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    The Last of Us《最后生还者(2023)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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    The Last of Us《最后生还者(2023)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx

    (印尼雅加达)(2 0 0 3年9月2 4日)抱歉打断你的午餐没关系我快吃完了不好意思长官请问我有犯什么罪吗不当然没有你们是不是找错人了你是拉特纳女士印尼大学的真菌学教授我们没找错人(严重急性呼吸道综合征)(每日勤喝水)拉特纳女士麻烦你检查准备好的标本你可能会发现让她自行判断这是蛇形虫草你们为什么要在载玻片上滴氯嘤 因为这是人体样本的处理方法 虫草菌在人类身上无法存活 如果觉得不舒服请尽快离开请看她的左腿下面这是人咬的吗(外语)(外语)什么时候的事大约3 0小时前在哪里城西的面粉和谷物工厂完美的基质然后呢一个正常的女人突然变得很暴♥力♥ 攻击四名同事咬了其中三人他们把她锁在厕所里警♥察♥来后 她试图攻击他们于是他们对她开枪 被她咬到的人怎么样了你留在这Can you give me a hand?扶我上去好你在上面还好吗一还好You good up there? Yeah, uh,这里有点乱我需要一点时间it's a bit of a mess, so I'm gonna need a few minutes.真是把好刀Nice knife.一你从哪学来的一马戏团-Where'd you learn to do that? -The circus.你是哪里人Where are you from?德州Texas.一那泰丝呢一底特律在密歇根州-What about Tess? -Detroit. It's in Michigan.我有上学我知道底特律在哪I go to school. I know where Detroit is.所以你们两个是So, uh, you two like a-别问Pass.你们怎么会来到波士顿一别问-How'd you end up in Boston? -Pass.别再问关于我的问题了No more questions about me.感染者能活多久How long do Infected live?一我以为你有上学一那间学校很烂Oh, I thought you went to school. It's a really shitty one. 有些只能撑一两个月Well, some last about a month or two.但有些已经漫游2。年了But there's others been walkin' around 'bout 20 years.你杀过感染者吗-Ever kill one?有我杀过很多-Yeah, I killed lots of'em.会难受吗Was it hard?毕竟你知道他们曾经是人Like, knowing they were people once?有时候Sometimes.昨晚那个人呢What about that guy last night?把枪放下乔尔You can put the gun down, Joel.接下来呢What now?好多-There's so many. -The last time we were here,我们上次来的时候它们还在建筑物的深处they were still deep inside the buildings.但我想因为有很多跑来找隔离区的人经过这里Then I guess enough people came through looking for the QZ, 人们躲进大楼寻求庇护they went inside seeking shelter.它们就是这样一点一滴地占据城市年复一年and that's how they get more and more of the city bit by bit, year after year. 它们是相连的They're connected.超乎你的想象More than you know.真菌也长在地底下The fungus also grows underground.有像电线一样很长的菌丝有些延伸超过一哩Long fibers like wires, some of them stretching over a mile.你在一个地方踩到一片虫草菌Now, you step on a patch of cordyceps in one place, 就能唤醒十几个在别的地方的感染者 and you can wake a dozen Infected from somewhere else. 它们知道你在哪里就会追过来Now they know where you are, now they come.你要是被攻击也可能会死的You're not immune from being ripped apart.你懂吗You understand?这很重要It's important.我想保住你的命I'm tryin' to keep you alive.所以我们不走那条路So, we're not goin' that way.没错No.那我们该怎么办What do we do then?抄捷径Short way?!去博物馆Museum.这一定是在开玩笑You've gotta be fucking kidding me.从顶楼可以跨过去Well, there's a way across from the top floor.那我想应该没关系Well, then I guess it's fine.我们以前常走那条路一好-We used to take it all the time. -Okay.一对那路线没问题一好极了-Look, it was fine. - Awesome.都干掉了It's bone dry.可能表示它们终于都死在里面了It could mean they're all finally dead in there.天啊Oh, man.玛琳有帮你打包这个吗还是只有三明治Marlene pack you one of these or just sandwiches?有-Yeah.听好有更多规矩要遵守Okay, so. more ground rules.我们要慢慢来We're gonna go slowly.如果遇到什么状况你就躲在我们后面懂吗If we come up against anything, you get behind us and ya stay there, 一好一好okay? Yes.我还有一只手可以拿东西I have a spare hand.恭喜你哦Congratulations.(波士顿博物馆欢迎您)(出口)(礼品店营业中欢迎光临)没错都死透了Yeah. cooked.终于该死的走运了Oh, finally, some fuckin' luck.看来我们一开始就该走这边I guess we should've gone this way in the first place.天啊Oh shit!这是什么东西干的What the fuck did that?也许Maybe.也许他在外面遭到攻击然后从门爬进来maybe he was attacked outside, and crawled through the doors.门是开着的有可能是他开的The door was open. Could've been him.