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    专 题 1 6阅 读 理 解(任 务 型 阅 读)1.【2017年 内 蒙 古 赤 峰】根 据 短 文 内 容,完 成 表 格,每 空 一 词。请 将 正 确 答 案 填 写 在 答 题 卡 指 定 的 横 线 上。Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky in 1809.His mother died when he was ten years old.Later,his familymoved to Illinois and his father remarried.The family was poor,so they had to struggle just to live.In Illinois,therewere neither teachers nor schools,but Lincolns stepmother encouraged him to study.He learned to read and writewhile working on the farm.At twenty-one,Lincoln left home.He soon received a law license and became a lawyer.People trusted him andbegan to call him Honest Abe”During the following years,he took a more active part in polities.Soon he was not only a highly respected lawyerbut also a well-known politician.He was elected the sixteenth president of the United States in 1860,and in thenext year the Civil War broke out.The Civil War was between the southern states that wanted to leave the Union and form their own country,andnorthern states that wanted to keep all the states as one country.The southern states wanted to keep the laws thatallowed them to own slaves.Both the northern states and President Lincoln wanted to get rid of those laws.OnApril 9,1865,the Civil War ended and all slaves were set free.Less than a week later,on April 14,1865,Abraham Lincoln was shot at the Ford Theater in Washington D.C.Hedied the next day from his wounds.71.小 题 1 10/tenAbraham LincolnBirth He was born in 1809.His family His mother died when he was 71 His stepmother was 72 to him and encouraged him to study.Unusual Experience A farmer,a lawyer,a politician and the sixteenth 73 of the United States.Achievement The Civil War broke out between the southern states and the 74 states.All slaves were set free when the Civil War 75.“Keeping all the states as one country came true.【答 案】72.【小 题 2】nice/kind73.【小 题 3】president74.【小 题 4】northern75.【小 题 5】ended【解 析】试 题 分 析:这 篇 短 文 主 要 介 绍 了 Abraham Lincoln的 不 幸 的 童 年 及 不 平 凡 生 活 的 经 历。7 1.小 题 1 根 据 His mother died when he was ten years o ld.可 知 在 他 十 岁 时 他 的 妈 妈 死 了。故 填 10/ten72.【小 题 2】根 据 In Illinois,there were neither teachers nor schools,but Lincolns stepmother encouraged him tostudy.可 知 他 的 继 母 很 善 良,故 填 nice kind73.【小 题 3】根 据 During the following years,he took a more active part in polities.Soon he was not only a highlyrespected lawyer but also a well-known politician.He was elected the sixteenth president of the United States in1860可 知 他 也 是 美 国 第 十 六 任 总 统。故 填 president74.【小 题 4 艮 据 The Civil War was between the southern states that wanted to leave the Union and form their owncountry,and northern states that wanted to keep all the states as one country.可 知 战 争 爆 发 在 南 北 州 之 间,故 填 northern75.小 题 5 根 据 On April 9,1865,the Civil War ended and all slaves were set f re e.可 知 在 南 北 战 争 结 束 后,所 有 的 奴 隶 获 得 自 由。故 填 ended考 点:任 务 型 阅 读。2.【2017年 内 蒙 古 赤 峰】根 据 短 文 内 容,回 答 后 面 的 问 题。请 将 正 确 答 案 填 写 在 答 题 卡 指 定 的 横 线 上。One pleasant New Year morning,Edward got up and dressed himself in a hurry.He wanted to be the first to wish ahappy New Year.He looked in every room,and shouted Happy New Year*to every one of his family.Then he ran into the street torepeat it to those he met.When he came back,his father gave him two new dollars.His face lighted up as he tookthem.He had wished for a long time to buy some nice books.As he ran down the street with a light heart to the bookshop,he saw a poor German familythe father,mother andthree children walking in the cold wind.