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临床 普通 通常 麻醉 英语词汇 资料
\\ A 减轻,减少 abate 减轻abatement 缩短的,省略的abbreviated 腹部abdomen 腹部的abdominal 腹式呼吸abdominal breathing 腹式呼吸abdominal respiration 腹痛abdominalgia 腹腔镜检查abdominoscopy 胸腹的abdominothoracic 感觉异常abnormal sensation 反射消失abolition of reflex 意识缺失aboulia 禁食abrosia 脓肿abscess 呼吸音消失,无呼吸音呼吸absent respiration 禁食,绝食absolute diet 吸收器,过滤器,吸收管,减震器absorber 活性碳,吸附器absorbite 吸收absorption 意识缺失abulia 增强,亢进accentuation 辅助呼吸肌accessory respiratory muscle 急诊室accident ward 蓄电池,存储器accumulator 准确度,精度accuracy 酮体acetone bodies 乙酰胆碱acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱酯酶acetylcholine esterase 酸,酸的,酸性的acid 酸碱平衡acid base equilibrium 酸碱平衡acid-base balance 酸碱平衡acid-base equilibrium 酸中毒acid-intoxication 酸血症acidemia acidosic 酸中毒的 酸中毒acidosis 酸中毒的acidotic 肾小球acinus renis 针刺感觉acmesthesia 治疗记录acography acology 治疗学 小便失禁aconuresis 无力acratia 肢体感缺失acro-agnosis 四肢麻木acro-anesthesia 肢端缺氧acro-asphyxia 肢体瘫痪acroparalysis 阻止作用action of arrest action potential 动作电位 action-current 动作电流 activate 活化,激活,致活 activated state 激活状态 actual 实际的,现实的 acuesthesia 听觉 acupuncture 针刺 acupuncture anesthesia 针刺麻醉 acupuncture anesthesia apparatus 针麻仪 acute 急性的 acute abdomen 急腹症 acute abscess 急性脓肿 acute anemia 急性贫血 急性疼痛acute pain addition 加,添加 additive action 相加作用 additive effect 相加作用 ademonia 精神紧张,苦闷 adenomammectomy 乳腺切除术 adenopharyngitis 咽扁桃体炎 adenophyma 淋巴结肿 adherent 粘连的 adhesiectomy 粘连切除术 adhesive electrode 贴附电极 adiabatic 绝热的 adiaemorrhysis 血液循环停止 adipose 肥胖的,脂肪的 adiposis 肥胖症 adiposis universalis 全身肥胖症 adiposity 肥胖(症) aditus glottidis inferior 声门下口 aditus glottidis superior 声门上口 adjection 附加作用 adjunction 附加(药物) adjustable oxygen density face mask 可调氧浓度面罩 adjustable synchronous respirator 可控同步呼吸机 administration 给予,投与,管理 adrenalectomy 肾上腺切除术 adsorbent 吸附剂 adsorption 吸附作用 adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) 成人型呼吸窘迫综合症 advanced life support (ALS) 后期复苏 adverse reaction 不良反应 aeremia 气栓,气泡栓塞 aero-emphysema 肺气肿 aeroperitoneum 气腹 aeropleura 气胸 aerosol therapy 雾化疗法 aerosolization 雾化给药 aesthema 感觉 aesthesia 感觉 aesthesis感觉 agent 物质,药物,作用因子 aging 老化,老龄化 aglobulia红细胞减少 aglobuliosis 红细胞减少 agnogenic 原因不明的 agomphiasis 无牙,缺牙,牙动 agomphious 无牙的,缺牙的 agomphosis无牙,缺牙,牙动 agonal breathing 终末频死呼吸 agonist 兴奋剂,激动剂 air duct 通气道 air embolism 空气栓塞 air pressure gauge 空气压力表 air-bag 气囊 air-gun 喷雾器 airway 气道,呼吸器 airway control 气道保持通畅,气道控制 airway obstruction 气道阻塞 airway pressure 气道压 airway resistance 气道阻力 airway