一我什么都没听到一会听到什么-I don't hear anything. -Who would you hear?会听到什么Who would you hear?别说那是感染者做的-Are you saying an Infected did that? -Shh.因为我被感染者攻击过但不是像那样Because I've been attacked by one and it wasn't like that.好从现在开始Okay, from this point forward,我们得保持完全无声we are silent.不只是安静是完全无声Not quiet. Silent.不不准问问题-What- -No. No questions.照做就对了Just do it.快跑Run!快跑Run, run!一你没事吧一脚踝扭伤了但没事-You all right? -Twisted ankle, but. yeah.你没事吧You all right?我没吓得屁滚尿流所以Well, I didn't shit my pants, so.你在开玩笑吗You fucking kidding me?如果我们其中一个一定要被咬的话这样也好啦I mean, if it was gonna happen to one of us.我们快肉开这里吧Hey. let's get the fuck outta here.一用这个包住你的手臂-谢谢-Put this around your arm. - Thanks.一要去那边吗一对我知道看起来很可怕-Over there? -Yeah, I know. It looks scary.刚刚才可怕这只是木头That was scary. This is wood.在那里等着给我们一分钟Just wait there. Give us a minute.前面可能还有更多There's probably more ahead.我们到时候再处理So, we'll deal with it then.我来.I got it. I got it.那孩子呢What about the kid?也许咬第一次没事那第二次呢I mean, maybe the first bite didn't take, but what about the second?你就乐观点行吗How 'bout you just take the good news?可以吗Can you do that?我希望至少有一次我们或许真的能赢Like to think, for once, maybe we could actually win?去吧去看着她Just go, go and watch her.有符合你希望的样子吗Is it everything you hoped for?还不确定Jury's still out.但你不能否认这景色不是盖的But, man, you can't deny that view.走吧我们要在天黑前赶到那里C'mon, let's get there before it's dark.他们到底在哪Where the fuck are they?别过来Stay back.乔尔Joel?一怎么回事一我不知道-What the fuck is going on? -I don't know.他们进去了They went inside.一走.一泰丝-Come on. -Tess. Come on! Tess!天啊Holy shit.天啊Oh, Jesus.好Okay.这里一定有无线电之类的吧I mean, there's gotta be a, a fuckin' radio or somethin', right?谁杀了他们对策局Who killed them? FEDRA?不是No.其中一个被咬了One of them got bit.健康的人对抗发病的人大家都输了The healthy ones fought the sick ones. Everyone lost.泰丝你在做什么Tess? What're you doin'?玛琳说要带你去哪里Where did Marlene say that she was taking you?一艾莉一我不知道往西走-Ellie! -Uh, I don't know. Just west.往西走该死Just west. Fuck. Okay.好吧他们之中一定有人有地图对吧Well, I mean, one of them's gotta have a map on them, right? 一乔尔你能帮帮我吗一不-Joel, can ya help me? -No!泰丝结束了Tess. it's over.我们要回家了-We are going home. -That's not my fucking home!那鬼地方才不是我的家我要留下来I'm stayin'.我们的好运迟早会用完I mean. our luck had to run out sooner or later.该死Fuck.她被感染了She's infected.让我看看Show me.乔尔Joel.真糟糕对吧Oops, right?把你的绷带拿掉Take your bandage off.你看乔尔Look. Joel?这是真的This is real.乔尔她真的免疫Joel, she's fucking real.一带她去找比尔和法兰克一不-1 need you to get her to Bill and Frank's. - No.他们会把她带走他们会处理的They'll take her off your hands. -No. -They'll handle it from here. 一不我不行他们不会带走她的一他们会的No, no, no, I can't. They won't take her. They will-他们不会接受的一他们会因为你会说服他们-They're not gonna take her. -They will, 'cause you'll convince them. 对你会的Yes, you will.我从没要求过你什么I, I never ask you for anything,我没有要你跟我有一样的感受一不-not to feel the way I felt. -No.你可以闭嘴吗因为我没时间了Not to- Shut the fuck up 'cause I don't have time.这是你的机会This is your chance.你带她过去You get her there.保住她的命you keep her alive.你要拨乱反正and you set everything right.我们做过那么多不堪的事All the shit we did.拜托你答应乔尔拜托Please say yes, Joel, please.该死Oh fuck!一有多少一全部也许一分钟后就会过来了-How many? -All of them. Maybe a minute.你在做什么一确保它们不会追上你们-What are you doing? -Making sure that they don't follow you.乔尔Joel.救你能救的人save who you can save.不我们不能丢下她No! We're not leaving her!放开我混♥蛋♥Get off me, you fucker!我不要跟你走I'm not going with you!待续谢谢观赏他们被送去接受观察几小时后根据程序我们有必要处决他们谁咬了她我们不知道所以还有感染者在外头有其他工人失踪吗1 4人失踪拉特纳女士我们请你来是为了防止疫情扩散我们需要疫苗或药物(外语)我一辈子都在研究这些东西所以请你仔细听好没有药物也没有疫苗那我们该怎么办炸♥弹♥开始轰炸轰炸这座城市和城里的所有人不好意思能派人载我回家吗我想跟我的家人在一起最后生还者第一季第二集早安Morning.