“I wish you a happy New Year/said Edward,as he was happily passing on.The man shook his head.You do notbelong to this country?,asked Edward.The man shook his head again,because he could not understand or speakEnglish.But he pointed to his mouth,and to the children,he seemed to say,“These little ones have had nothing toeat for a long time.”Edward quickly understood that these people were poor and in trouble.He took out his dollars and gave one to theman,and the other to his wife.They said something in their language,which meant,Thank you very much,andwe will remember you fbrever.76.77.【小 题 1 When did the story happen?【小 题 2 What did Edward wish to buy?78.小 题 3 Who did he see on the way to the bookshop?79.【小 题 4】Why did the man shake his head again?80.小 题 5 Did Edward give the marn one dollar or two dollars?【答 案】76.小 题 I It happened on one pleasant New Year morning.77.小 题 2 Some nice books.78.【小 题 3】A poor German family.79.小 题 4 Because he could not understand or speak English.80.【小 题 5】One(dollar)【解 析】试 题 分 析:这 篇 短 文 主 要 介 绍 了 Edward在 新 年 的 上 午 收 到 了 来 自 父 亲 的 两 美 元,他 希 望 能 用 这 些 钱 买 一 些 好 看 的 书,但 在 去 书 店 的 路 上 遇 到 了 一 家 贫 穷 的 德 国 人,于 是 他 把 钱 送 给 了 他 们。76.小 题 1 根 据 One pleasant New Year morning,Edward got up and dressed himself in a hurry.可 知 故 事 发 生 在 愉 快 的 新 年 的 上 午,故 填 It happened on one pleasant New Year morning.77.【小 题 2】根 据 He had wished for a long time to buy some nice books.可 知 他 希 望 能 买 一 些 书,故 填 Some nicebooks.78.小 题 3 根 据 As he ran down the street with a light heart to the bookshops he saw a poor German family 可 知 在 去 书 店 的 路 上 他 看 到 了 贫 穷 的 一 家 德 国 人,故 填 A poor German family.79.【小 题 4】根 据 The man shook his head again,because he could not understand or speak E nglish.故 填 Becausehe could not understand or speak English.8().小 题 5 根 据 He took out his dollars and gave one to the man,and the other to his w ife.可 知 他 给 了 男 人 一 美 元,故 填 One(dollar)考 点:任 务 型 阅 读。3.【2017年 山 东 青 岛】阅 读 下 面 短 文,按 要 求 完 成 各 项 任 务。A survey of young people around the world looked at their ideas of todays teenagers.It shows how djfferentthey are to those of their parents and grandparents.The survey wanted to try and understand the nextgeneration(一 代 人)of adults better and these are some of the results.They show that there are many more(A)similarities between young people around the world than differences.1Gap years(间 隔 年)between school and university are becoming more and more common.Todaysteenagers want to travel to different countries and experience different cultures.They regard this as animportant part of their character development.2 _For most teenagers,fomily and friends are the most important side of life.According to the survey,60percent of British young people said their relationship with their family was of the highest importance to(B)them.3 _75 percent of teenagers in Western Europe expect to have enough money to live when they are adults.Theyare a happy generation.Eight out of ten believe they will have a good profession with a job they enjoy.Theyalso expect that they will be happy and healthy.4 _Young people now are hungry for all kinds of information on mass media.57 percent of teenagers inthe UK read at least one magazine every week,which is one of the highest totals in the world.任 务 一 根 据 文 章 内 容,把 相 关 的 信 息 匹 配。将 答 案 的 字 母 代 号 填 入 对 应 的 横 线 上。(每 小 题 1分,共 4分)A.Hope in the future B.Crazy for informationC.Discovering the world D.Family and friends1.2._3._4._任 务 二 根 据 上 下 文,猜 测 文 中(A)处 划 线 单 词 sim ilarities的 中 文 意 思。(1分)任 务 三 找 出(B)处 划 线 单 词 th e m所 指 代 的 内 容。学 一 一 科 网(1分)任 务 四 请 从 文 中 找 出 与 They have strong interest in learning about all kinds of information from radio,television,Internet and so o n.意 思 相 近 的 句 子。(1 分)【答 案】1.【小 题 1 C D A B2.【小 题 2】相 同 处,相 同 的 3.【小 题 3 British young people4.小 题 4 Young people now are hungry for all kinds of information on mass media【解 析】试 题 分 析:这 篇 短 文 主 要 介 绍 了 一 份 世 界 各 地 青 少 年 对 当 今 青 少 年 的 看 法,调 查 显 示 青 少 年 之 间 更 多 的 是 相 似 而 不 是 差 异。1.(小 题 1 根 据 1 处 的 后 文 Todays teenagers want to travel to different countries and experience different cultures.