,when Im writing a textbook,it has become second nature to check a dozen definitions of a key term,which helps me dig into the core and understand its meaning.But more than that,I now regularly compare my views with those of many others.If I have a “new idea, ” I now quickly look to see whether somebody else has already thought of it,or something similarand I then compare what I think with what others have thought.This certainly makes my own views clearer.Moreover,I can find out whether my reactions to an event are reasonable enough by reading about those of others on the Internet.These effects of the Internet have become even more striking since Ive begun using a smartphone.I now regularly pull out my phone to check a fact,watch a video,read weibo.Such activities fill the spaces that used to be dead time (such as waiting for somebody to arrive for a lunch meeting)But thats the upside(好处)The downside is that in those dead periods I often would let my thoughts flow and sometimes would have an unexpected insight or idea.Those opportunities are now fewer and farther between.An Extension of the Human BrainA prosthetic natureThe 71.Internet can help make up for our mental and emotional deficiencies as a wooden leg can compensate for a bodily deficiency.It 72.participates/joins in our daily events,extending our intelligence,comprehending our feelings,and expanding the range of social activities.On the Internet,we could quickly and easily locate the details,and check facts,without 73.keeping them in mind. Wonderful aspects: memory and judgmentThe Internet makes us smarter over 74.all/different/various kinds of things.It provides a dozen definitions of a key term for us to find the 75.heart/core of the matter.The Internet enables us to exchange ideas with many others to 76.check our claims,and to 77.judge our actions.Smartphones make it easier and more 79.convenient to check reality,watch video clips,read weibo.The 78.mixed/two sides of smartphonesSmartphones 80.reduce the possibility for new and insightful minds,and steal away our dead time.考场思维模式第一步:读表格,填出较简单的概括性词汇题文章标题是“人类大脑的延伸” , 然后分为三个部分:假肢给我们带来的好处,网络的优点,智能手机的优点。其中第 78 题是概括词汇类,78 题根据其右表信息和文章的最后两段可知既提到了智能手机的优点也提到了其缺点,所以这是智能手机的正反两方面内容,所以使用形容词“mixed/two”,故第 78 题填 mixed/two。第二步:定位、定词、定性、定形任务型阅读表格高度概括了原文信息,为了节约时间并且提高解题的针对性,先读表格内容,然后在原文中进行定位。定位后进行定词。定词后要定性(如名词、动词、形容词、副词),最后定形(如单复数、非谓语形式、大小写等)。1原文词汇类71答案 Internet解析 根据第一段第四句“Such systems do not need to operate face-to-face,and its clear to me that the Internet is expanding the range of my own social prosthetic systems.”可知因特网可以拓宽社会义肢系统的范围,也就是说网络可以弥补我们精神和情感上的缺陷。2转换词汇类72答案 participates/joins解析 根据第一段最后两句“Its already a big bank of many minds.Even in its current state,the Internet has extended my memory and judgment.”可知动词短语“participate/join in”符合句意。73答案 keeping解析 根据第二段第一句“Once I look up something on the Internet,I dont need to keep all the details.”可知动词短语“keep.in mind 记住” ,在表格中放在介词 without 的后面,要使用动名词 keeping 的形式。74答案 all/different/various解析 根据第三段第一句“The Internet has made me smarter in matters small and large.”可知原文中“matters small and large”就是“all/different/various”的事情。75答案 heart/core解析 根据第三段第二句“.which helps me dig into the core and understand its meaning”可知网络能让我们找到事物的核心并理解其真正含义。故短语“the core/heart of the matter”和原文中“dig into the core”语义一致。76答案 check解析 根据第三段第四句“If I have a new idea, I now quickly look to see whether somebody else has already thought of it,or something similarand I then compare what I think with what others have thought.”可知当我们有了新的观点以后,我们会上网检查核对别人是否已经有了同样的观点,并对自己的行动做出判断。表格中 check 与原文语义一致。79答案 convenient解析 根据第四段后两句“I now regularly pull out my phone to check a fact,watch a video,read weibo.Such activities fill the spaces that used to be dead time (such as waiting for somebody to arrive for a lunch meeting) ”可知我们可以使用智能手机随时查信息,看视频,读微博,使用起来非常方便。所以使用形容词 convenient。80答案 reduce解析 根据文章最后两句“The downside is that in those dead periods I often would let my thoughts flow and sometimes would have an unexpected insight or idea.Those opportunities are now fewer and farther between.”(在过去那些“dead periods”时,我总会有一些灵光一现的神来之念,但是现在这些时间都被智能手机占用了。这无疑就减少了这些神来之念的可能性。)可知表格中应为“reduce the possibility” 。3概括词汇类77答案 judge解析 根据第三段最后一句“Moreover,I can find out whether my reactions to an event are reasonable enough by reading about those of others on the Internet.”(而且在网络上阅读其他人的信息,让我判断我的行为是否合理),所以表格里使用动词 judge。第三步:复查并将答案填在答题卡上复查完确认没有修改之后,将试卷上所写答案填在答题卡规定区域,注意要认真书写,不能潦草。典型的任务型阅读题目通常设置分为两栏,左边是文章提纲(passage outline),右边是支持性细节或者论据(supporting details)。概括词汇类要求能够最大程度地覆盖右栏信息,同时具有简洁性。这就要求考生对全文或段落进行总体语篇把握,通过观察表格的设置特点,从而归纳和概括出所考查的单词。概括词汇要求考生能够准确无误地概括出文章的主题,能够在概括的基础上进行推断、归纳、抽象并提炼出文章主旨或者重要信息,也就是要拥有在语篇结构解读基础上的信息转换能力。考查考生对信息的综合加工和处理能力,其信息既体现在短文阅读中,也体现在表格信息的比较与理解中。具体的解题步骤如下:(1)一审表格结构。注意文章内容脉络,标题和所需的表达类型。(2)二审短文意义。注意文章的段落和表格的匹配性。(3)三审语法运用。注意涉及到的构词法和语法项目。