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    2013 年度第一学期年度第一学期 第五册英语第五册英语教学工作计划教学工作计划学生基础知识、基本技能、智力状况及学习情感的简要分析: 五、六年级的学生,其认知特点已经以来明显的变化,他们已经意识到英语在自己生 活中无处不在,但有时却又苦于无法用英语表达,所以存在着对英语学习的渴望,迫切想 学更多的英语。虽然以前已经接触到了一些英语,但是这些孩子之间的差距还很大。他们 强烈的求知欲使他们更自觉的想学好英语。 五年级的学生两极分化比较严重,部分同学已能达到自主学习,尝试用英语交流的水 平,但也有部分同学基础知识都无法掌握。六年级也存在两极分化的问题,但较五年级而 言,稍平均些,且其接受英语的能力也比五年级更好。本学期学科教学的目的要求:1、 能听、说、读、写 92 个单词或短语以及 13 组句子和 9 个单句。 (包括教师、课程、 食物、家务劳动、居室家具和自然景物等几个话题)要求能在真实语境中正确运用并 能读懂简短语篇。2、能听、说、认读 16 个单词。 3、能学会 6 个手工制作。 4、能听懂、会唱 8 首歌曲。 5、能听懂、会吟唱 12 首歌谣。 6、能完成 6 个自我评价活动。 7、能理解 6 个幽默小故事。 8、能了解 6 项简单的中西方文化知识。提高教学质量的打算:教学进度表教学进度表本学期上课 23 周共 48 课时,其中新授课 36 节,复习考试 6 节,机动 6 节。 周次起讫日期教学内容(章节或单元)教学辅助 活动实际完成 情况19.1-9.3Review 29.6-9.10Unit1 lesson1、2、339.13-9.17Unit1 lesson4、5、649.20-9.24Unit2 lesson1、259.27-10.1Unit2 lesson3、4、5610.4-10.8Unit2 lesson6 Unit3 lesson1710.11-10.15Unit3 lesson2、3、4810.18-10.22Unit3 lesson5、6910.25-10.29Recycle1 lesson1、21011.1-11.5Recycle1 lesson3 Unit4 lesson11111.8-11.12Unit4 lesson2、3、41211.15-11.19Unit4 lesson5、61311.22-11.26Unit5 lesson1、2、31411.29-12.3Unit5 lesson4、5、61512.6-12.10Unit6 lesson1、21612.13-12.17Unit6 lesson3、4、51712.20-12.24Unit6 lesson6 Recycle2 lesson11812.27-12.31Recycle2 lesson2、3191.3-1.7Review 1201.10-1.14Review 2211.17-1.21Review 3221.24-1.28Review 4231.31-2.4Review 52425课时授课计划课时授课计划UNIT 1 MY NEW TEACHERUnit 1 Lesson1 (Lets start Main scene Part A Let s learn Lets find out Part C Lets sing) 1.Teaching aims (1). Be able to ask: “whos your art teacher? Whats he like?” and give the right answer. (2). Be able to master those words: old, short, thin, tall, strong, in four skills. (3). Be able to understand the orders, and to finish the tasks of “Lets find out”. (4). Be able to sing the song of “ My New Teacher”.2.Key and difficult points (1). Replace the words: old, short, thin, tall, strong, young, funny, kind, according to the sentence. (2). Master the words: old, short, thin, tall, strong, in four skills.3.Teaching aids (1). English cards, teachers photos, castle4.Teaching steps (1). Warm up a.Lets chant: big and small, long and short. b.Listen to the “Lets start”. c.T: hi, everyone! Nice to see you again. What grade are you in now? What are we going to learn in this term? Guess! This unit well learn My New Teacher. (2). Preview Do you have new teachers? Who are they? Whos yourteacher? Mr. / Miss(3). PresentationLets start a.Rabbit has many new teachers in her school. b.Task: Sarah will introduce some new teachers to you. Whos the new teachers? Lets learn a.They are Sarahs teachers. Describe these teachers. (Put up the surname on the picture) Whos Sarahs teacher? Mr. / Miss Whats he/she like?Hes/ Shes (Review the words: strong, tall, short, thin, and present the new words: young, kind, old, funny.) b.Learn the new words, read and spell. c.Listen to the tape and read after it. d.Describe your own teachers. Whos your teacher? Whos Sarahs teacher? Mr. / Miss Whats he/she like? Hes/ Shes T-S S-S Lets find out a.Guess: This is our P.E. teacher. Hes tall and strong. Hes a little old. Hes very funny. We all like him. Who is he? This is our math teacher. Shes tall, shes not strong and shes not thin. She teaches in grade 6. b.Make the dialogue and pick up the right picture in Ss book. Lets sing a.Learn to sing the song of “My New Teacher”.