stenosis 气道狭窄 akromegaly 肢端巨大症 alae nasi 鼻翼 albedo retinae 视网膜水肿 albumen 白蛋白 albumin 白蛋白 algaesthesis 痛觉 alganesthesia 痛觉缺失 algesia 痛觉 algesic 疼痛的 algogenesia 疼痛产生 algogenesis 疼痛产生 algospasm 痛性痉挛 alkalemia 碱血症 alkali 碱 alkali reserve 碱储备,碱储量 alkali-poisoning 碱中毒 alkalosis 碱中毒 alkalotic碱中毒的 allergia 变应性,过敏性,变应反应 allergic constitution 过敏体质,变态性体质 allergic reaction 变态反应,过敏反应 allolalia 言语障碍 allomnesia 记忆障碍 allophasis 语无伦次 allophemy 语无伦次 alloplasia 发育异常 alveolar 肺泡的 alveolar air 肺泡气 alveolar gas 肺泡气 alveolar gas exchange 肺泡气体交换 alveolar hypoventilation 肺泡通气不足 alveolar hypoxia 肺泡性缺氧 alveolar ventilation 肺泡通气 ambulance 急救车 ambulatorium 门诊所,诊所 aminofilina 氨茶碱 aminophylline 氨茶碱 amnesia 记忆缺失,遗忘(症) amnestic 遗忘的,引起遗忘的 amnionic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞(症) amniotic embolism 羊水栓塞 amyasthenia 肌无力 amyasthenic 肌无力的 anaemia 贫血 analgesia 止痛 analgesic 镇痛的,止痛药 analgesic action 镇痛作用 analgesist 麻醉医师 analgetic 镇痛药,止痛的 anapausis 催眠 anapetia 血管扩张 anaphylactic shock 过敏性休克 anaphylaxis 过敏反应 anaplasty 整形术 anapnea 窒息解除 anapnoea 窒息解除 anastomosis 吻合术 anatomical dead space 解剖死腔 anatomy 解剖(学) ancon 肘 anesthecinesia 感觉与运动能力缺失 anesthesia 麻醉 anesthesia by freezing 冷冻麻醉 anesthesia chart 麻醉记录(用纸) anesthesia machine 麻醉机 anesthesia record 麻醉记录 anesthesia set 麻醉器械包 anesthesiologist 麻醉学家 anesthesiology 麻醉(科)学 anesthesiophore 有麻醉作用的 anesthetic action 麻醉作用 anesthetic agent 麻醉药 anesthetic apparatus 麻醉机 anesthetic drug 麻醉药 anesthetic equipment leakage 麻醉装置漏气 anesthetic machine 麻醉机 anesthetic pollution 麻醉药污染 anesthetic potency麻醉效能 anesthetic toxicity 麻醉药毒性 angina epiglottidea 会厌炎 angina laryngea 喉炎 angina pectoris 心绞痛 angio-edema 血管(神经)性水肿 angiocardiography 心血管造影术 angiocavernoma 海绵状血管瘤 angiosclerosis 血管硬化 angiospasm 血管痉挛 angiospastic anemia 血管痉挛性贫血 anonymous cartilage 环状软骨 antagonism 拮抗 antagonist 拮抗药,对抗肌 antanacathartic 止吐药,止吐的 antasthmatic 止喘的,止喘药 antegrade amnesia 顺行性健忘(症) antemetic 止吐的,止吐剂 anti-disturbance 抗干扰 antianxiety drugs 抗焦虑药 antibody 抗体 antidote 解毒药 antiemetic 止吐剂 antiemetic drug 止吐药 antihistamine drug 抗组胺药 antihypertensive agent 降压药,抗高血压药物 antihypertensive drug 降压药 antinarcotic麻醉拮抗药 antinauseant 止恶心药,抗恶心的 antispasmodic 解痉药 antispastic 解痉药 anxiety 不安,苦闷 anxiety state 焦虑状态 anxiolytic 抗不安药,抗不安的 anxiolytic agent 抗不安药,抗焦虑药 anxiolytics 抗焦虑药 aorta abdominalis 腹主动脉 apnoea 呼吸暂停,窒息 apparatus 装置,器具,器械 appreciation 鉴定 arachnoid 蛛网膜(的) arachnoid cavity 硬膜下腔 araiocardia 心搏徐缓 arrhythmia 心律不齐,心律失常,无节律 arrhythmia respiratoria呼吸性心律不齐 