可 知 青 年 想 探 索 世 界,故 填 C.根 据 2 处 后 文 For most teenagers,family and friends are the most imporlanlside of life.故 填 D;根 据 3 处 后 文 75 percent of teenagers in Western Europe expect to have enough money tolive when they are ad u lts.故 填 A;根 据 4 处 后 文 Young people now are hungry for all kinds of informationon mass media.故 填 B2.【小 题 2 根 据 比 较 的 对 象 than differences.可 知 其 意 思 是 相 同 处,相 同 的 3.【小 题 3】根 据 60 percent of British young people said their relationship with their family was of the highestimportance to(B)them.中 的 主 语)可 知 them 指 British young people4.【小 题 4】根 据 They have strong interest in learning about all kinds of information from radio:television.Intemetand so o n意 思,他 们 对 从 收 音 机、电 视、互 联 网 等 中 了 解 到 的 信 息 有 浓 厚 的 兴 趣。结 合 短 文 故 填 Young peoplenow are hungry for all kinds of information on mass media考 点:任 务 型 阅 读。4.【2017年 山 东 青 岛】阅 读 下 面 短 文,按 要 求 完 成 各 项 任 务。Every year animals all around the world take part in some wonderful journeys.Here are the stories of twoamazjng animal travelers.Humpback whales(座 头 鲸)prefer a slow journey.The humpbacks,which travel over 10,000 kilometers on their journey from Alaska to Hawaii,swim at a relaxing speed of about1.6 kilometers an hour.Although they dont swim fast,humpback whales travel farther than any other kinds ofwhale.Every August a fantastic sight can be seen in the skies above Ontario andMontreal-millions of amazing Monarch butterflies(帝 王 蝶)beginning their 4,000-kilometer journeyfrom Canada to Central Mexico.In fact,the journey,which takes about 3 months,is longer than the average(平 均 的)life of the)butterfly.Finally many of the butterflies reaching their final place are the greatgrandchildren or even the great great grandchildren of the butterflies who began the journey in Mexico the yearbefore.任 务 一【小 题 1】根 据 文 章 内 容,完 成 下 列 句 子。(5分,每 空 不 超 过 3个 单 词)Humpback whales swim at a speed of an hour from Alaska to 2.They travel slowly but 3among all whales.Monarch butterflies spend 4 flying from Canada to Central Mexico.It lasts longer thantheir average life.The ones which arrive at the final place are 5 or even the great great grandchildren.任 务 二【小 题 2】请 用 英 语 简 要 概 括 出 本 文 的 主 旨 大 意,不 超 过 10个 单 词。(2分)The passage is mainly a b o u t.【答 案】1.【小 题 I 1.6 kilometers 2.Hawaii 3.fathest 4.3 month 5.the great grandchildren2.小 题 2 two amazing animal travelers【解 析】试 题 分 析:这 篇 短 文 主 要 介 绍 了 两 个 奇 妙 的 动 物 旅 行 者 一 座 头 鲸 和 帝 王 蝶 的 故 事。L【小 题 1】根 据 短 文 可 知 座 头 鲸 以 每 小 时 L6千 米 的 速 度 从 阿 拉 斯 加 游 到 夏 威 夷,故 填 L6kilometers 2.H a w a ii他 们 有 的 慢 但 是 他 们 在 所 有 鲸 中 是 最 远 的,故 填 3.f a t h e s t帝 王 蝶 花 费 三 个 月 的 时 间 从 加 里 大 飞 到 墨 西 哥 中 部,故 填 4.3 month 根 据 Finally many of the butterflies reaching their final place are the greatgrandchildren or even the great great grandchildren of the butterflies who began the journey in Mexico the yearbefore.故 填 5.the great grandchildren2.小 题 2 根 据 短 文 主 要 介 绍 了 两 个 奇 妙 的 动 物 旅 行 者 一 座 头 鲸 和 帝 王 蝶 的 故 事,故 填 two amazing animaltravelers考 点:任 务 型 阅 读。5.【2017年 山 东 青 岛】阅 读 下 面 短 文,按 要 求 完 成 各 项 任 务。Everywhere in the world there are different ways of behaving.When we meet someone、everything we say anddo expresses our cultural background.So if you want to get on with someone from another culture,it helps tounderstand something about these differences.Even how we stand depends on our culture.English people talk to each other at an average(平 均 的)distance of 130 cm,while Italians chat at an average distance of 80 cm.So Italians can think thatEnglish people are unfriendly because they stand too far away!And English people can think that Italians aretoo close.Touching is also cultural.The French touch much more than Americans.A French couple may touch 100 timesin half an hour while an American couple may only touch twice!And French teenagers touch each other muchmore than American teens.CanadaIf yo u are invited for a meal you sh o u ldarrive o n time-not early or late.IndonesiaN ever point to anything withyour foot.FranceW hen eating out,keep both handson or above the table.