(4). Consolidation and extension a.Do listening practice in the activity book P1. b.Write the four-skilled words four times. c.Design the task according to the “Lets find out” Such as: Shes tall. Shes beautiful. Shes very young. We all like her. Whos she?Teaching notes:Unit 1 Lesson2 (Part A Lets try Lets talk Part C Good to know) 1. Teaching aims (1). Be able to say: Whos your math teacher? Mr Zhao. Whats he like? Hes thin and short. Hes very kind, and can use it freely. (2). Be able to understand the “Lets try”, and to finish the exercise. (3). Be able to know the part of the “Good to know”.2. Key and difficult points (1). Master the sentences of this lesson, and can use it freely in daily life. (2). Help students to catch the new words and new sentence in “Lets try”.3. Teaching aidssome teachers photos, some pictures, castle4. Teaching steps (1) Warm up a. Sing: My New Teacher b.Chant. (2). Preview a.Ask b.Free talk. T: What day is it today? Ss: Its T: What do you have for lunch on ? (Show the word cards (food)Ss: We have (2). Preview:Lets chant.(3). Presentation:Group worka. Show a form (put up word cards (Mon.Fri.)T: There are five days we have lunch at the school. Lets make a school menu.Put up the word cards (food)Ask and answer:What do you have for lunch on?I / we haveThat sounds good.T-Ss Ss-Ss Ss-S1At last, T shows the menu.T: This is our school menu.b. Design a menu ( Ss book P30), talk about the food in groups.Read and write.a.Read by students. And answer the questions.What does Amy have for lunch on Mondays?What would she like for dinner today?b. Listen to the tape and repeat.c.Read after T, and read together.Check the answers in book P30Let Ss find out what should we pay attention to the writing.d. Practise the sentences.(4). Consolidation and extension:a.Activity bookP19(5)listen and write.(6)read and tick or cross.b. Write the sentences four times.c. Design a menu at home to your parents.Teaching notes:Unit 3 lesson4( B Lets learn. Lets chant )1. Teaching aims:(1) Be able to master the words: tasty, salty, sour, fresh and sweet in four skills. and three skill for word: healthy . (2). Be able to say “Lets chant” (3) Can use the adj. to describe the favorite food.2. Key and difficult points:(1)Four-skilled words: tasty, salty, sour, fresh, sweet(2)The pronunciation of “healthy”.(3)To describe the favorite food.3. Teaching aids:Pictures, cards, apples, orange, sugar, salty, vinegar and tape.4. Teaching steps:(1).Warm-up:a.Lets chant.(PEP4 Unit6) b.Free talk. T: Do you like tomatoes/onions? Why?(theyre juicy and tasty, theyre smelly.) (2). Preview: T: Do you like apples? Why?(theyre yummy and tasty)Please taste it.Ss taste the apple, and enjoy a song “an apple a day”(3). Presentation:Lets learna.Tasty a. T write the sentence on the blackboard: There is a the .Read from the back of the sentence one word by one word. Eg: bedroom, the bedroom, in the bedroom, closet in the bedroom, a closet in the bedroom, There is a closet in the bedroom. Practice three pictures. There is a closet in the bedroom. There is a trash bin behind the end table. There is an air-conditioner over the bed.b. There is a , a , a and a the .Practice two pictures. There is a closet, a trash bin and an air-conditioner in the bedroom. There is a living room, a bedroom, a study, a bathroom and a kitchen in the house.c. There are the .Practice three pictures. There are two end tables in the bedroom. There are four pictures on the wall. There are three mirrors under the curtain. d. There are , a and a the There are two pencils, a ruler and a eraser in front of the pencil-case. e. Draw the room as T says.Activity book P45 E4 T says the things in the room, Ss draw.(the room is the Zhang Pengs room.)Lets talk Read, listen and repeat. Lets parctise. There is/arein/on/under/near/ behind/over/in front of a. Picture b. Classroom.(4). Consolidation and extension: a. Activity book P45 E3 Listen and answer the questions.P47 E2 Think and choose A or B.P48 E3 Read and write. b. Describe your room to your friends, and teach your parents.Teaching notes:Unit5 lesson6 (B Read and write Lets find out. C Story time.)1. Teaching Aims: 1)The spelling of “The closet is near the table. The trash bin is behind the door. Many clothes are in the closet. 