arousal reaction 唤醒反应 arrest 停止 arrhythmia 心律不齐 arteria 动脉 arteria axillaris 腋动脉 arteria brachialis 肱动脉 arteria carotis communis 颈总动脉 arteria carotis externa 颈外动脉 arteria carotis interna 颈内动脉 arteria dorsalis pedis 足背动脉 arteria femoralis 股动脉 arteria radialis 桡动脉 arteria subclavia 锁骨下动脉 arteria ulnaris 尺动脉 arteria vertebralis 椎动脉 arterial catheter 动脉内置(插)管 arterial embolism 动脉栓塞(症) arterial pressure transducer 动脉压换能器 arterial transfusion 动脉输血(法) arteriopuncture 动脉穿刺 arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化 arteriospasm 动脉痉挛 artificial 人工的 artificial abortion 人工流产 artificial blood vessel 人造血管 artificial breathing 人工呼吸 artificial circulation 人工循环 artificial respiration 人工呼吸 artificial teeth 假牙,义齿 artificial ventilation 人工通气 aspiration 吸引,误吸 aspiration pneumonia 吸入性肺炎 aspiration pneumonitis 吸入性局灶性肺炎 aspirator 吸引器,吸引装置 assist/control-mode ventilation (A/CMV) 辅助/控制通气 asthma 支气管过敏,哮喘 asthmatic attack 哮喘发作 asthmatic crisis 哮喘危象 asthmatoid wheeze 哮喘样喘鸣 asthmatorthopnea 哮喘性端坐呼吸 atrial fibrillation 心房颤动 atrial flutter 心房扑动 atrionector 窦房结 atrioventricular heart-block 房室传导阻滞 attack 发作 auricular fibrillation心房纤颤 auricular flutter 心房扑动 autohemotransfusion 自体输血 autotransfusion 自身输血 awaken test 唤醒试验 activated partial thromboplastin time(APTT) 活化部分凝血酶原时间 alanine aminotransferase(ALT)丙氨氨基转移酶 aspartate aminotransferase(AST) 天门冬酸氨基转移酶 alkaline phosphatase(AKP) 碱性磷酸酶 albumin白蛋白 atrial hypertrophy心房肥大 atrial premature beat房性早博 atrial flutter心房扑动 atrial fibrillation心房颤动 anemia贫血 auriculo-ventrivular block房室传导阻滞 atelectasis肺不张 angina心绞痛 adult respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) 成人呼吸窘迫综合征 anterior-lateral decompression of spinal canal for vertebral fracture and dislocation脊柱骨折脱位椎管侧前方减压术 amputation of forearm前臂截肢术 arthrodesis of metacarpal joint of thumb拇指腕掌关节融合术 arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal joint掌指关节成形术 amputation through thigh大腿截肢术 amputation through leg小腿截肢术 ankle athroplasty人工踝关节置换 arthrodesis of ankle踝关节融合术 ankylosis of temporomandibular joint颞下颌关节强直 arthroplasty of temporomandibular joint颞下颌关节成形术 adenolymphoma腺淋巴瘤 adenoid cystic carcinoma腺样囊性癌 ameloblastoma造釉细胞瘤 aneurysm动脉瘤 acquired arteriovenous fistula后天性动静脉瘘 accessory auricle副耳 alar collapse鼻翼萎缩征 acute abdomen急腹症 appendicitis阑尾炎 anal fistula肛瘘 anal fissure肛裂 acute pancreatitis急性胰腺炎 adhesive intestinal obstruction粘连性肠梗阻 appendicectomy阑尾切除术 abdominoperineal resection of anus and rectum(Miles operation) 