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    Western Mining Chinese(对外贸易合同模式).docx

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    Western Mining Chinese(对外贸易合同模式).docx

    PRIVATE SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR GOLD DORE BARS , GHANASeller 1BuyerWHEREAS: The Buyer agrees and warrants, under penalty of perjury, to purchase the Seller's Gold Bars at an agreed price and lift period. 鉴于:买方同意并保证,根据伪证处罚,以约定的价格和交货期购买卖方的金条。NOW THEREFORE: In consideration of the promise and mutual convenants herein set forth, both Parties agree to the Terms and Conditions as follows. 因此,考虑到本协议所载的承诺和相互约定, 双方同意“条款和条件”如下:SCOPE OF THE CONTRACT: 合同范围:合同范围: a) The Seller, under full authority and responsibility, declares that he has the capability and unrestricted right to sell the Gold Bars and guarantees that he is capable to legally export the Gold Bars. a)卖方在全权和责任范围内,声明具有出售金条的能力和无限制的权利,并保证他有 能力合法出口金条。 b) The Buyer, under full corporate authority and responsibility declares that he and his associates have the full capability to purchase the unrefined Gold Bars and such purchases can be done on a monthly basis with options of annual extensions.买方在完全的公司权力和责任范围内声明,他及其联系人员有能力购买未精炼的金条,并且可 以每月进行这种购买,并提供年度延期选项。COMMODITY SPECIFICATIONS: 商品规格:商品规格:a) COMMODITY: AU Gold Metal商品 b) FORM: Gold Dore Bars形态 : 金条 c) PURITY: 96% or better纯度:96以上 d) FINENESS: 23+ Carats 细度: 23+克拉 e) ASSAY: Assay will be made at Buyer designated Refinery .测定:测定将在买方指定的炼金厂进行。 f) ORIGIN: Ghana, South West Africa Sub Region产品原产地: 加纳,西南非洲分区域 g) PACKING: Export Package Metal Boxes PRIVATE SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR GOLD DORE BARSSeller Buyer 2包装:出口包装金属盒QUANTITY:The Seller agrees to sell and deliver to the Buyer under the Terms of this Agreement an initial amount of 200 Kilograms and thereafter 500kg or more X 12 month as per delivery schedule with possible rolls and extensions. After the initial shipment made by, all parties have an option to amend initial contract that has been mutually agreed upon to cover future shipments.数量:卖方同意根据本协议条款向买方出售和交付初始数量为 200 公斤,然后根据交货时间表 提供 500kg 或更多 X 12 个月,可延长。 (A)The price payable by the Buyer to the Seller is LBMA second board fixed less 12% gross 7% net Per Kg at the day of assay report jointly agreed . 买方向卖方联合同意的支付的价格是测定报告当天 LBMA(伦敦黄金协会第二板固定)减 13的毛额 7净额/ Kg。 PROCEDURE: Seller has financiers who will pay taxes; export documents of the gold bars and ship the gold bars to the Buyer refinery on CIF. Before Seller financiers pay the export, duties and taxes and ship the gold bars on CIF to the Buyer destination. Buyer will first let his bank issue Non Operative MT799 blocked fund to seller financier bank and when Seller financier bank confirm the Buyer Non Operative MT 799 blocked fund from Buyers bank. Seller Financier Bank will send 2 % PB to Buyers bank and Seller financiers will pay the export taxes and export documentation fee of the gold bars and ship the gold bars to the Buyer refinery on CIF 卖方负责出口税和出口金条文件费用。在金条 CIF 运送到买方指定目的地之前买方需要嚷他的 银行向卖方银行发出非操作性 MT799,当卖方银行从买方银行确认买方的非操作性 MT799 之 后。卖方银行将向买方银行发送 2% 保证金,最后卖方将支付出口税和出口金条的文件费,并将金条 CIF 运送到买方炼金场。 