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大学 新视野 英语 第三 电子 教学 方案 计划 规划 教案 book3unit3
-! UNIT 3 Life stories ___________________ PART l UNDERSTANDING AND LEARNING Overview________________________________________ Movies play an important role in almost everyone’s life. People from the movie industry have considerable influence on the masses. They exhibit personality traits that deserve admiration and applause, and could be looked up to as role models. This unit will fully explore their best qualities. The two texts in the current unit are biographies, a genre of literature, which is a written account of another person’s life. Each of the texts narrates, analyzes and interprets the most important facts of one prominent figure in the movie domain. Text A pays attention to actress Audrey Hepburn’s noble endeavor and her contribution to the cause of UNICEF, while Text B portrays the determination and fervent spirit of director and producer Steven Spielberg. The teacher can make students do additional research at the library, or Audrey Hepburn and Steven Spielberg in advance. Then in the classroom, the teacher may organize a variety of activities including pair work, group discussion, and mini-survey to talk about the films or the issue of fame, fortune, and social responsibility. Section A_________________________________________________ Audrey Hepburn-A true angel in this world Background information 1 Audrey Hepburn Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) was a slender, stylish motion picture actress known for her radiant beauty, her ability to project an air of sophistication tempered by a charming innocence, and her tireless efforts to aid needy children. Although born in Belgium, Hepburn had British citizenship through her father and attended school in England as a child. In 1939, however, at the onset of World War II, her mother(Hepburn’s father left the family when she was six years old) moved the child to the Netherlands (where the author of this text mistakenly considered Hepburn was born), thinking the neutral country safer than England. Throughout World War II, Hepburn endured hardships in Nazi-occupied Holland. She still managed, however, to attend school and take ballet lessons. After the war, she continued to study ballet in Amsterdam and in London. During her early 20s, she studied acting and worked as a model and dancer. After appearing in several British films and starring in the 1951 Broadway play Gigi (《琪琪》), Hepburn gained instant Hollywood stardom for playing the Academy Award-winning lead role in Roman Holiday. She remains one of few entertainers who have won Academy, Emmy, Grammy, and Tony Awards. Hepburn’s war-time struggles inspired her passion for humanitarian work. She devoted much of her later life to UNICEF, visiting famine-stricken villages, in Latin America, Africa, until shortly before her death of cancer in 1993. She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 1992. 2 UNICEF UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) was created by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946, to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II. After 1950 the fund directed its efforts toward general programs for the improvement of children’s welfare, particularly in less-developed countries and in various emergency situations. The organization’s broader mission was reflected in the name it adopted in 1953, the United Nations Children’s Fund, but it has continued to be known by the popular acronym based on this old name. Headquartered in New York City, UNICEF provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. UNICEF’s programs emphasize developing community-level services to promote the health and well-being of children. 3 UNICEF Ambassador of Goodwill Many celebrities have acted as international, regional or national ambassadors, depending on their profile, interests, and desired level of responsibility. The role of Goodwill Ambassador allows celebrities with a demonstrated interest in UNICEF issues to use their fame to draw attention to important issues. This may take the form of public appearances and talks, visits to troubled regions, and use of their political access to advocate UNICEF causes, all of which have the power to draw attention from the media and to create public awareness. 4 Gregory Peck Gregory Peck (1916-2003) was one of the world’s most popular film stars from the 1940s to the 1960s. He is best known for his performance in the 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird, which earned him the Academy Award for Best Actor. In 1967 Peck received the Academy’s Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award. He was also in 1969 for his lifetime humanitarian effort. Always politically progressive, Peck was active in such causes as anti-war protests, workers’ rights and civil rights. 