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出版 年级 英语 上册 期中 试卷 规范 标准答案
*- 北京育才学校2009——2010学年度 第一学期期中初二年级英语试卷 第一卷 选择题(55分) 请将第一卷答案填在答题卡上 听力部分 (15分) 一、请听句子,选择正确的图片。(每小题1分,共5分) (无图片) 二、请听对话及对话后的问题,选择最佳答案。 (每小题1分,共5分) 6. What does the girl think is the best way to get the English news? A. Listening to the radio. [来源:学科网] B. Reading the English newspaper.. C. Visiting the English websites. 7. Why did Liu Gang drop out of school? A. Because he was badly ill. B. Because he had to lok after his sick mother. C. Because he had to work on the farm. 8. When is the concert? A. It’s 7:45. B. It’s 7:15. C. It’s 8:15. 9. What was Alice doing when the boy saw her? A. She was planting trees. B. She was reading a book under the tree. C. She was playing with her cat. 10. Which musician does the girl like? A. Liu Huan. B. Langlang. C. Jay Chou. 三、请听长对话,选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共5分) 11.What are the two speakers? A. They are students. B. They are teachers. C. They are doctors. 12. What don’t they do in the club? A. Watching Englsih movies. B. Going to the Englsih corner. C. Holding English parties. 13. How long does the club open every Wednesday? A. For one hour. B. For one hour and a half. C. For two hours. 14. What kind of activity will they have next month? A. An English party. B. An English Speech Competition. C. A School Photo Competition. 15. It may be _________ when the conversation takes place. A. Tuesday. B.Monday. C.Thurday. 请打开第Ⅱ卷,做听短文补全信息。 语言知识运用(40分) 四、单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) ( )16. ---What _____your mum______last night? ---She was doing some housework. A.did;do B.does;do C.was;doing D.were;doing ( )17. The children were_____ and____in the garden yesterday afternoon. A.singing;danced B.sang;danced C.singing;dancing D.sing;dancing ( )18. That white rabbit was_______ in a tree and it was _______. A. sitting; smiling B. sat; smiled C. siting; smiling D. sit; smile ( )19. He likes to play _______the guitar ______the piano. A.not; or B.not only; but also C.both; or D.either; and ( )20. Mr Green has never been to Japan, _______? A. hasn’ t he B. doesn’t he C. have they D. has he ( )21. This piece of music is _______popular than that old one. A. much more B. much C. a little D. many more ( )22. Xian Xinghai is_______ the song The Yellow River. A.proud for B. famous of C. famous for D. famous at ( )23. --How long have you _______the dictionary? --For two years. A. buy B .bought C. had D. keep ( )24 .--_______may I keep this book? --For two weeks. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far ( )25. --Have you reached the moon__________? A. yet B. also C. already D. too ( )26. ---How many times _____you ______to Xi’an this year? ---Three times. A. have; been B. had; been C. have; gone D. had; gone ( )27. She______ the story-book several times. A. has read B. read C. reads D. readed ( )28. The film is very ______and I was _____in it. A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting ( )29. I_____the book again and again. It’s wonderful. A. look B. have looked C. read D. have read ( )30. I can play _____ piano, but I can’t ______ dumplings. A. a; make B. the; make C. the; do D./;make 五、完型填空:(每小题1分,共10分) Music and Behavior Where did you go yesterday? Did you hear _31 at any of those places? Today most stores and restaurants play music. You might _32_ hear music in an office or on a farm. Scientists believe that music changes the _33 people behave (举止).According to some scientists, the sound of western classical music makes people feel richer. When a restaurant plays classical music, people spend _34 money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays modern music, people spend less money. With _35 music, people spend even less. Scientists also believe that loud, fast music makes people eat faster. In fact, people _36 their food faster when the music gets faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their _37 hours. This gets people to eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants can make more money this way.[来源:学科网ZXXK] Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say _38 music helps students to be more active. It is true that learn better when they are _39 And listening to music can help you relax. The next time you hear music somewhere, be _40 . It might change the way you do things. ( ) 31. A. music B. stories C. songs D. sound ( ) 32.A. already B. even C. hardly D. never ( ) 33.A. way B. time C. idea D. place ( ) 34.A. much B. more C. little D. less ( ) 35.A. no B. much C. any D. some ( ) 36. A.cook B. order C. eat D. make ( ) 37.A. free B. busy C. happy D. sad ( ) 38.A. how B. why C. what D. that ( ) 39.A. excited B. interested C. confident D. relaxed ( ) 40.A. quiet B. quick C. happy D. careful 七.