任 务 一 请 将 戈 II线 句 子 When we meet someone,everything we say and dor expresses our cultural任 务 二 请 根 据 短 文 内 容 回 答 问 题。(2 分)任 务 三 请 根 据 短 文 内 容,完 成 下 面 的 句 子。(2 分)According to the passage,Italians stand 1 than English people.American teens touch 2thanFrench teenagers.【答 案】1.【小 题 1 当 我 们 遇 到 其 他 人 时,我 们 所 说 和 所 做 的 一 切 都 表 达 了 我 们 的 文 化 背 景。2.【小 题 2 1.Canada 2.When eating out,keep both hands on or above the table3.【小 题 3】1.closer,2.less【解 析】试 题 分 析:这 篇 短 文 主 要 介 绍 了 世 界 各 地 的 行 为 举 止 是 不 同 的 从 遇 到 的 人 所 说 所 做 的 事 情 可 以 看 出 人 们 的 文 化 背 景。L【小 题 1 everything we say and d o我 们 所 说 和 所 做 的 一 切 事 情,故 填 当 我 们 遇 到 其 他 人 时,我 们 所 说 和 所 做 的 一 切 都 表 达 了 我 们 的 文 化 背 景 o2.【小 题 2 1.Canada 2.When eating out keep both hands on or above the table3.【小 题 3】根 据 English people talk to each other at an average(平 均 的)distance of 130 cm,while Italians chat atan average distance of 80 cnr 故 填 1.closer)根 据 And French teenagers touch each other much more thanAmerican teens.故 埴 2.less考 点:任 务 型 阅 读。6.【2017年 山 东 德 州】阅 读 短 文,根 据 题 目 要 求 完 成 各 小 题。Nowadays bike-sharing has been very popular in China.Mobike(摩 拜 单 车)is oneof the market leaders in the bike-sharing business.What is Mobike?Mobike was founded in January,2015.It is supported by Tencent(腾 讯).People in注,小many cities,such as Beijing,Guangzhou,Jinan as well as Shanghai,have a chance of using the app(软 件).Thetotal number of Mobike app users is larger than that of any other bike-sharing app users.Who uses Mobike?According to a survey,53.33%of the Mobike users are men,while 46.77%are women.73 Mobike is not onlypopular with young people,but also wins the hearts of the old.It shows that retired men traveled the longestdistances(距 离)by shared bikes.Why do people use Mobike?Chinese people use Mobike for different reasons.Users can rent(租 借)a bike at a low price,usually about oneyuan an hour.It also offers people a better choice for short journey in cities,especially when people cant find abus or the underground to take.Whats more,its helpful in traffic.And the most important is that it can helpimprove the environm ent.71.When was Mobike founded?72.True or false.(“T”代 表 正 确,“F”代 表 错 误)According to the passage,Mobike app has the largest number of users among all the bike-sharing apps.()73.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.74.Why do Chinese people use Mobike?(At least 2 reasons.)75.Give a proper title(题 目)to the passage.【答 案】71.【小 题 1(Mobike/It was founded)in January,2015.72.【小 题 2】T/True73.【小 题 3】摩 拜 单 车 不 仅 受 年 轻 人 的 欢 迎,而 且 也 受 到 老 年 人 的 青 睐。74.【小 题 4(1)Users can rent a bike at low price.(2)Mobike/It offers people a better choice for short journeys in cities.(3)Mobike/It is helpful in traffic.(4)Mobike/It can help improve the environment.75.【小 题 5】合 理 即 可。【解 析】试 题 分 析:这 篇 短 文 主 要 介 绍 了 自 行 车 共 享 的 领 导 者 一 一 摩 拜 单 车,出 现 的 时 间、受 众 人 群、使 用 原 因 及 对 社 会 的 影 响。7 1.小 题 1 根 据 短 文 第 三 段 Mobike was founded in January,2 0 1 5.,故 填(Mobike/It was founded)inJanuary,2015.7 2,【小 题 2】根 据 The total number of Mobike app users is larger than that of any other bike-sharing app users.故 填 T/True73.【小 题 3】not only.but also.不 仅.而 且.,故 填 摩 拜 单 车 不 仅 受 年 轻 人 的 欢 迎,而 且 也 受 到 老 年 人 的 青 睐。74.【小 题 4】根 据 第 七 段 主 要 介 绍 人 们 使 用 摩 拜 单 车 的 原 因,故 填(1)Users can rent a bike at low price.(2)Mobike lt offers people a better choice for short journeys in cities.(3)Mobike It is helpful in traffic.(4)Mobike It can help improve the environment.75.【小 题 5】根 据 短 文 主 要 介 绍 的 是 自 行 车 共 享 的 领 导 者 一 一 摩 拜 单 车 的 情 况,故 填 Mobike考 点:任 务 型 阅 读。7.【2017年 山 东 泰 安】阅 读 下 面 的 短 文,并 根 据 短 文


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