(2018·泰州中学检测)Your life is composed of all the little things we experience every day,and knowing how to find joy in some of those little things is one of the easiest ways to let happiness slowly fill your cup.In order for that to happen,you need to do two very simple things:put yourself in such situations that you can experience happiness there,and then find a way to savour the experience and let it sink into you.To put yourself in the position of experiencing happiness every day,Lahna Catalino,Ph.D,at the University of California,San Francisco,recommends an approach called “prioritizing positivity”organizing your day-to-day life on purpose so that it contains situations which naturally give rise to positive emotions.It involves both carving out time in your daily routine to do things that you really love and heavily weighing the positive emotional consequences of major life decisions,like taking a new job,and you will regularly find yourself.Then how can we find a way to savour the happy experience and let it sink into you? Here is what psychologist Rick Hanson,the author of Buddhas Brain explains.Let a good fact become a good experience.Often we go through life and some good thing happensa little thing,like we checked off an item on our To Do list,we survived another day at work,the flowers are blooming,and so forth.Hey,this is an opportunity to feel good.Dont leave the money lying on the table:recognize that this is an opportunity to let yourself truly feel good.Really enjoy this positive experience.Practice what any school teacher knows:if you want to help people learn something,make it as intense as possiblein this case,as felt in the body as possiblefor as long as possible.When sinking into this experience,sense your intention that this experience is sinking into you.Sometimes people do this through visualization,like by sensing a golden light coming into themselves or a soothing balm inside themselves.You might imagine a jewel going into the treasure chest in your heartor just know that this experience is sinking into you,becoming a resource you can take with you no matter where you go.It might seem a little cliche to say“stop and smell the roses” ,but its moments like those that can be stored in your happiness bank and withdrawn later.Living a happy life can be as simple as accepting the happiness thats already around you.If you want more,its OK to go out and achieve it,but dont forget where happiness really comes from.Let 71. Come Naturally with the “Little Things”72. to let happiness come your way*Put yourself in situations 73. you experience happiness.*Find a way to savour the experience and let it sink into you.Giving 74. to positive things*Organize your everyday life 75. to experience positive emotions.*76. your time to do things you love as well as heavily weighing the positive emotional consequences.Enjoying the experience and letting it sink into you*Let a good fact become a good experience so that you have the 77. to feel good.*Really enjoy the positive experience as long as possible.*When sinking into this experience,be 78. of your intention so that it becomes a resource to take with you wherever you go.79. *Happy moments like “stop and smell the roses” are 80. .*Living a happy life can be as simple as accepting the happiness already around you.语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了如何从小事中获取快乐:第一是把自己放入能让自己经历快乐的情景当中;第二是给经历加料,让它和自己合二为一,得到融合。71答案 Happiness解析 原文词汇题。根据文章首句中的“and knowing how to find joy in some of those little things is one of the easiest ways to let happiness slowly fill your cup”可知,文章讲述的是用一些小事带来“快乐” 。故填 Happiness,因为是标题,注意首字母大写。72答案 How/Ways解析 概括词汇题。根据第一段的“put yourself in such situations that you can experience happiness”和“find a way to savour the experience and let it sink into you”可知,这是带来快乐的两种“方式或途径” 。故填 How/Ways,注意首字母大写。73答案 where解析 转换词汇题。分析句子成分可知,you experience happiness 是定语从句用来修饰situations,指物作地点状语,故用 where 来引导。故填 where。74答案 priority解析 转换词汇题。根据原文的“prioritizing positivity”可知,是“优先考虑”积极方面,注意这里要填名词形式作 give 的宾语。故填 priority。75答案 purposely/intentionally/deliberately解析 转换词汇题。根据第二段的“organizing your day-to-day life on purpose”可知,是“故意地”让自己每天的生活充满积极的情绪,修饰动词 organize 要用副词形式,故把 on purpose 转换成 purposely/intentionally/deliberately。76答案 Spare/Squeeze解析 转换词汇题。根据第二段的“It involves both carving out time in your daily routine to do things that you really love and heavily weighing the positive emotional consequences of major life decisions”可知,是指“挤出”时间去做自己想做的事。 故填 Spare/Squeeze。77答案 chance/opportunity解析 原文词汇题。根据第五段的“this is an opportunity to feel good”可知,要填表示“机会”的词。故填 chance/opportunity。78答案 aware/conscious解析 转换词汇题。根据第八段的“When sinking into this experience,sense your intention that this experience is sinking into you.”可知,是指“意识到或感知”自己的意图,故把动词sense 换成短语 be aware/conscious of 即可。故填 aware/conscious。79答案 Conclusions解析 概括词汇题。根据后面的内容陈述可知,这里是做出的“总结”或得出的“结论” 。故填 Conclusions。80答案 memorable/lasting/unforgettable/impressive解析 转换词汇题。根据最后一段的“It might seem a little cliche to say stop and smell the roses ,but its moments like those that can be stored in your happiness bank and withdrawn later”可知,Happy moments like “stop and smell the roses”是“难忘的、持久的或给人印象深刻的” 。故填 memorable/lasting/unforgettable/impressive。


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