直肠、肛管经腹会阴联合切除术 arterial embolism动脉血栓 arteriosclerotic vascular disease动脉硬化性血管病 aorta-arteritis大动脉炎 aortoiliac and aortofenoral bypass腹主动脉-髂动脉架桥术及腹主动脉-股动脉架桥术 aortoiliac endarterectomy腹主动脉及髂内动脉内膜剥脱数 B backward heart-failure 反向性心力衰竭 balanced anesthesia 平衡麻醉 basal anesthesia 基础麻醉 basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率 basal narcosis 基础麻醉 basic life support (BLS) 初期复苏,基本生命支持 basis anesthesia 基础麻醉 bathypnea 深呼吸 bigemina 二联律 bigeminy 二联律 bleeding tendency 出血倾向 blepharedema 眼睑水肿 blepharoedema 眼睑水肿 blepharoptosis 眼睑下垂 blind intubation 盲探插管 blind nasotracheal intubation 经鼻盲探插管术 block 阻滞,阻断 block anesthesia 阻滞麻醉 blockage 阻滞,阻塞,阻断 blocking 阻断 blocking agent 阻断剂,阻滞剂,阻抑剂 blood donation 供血 blood donor 供血者 blood fat 血脂 blood gas 血气 blood gas analyzer 血气分析仪 blood group 血型 blood preparation 血液制剂 blood recipient 受血者 blood sample 血样 blood sugar 血糖 blood supply 血液供给 blood transfusion 输血 blood transfusion apparatus 输血器 blood transfusion reaction 输血反应 blood-brain barrier 血脑屏障 blood-cerebrospinal barrier 血-脑屏障 bloody urine 血尿 blood volume 血容量 body 体,身体 body fluid 体液 body height 身高 body position 体位 body posture 体位 body surface aren 体表面积 body weight 体重 bolus dose 单次剂量 brachial plexus block 臂丛阻滞 brachial plexus block by axillary route 腋窝法臂丛神经阻滞 brachial plexus block by interscalene route 斜角肌间法臂丛神经阻滞 brachial plexus block by subclavicular route 经锁骨下路臂丛神经阻滞 brachial plexus block by supraclavicular route 锁骨上法臂丛神经阻滞 brachial plexus paralysis 臂丛神经麻痹 brachiplex臂丛 brachycardia 心动过缓 breast bone 胸骨 breast-pang 心绞痛 breath analyzer 呼吸气体分析仪 breathing-holding 吸气屏气 breath holding test (Sebarese’s test) 屏气试验 breathing circle system 呼吸环路系统 bronchial catheter with double tubes 双腔支气管导管 bronchial spasm 支气管痉挛 bronchiospasm 支气管痉挛 bronchodilator 支气管扩张药 bronchofiberscope 纤维支气管镜 bucking 呛咳 bundle branch block 束支传导阻滞 burn 烧伤 blood platelets count(BPC) 血小板计数 blood uria nitrogen(BUN) 血清尿素氮 blood sugar血糖 bundle branch block束支传导阻滞 bronchitis支气管炎 bronchiectasis支气管扩张 bronchial asthma支气管哮喘 breath holding test屏气试验 Boyd’samputation Boyd 截肢术 benign tumor良性肿瘤 branchial cleft cyst鳃裂囊肿 bacterial liver abscess细菌性肝脓肿 bile duct tumor胆管肿瘤 bypass operation for intestinal obstruction肠梗阻捷径手术 biliary enterostomy胆肠内引流术 Buerger discase血栓闭塞性脉管炎 bypass with reversed autogenous long saphenous vein自体大隐静脉导致转流术 C capillary 毛细血管的 capillary bed毛细血管床 capillary bleeding 毛细血管出血 capillary fragility 毛细血管脆性 carbon dioxide combining power 二氧化碳结合力 carbon dioxide retention 