DELIVERY TERMS: A) The delivery terms for this S.P.A. agreement shall be on CIF buyer designated refinery (FTZ) 交货条款:此销售和采购协议的交货条款应在 CIF 买家指定的炼金厂(FTZ) B) The seller financier will pay all taxes, duties, export documentation etc, in the country of origin, and pays the air freight fee and insurance fee directly to the transport company to transport the Gold to the buyers refinery. )賣方將在原產國支付所有稅費, 關稅,出口文件等,並直接向運輸公司支付空運費和保險費,以將黃金運至買方煉金廠。C) The seller Financiers will bear the cost of freight fee and insurance fee of the gold bars and ship the gold bars directly to the Buyer refinery 賣方將承擔金條的運費和保險費, 並將金條直接運送給買方煉油廠PRIVATE SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR GOLD DORE BARS , GHANASeller 3BuyerD) The seller will notify the Buyer via fax or E-mail of the date of transport of Sellers gold bars from Sellers departure point(Origin). By returning the Buyer will confirm receipt of Notice, which will include Airway-bill and copy of insurance and export documents, in the same manner. 賣方將通過傳真或電子郵件通知買方賣方的金條從賣方的出發點(原 產地)運輸的日期。 通過退回,買方將以相同的方式確認收到通知,其中包括空運單和 保險和出口文件的副本。 E) Seller will ship direct to the buyers refinery. Prior to Aircraft Departure from point of origin, Seller will notify Buyer; the airline, flight number, dates of expected departure and arrival time. Buyer, on behalf of Seller, will clear shipment of gold bars through Customs. 賣方將直接運送到買方的煉金廠。 在飛機從原產地離開之前,賣方將通知買 方; 航空公司,航班號,預計出發日期和到達時間。 買方代表賣方將通過海關清關裝運 金條。 F) Buyer will physically present at customs and at the refinery to insure all procedures have been followed and actual delivery was completed to the refinery. Buyer will notify the Sellers mandate of successful completion of events in written form. 買方將親自到 海關和煉金廠,以確保所有程序都得到遵守,並向煉金廠完成實際交付。 買方將以書面 形式通知賣方成功完成事件的任務。PAYMENT TERMS: 付款條件 Final payment for the gold shall be made by wire transfer to the Sellers designated bank, within 2 business days after the refinery issues the final assay report 黃金的最終付款應在煉金 廠發出最終化驗報告後 2 個工作日內通過電匯方式轉至賣方指定銀行PROCEDURE: ( In time sequence) 程序:(按時間順序)First Step: The seller will sign this contract and the buyer shall return it to seller signed and stamped. 第一步:賣方將簽署本合同,買方應將其退回賣方簽字和蓋章。Second Step: The shipper will ship the gold to the Buyers selected refinery, and will notify the Buyer regarding the name of the airline, flight number, dates of expected departure and arrival time. 第二步:托運人將黃金運送到買方選定的煉金廠,並將通知買方有關航空公司名稱, 航班號,預計出發日期和到達時間的信息。Third Step: The seller shipper will process the gold shipment through customs. 第三步:賣方 托運人將通過海關處理黃金貨物Fourth Step: Within two(2) working days of receipt of the shipment of the gold, the refinery will fax a copy of the refinerys assay to the Buyer for acceptance and also fax a copy of the PRIVATE SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR GOLD DORE BARSSeller Buyer 4assay to the seller. 第四步:在收到黃金裝運後的兩(2)個工作日內,煉金廠將傳真一份金油 廠的化驗报告交給買方,並將化驗报告的副本傳真給賣方。Fifth Step: Payment by the buyer shall be made to the Sellers designated bank within 2 business days after the refinery issues the final assay report. 第五步:買方應在煉金廠發出最 終化驗報告後的 2 個工作日內向賣方指定的銀行付款。NOTICES: 注意事项:注意事项:Any and all notices required to be given by both parties regarding this Agreement shall be in writing and sent by certified post to the address or addresses as stated herein and copied by facsimile or email, directly to the parties referenced herein. 