阅读理解: (每小题1分,共15分) A Train No. From To Departrue (离开)Time Arrival Time T11[来源:学科网ZXXK] Beijing Shenyang 6:35 17:50 T186 Chengdu Taiyuan 22:50 5:05 T185 Taiyuan Chengdu 13:15 19:30 T271 Tianjin Beijing 8:35 10:31 ( )41. The train from Beijing to Shenyang leaves at _______. A. 5:05 B. 6:35 C. 8:35 D. 17:50 ( )42. We have to spend __________ if we go to shengyang from Beijing by train. A. 17 hours and 50 minutes B. 24 hours and 25 minutes C. 6 hours and 35 minutes D. 11 hours and 15 minutes ( )43. If you want to go to Chengdu from Taiyuan, you can take the No. _________ train. A. T11 B. T185 C. T186 D. T271 ( )44.The No. T186 train arrives in Taiyuan at ______. A. 10:51 a. m. B. 10:50 p.m. C. 5:05 a.m. D. 5:05 p.m.[来源:学*科*网] ( )45. It takes _________ from Tianjin to Beijing by train. A. about two hours B. half an hour C. about one hour D. over three hours B In 1834, the clock tower in London was burned down. People planned to build a new clock which would be the biggest and the best in the world. So the clock had to be big and keep very good time. Several years later the tower was finished. The people put the big clock in the tower, and made it ring out for the first time on July 11, 1859. In order to give the big clock a good name, people held a meeting . Someone wanted to call it the Queen of Bells , and someone thought Victoria was good . At last, a man named Benjamin Hall stood up. He was a big man. Before he started to speak, someone shouted , “Why not call it Big Ben?” Everybody laughed and agreed with him. From then on, Big Ben became its name. And it also became a famous building of London. People all over the world write to Big Ben. They even send bottles of oil to help keep Big Ben running. Big Ben is not only a clock but also a dear friend of people. ( )46. Big Ben’s birthday is __________. A. July 11, 1854 B. July 11, 1834 C. July 11 1859 D. July 11, 1852 ( )47. How did Big Ben get its name? A. Benjamin Hall gave it the name. B. Big Ben got its name because of a joke. C. Big Ben got its name from the Queen of the UK D. Victoria gave it the name. ( )48. “Keep very good time” means ___________ A. have a good time B. show people the correct time. C. keep running D. be made in time ( ) 49. Which of the following is NOT true? A. People all over the world look upon Big Ben as their friends. B. People all over the world even send oil to Big Ben. C. People think Big Ben will reply their letters. D. People think Big Ben is the biggest and the best clock in the world. ( ) 50. Benjamin Hall is ___________. A. a man who built Big Ben B. a man who was always very funny C. the man who burnt down the old clock D. a man who attended the meeting which was held to make a name for the big clock C I was walking down the street the other day when I suddenly saw a small wallet lying on the ground. I picked it up and opened to see if I could find the owners name. There was nothing inside it except some money and an old photo of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old. The girl looked like the womans daughter. I put the photo back and took the wallet to the police station. There I gave it to a policeman. Before I left, the policeman took down my name and address so that the owner could write and thank me if they found it. That evening I went for dinner with my aunt and uncle. They also asked a young woman, so there were four people at table. Her face seemed familiar(熟悉). I was quite sure that we had met before, but I could not remember where I had seen her. During the talking, the young woman said that she had lost her wallet that afternoon. At once I knew where I had seen her. She was just the young girl in the photo though she was now much older. She was very surprised, of course, when I was able to tell her what her wallet was like. My uncle said that we should go to the police station at once to get the wallet. As that policeman handed it over, he said it was an interesting coincidence(巧合) ----I not only found the wallet, but also made friends with the person who had lost it. ( )51. The word "wallet" in the story means ______ in Chinese. A. 手袋 B. 护照 C. 书包 D. 钱包 ( )52.The policeman wrote down my name and address because _________. A. he wanted to write a report to the newspaper. B. he would let the owner of the wallet know who helped him. C. he wanted the owner to give me some money for thanks. D. he did so just that was his job. ( )53. The writer was quite sure that he had seen the woman before _______ A. in the photo. B. at his uncles home C. at the police station D. in the street ( )54. _______ gave the wallet to the young woman at last. A. The writer B. The policeman C. His uncle D. Nobody ( )55.Which following is NOT true?