二氧化碳蓄积 cardiac arrest 心脏停搏 cardiac death 心脏猝死 cardiac decompensation 心代偿失调 cardiac defibrillator 心脏除颤器 cardiac depressant 心脏抑制剂 cardiac depression 心脏抑制 cardiac dyspnea 心原性呼吸困难 cardiac edema 心原性水肿 cardiac index (CI) 心脏指数 cardiac insufficiency 心功能不全 cardiac massage 心脏按摩(压) cardiac output (CO) 心排出量 cardiac reserve 心脏储备力 cardiopulmonary cerebral resuscitation (CPCR) 心肺脑复苏 cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) 心肺复苏 carina 隆突 cartilage 软骨 cartilago arytaenoidea 勺状软骨 cartilago cricoidea 环状软骨 cartilago gutturalis勺状软骨 cartilago peltata 甲状软骨 cauda equina syndrome 马尾综合症 caudal anesthesia 骶管麻醉 caudal block 骶管阻滞 cavum epidurale 硬膜外腔 cavum subarachnoidale 蛛网膜下腔 cavum subdurale 硬膜下腔 cavum thoracis 胸腔 central venous pressure (CVP)中心静脉压 cerebral edema 脑水肿 cerebrospinal fluid(CSF)脑脊液 cerebral resuscitation 脑复苏 cerebrovascular accident 脑血管意外 cervical plexus block 颈神经丛阻滞 cervical vertebra 颈椎 cervicobrachial pain 颈臂痛 chemosis球结膜水肿 chill 寒战,受寒 choloplania 黄疸 chondralgia软骨痛 chromaffin cells 嗜铬细胞 chronic pain 慢性疼痛 classification 分类 clavicle锁骨 clavicular 锁骨的 cleftpalate 腭裂 clinical analysis 临床分析 clinography 临床记录 close system 紧闭装置 closed chest cardiac compression 胸外心脏按压 CO2 absorbent 二氧化碳吸收剂 CO2 acummulation 二氧化碳蓄积 collarbone 锁骨 colloid 胶体 colloid oncotic pressure 胶体渗透压 colloid osmotic pressure 胶体渗透压 colloid solution 胶体溶液 colloidal 胶体的 coma position 昏迷状态 combination 结合,复合 combined anesthesia 复合麻醉 competitive 竞争的 competitive agent 竞争性药物 competitive drug 竞争性药物 component transfusion 成分输血 congenital 先天的 congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭 conscious intubation 清醒插管术 contamination 污染 continuous epidural anesthesia 持续硬膜外麻醉 continuous intravenous infusion 持续静脉输入 continuous positive pressure breathing 持续正压呼吸(法) continuous positive pressure ventilation持续正压通气 continuous spinal anesthesia 持续脊髓麻醉 controlled hypotension 控制性降压 controlled respiration 控制呼吸 control-mode ventilation (CMV)控制通气 corectasis 瞳孔散大 corediastasis 瞳孔散大 costal cartilage 肋软骨 cough 咳嗽 cough reflex 咳嗽反射 cranial bone 颅骨 craniocerebral 颅脑的 crico-esophageal compress 环-食管压迫手法 cricoid cartilage 环状软骨 cricoid pressure 环状软骨压迫(法) cricothyroid membrane 环甲膜 cricothyrotomy 环甲膜切开(术) crisis 危像 critical 危重的,临界的 critical care medicine 急救医学,危重医学 crowing convulsion 喘鸣性喉痉挛 cruenturesis 血尿 crush syndrome 挤压综合症 cumulative 蓄积的 creatinine(Cr) 血清肌酐 cardiac function心功能 coronary heart disease冠心病 congenital heart disease先天性心脏病 cardiomyopathy心肌病 chronic pulmonary