5 Billy Wilder Billy Wilder (1906-2002) was an Austrian-born American filmmaker, screenwriter, producer artist, and journalist. His career spanned more than 50 years and 60 films. He is regarded as one of the most brilliant and versatile filmmakers of Hollywood’s golden age. During his career, Wilder gained 20 Academy Award nominations and won six Oscars. He received a lifetime achievement award from the American Film Institute in 1986. 6 Academy Awards An Academy Award (byname Oscar) is an award presented annually by the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science to recognize excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors , actors , and writers. The award ceremony is one of the most prominent award ceremonies in the world, and is televised live in more than 200 countries annually. 7 Hubert de Givenchy Hubert de Givenchy (1927-,) is a French aristocrat and fashion designer who founder The House of Givenchy in 1952. He is famous for having designed much of the personal and professional wardrobe of Audrey Hepburn, as well as clothing for clients such as Jacqueline Kennedy. He was named to the International Best Dress List Hall of Fame in 1970. Detailed study of the text 1 Audrey Hepburn thrilled audiences with starring roles in noteworthy films... (Para.1) Meaning: Audrey Hepburn played leading roles in many extraordinary films, and such poles gave great pleasure to the people who watched the films… ★noteworthy: a. important or interesting enough to deserve your attention 值得注意的;显著的 One of the most noteworthy trends in contemporary American higher education is the tendency among community colleges to offer certificate programs besides the traditional associate degrees.当代美国高等教育最显著的趋势之一就是社区大学除了授予传统的副学士学位,还开设学历课程。 2 Despite her success in the film domain, the roles she most preferred portraying were not in movies. (Para. 2) Meaning: Although Audrey Hepburn was a successful actress, the role she most preferred playing was not being an actress. ★domain: n.[C] (fml.) an area of activity, interest, or knowledge, esp. one that a particular person, organization, etc. deals with (活动、兴趣或知识的)领域,范围,范畴 Recent research in the clinical domain has benefited from the incorporation of multiple methods of measurement.临床领域近期的研究得益于多种测量方法 结合使用。 ★portray: vt. 1) act the pare of a character in a play, film, or television program 扮演(角色) It was said that Portman studied dance to better portray her character. 听说波特曼学习舞蹈是为了更好的扮演她的角色。 2) (~ sb. / sth. as sth.)describe or show sb. or sth. in a particular way, according to your opinion of them把某人/某物描写成某种样子 Lawyers tend to portray their clients as misguided underprivileged youths.律师往往将自己的当事人描述成受人误导的贫困青年。 3 She was an exemplary mother to her two sons and a UNCEF (the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) Ambassador of Goodwill serving victims in war-torn countries. (Para.2) Meaning: She was an excellent mother to her two sons and also a UNICEF Ambassador of Goodwill providing services to people who were suffering from the destructions of war in their countries. ★exemplary: a. excellent and providing a good example for people to follow 模范的;可作楷模的 Mary had proven to be an exemplary educator to her students and a trusted and cherished friend to her colleagues. 玛丽对学生而言是一位模范教师,对同事而言是一位值得信任和珍惜的朋友。 ★ambassador: n. [C] an important official who represents his or her government in a foreign country 大使 He was President Clinton’s energy secretary and ambassador to the United Nations.他担任过克林顿总统的能源部长和驻联合国大使。 4 ....Audrey Hepburn was aware of the brutality, death, and destruction of war. (Para.3) Meaning: …Audrey Hepburn knew clearly that war is cruel, violent treatment 野蛮行为;野蛮事件 The ruler’s brutality forced unarmed citizens to defend themselves. 统治者的野蛮行径迫使手无寸铁的市民进行自卫。 5 She was hungry and malnourished, as her family was bankrupted as a result of the invasion. (Para.3) Meaning: Because of the Nazi invasion, her family became so poor heat she did not have enough food to eat and became ill as a result. 6 Audrey’s father abandoned the family, and two of her uncles were taken captive and killed. (Para.3) Meaning: Audrey’s father ran away and deserted the family, and two of her uncles were arrested and then killed. ★ captive: a. kept in prison or in a place that you ate not allowed to leave 被关押的;遭监禁的 A teenage boy called 911, claiming to be held captive in a house. 一个十几岁的男孩拨打了911,声称自己被囚禁在一座房子里。 ★ take / hold sb. captive: take or keep sb. as a prisoner 关押某人;囚禁某人 The guerrillas shot down one airplane and took the pilot captive. 游击队击落了一架飞机,并关押了该飞行员。 7 Audrey was grabbed off the street by Nazis and placed in line to be sent to a work camp. (Para.3) Meaning: Nazis arrested Audrey on the street, and placed her together with other people to be sent to a work camp. 8 When the guards glanced away she darted away she darted off, barely escaping, and huddled in a cold, foul basement full of rats. (Para.3) Meaning: When the guards took their eyes off her, she quickly ran away and escaped. Then she hid in a cold dirty basement full of rats. ★ dart: vi. move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction 猛冲;突进 A deer suddenly darted out into the street from inside the forest. 