[来源:学|科|网] A. The policeman took down the writers name and address. B. Four people were at table that evening. C. The writer found the name of the girl on the back of the old photo. D. The writer found the wallet and its owner on the same day. 第二卷 非选择题(45分) 一 、请听短文,补全所缺信息。(5分) Dear Susan, Thank you for your last letter. Now, let me tell you something 1._______________ about Tokyo. I enjoy visiting all 2. __________ of great interest here very much. But it is difficult for me to find my way around the city. In Tokyo, only the important streets have names. If you want to visit Tokyo, the important thing you must bring is a map. Most of the people here are 3.__________ to help others. A man even 4.__________ a map for me when I asked him how I 5. ________ get to the railway station. How kind he is! Please write to me soon. Yours, Betty. 二、根据中文意思,完成下列句子。 (共10分) 1.听英语广播怎么样? 2.你以前参加过竞赛吗? 3.自从1989年以来希望工程在全中国建了许多所学校。 4.她不喜欢流行音乐,是吗?。 5.一天他拿着一本书坐在河边。 _______________________________________________________ 三、补全对话。(共10分)[来源:学科网] A. I’ve never heard it. B. It’s my favourite book. C. These two books are famous novels all over the world. D. Is it by Mark Twain? E. What kind of book do your parents like? F. When did you buy it? G. Is it a lovely day? W: Hi, Jack. Have you ever read the story, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? M: Yes. ____1____ I have read it several times. What about you? Do you like it, Jenny? W: No, I don’t like it. I like the book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. M: ____2_____[来源:Z*xx*k.Com] W: Yes, it is. M: ___3______ W: My mother likes Jane Eyre. And my father likes Romeo and Juliet. M: ___4_____ W: Yeah. As for my brother, he likes Treasure Island.[来源:学科网] M: Sorry. _____5_____[来源:学科网ZXXK] 1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _______ 4. _________ 5. ________ 四、阅读回答问题(每题2分,共10 分) CHARLIE CHAPLIN 1889-Born in London Mother-Dancer Father-Actor Not much money. 1894-Started dancing and singing for money. 1904-Joined a traveling theatre company and went to America. 1910-Someone offered(提供)him a part in a film. Went to Hollywood. 1914~1966-Made many funny films. 1977-Died in Switzerland. Public-very sad. 1. Was Charlie’s father very rich? ____________________________________ . 2. Was he an actor or a film director in 1910? _____________________________________ . 3. When did he go to America? ______________________________________ . 4. Which kind of film did he make? _______________________________________ . 5. How old was he when he died? ________________________________________ . 五、书面表达 (共10 分)[来源:学科网ZXXK] 假如你的朋友对英语学习感到困难,并准备放弃。请你以书面形式,并使用提示语写一篇作文,给他提出一些学好英语的建议。要求60词左右。 提示: 1. read English newspapers 2. talk with friends in Englsih 3. see English films 4. listen to real English songs 5. keep a diary in English Dear Wang Yan, [来源:学&科&网] ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Yours, Liu Dong 北京育才学校2009——2010学年度 第一学期期中初二年级英语试卷 答案 一卷 听力 1-5 BBACC 6-10 CBBCA 11-15 ACBBA 单选16-20 CCABD 21-25 ACCCA 26-30 AACDB 完型填空:31-35 ABABA 36-40 CBDDD[来源:Zxxk.Com] 阅读理解:A: 41-45 BDBCA B: 46-50 CBBCD C: 51-55 DBABC 二卷 一.听力 1.interesting 2.places 3.happy 4.drew 5.could 二.完成句子 1.What about listenting to the radio in English? 2.Have you ever entered a competition before? 3.Since 1989 Project Hope has built schools all over China. 4.She doesn’t like Pop music, does she? 5.One day he was sirring by the river with a book. 三.对话: 1-5 BDECA 四、阅读表达: 1. No,he wasn`t. 2. An actor. 3. In 1904. 4. He made many funny films. 5. He was 88. 五.作文: 重庆第二外国语学校 2009---2010学年上期期中考试 八年级英语试题 考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分 注意:全卷分为第I卷和第Ⅱ卷,第I卷和第Ⅱ卷的答案均做在答题卷上。 第I卷(100分) I.听力测试。(共30分) 第一节:听句子,根据你听到句子的正确顺序排序,并把答案填入答题卷上相应题号之后。听一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) [来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K] A B C D E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 第二节:听句子,根据你所听到的问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答语,并把答案填入答题卷上相应题号之后。听一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) ( ) 6. A. I got an A in the English test. B. I have a stomachache. C. I finished my homework just now.[来源:学.科.网] ( ) 7. A. Two hours. B. Two hours’ walk. C. Two hours a day. ( ) 8. A. Go shopping. B. Drink hot tea with honey. C. Go home on foot. ( ) 9. A. No, I don’t want to. B. S
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