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    Unit 1 Friendship一、add所构成的词组addto把添加到里e.g. Please add some salt to the soup.add to.=increase 增添/力口 (数量/程度)e.g. The heavy rain added to our difficulty in finishing the job.add up 合计,力口起来e.g. Add up 3,4, 5 and you'll get 12.add up to加起来共计/达e.g. These figures add up to 270. His whole schooling added up to no more than one year.add that从句(或直接引语)补充说e.g. I have nothing to add. 我没什么要补充的。即时训练:、Please all the figures to see how much they.A、added; add up toB、add up; add up toC、add up; add upD、add; add to二、词义辨析:e.g. I am too excited at the news. I must calm myself down.calm不慌张、不紧张、冷静镇定、心平气和,不激动;风平浪静。e.g. One must keep calm in time of danger.quiet安静的,不吵闹的 still不动的,静止的 silent不出声的,沉默的三、go throughcalm .down 使平静/镇定下来e.g. Keep quiet while others are speaking in class.e.g. Our officer asked us to stand still.e.g. She keep silent about the matte匚经历(苫难/战争)=suffer: Going through hardships is often to each person. 浏览,翻阅:In our school, a lot of students often go through books in the reading room at night.仔细检查:He went through his pocket to look for the key.(讨论、考试、法案)通过:To his parents, joy, he went through the exam.完成,做完:You must go through your homework on time从内部穿过:It's a pleasure to go through a field of flowers.、You mustyour papers before you hand them in.D、go throughA、go down B、go across C、go out 四、suffer vt. “遭受,蒙受,忍受,经历” suffering n. “苦难;痛苦” 如: They suffered many hardships on their way.He suffered heavy loss in the game. vi.“受苦;遭难”suffer from. “患(某种病),因受苦”,后跟表示疾病的名词或表 示不愉快事情的名词。如:What illness is he suffering from?他患了什么病?He suffers from headache all day long.他整天头痛。They suffered from cold and hunger.他们饥寒交迫。五、词义辨析:join加入某个组织成为其中一员:join the Army/Party/League 参军/入党/入团join in参加活动:join in the morning exercise 参加早操take part in 参加比赛、活动:Ld like to take part in the sports meeting.attend参加会议;参加婚礼、典礼;听课/报告/讲座即时训练:The teacher was disappointed to find that not many students had hislecture.A、joined B、attended C> joined in D、took part in 六、While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.While walking the dog=while you were walking the dog。本句中 while 后省略 了主语you和be动词were。英语中由when/while/though/as/if/unless等引导的状语从句中,如果从句的 主语是it或与主句的主语相同,则从句可同时省略主语和加动词。如: Don't talk while eating.While (he was) reading the book, he nodded from time to time.He fell asleep while (he was) doing his homework.While(you are) crossing the road, you should be careful.七、wrong adj.“错误的”-right出毛病的;有问题的;不顺心 的。常见句型:What's wrong with you?你有什么不顺心的事?There is something/nothing wrong with sth.什么出故障/出问题。(There is) Something/Nothing wrong with my computer.Is there anything wrong with my eyes?八、Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.reason n.理由;原因 vt. ”理论,评理,讲道理”reason for+名词: The reason for her absence was that she was ill.reason to do sth: We have reason to believe that he was lying.reason后的三种定语从句:©Reason +that引导的从句Reason + why引导的从句Reason + (省 略that或why引导的)从句我不知道他说这些话的原因。I don't know the reason why he said these words.I don't know the reason that he said these words.I don't know the reason he said these words.九、She made her diary her best friend.make后接复合宾语(宾语补足语)的几种情况: 名词作宾语补足语:We made him our monitor. 形容词作宾语补足语:The news made him sad. 动词原形作宾语补足语:He made me repeat it.派make在被动语态中,后需接动词不定式,即要用to+v.的形式。I was made to repeat it. We were made to work all night.过去分词作宾语补足语:I speak loudly in class in order to make myself heard.十、She and her family hid away for nearly 25 months before they were discovered.她和她的家人躲藏了还不到25个月,就被发现。before conj.用以表示从句动作发生之前的时间,译法灵活。在译为汉语时, 不能只照字面意思译为“在以前”,必须注意汉语的习惯表达法。因为 句子不同,before有各种不同的译法。