我看起来像被感染了吗-Do 1 look like I'm infected? -Show us your arm.给我们看你的手臂并没有恶化对吧Yeah, it's not getting any worse, is it?既然我们都在外面了为什么没有感染大军蜂拥而至If we're out in the open city, why aren't we getting swarmed? 一别担心一我还是会担心-Don't worry about that. - Well, I'm gonna.玛琳跟一个被感染的孩子在一起做什么What was Marlene doing with an infected kid?我没有被感染I'm not infected.她在我被咬了之后发现我She found me after I was bitten.她没对你开枪一显然没有-And she didn't shoot you. - Clearly not.她把我关起来要她的人每天测试我看我有没有发病She locked me up and had her guys test me every day to see if I was getting sick.怎么测试Test you how?一我要尿尿一怎么测试-I have to pee. -Test you. how?他们要我数到十然后把手伸直保持稳定They'd make me count to 10 and hold out my hand and then keep it steady.但我想真正让他们佩服的是我没有变成该死的怪物But, you know, I think what really impressed them was the fact that I didn't turn into a fucking monster.现在我可以走了吗Now can I please?好吧Fine.你可以在后面找个地方Back there. You can find a spot.拿去And here.你自己撕几页Tear out a few pages.一后面不会有什么坏东西吧一只有你-There's not gonna be anything bad in here? -Just you.真好笑Oh, funny.骨折了Broken.可能只是骨裂吧Maybe a hairline.很快就会愈合It'll heal fast.她撑过昨晚了-She made it through the fuckin' night, Joel.那不重要-It doesn't matter.这是迟早的事It's gonna happen sooner or later.我们离围墙还很近我们偷偷把她送回隔离区All right? We're still close to the wall. We sneak her back into the QZ.一找别的方法取得电池一这是我们最好的机会We find a different way to get the battery. This is our best shot.要是把她带回隔离区一定会有人注意到她的手臂We take her back to the QZ, someone's gonna notice her arm,他们会扫描她然后杀了她they're gonna scan her. then they'll kill her.他们动手总比我们动手好Well, better them then us.别再把这孩子讲得好像她还能活多久似的You need to stop talkin' about this kid like she's got some kinda life in front of her.你饿了吗我们可以分一些给你You hungry? You can share some of ours.谢了玛琳有帮我准备Thanks. Marlene sent me with my own.那是鸡肉吗Is that chicken?对Yeah.玛琳说他们是跟走私客买♥♥的Marlene said they get it from smugglers.看来不是你们Guess not you guys.一等等一为什么-Hey. Hey! -Why-为什么你对玛琳这公重要why are you so important to Marlene?别骗我And don't lie to me不然我们就把你送回去or we'll take you back.送我回去你们就拿不到电池了You take me back, you don't get your battery.你听见了You heard that?那你一定也听到他想对你开枪了Then you must've heard that he wants to shoot you.我要把你当成年人跟你谈好吗I'm gonna talk to you like you're an adult. Okay?我跟乔尔不是好人Joel and I aren't good people.我们这么做是为了自己因为显然你有点价值We're doin' this for us because, apparently, you're worth something.但要是我们不清楚状况就不知道你到底有多少价值But we don't know what you're worth if we don't know what we have.所以回答我的问题So answer my question.她叫我不要告诉任何人现在我却要立刻告诉第一个She told me not to tell anybody, and now I'm telling the first people that I- 火萤在西部某个地方有个基地营There's a Firefly base camp somewhere out west.那里有医生他们在研发解药with doctors. - They're working on a cure.一这我听过了 一不管我是怎么回事I've heard this before. And whatever happened to me.一都是找到.一找到疫苗的关键原来是这样.is the key to finding the vaccine. That's what this is?这种话我们听过几百万次了疫苗神奇疗法We've heard this a million times. Vaccines, miracle cures. None of it works.一从来都没有用一去你的这又不是我自愿的-Ever. -Fuck you, man. I didn't ask for this.我也是这不会有好下场的泰丝You and me both. This isn't gonna end well, Tess.我们得回去We need to go back.我们就做到底吧Let's just finish it.不管她是不是火萤说的那样都不重要It doesn't matter if she is or she isn't what the Fireflies say.只要他们相信她是If they believe that she is我们就能得到我们想要的then. we get what we want.要是她有任何异状If she so much as twitches.不要这样Don't.好吧Okay.好吗Okay?好Okay.收东西可以给我一把枪吗Can I have a gun?一绝对不行一不行-Absolutely not -No.好啦.