2) Understand the sentences: Whats on the computer? I work with it.2. Key and difficult points: The spelling sentences.3. Teaching aids: Picture, cards, tape.4. Teaching steps: (1) Warm-up Game.(slow action) Guess whats the word? Read and spell. (2). Preview: My mistake. Put up a picture, T says the wrong sentences, Ss judge and say Uh-hmh or Uh-uh? (3). Presentation:Read and write. a. is the . T says the sentences, Ss put the things.T put the things and Ss say the sentences.Eg: the air-conditioner is over the closet. b. There is a /are the . T says the sentences, Ss put the things.T put the things and Ss say the sentences.Eg: There is an air-conditioner over the closet. c. T: Do you remember the Robot? He has his own room. Whats it like? Whats in it?Listen and think my questions.Whats in it?Where is it/ are they? d. Finish the sentences. e. Read the text twice f. Write the sentences.Lets find out. There is / arethe.(4). Consolidation and extension: a. Lets check. b. Activity book. P46 E5 Listen, read and write. c. Design your own room, and say sth. about it.Teaching notes:Unit 6 In the Nature ParkUnit6 lesson1:( Main scene Lets start. A Lets learn. Lets find out. C Lets sing.)1.Teaching Aims: (1) Be able to read and write the four-skilled words: flower, grass, river, lake, forest, path. (2) Be able to read the three-skilled words: sky, cloud, mountain and the sentence: There is a forest in nature park. (3) Can finish the task in “Lets find out” to find out the differences. (4) Sing the song “The Panda”.2.Key and difficult points:(1)about the nature words: flower, grass, river, lake, forest, mountain, sky, cloud, path. And the sentence:There is a forest in nature park.。(2)lead the Ss to find out the differences and use There beto describe it.3. Teaching aids: Pictures, cards, tape.4. Teaching steps: (1).Warm-up: a. sing the song of “The Panda”. b. Daily talk.(2) .Preview Lets start.T shows the pictures of “Lets start”, Then point at them and say : Look! This is the sky, What colour is it? (in the city, the sky is gray.)T: Look at the picture 2. This is the sky. What colour is it? (in the village, the sky is blue) T: What can you see in the picture 1/2?(I can see the cars, the trees, the buildings, and a lot of smoke in Pic1, I can see the river, the grass, the big tree and the flowers in Pic2)T: Which picture do you like? (Environment education.)(3) Presentation Lets learn.a. T: I like the village, its green. But the city is not so green like the village, so we build the nature park in the city. Teach: Nature Park.b. T: What will in the nature park? Do you know?According to the Sss answers, T shows the new words of the “mountain, forest, river, grass, path, lake, cloud, flower”. Pay attention to the words of the “mountain, cloud, flower”. Teach the new words and let Ss use “There be in the nature park” to describe. c. T shows the picture of the picture from the button to top, and ask: What else can you see?Let Ss use “There be in the nature park” to describe. And ask them use the adj. d. listen and read.Listen to Ts instrument, point to the words. e. Game : Quickly. two Ss touch the cards pasted on the board to have a competition.First the picture cards, and then the word cards.Lets find out. Four Ss a group to describe the pictures, and to find out the differences. Use “There be in the nature park” to describe.Enjoy music, image ,whats in the music?