heart disease慢性肺源性心脏病 cirrhosis of liver肝硬化 cerebral hemorrhage脑出血 cerebral infarction脑梗塞 coma昏迷 corrective operation of scoliosis and kyphosis脊柱侧突及后凸畸形矫形术 curettage and excision with bone grafting for enchondroma软骨瘤刮除与切除 close reduction and internal fixation by compressive screws for femoral neck fracture股骨颈骨折闭合复位加压螺纹钉内固定术 Condylar fracture髁突骨折 Capillary hemangioma毛细管型血管瘤 Cavernous hemangioma海绵状血管瘤 Curettage of cyst囊肿刮除术 carcinoma of tongue舌癌 Carcinoma of check颊癌 Carcinoma of gingival牙龈癌 Carcinoma of mouth floor口底癌 Carcinoma of lip唇癌 Carcinoma of maxillary sinus上颌窦癌 Combined dissection of craniofacial颅颌联合根治术 Combined dissection of tongue , mandible and neck舌颌颈联合根治术 Combined dissection of check mandible and neck颊颌颈联合根治术 Combined dissection of gingival , mandible and neck龈颌颈联合根治术 carcinoma of the nasopharynx鼻咽癌 csf rhinorrhoea脑脊液鼻漏 cervix cancer子宫颈癌 carcinoma of endometrium子宫内膜癌 colon twist结肠扭转 cancer of colon结肠癌 cholecystolithiasis or cholelithiasis胆囊结石 choledocholith胆总管结石 calculus of intrahepatic duct肝内胆管结石 cholecystitis胆囊炎 carcinoma of gallbladder胆囊癌 cholecystectomy胆囊切除 cholangiography胆道造影术 cholecystoenterostomy胆囊空肠吻合术 cholecystostomy胆囊造口术 choledcho-choledochostomy胆总管对端吻合术 choledochostomy胆总管造口术 cystogastrostomy胃空肠吻合术 circumferential hemorrhoidectomy内痔环型切除术 congenital blepharophimosis syndrome先天性睑裂狭窄综合征 D defibrillation 电除颤 defibrillator 除颤器 deficiency缺乏,不足 degree 度,程度 dehydrating agent 脱水剂 delay 延迟 delay reaction 延迟反应,迟发反应 delay sensation 延缓感觉 delayed 延迟的 delayed action 延迟作用 delayed recovery 苏醒延迟 delirium 谵妄,发狂,妄想 depolarizing muscle relaxants 去极化肌松药 depression 抑制 depth of anesthesia 麻醉深度 depth of respiration 呼吸深度 dilatation of pupil 瞳孔散大 direct vision intubation 明视插管 disposable oxygen face mask 一次性吸氧面罩 disposal 配置,处置 dissociated anesthesia 分离性感觉缺失,分离麻醉 dissociation anesthesia分离性感觉缺失,分离麻醉 dissociation curve解离曲线 distribution 分布,分配 distribution coefficient 分配系数 dorsal root ganglion 脊神经节 dorsal vertebra 胸椎 dorsosacral position 截石位 double blind test 双盲实验法 double channel catheter 双腔导管 double lumen endotracheal tube 双腔气管导管 double lumen tube 双腔管 dragging pain 牵引痛 drowsiness困倦,倦睡 drowsy 困倦的,倦睡的 drug addiction 药瘾 drug allergy 药物过敏 drug interaction 药物相互作用 drug resistance 抗药性 drug tolerance 耐药性 drug-fast 抗药的,耐药的 dry rale 干罗音 dual 二重,双相 dual block 双相阻滞 dual block action 双相阻滞作用 dual effect 双相作用 duration 延续时间 dyspnea 呼吸困难 dyspneic respiration 呼吸困难 dysuria 排尿困难 diabe
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