双方就本协议要求提供的任何和所有通知书应以书面形式通过认证文件发送到本文所述的地址 或地址,并以传真或电子邮件复制,直接发送给本协议各方。SELLERS BANK ACCOUNT DETAIL:. 卖家银行帐户详情BANK NAME: Merchant Bank LimitedBANK ADDRESS: Achimota Branch., Accra-GhanaSWIFT CODE: MBGHGHACACCOUNT No.:000130100016741ACCOUNT NAME: Western Mining LimitedBUYERS BANK INFORMATION. 买家银行信息买家银行信息BANK NAME:BANK ADDRESS:SWIFT CODE: TELEX: PRIVATE SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR GOLD DORE BARS , GHANASeller 5BuyerACCOUNT No.:ACCOUNT NAME:DOCUMENTS: 文件:文件:The Initial shipment and future shipments or delivery shall be identified with all assigned contract reference codes and numbers. The Seller will provide the following documents to the Buyer AFTER assay at buyer designated refinery. 初始装运和将来的运输或运输应用所有分配的合同参考代码和编号进行识别。 卖方将在买方指 定的炼金厂向买方提供以下文件。a) Three originals of Commercial Invoices in favor of the Buyer b) Certificate Of Origin c) Certificate Of Ownership d) Assay report e) Customs Declaration Form(s) (supplied by Buyer, if applicable) f) Declaration that the gold is free and clear and of non-criminal origin, unencumbered and free of any liens, and is transferable and exportable g) Export Permit, a)三份商业发票原件)三份商业发票原件 b)原产地证书)原产地证书 c)所有权证书)所有权证书 d)测定报告)测定报告 e)海关申报表(买方提供,如适用)海关申报表(买方提供,如适用) f)申报黄金是自由,明确和非刑事出身,不受阻碍且没有留置权,并且是可转让和出口的)申报黄金是自由,明确和非刑事出身,不受阻碍且没有留置权,并且是可转让和出口的 g)出口许可证,)出口许可证,TITLE OF GOODS: 商品所有权所有权The Title to the gold shall transfered from the Seller to the Buyer upon receiptof full payment from the buyer 黄金所有权在收到买方全额付款后,应从卖方转入买方CLEAR TITLE: 保证所有权PRIVATE SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR GOLD DORE BARSSeller Buyer 6Seller confirms and warrants that the Title of the Gold to be sold herein will be free and clear of any and all Liens and encumbrances, and is not of terrorist and/or criminal origin. 卖方确认并保证,在这里销售的黄金标题将是明确的,不受任何和所有的联盟和产权负担,而 不是恐怖主义和/或犯罪的起源。WARRANTIES: 保证保证A)The Seller warrants that the commodity can be shipped to anywhere in the world. 卖方保证商品可以运到世界任何地方 B)The Seller financier shall pay the required duties and export documents in country of export. Seller Financiers pays the freight fee and insurance to The Shipping company to ship the gold bars to the Buyer refinery. 賣方應在出口國支付所需的關稅和出賣方應在出口國支付所需的關稅和出 口文件。口文件。 賣方向運輸公司支付運費和保險費,以將金條運送到買方煉金廠賣方向運輸公司支付運費和保險費,以將金條運送到買方煉金廠C)The Seller agrees to accept the final assay report from the Buyer's designated refinery, accepting payment of each shipment after final assay of the gold. 賣方同意接賣方同意接 受買方指定煉金廠的最終化驗報告,在最終化驗金後接受每批貨物的付款受買方指定煉金廠的最終化驗報告,在最終化驗金後接受每批貨物的付款D)Additional charges due to the excessive impurity content of the gold will be deducted from the amount payable to the Seller. 由於黃金雜質含量過高而產生的額外費用由於黃金雜質含量過高而產生的額外費用 將從應付給賣方的金額中扣除。將從應付給賣方的金額中扣除。FORCE MAJEURE: 不可抗力:不可抗力:The parties hereto shall not be held liable for any failure to perform under the under the “Force Majeure“ clause as regulated by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris - France which clauses are deemed to be incorporated herein.ETHICS: (NON-CIRCUMVENTION and NON-DISCLOSURE). 