“(之后)才”e.g. It will be four years before we meet again.四年后,我们才会再见面。The workers worked long hours for several weeks before everything returned to normal.工人们长时间地工作了好几周,才使一切恢复正常。“不等就”e.g. He left before the meeting ended.会议还没结束,他就离开了。Three months went by before she knew it.不知不觉中三个月已经过去了。“(不多久)就”e.g. It won't be long before you get well again.不久你就可以恢复健康了。It was not long before he told me about it.不久他就告诉了我这件事情。We hadn't waited long before the bus came.我们没等多久公共汽车就来了。It was long before. 过了很久才It was not long before.不久就It will be +时间段+ before.要过久才It won't be+时间段+before用不了多久就会即时训练:Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up Icould answer the phone.A> asB、sinceC、untilD、beforeH、I wonder if it's because I haven't been able to be outdoors for so long that I've grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.这是一个复合句,if引导的是宾语从句。在这个宾语从句中,包含了一个 It is/wasthat的强调句型,一个because引导的原因状语从句和一个 sothat引导的结果状语从句。强调句型It is/was+被强调部分+that/who。”可强调句子的各个成分: 主语、宾语、表语、状语等(谓语和定语除外)。被强调部分是人时,ihal、 who皆可用。It is I who met Tom in the street yesterday.(强调主语)It was Tom that I met in the street yesterday.(强调宾语)It was in the street that I met my old friend yesterday.(强调地点状语)It was yesterday that I met Tom in the street.(强调时间状语)Was it you that/who let out the secret to her?(强调主语)“It is that/who”是强调句型, We had a meeting in the meeting room yesterday afternoon.It was had a meeting in the meeting room yesterday afternoon.昨天下午是我们在会议室开的会.It was we had in the meeting room yesterday afternoon.昨天下午我们在会议室是开会.It was we had a meeting yesterday afternoon.昨天下午我们是在会议室开的会.It was we had a meeting in the meeting room .我们是昨天下午在会议室开的会.It was Wang Wei who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River.是E魏先想到沿着湄公河骑车旅游.注意它的疑问形式Is it China that your parents are determined to visit next year?Where is it that your parents are determined to visit next year?即时训练:It was at this shop I came across the picture.A、thatB、whichC、whatD /注意在it is之后强调表原因的从句时,只能用because来引导,不能用 since> as或for。即:在句型It is because+从句 中,because引导的是个 强调句,而且只能用because来引导,不能用since、as或for。但是在thereasonis that中,不能用because引导。e.g.he was absent was that his car broke down on the way.The reason why we don't trust him is that he has often lied.十二、dare W need 一样,既可作情态动词,又可作实义动词,区别如卜:肯定句否定句一般疑问句作情态动词dare dodaren't doDare +主语+do作实义动词dare to dodon't dare to doDo+主语+dare to dodare作情态动词时,否定句和疑问句不用do;第三人称单数不加-s,其过 去式为dared,后接不带to的动词不定式,主要用于否定、疑问、条件和 表示怀疑的句中。如:I dare not think of it.我不敢想这事。Dare you say so before your parents? 你敢在你父母面前这么说吗?Listen, if you dare speak to me like that again, you'll be sorry.听着,如果你敢再那样跟我说话,你会后悔的。dare作实义动词时,除了具有一般实义动词的特点外,在否定句和疑问句 中,dare后的to可以省略。e.g. She didn'l dare (to) tell her parents what had happened.He didn't dare (to) say that problem to my face.Do you dare to ask him? I don't know whether he dares to/dare try. 即时训练:I wonder how he that to the teacher.A、dare to say B、dare saying C> not dare say D、dared say The little girl go downstairs alone at night.A、dares not to B、dares not C、dare not to D、dare not (3)She is shy and stand up and answer the teacher's question.A、dares not B、doesn't dare to C、dare not to D dares not to 十三、It was the first time in a year and a half that rd seen the night face to face.It is the+序数词 + time+ that sb. have/has done sth "是某人第几次做某事 了”。在该句型中,从句要用现在完成时态。注意:其中的it可用this或that替代;first根据实际情况可改为second, third等;that从句要用现在完成时态;当is改为was时,后面that从句中的have应改为had.比较: It is the first time that I have been here.That was the third time that I had been here.It is time that we started(=should start).=It is time for us to start.十四、have trouble with sb./sth在对付某人或某事时有困难have much/little/no trouble in doing sth.