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外研版八 年级 英语 上册 m6 考点
,. M6 1. 短语强记 1. in danger ____________ out of danger_________________ 2. at last ______________ 3. get close to ______________________ 4. take care of =look after______________ 5. take away_____________________ 6. think of _____________________ 7. in peace______________________ 8. find out______________ 9. nature park____________ 10. in order to _________________ 11. set up_____________________ 12. work hard_____________ 2. 知识点解析 1. interested是形容词,意为“关心的;感兴趣的”常用修饰人,而interesting 修饰物。 (1) be interested in (doing) sth对(做)某事感兴趣 (2) be interested to do sth对做某事感兴趣 Eg:A.这本书很有趣,我对它感兴趣。 The book is __________________,I am __________________________it. B.Tom对读书感兴趣. Tom _________________________________reading. 类似的单词还有bored/boring,excited/exciting ,relaxed/relaxing,surprised/surprising等等。 2. allow是动词,意为“允许,准许” allow sb ( not ) to do sth 允许某人做某事/不允许某人做某事 Eg:我爸爸允许我完成作业后打篮球。 My father___________________after finishing homework. 我妈妈不允许我打电脑游戏。 My mother__________________play computer games . 3. enough 是形容词,意为“足够的,充分的”enough+名词 足够的时间______________ 足够的食物_____________ enough还可以作副词,意为“足够地,充分地”形容词/副词+enough 足够开心_____________ 足够美丽_____________ 足够勇敢____________________ “...enough + (for sb/sth) +to do sth.” (对某人/某物来说)足够...能做某事 Eg:这问题足够容易,我能答得出。 This question is easy enough for me to answer. 这个箱子足够轻,这个男孩能搬得动 This box is ____________for the boy _____ carry. 4. take away带走 take+代词+away 带走它们:____________________ 5. grow为系动词,意为(逐渐)变得,后面可接表示人或物特征的静态形容词,也可以表示天气的形容词。 This girl grew thinner and thinner. The weather grows colder and colder. 6. (1)raise为及物动词,意为:筹集,招募。 筹集一些钱:( ) (2) raise还有抬起,举起,扬起,升起的意思。 Let’s raise the flag. Raise your hand if you want to answer the teacher’s question in class. 7. research,意为研究, 探讨 do a research 做一个研究 do a lot of research 做了大量的研究 8. produce 意为“生育,繁殖” Eg:She produced a daughter last night. 小麦 和 稻谷 produce 还可以意为“生产,产生” They produced wheat and rice. 9.in order to “为了,以便”后加动词原形,表示目的,在句中用作目的状语,即in order to do sth.否定形式为in order not to do sth.可以放在句首或句末。 in order to do sth.相当于so as to , 但是不能用于句首。 He got up early________________catch the first bus. He works very hard _____________________pass the exam . 为了通过考过考试,他学习很努力。 ______________________to fail the exam,he studies very hard . 10.in order to 可以等于so that,in order that+从句: 意为“为了” I am saving money in order to buy a house . 11.develop意为“研制,制定”。 研究计划_________________ developing country发展中国家 developed country发达国家 die:动词,死,死亡;指死的短暂性动作。不能跟一段时间连用。 He died in 1996. dead形容词,死,死亡 The man was dead. dying形容词,垂死的,奄奄一息的 There is a dying cat in the street. death名词,死,死亡 I am sad of his death. 12. The police wanted to find out the reason of her______________.警察想找出她的死因。 The man was _____________.这个男人死了。 There is a ________lion in the zoo.动物园里有一只垂死的狮子。 The woman ______________in 1989.这个女人在1989年死的。 13.(1) need to do sth:“需要做某事”,其中need为实义动词 物+ need doing. 需要做某事”含有被动语态。 (2). need:作情态动词时,无人称和时态变化,后接动词原形 我不需要你的帮助。(同义句转换) I don’t need your help. =You needn’t help me . 14.feed 喂养,饲养,常用结构有: feed sb. on/with sth.或feed sth. to sb.用某物喂某人 feed on sth.以……为食 (1)Most people feed parrots on nuts. 大多数人用干果喂鹦鹉。 (3) 我们以米饭为主食。 We _________________rice. (4)我用鱼喂我儿子。 I ___________my son on ________. 15.potect v.保护 * protect...from (doing)... 保护...使其免受... Eg: 我们应该保护河流不受污染。 We should protect the river from being polluted. Eg: 社会应该保护儿童免受上网的毒害。 The society should ____________children ________the Internet. I am saving money ___________________I can buy a house . 我正在攒钱买房子。 三.语法: 四.Writing Let’s help animals Animals are our good friends.We should treat them well.But now people kill too many of them for their meat.People also cut down many trees and take away their homes.Animals have no place to live in. So they are becoming fewer and fewer. It is not right to kill animals.People should stop killing animals and cutting down trees.More trees should be planted .And some animals can put in the zoo.
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