道德:保密协议道德:保密协议Both Buyer and Seller acknowledge that harm to either party would be substantial. Therefore, the Seller and Buyer agrees to abide by the Customary International rules of non- circumvention and non-disclosure, as established by the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris, France for a period of 60 Months from the date hereof. Said Non-circumvention and non-disclosure shall include, but not be limited to, communicating with each parties banks, PRIVATE SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR GOLD DORE BARS , GHANASeller 7Buyerrefiners, representatives of Buyer dealing with Customs, brokers or Seller's mandate. The provisions of this paragraph will survive the termination of this Agreement.BINDING AUTHORITY: 约束力This Agreement is binding upon the parties hereto, their assigns and successors and is signed by the parties with full authority to act. 本协议对本协议各方,其受让人和继承人具有约束力,并由有充分权力的双方签署TOTAL AGREEMENT: 总协议:总协议:This Agreement supersedes any and all prior agreements, and represents the entire Agreement between the parties. No changes, alterations or substitutions shall be permitted unless it is in writing and signed by both parties. 本协议取代任何所有事先协议,代表双方之间的整个协议。 除非以书面形式和双方签字,否则 不允许更改,更改或替换。EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEMENT: 本协议的执行情况:本协议的执行情况:The terms of this Agreement shall be Confirmed and signed by the Buyer and the Seller via facsimile or Email. Said executed facsimile or email shall be binding and will establish the legal liabilities between The Buyer and Seller of this Agreement. By signing below, both parties confirm they are abiding by their corporate and legal responsibility, and execute this Agreement.本协议的条款应由买方和卖方通过传真或电子邮件确认并签字。本协议的条款应由买方和卖方通过传真或电子邮件确认并签字。 所执行的传真或电子邮件应具所执行的传真或电子邮件应具 有约束力,并将确定买方与卖方之间的法律责任。有约束力,并将确定买方与卖方之间的法律责任。 双方签字确认他们遵守公司法律责任,执行双方签字确认他们遵守公司法律责任,执行 本协议。本协议。APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION: 适用法律与司法管辖权:适用法律与司法管辖权:Any legal proceedings related to this Agreement shall be adjudicated under the laws of the ICC. If either party does not perform according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the other party shall give notice regarding the non-performance, whereupon the non-performing party must comply with its obligations within Seven (7) Days, or this Agreement shall be canceled. This Agreement shall be governed by the Uniform Commercial Code, as interpreted by the INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (ICC), in the Federal Courts, located in the State of South Carolina, in the United States of America,PRIVATE SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR GOLD DORE BARSSeller Buyer 8与本协议有关的任何法律诉讼均依照国际商会的法律予以裁决。 如果任何一方根据本协议的条 款和条件不履行协议,另一方应当就不履行情况发出通知,因此不履行方必须在七(7)天内 履行其义务,或本协议 被取消。 本协议受国际商会(ICC)在位于美国南卡罗来纳州联邦法院 解释的“统一商业法”的管辖,REPRESENTED BY: (卖方)代表:(卖方)代表:NAME: MR KONE ABUDLAYE Address: P.O.BOX DS 840 DANSOMANCity/Country: ACCRA, GHANAMobile Phone:+Position: CHIEF EXECUTIVEOFFICER(C.E.O)Company: PGAY LIMITEDRegion: ACCRA GHANASign:FOR THE BUYER: 买方代表买方代表NAME: Address: Position:Company: Tel/Fax: PRIVATE SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR GOLD DORE BARS , GHANASeller 9BuyerPassport Number: Nationality: Location: Region: Sign :.BUYER REFINERY ADDRESS 黄金精炼地址黄金精炼地址NAME: Address:Tel: PRIVATE SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR GOLD DORE BARSSeller Buyer 10


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