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广州 四年级 上册 u9
,. 广州版四年级上册知识重点 Unit9 1. 单词写的出。 T恤__________ 衣服__________  衬衫;短上衣__________ 多少钱__________ 百__________  元__________  太__________ 贵的__________  将;会__________  拿;取__________  帽子__________ 夹克__________  大衣__________ 衬衣__________ 连衣裙__________  裙子__________ 灰色__________ 毛绒衣;卫衣__________ 2. 词组记得牢。 看看______________.  紫色的衣服 ______________        一件衬衫______________ 非常______________              多少(钱) ______________ 不会______________ 黑色的帽子______________ 黑大衣______________ 橙色的衬衫______________ 白短裙______________ 棕色的外套______________灰色的毛衣______________ 3. 句型。 根据中文提示把句子补充完整。   1.  Look at_________T-shirt.    (看看这件T恤衫)  2. _________you_________it ?     (你喜欢它吗?)  3. _________a purple blouse.  (这里是紫色的衬衫)  4._________two hundred and_________yuan . (250元)   5. That_______too expensive. I_______take it. (太贵了。我不买了。) 四.重点难点我知道。  1.hundred    百;   (1)前面有具体数词修饰时,hundred后不加S. 如:  100  one hundred  200 two hundred     500 five hundred   (2)当表示不确定的数目时用复数,而且要与of连用。  即hundreds of 数以百计的....  如:桌子上有几百本书。There are_____________books on the desk. 2. yuan :  人民币:元。   单复数都是yuan。  如: The pencil is one yuan 铅笔1元钱。  These apples are five yuan .  这些苹果5元。    3. very much  非常     如: I love my father very much.     我非常爱我的父亲。  very 的用法:very主要修饰形容词或副词。  如: The book is ______useful.  这本书很有用。   4.How much:  多少钱   ___________is the coat?  这件大衣多少钱? 多少?  How many+可数名词复数和 How much+不可数名词   _____ _____pupils are there in the park?  在公园有多少小学生? ______ _______coffee do you want? 你想要多少咖啡? 5.won‟t  =  will not   不会 (用于一般将来时中) A: Will you go to school by bus?  你要乘公共汽车去上学吗?  B: No, I _____ 不,我不会。   6.Here is …:    这(里) 是……   _____ ______my homework.    这(里)是我的作业 随堂作业 一.判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同填“T”,不同填“F”.   (      ) 1. what   why        (      ) 2. who   where  (      ) 3. use    cute        (      ) 4. bus    but (      ) 5. purple  fun          (      ) 6.lunch   sun (      ) 7. turn    mum        (      ) 8. nurse   turtle 二.选择题  (  ) 1._______ you like the clothes?         A. Are      B. Is         C. Do      D. Does  (  ) 2. This T-shirt is nice. ______ I don‟t like it.           A.  And      B. But       C. So      D. Do  (  ) 3. How______ is the black jacket?        A. many     B. much     C.old       D. big  (  ) 4. The blouse is two_____yuan.         A. hundred  B.hundreds  C. hundred‟s D. hundreds‟  (  ) 5.Li Hong_____a green skirt.         A.wear     B. wears      C. is wear  D.wearing  (  ) 6. The hat is too small for_____.        A. I       B.my          C.me       D. mine  (  ) 7. I _____a dress.        A.want     B.want to     C.wants    D. am want  (  ) 8. The schoolbag is too expensive. I _____take it.       A.am       B.am not     C.will      D. won‟t  三.为问句找出合适的答句。  (  ) 1. Do you like the book?          A. It‟s ten yuan.  (  ) 2. How much is the ruler?         B. It‟s on the bed.  (  ) 3. What‟s your favourite clothes?   C. No, I don‟t.  (  ) 4. Where „s my T-shirt?           D. Yes, please.  (  ) 5. Can I help you?               E. The blue coat.  四.给句子写上数字编号,使它们成为一段对话。  (    )That‟s too expensive. I won‟t take it.  (    ) It‟s 145 yuan.   (   )This one is not expensive, and the colour is OK. I‟ll take this one.  (    )Look at this one here. It‟s only 85 yuan.  (    )What about this yellow one?   (    )It‟s nice. How much is it?   ( 1  )Do you like this T-shirt, Tony?   (    )The T-shirt is OK. But I don‟t like red.    五.根据上下文补全对话。每空只填一个单词。  Woman: -_______I help you?    May: -Yes, please. I want _______ shoes.  Woman: -What_______ do you want?   May:    -Black..  Woman: -We have some black_______ . What about these shoes? May:_______are nice.  How much are they?  Woman: -500 yuan.   May:Oh, Too expensive.  I won‟t take them.   六.阅读短文,判断正误(T或F)。  