我拿三明治丢它们就好Okay, Jesus. Fine. I'll have to throw a fuckin' sandwich at them.安全It's clear.是啊白天看起来很不一样吧Yeah, looks different in the daylight, huh?我们该走了We should get movin'.就像被搞得乱七八糟的月球It's like a fucked-up moon.这是他们轰炸的地方吗-Is this where they bombed?对大部分的大城市都遭到这样的轰炸-Yeah. They hit most of the big cities like this.他们必须设法减缓扩散速度They had to slow the spread somehow.在这里有效但在多数地方都无效Worked here, but it. didn't in most places.议会大厦就在对面直走大约十分钟So, the State House is across there. It's about a 10-minute walk if you could go straight. 一所以.一绕远路还是抄捷径-So? -Long way or short way?不绕远路就死路一条I mean, it's the long way or the "we're fuckin' dead" way.根据这项有限的资讯我投绕远路一票Well, I vote long way just based on that limited information.我们得先去饭店确认We have to check it from the hotel first.好Okay.它们到底在哪里Where the fuck are they already?它们接近时你就会知道的You'll know it when they're close.上次我就不知道I didn't know last time.你是怎么被咬的How did you get bit?你知道隔离区的旧购物中心吗You know the old mall in the QZ?你是说已经用木板封起来严格禁止进入的那间吗The one that's sealed off and boarded up, and no one's supposed to go in. ever? That one?对啦反正我偷溜进去Whatever. I snuck in.我想看看那里是什么样子Wanted to see what it was like.我以为里面不会有东西Didn't think there was gonna be anything in there,结果突然有一只朝我冲过来and then one just came at me outta nowhere.我以为我逃掉了但是Thought I got away, but.所以你一个人闯进去So it was just you in there, alone?对Yeah.你几岁How old are you?1 4岁Fourteen.你真有种姐妹Well, I mean, you got some balls on you, sister.谢谢Thanks.没有人会追来找你吧Nobody's gonna be cornin' after you, right?妈妈爸爸男朋友之类的Like, Mom, Dad. boyfriend?我是孤儿也没有男朋友I'm an orphan, and, uh, no.大家都说围墙外很疯狂Everyone said the open city was crazy.成群的感染者到处乱跑Like, swarms of Infected running around everywhere.不完全是那样Not exactly like that.人们总喜欢他编故事You know, people like to tell stories.所以没有那种会把真菌抱子喷到你身上的超级感染者So, there aren't Super-Infected that explode fiingus spores on you?该死我真希望没有Shit, I hope not.或是头部裂开Or ones with split-open heads像蝙蝠一样能在黑暗中看到东西的那种that see in the dark like bats?那是什么What was that?我们继续走吧Let's keep movin'.你在开玩笑吧You've gotta be kidding me!你们住过这种地方吗Ya ever stay in a place like this?没有这有点超出我们的能力范围Uh, no, a little out of our league.一你怎么知道这是什么地方一你有听过书吗-How do you even know what this is? -Have you heard of books?等等我们要下去吗Wait, are we going in there?对我们得去另一边的楼梯井Yeah, we gotta get to the stairwell on the other side.我不会游泳Well, I, I don't know how to swim.不是吧-Seriously?你以为隔岗区有游泳池吗-Do you think we have pools in the QZ?不自作聪明的家伙我是说No, smart ass. I mean.我怎么会知道I don't know how I was supposed to know that.这实在太恶心了This is so gross.你们看Oh, check it out!有人吗Ding, ding.是的先生请给我最好的套房♥Yes, sir. I would like your finest suite, please.好的女士要帮您拿行李吗Yes, ma'am. Would you like me to take your luggage?一好的女士马上来我一你真是个怪孩子-Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am- -You're a weird kid.你才是怪孩子You're a weird kid.该死Oh fuck!抱歉Uh, sorry.你没事吧一没事-You okay? - Yep.好极了Fucking fabulous.该死Fuck.一我的天一拜托没那么糟吧Holy shit. Come on, it wasn't that bad.你用我们的膝盖爬十层楼试试看你会有什么感觉You try climbing ten fuckin' floors with our knees. See how ya feel. 是什么时候变成这样的Well, when the fuck did that happen?也许那扇门能开Maybe that one.不行No.好吧也许我可以爬上去All right, well, I mean, maybe I could climb up there, 想办法绕过去从里面打开work my way around, and open it from the inside?不我个子最小所以我更容易过去Uh, no, well, I'm the smallest, so it'd be easier for me to get through. 但如果你死了我们就什么都拿不到Mm-hm, but you die and we get nothing. You stay.


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