一只鹿突然从森林里冲出来,跑到街上来了。 ★ huddle: v. lie or sit with your arms and legs close to your body because you feel ill, cold or upset (因生病、寒冷或烦恼)蜷缩着身体 The cat came inside from the rain and huddled behind the heater to warm up again.猫从雨中进到屋里,蜷缩在暖炉后面,好把身子暖和过来。 ★ foul: a. very dirty, or smelling or tasting unpleasant 肮脏的;难闻的;难吃的 The odor of smoke couldn’t hide the foul smell of the dirty room. 烟的气味也无法盖住这个脏房间难闻的味道。 9 The little girl who would become the world’s most magical actress began as an anonymous refugee confronting life’s horrors and fragility firsthand, (Para. 4) Meaning: Though now the most attractive movie star, at the very beginning, she was just an unknown person being forced to leave her country and directly face the terrible reality and an unstable life. ★anonymous: a. unknown by name 无名的;不署名的 We are also grateful for the generous gifts of three anonymous donors.我们也感谢三位匿名捐赠者慷慨的礼物。 ★refugee: n. [C] sb. who has been forced to leave their country, esp. during a war, or for political or religious reasons 难民;避难者 A UN refugee agency spokesman says as many as 100,000 people have already fled the country, and more are likely to follow.一位联合国难民署发言人说已有多达10万人逃离了那个国家,后面可能还有更多的人要跟随其后。 ★fragile: a. easily broken or damaged 脆弱的;一岁的;易损坏的 This great recession clearly demonstrates how fragile the markets are.这次经济大萧条清楚地表明市场是多么脆弱。 ★fragility: n. [U]脆弱 Events like the senseless Colorado movie theater shooting remind us of the fragility of life and the value of every single day.科罗拉多电影院开枪滥杀这类事件提醒我们生命是脆弱的,每一天都是宝贵的。 10 But she refused to allow her spirit to be afflicted by the desperate reality of her young life.(Para.4) Meaning: Hopeless as her young life was, she was unwilling to let the reality have a negative influence on her spirit. ★afflict: vt. (fml.) (often passive) affect sb. Or sth. in an unpleasant way, and make them suffer 使受痛苦;折磨 Afflicted by an unexplained illness, be missed school for the next two weeks.由于遭受不明疾病的折磨,他接下来两周都没上课。 11 Instead, she transcended those challenges but never forgot what it felt to suffer, to be hungry, alone and helpless.(Para. 4) Meaning: Instead of being influenced by the hopeless reality of her young life, she overcame obstacles and was always aware of the feeling of suffering, hunger, loneliness, and desperation. 12 After the war, Audrey and her mother left Holland, arriving in London as poor immigrants.(Para.5) Meaning: When the war was over, Audrey and her mother left Holland, moved to London with little money, and lived there. ★immigrant: n. [C] sb. who enters another country to live there permanently (外来)移民 A Chinese immigrant in New York works as a janitor and has a daughter at Harvard, a son at Yale, and another son at MIT.一位在纽约的华裔移民是个看门人,有个女儿上哈佛,一个儿子上耶鲁,还有一个儿子在麻省理工。 13 Her dream of becoming prime dancer drove her into a rigorous schedule at a famous ballet school.(Para.5) Meaning: To realize her dream of becoming a leading dancer, she went to a famous ballet school to get a strict training. ★rigorous: a. 1)very sever or strict 严酷的;严厉的 To get a doctoral degree, you are required to have rigorous training in research and specialized knowledge in your subject areas.要想获得博士学位,你得在研究方面进行严苛的训练,还得有课题方面的专业知识。 2)careful, through, and exact 严格的;缜密的;精确的 Many people believed in her healing powers, however, she could offer no rigorous scientific evidence that her treatment actually saves lives. 许多人都相信她的治病能力茫然而,她提供不了严格的科学证据表明她的治疗确实能够救人。 14 Later, she was spotted by a producer and eventually landed a role in the film Roman Holiday starring Gregory Peck, one of Hollywood’s top leading men.(Para.5) Meaning: Later, a film producer noticed her, and she finally got a chance to play a role in the film Roman Holiday together with the great Hollywood actor, Gregory Peck. Note land: vt. Get sth. that you wanted, esp. a job or opportunity 得到,获得(自己想要的某物,尤指工作或机会) In his final year of college, he successfully landed a job on Wall Street with his unusual efforts.在大学最后一年,他异常的努力,终于在华尔街找到一份工作。 15 Soon, Audrey was transformed from a malnourished immigrant to an internationally famous movie star. (Para. 6) Meaning: Soon, Audrey grew from an immigrant who was physically weak because of not having enough food to eat to a world-known actress. 16 Director Billy Wilder complimented her,… (Para. 6) ★compliment: vt. Say sth. nice to sb. In order to praise them 赞美;称赞 The manager compliments people as often as he can. It takes no time at all, but it makes a bog difference. 那位经理尽可能多地称赞别人。这花不了什么时间,但是效果却很好。 n.[C] a remark that shows you admire sb. or sth. 赞美的话;夸奖;称赞 She stared almost every conversation with a compliment. 她几乎每次和人交谈都是从夸奖开始。 17 Audrey felt that her most significant work was humanitarian
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