There are some pictures here. It‟s ten to seven in the morning. My friends and I are on our way to school. The girl with a school bag on her back is Linda. She‟s good at riding a bike. The girl wearing a skirt is Ellen. She walks to school every day. Peter is the one in the bus. He‟s with me now. He‟s wearing a hat. Look! Who‟s in the plane? That‟s my mother, Mrs Green. She‟s going to Beijing. “China is great!” She often tells me. My teacher, Mr White is wearing a jacket. He‟s on the train now. His home is far from our school. Where‟s my sister Kate? She‟s in that car. “ It‟s fast and safe.” She says. My name is Jim. Where am I?    ( )(1) It‟s ten past seven in the morning.                    (   )(2)Ellen is wearing a hat.                                 (   )(3) Mr White‟s home is far from his school.             (   ) (4) Jim is in the bus.                                   (   )(5) Linda wears a skirt.                                  (   ) (6) Mr White is wearing a jacket.                       七.根据实际情况回答问题   1) What is your favourite subject?   2) How many rooms are there in your house?  3)How much is your ruler?  4) Is there a garden in front of your house?  5) What colour is your sweater?        课后作业 1. 单项选择。 ( )1.There aren’t _______shoes in the shop. A. any B.some C.much ( )2.I have a big house.It ___ two toilets. A. has B.there’s C.have ( )3.I don’t like these black jeans .I like those_____. A. one B.ones C.sock ( )4.How much are the blouses? --_______150 yuan . A. They’re B.It’s C.There are ( )5.Those jeans are beautiful.I’ll take _____. A. it B.this C.them ( )6.____the music room?--It’s opposite the art room. A. what’s B.where C.where’s ( )7.How much____the sports shoes?--They are 195yuan A. is B.are C.do ( )8.What is fifty and sixty?--It’s ____ A. one hundred and ten B.one hundred and six C.one hundred ( )9.The blouse is too big for me,I ___take it. A. am B.won’t C.can ( )10.Do you want anything else?--______. A. Yes,I am B.Very much C.No,thanks 2. 阅读理解。 My room  This is my room. It‘s small and clean. Look! There is a big shelf near the window. It‘s blue. So many books are on the shelf. I like reading. And there is a big desk on the floor. It‘s brown. There is a phone, a cup, a schoolbag and some books on the desk. Near the desk there is a chair. It‘s yellow.  I like my room.做判断,在括号里填入"T"或"F"                    (   ) 1.This is a classroom.  (   ) 2.There are some books on the desk.  (   ) 3.There is a phone on the shelf.  (   ) 4.The chair is near the window.  (   ) 5.The shelf is yellow.  My schoolbag  This is my schoolbag. It is red and white. I have twenty-one Chinese books, thirty math books forty-three story-books and an English book. My schoolbag is really big and heavy.  在A, B, C中选出一个最佳答案  (   )1. How many Chinese books?    A. Twenty-one.            B.Thirty.           C.Forty-three.  (   )2. How many math books?     A. Twenty-one.            B.Thirty.           C.Forty-three.  (   )3. How many English books?    A.  Twenty-one.           B. Thirty.           C. Forty-three.  (   )4. What colour is the schoolbag?   A. Black and white.     B. Red and white.     C. Blue and white.  Sarah’s home  Look! That is Sarah‘s home. It‘s nice and clean. Amy is visiting Sarah‘s home.  Amy: How many rooms are there in your home?  Sarah: Five. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms,  one living room, one study and one kitchen.  Amy: Is your mother in the kitchen?  Sarah: Yes, she is.  Amy: Is your father in the study(书房)?                Sarah: No. He is in the living room.  Amy: Where is your brother?  Sarah: He is in the bedroom.  Amy: We are in the study.  Sarah: Yes. We are in the study.  在A, B, C中选出一个最佳答案  (   )1. Are Sarah and Amy in the study?   A.  Yes, they are.     B. No, they aren‘t.     C. No, they don‘t. (   )2. Is Sarah‘s mother in the kitchen?  A. Yes, she is.         B. No, she isn‘t.         C. Yes, he is.  (   )3. Is Sarah‘s father in the study?  A.  No, she isn‘t.       B. No, he isn‘t.          C. Yes, he is. (   )4. Where is Sarah‘s brother?   A. He is in the bathroom.      B.He is in the kitchen.      C.He is in the bedroom.  (   )5. How many rooms are there in Sarah‘s home?  A.Five.     B.Four.     C.Fifteen. 
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