做某事很费劲/不太费劲/不费 劲:I had no trouble finding my dormitory.我不费一点事就找到了我的寝室。be in trouble 处在麻烦之中:He is always ready to help anyone who is in trouble.他总是乐意帮助有麻烦的人。get out of the trouble 摆脱困境十五、He is asking for some advice.ask for.请求得到e.g. He asked for a glass of water.他要 T一杯水。advice的用法表示“劝告”、"忠告''、“建议”。是不可数名词。若要表示一条或几条建议 或劝告,则说a piece / three pieces of advice 一条/三条建议。常见短语:give sb. advice给某人提出建议/忠告;ask for advice向某人请教;征求意见:take / follow one's advice接受意见或劝告。on /by one's advice按照某人的意见做某事e.g.: He gave us good advice on how to learn English.他对怎样学习英语给我们提出了很好的建议。He asked for the teacher's advice. =He asked the teacher for his advice.他向老师清教。If you take /follow my advice and study hard, you'll pass the examination. 如 果你听我的劝告用功读书,你就会考及格。It was done on /by my advice,这是按我的意见做的。十六、try to do sth尽力/努力做某事Iry doing slh试着做某事try one's best to do sth尽某人做大的努力做某事如:I tried to make me strong./! try my best to do my work.I tried making the crazy dog calm .十七、高考语法之way用法大串联 常见短语:1. on one's / the way 在途中3. in the way挡道,妨碍5. in a way在某种程度上方(或位置)常见用法:2. by the way顺便说一句,附带说说4. no way不行,没门儿6. make way for让路给;腾出地7. lose one's way 迷路1 .当 way 表示"方法''时,一般用 the way to do something 或 the way of doingsomething 的结构。 如:I have no way to persuade him.=I have no way of persuading him.2 .当the way后面接定语从句作状语时,有三种引导方式:in which, that 或不用任何引导词。如:I don't like the way (that / in which) she is dressed.我不喜欢她的着衣方式。I don't like the way that you treat the homeless boy.我不喜欢你对那个无家可归的孩子的方式。Grammar Direct and Indirect Speech注意事项:与主句相呼应的时态。即:主句(过去时)+从句(相应的过去时)主句(现在/现在完成时)+从句(不变)如果直接引语中有确定的表示过去的时间状语(如2007年),变为间接 引语时,时态一律不变。She said, “I left my hometown in 2007.“She said that she left herhometown in 2007。陈述语序,即主语先写。直接引语如果是客观真理、习惯性动作,变为间接引语时,时态不变。 总之,直接引语改间接引语:去掉引号后,事实上是一个含宾语从句的主 从复合句。即:主语+谓语+引导词(that/whether,if/wh-) +作宾语的句子。 重点单词:ignore, be concerned about sb./sth., a series of outdoors, suffer fromsettle, recover, recover, grateful.Unit 2 English around the world一、More than 的用法:'Morethan+名词”意思为“不止,不仅仅是“。如:Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.“More than+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思。如:In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments.“Morethan+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意=over。如:I have known David for more than 20 years.“More.than.”结构。more than两词之间加上形容词或副词,有两种含 义。一种是比较级的用法;另一种用来表示“与其说,到不如说”,肯定 “more”后面的而否定"than"后面的。如: The boy was more hard-working than clever.e.g.:莉莉比露西更漂亮。e.g.:露 西 没 有 莉 莉 漂 亮。e.g.:他与其说是聪明到不如说是镇定。相关拓展:more than one + n.意为“不止一个"。在语意上虽为复数,但 作主语时,谓语动词用单数。e.g.: More than one student likes her.二、such as & for example/instance& namely/that is/i.e.such as:也作“例如”讲,用来列举同类中的几个,但不是全部。e.g.: I have many good friends, such as John, Jack and Tom.for example.: “例如;比如”。用来例举同类中的一个例子。位置灵活, 在句中可置于句首、句中和句尾。通常与所给的例子用逗号隔开。e.g.: Many great men come from poor family, for example, Lincoln and Edison.A lot of students in the class, for example, Mary, agreed to the plan.Ball games, for example, have spread around the world.What would you do if you meet a wild animala tiger, for example?For example, a bicycle driven by electricity can avoid pollution.namely/thal is/i.e "即,也就是"。放在被列举的事物前,要把前面的名 词所应包含的事物全部列出。Namely前面要用逗号。e.g. He can speak four languages , namely English, French., Japanese and Russian.Three new students come today, i.e. Jane, Lucy and John.用 such as, for example, namely 填空(1) Students ,Tom and Mary, should be learnt from .(2) Wear something simple, , a skirt and blouse.(宽松的上衣)(3) He knows six languages,Chinese French, English, Spanish, Russian and Portuguese.