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中学英语 校本 课程 教学 方案 计划 规划 教案
,. 中学英语校本课程的教案 Language Knowledge: 1. What can I do for you? 我可能为你做什么? 2. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? 3. What would you like…? 你来点什么? 4. What about…? ……怎么样 5. How much is the…? 这个……多少钱? 6. I’d like… 我想要点…… 7. Here you are. 给你。 8. That’s too expensive. 那太贵了! Teaching Importance: How to buy anything? Class Opening: Step1:Greeting Step2:Lead in T: Where are you going this weekend? S1, S2, S3, T: Tomorrow is Saturday. I’m going to the clothes store. Because I want to a skirt. How about you ? S1:I want to the bicycle store. S2:……… T: Let’s go ! Step3: In the clothes store 1.Listen to a short passage about shopping and answer: what does a clerk say when a man comes in? How to ask money? How to express what you want to buy? 2.Check the answer ( teacher write the sentences on the blackboard) 3.Practise in the class.(T and Ss , Ss and Ss ) Example: A: What can I do for you? B: Have you got any black shoes in size eight? A: I’m sorry. We’ve sold out the shoes in your size. B: Never mind .Let me look at your suits. May I try this one on, please? A: Certainly, sir. B: It looks great. How much does it cost? A: 200 dollars. B: That’s much too expensive. Have you got anything cheaper? A: Yes. The brown ones over there are only 120 dollars. You may try it on. B: All right. Mm, I’ll take it. Thank you. Bye. A: Goodbye. Step4: Show the dialogues Ss play th dialogue in front of the class. Step5: Do some exercise A: __1___ can I do for you? B: I’d like to buy some mooncakes __2__ Mid-autumn Festival. A: We have many __3__ kinds of mooncakes here. Which kind do you like b __4___ ? B: The one __5____ meat in it. A: How ___6___ do you want? B: Ten. A: What __7___ do you like to buy? B: Do you have ___8__ to drink? A: Yes. They are over there. B: I want three bottles __9___ orange juice. A: OK. Here you are! B: How much are they all __10____? A: Fifty yuan. B: I’ll take them. Here’s the money. A: Thank you. Step6: Class closing Home work: 1. Practise the dialogue after class. 2. Make up a mew dialogue . Lesson3 Borrow Language Knowledge: 1. May I borrow your…? 我可以用你的……吗? (句型出示) 2. Could you lend me your…? 你可以借给我你的……吗? 3. Would you please buy a…for me? 你能为我买一个……吗? 4. I won’t keep it long. 我不会借太久。 5. How long may I keep the…? 我可以借……多长时间? 6.Can I have a …… ? 我能有…… ? Teaching Importance: How to borrow anything from anybody? Class opening: Step1: Greetings Step2: Lead in: T: My pen is broken. I need a pen. Ss: Understanding. T: Excuse me. May I borrow your pen, please? S1: Sure. How long can I keep? T: Thank you! I won’t keep it long. Two weeks. S1: You are welcome! (板书对话) Step3: Practise in pairs Step4: Would you please buy a new T-shire for me? Lead in :My bicycle is broken. Would you please buy a new one for me? Ss make up a new dialogue in groups. Play the dialogues in front of class. Step5: Do some exercise A: Excuse me, may I ___1__ your bike, please? B: OK! A: __2____ is it? B: Beside the window. A: Oh, I see it. B: Where are you going, may I ask? A: I’m going to ___3__. I want to buy some food. B: Is that so? Can you bring some oranges for me? A: Sure. B: Here is the __4__ to the bike. A: Well .I must __5__ now . See you later. B: See you. Step6; Class closing Homework: 1. Practise the dialogue after the class. 2. Make up a new dialogue . Lesson4 Friut 教学目的和要求(Aims and Demands): 通过对话的学习,使学生了解并掌握购物时的常用语。 能够用英语说出一些常见的水果名称。 教学重点(Main points): 能够用英语表达购物时的常用语。 教学难点(Difficult Points): 学生能够根据基本的句型结构作简单替换,并分组做对话。 教学时间(Teaching points): 1课时 主要教法(Teaching Aids): 多媒体 教学步骤(Teaching Steps): Step 1. 导入新课 通过假设情境的方式导入,即假设一个买水果的情景 Step 2. 新授部分 学生对话展现:课前布置2名口语较好的学生背诵对话,并将其以表演的形式呈现给大家。 在学生做对话的过程中,教师提炼重点句型并列在黑板上。之后逐个讲解。如:Can I help you? I’d like …… How much do you want? (问需要多少) How much are they? (询问价钱) Here is the money! 等 三、大屏幕再次呈现完整的对话内容 Step 3. 练习巩固 教师结合大屏幕上出现的图片,介绍一些常见水果的英文名称,引导学生分组进行买卖水果的情景对话。 Step 4. 总结、布置作业 鼓励学生将对话内容运用到实际当中。 总 结 练 习 介绍常见水果的名称 学生自编对话 导入新课 学生跟读、学习
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