(4).Consolidation and extension.a. Activity book P49 E1 Listen, number and draw the path. E2 Finish the sentences. b. Design a nature park. c. write the four-skilled words four times.Teaching notes:Unit 6 lesson 2:(A Lets try Lets talk Pair work. C Pronunciation.)1 Teaching Aims: (1) Be able to say: “Is there ? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt”and can use it in the real situation (2) Know the rules of the pronunciation: e, or, wh.2Key and difficult points: (1) the sentence pattern: Is there ? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. (2) the rules of the pronunciation: e, or, wh. Lead Ss to learn by themselves.3. Teaching aids: Pictures, cards, tape. A box with some cards in it. (about the fruit, the toys, the furniture and so on)4. Teaching steps: (1).Warm-up: a. sing the song of “The Panda”. b. review the words.Whats in the nature park/ city/ village?There is . In the(2) Preview a. Lets try. Listen and circle. b. use the picture to ask:Look at the picture,. Is there a lake/river/mountain in the park?Teach the answers:Yes, there is.No, there isnt.(3). Presentation Game: guess whats in the box? Use “ Is there ain the box?” to ask. (there are some cards in the box, about the fruit, the toys, the furniture and so on.) Teach: Is there a?Lets talk a. T: can you see something about the city? What is a city ? Is there a farm in the city?Ss: No, there isnt. T: Zhang Peng and John are talking about a city. Whats the city like? Listen. b. T plays the tape of the “Lets talk”.Listen and answer.T: Is there a nature park in the city?Ss: Yes, there is.T: Is there a river in the park? Is there a farm? c. Listen and repeat. d. change the pictures and talk about it.Is there a path/mountain in the forest?Is there a mountain/lake in the village?T-Ss, S1-S2 ask and answer.Pair work. a. Desk mate ask and answer the two pictures. b. Activity book P50 E3 Lets find out. Ask and answer in the group. c. Activity book P50 E4 Talk about your city with your partner.Ask a student from the other place to answer: Where are you from? Is there ain your city?Ask and answer with your partner.Pronunciation a. T reads the words of “or”. b. T shows some words of “er, or, wh”.(4). Consolidation and extensionListen to the tape.Teaching notes:Unit 6 lesson 3:(A Read and write. Group work. C Story time.)1 Teaching Aims: (1) be able to read and write the four-skilled sentences: Is there ? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. (2)be able to use “Is there ? Yes, there is . No, there isnt.” to talk about the holiday picture.2. Key and difficult points: (1)to control the sentence pattern: “Is there ? Yes, there is . No, there isnt.” (2)to use the sentences in the real situation. 3. Teaching aids: Pictures, cards, tape.4. Teaching steps: (1).Warm-up: sing a song “The panda”(2).Preview (1) Game: Spell the words not in order. (2) Review “Lets talk”.(3). Presentation Read and write a. T: Whats this?Ss: Its a picture. T: Yes, Its my holiday picture. Teach: holiday picture. b. T: guess whats in the picture?Ss use the “Is there a ?” to ask. T: Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. c. T: Look! This is a holiday picture of Wu Yi fan.Whats in the picture? Listen. Listen and answer the Ts questions. Read and ask questions to teacher. d. listen again and finish the excises. f. Write the four skill sentences. Group work. Four Ss guess the photo: whats in the picture? Is there.?Game: 心有灵犀 One student guess, the other one do the action to remind him, and the others say: yes, there is./No, there isnt.Story time,(4).Consolidation and extension a. Activity book P51 E5 Listen, write, and tick or cross. b. write the sentences four times. c. Listen to the tape and read.Teaching notes:Unit 6 lesson 4: ( B Lets learn Pair work C Good to know.)1 T


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