三、command sb to do sth 命令某人去做某事command that sb (should) do sth 虚拟语气demand, request, order, advise 等词用法同 command。四、end短语用法小集at the end of 在的末端/终点”,指时间或位置。如:At the end of the road, you can see the hospital.在这条路的终点,你可以看到医院。The school is situated at the end of the street. 该校位于这条街的尽头。The sports meeting will be held at the end of this month.运动会将在这个月的月底举行。We'll have an exam in English at the end of January.一月底我们要参加英语考试。by the end of "到末尾时/结束时”,多指时间,常用于完成时态, 也用于将来时态。如:We had studied English for three years by the end of last term. 到上期末,我们就已学了三年英语了。By the end of the chapter, you'U have guessed the meaning of this word. 等你 读完这一章时,你就会猜出这个词的意思了。 in the end ”最后,终于“,与 at last/finally 同义。如: In the end she married a singer.最后她嫁给了 一个歌手。He tried many times to pass the exam and in the end he succeeded. 他多次努力要考及格,最后终于成功了。(4)come /draw to an end ”结束,完结如:The war came to an end in 1948. 战争于 1948 年结束。be at an end= be over, be finished.in the end最后,终于at the end of.在末段/末端,指时间或空间come to an end告终,结束 =put/bring to an end=put an end to by the end of “到末为止"。by the end of last 用过去完成时。by the end of next 用将来完成时。即时训练:、I must warn you that my patience is almost.、The summer vacation at last.、It was difficult, but I did it.、He will come this month.五、Native English speaker can understand each other even if they don't speak the same kind of English.even if =even though “即使”,用来引导一个让步状语从句,引导的从句 不用将来时。even if引导让步状语从句;if引导条件状语从句;as if/though ”彷佛; 似乎是”,引导方式状语从句。如:Even if it rains tomorrow, we will leave for Beijing.用 if, as if, even if 填空(1) I had money, I wouldn't buy it.(2)I had money, I would buy it.(3) It looks it is going to rain.6、The number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.the number of. *.的数目”,后接可数名词复数,作主语时谓语动词 用单数。如:The number of undergraduates has increased over the years.a number of. “许多/大量”,后接复数名词,此短语加复数名词在句中做 主语时,谓语动词用复数。The number of people invited fifty, but a number of them absentfor different reasons.A. were; wasB. was; wasC. was ; wereD. were; were重点单词:official, voyage, actually, gradually, vocabulary, latter, identity, fluent, frequently, usage, commandUnit 3 Travel journal一、prefer vt.“宁愿,更喜欢”1、prefer+n.”"更喜欢":He comes from Shanghai, so he prefers rice.2、prefer to do sth”更愿意做某事”,表示具体的动作。I prefer to go at once. 我愿意马上就走。3、prefer doing sth"更愿意做某事”,表示一般倾向。4、prefer $th. to slh.”与相比,更喜欢:I prefer tea to milk.5、prefer doing sth. . to doing sth.宁愿做而不愿做”:I preferwatching TV to going out.I prefer swimming to skating. (I like swimming better than skating.)X prefer因其本身含有比较之意,而不可再与more或most连用。6、prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.“宁愿做而不做” I prefer to watch TV rather than go out.我宁愿呆在家里也不出去。He preferred to die rather than steal. / He perferred to die instead of stealing.他宁死也不去偷窃。7、prefer+ that 从句"宁愿”(从句般用虚拟语气)I prefer that you should do it.我宁愿你做这件事。比起咖啡我更喜欢喝茶.I prefer tea to coffee?I prefer drinking tea to having coffee.I prefer to drink tea rather than have coffee.比起跟我们待一块,他宁愿待在家里.二、persuade说服,劝说(暗示是成功的。如果未成功则用try to persuade)1、persuade sb to do sth = persuade sb into doing sth:说服某人干某事(成功) e.g.:我爸爸劝我参加夏令营.(最后成功了)My father persuaded me to take part in the Summer Camp.How can you persuade him to change his mind/into changing his mind?2、persuade sb not to do sth=persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不要干某 事e.g.: Finally, we persuaded her out of traveling by plane.3、persuade sb of sth: He tried to persuade me of his honesty.他设法使我相 信他是诚实的。persuade sb to do sth指成功地说服,“说而不服,或说而无果''应用 advise sb to do sth /或 try to persuade sb to do e.g. He tried to persuade her to go with him.=He advised her to go with him.His m


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